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Business Research Process - Essay Example

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The paper 'Business Research Process' is a perfect example of a finance and accounting essay. In the modern world of business, business research is becoming increasingly important to various business organizations. This is because the business research process assists managers in the decision–making process in various ways…
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Running Head: Business Research For Decision Making College Name: In the modern world of business, business research is becoming increasingly important to the various business organizations. This is because business research process assists managers in the decision – making process through various ways some of which include: - Business research involves the reporting of statistical data. Though reporting is a common task, the information collected may be difficult for the managers to find without involving research. It is therefore obvious that a good report, which is based on carefully, collected and reported data will greatly assist the managers in their decision process. (Bell, 1999) Business research normally represents a higher order of investigation objective. As a descriptive study of most business organization the research goes beyond mere reporting. The research find a wide range of information to be used by the managers in their correlative analysis aimed at discovering differences and similarities among various competitors. (Bell, 1999) During the process of business research certain facts and assumptions are gathered into a basis of prediction of the outcomes of various courses of action. The gathered assumptions and facts will be very resourceful for the managers in their decision-making process since they will be able to distinguish facts and assumptions thereby acting accordingly. (Bell, 1999) Usually the researchers apply classical scientific methods in their work with an aim of explaining the forces that account for a phenomenon. Therefore, the working directors present a working theory to account for long distance calling hence establishing a research design to test the theory. The managers will apply the above techniques in their decision making process so as to come up with a working theory on how customer demands, stock holding and handling requirements and the entire production processes can be combined to achieve increased profitability. (Bell, 1999) Business research will help managers in developing competence especially when they are required to purchase research externally. It will help them in properly defining their own information needs and translating these needs into researchable questions for specialists. Managers will also equip themselves to judging proposals made by the research specialist thus avoiding any instances of abdicating part of their vital decision making role to the research specialist. (Bell, 1999) Conducting Research When disagreement arises in a business organization, a major commitment of resources is called for, or certain environmental conditions signals the need for a decision. Such occurrences make the managers to reconsider their purposes, define a problem for solution or develop strategies for the solution of the identified problems. Managers need for information problem of a determination of the feasibility of specific type of research. The research sequence consists of four major stages. 1) Exploration of the situation. 2) Development of research design. 3) Data collection 4) Analysis and interpretation of results. (Johnson, 1999) Exploration Client managers are anxious to have a perfect research proposal, including time and budget estimates, as well as some predictions of the type of information to be secured. This leads to certain additional questions for example, how fast might this technology develop? How much will it take on resources? among others. A researcher can use two-stage approach by breaking away the exploration stage as a separate study for the clearer definition of the problem and the appropriate type and scope of research. Here researches admits that there is much about the problem which they do not know of which should be known before a major commitment of effort and resources is made. (Johnson, 1999) Exploration begins with a search of published data and the researchers seek well-informed people on the topic, especially those exposed to potentially important variables. Researches begin with specific books and periodicals and looks for certain aspects of literature for example, recent development, predictions of informed figures about technological prospects, accounts of successful ventures by others in the field among others. Later the researcher is supposed to define the research problem more specifically and determine how to acquire answers to the posed research questions. Development Of Design At this stage research questions are set with general – level investigative questions being derived. (Fink, 1995) The following steps are applied: - 1) Defining major concepts of the study. 2) Review of investigative questions and breaking them down into more specific secondary and tertiary level questions. 3) The most appropriate research design is defined. 4) Constructing of the specific measuring instruments. 5) Testing the feasibility of determined design and measurement specifics. 6) Planning for data analysis. 7) Preparation of specific instructions of other arrangement for efficient data collection. Data Collection It requires ample resources but not as big as apart of the budget as clients would expect. Actual gathering of data may range from simple observation at one location to a complex one of national level. (Fink, 1995) Analysis And Interpretation After the fieldwork data should be analyzed, various measures derived and an investigation of found relationship carried out. Findings are interpreted, report developed and findings transmitted to the client in a way that will assist him/her adequately in decision-making. (Fink, 1995) Strengths And Weaknesses Of Business Research Although it is desirable for research to be thoroughly grounded in management decision priorities, there is too often a tendency for studies to wander off target or use less effective than they should. Two major causes of this deviation are researcher obsession with certain techniques and an attractive data bank. (Fink, 1995) Availability of technique is an important factor in determining how research shall be done and even whether a given study can be done. Persons skilled in given techniques are too often blinded by their special competencies. Some researchers think chiefly of conducting surveys. Some emphasize the case study, while others seldom consider it. The past relevance of most social scientist to use experimental design has been an important factor in retarding the development of scientific research in their fields. The existence of a pool of information seems to distract one from the need for other research. (Cooper and Schiveller, 2001) An appropriate research study can help managers avoid losses and increase profits. Decision makers must face this evaluation question. It is always a challenge for the evaluator to measure the benefits and cost of a research project thus failing to achieve effective research evaluation. Condition of uncertainty- in most situations outcome of a research is normally recognized to be less than certain. (Cooper and Schiveller, 2001) A problem of client relation’s – effective working relationship between researcher and managers is not easily achieved unless several critical barriers can be overcome. Some of which are the manager’s limited exposures to research. Not all questions are researchable and not all questions are answerable. Event of questions appears to be answerable by facts alone, it may not be researchable coz our procedures or techniques are inadequate for example we may pose such questions as in which new employees have potential for top management? How will a new policy affect profitability? among others. (Cooper and Schiveller, 2001) Solutions And Recommendations Establishing good rapport between the researcher and the manager – client. Researchers should have full access to managers, their thinking on the problems and their priorities regarding them. The research needs to know the problems background in order to function well. (Denscomber, 1998) Questions should be answerable and researchable. A four- level hierarchy of questions can be applied. The process should begin at the most general level with the management problem or question, which initiates the research interest. Information needs to grow out of the management question and lead to the second level of the research question. Investigative questions should be applied as well as measurement of questions. A researcher should adequately apply the use of experimental design, this will help them in improving the development of social research in their respective fields. The researcher should acquire necessary skills and knowledge that will help him in measuring reasonable estimates on the cost and benefits of the research project to be undertaken a thing that will help him in achieving highly effective research evaluation. (Denscomber, 1998) Ethical Issues In Business Research According to Hakim, (2000) ethics refers to the appropriateness of your behaviour in relation to the rights of those who become the subject of your work or are affected by it. Coghlan and Brannick, (2001) defines ethics in terms of a code of behaviour appropriate to academics and the conduct of research. The acceptability of our behaviour as researchers will be affected by broader social norms of behaviors. A social norm indicates the type of behaviour that a person ought to adopt in a particular situation. A research will therefore be required to consider ethical issues throughout the period of his research and to remain sensitive to the impact of his work on those whom he/she approaches, to help those who provide information access and co – operation and those affected by his/ her results. The conduct of research is normally guided by a code of ethics – which provides statement of principles and procedures for the conduct of research study. A research ethics committee is likely to be composed of experienced researchers from a range of backgrounds, who are able to draw on their range of experience and advice. The closer the research is to actual individuals in real world settings, the more likely are ethical questions to be raised. Researchers need to be sensitive to the way in which the granting of access affects the research process, face- to –face interviews, even with managers will place researchers in a position whereby they will be able to formulate questions that may cause discomfort to the recipient. (Hakim, 2000) A number of key ethical issues arise across the stages and duration of a research project. They relate to ethical issues around the privacy of participants consent and possible deception of participants, participants’ voluntary natures characterized by their right to withdraw, observation of data confidentiality, reaction of participants of the way in which you use, analyze and report data and lastly the general behaviour and objectivity of the researcher. (Hakim, 2000) According to Oja and Smolyan (1999) ethical problems should be anticipated and dealt with during the design stage of any research project. This should be attempted by planning to conduct the research project in line with the ethical principles when undertaking a research project as an internal researcher within your firm in relation to a part time qualification, there may be a temptation to apply pressure on colleagues or the juniors for them to co – operate. Individuals have a right to privacy that means you will have to accept any refusal to take part. (Oja and Smolyan, 1999) Privacy may also be affected by the nature and timing of any approach that you make to intended participants say by telephoning at ‘ungodly’ hours or by confronting intended participants. Access to secondary data may also raise ethical problems in relation to privacy. Where you happen to obtain access to personal data about individuals who have not consented to let you have this, you will be obliged to treat this in the strictest confidence and not abuse it in any way. (Oja and Smolyan, 1999) The participants should have full knowledge (consent) concerning the research process and should be made to understand his/ her rights. The researcher should not use deception in data collection and should understand the participant has a right to participate or not to Ethical issues during the data collection stage relates to objectivity maintenance. This means that as a researcher you should make sure that you collect your data in full and accurately avoiding any instances of being subjective. Any invention of data is unethical and totally unacceptable. (Oja and Smolyan, 1999) One way in which technology affects business research ethical issues is through the use of email and Internet services during data collection. This technological advancement does not assure confidentiality and anonymity to the disclosing participant thus posing harmful effects to the participant. For example, while the researcher is forwarding email from one participant to the other the Internet technology does not guarantee confidentiality and anonymity and should therefore be shunned in data collection. Greater care should be taken to achieve confidentiality and anonymity. With this a researcher needs to consider where the use of any data gained many result to harmful repercussions for the disclosing participant. This has been the current challenge that faces research reporting and evaluation. Boundaries of what is permissible to observe need to be clearly drawn. A researcher should avoid attempting to observe behaviour related to his/her participant’s private life for example personal calls. Confidentiality and anonymity should be observed during the reporting stage of your research. This will help to avoid embarrass and also access denied to those who seek this after you. Anonymity of individual should be maintained. Embarrassment can result from reporting data that are clearly attributable to a particular individual. (Oja and Smolyan, 1999) Guidelines In Providing A Written Report 1) Create time for your writing Enough time should be created to allow sustained concentration in writing this will ensure a degree of continuity of ideas thus quality research. 2) Write when your mind is fresh It is advisable to write during the day since at this time the mind is very fresh. 3) Finding a regular writing place. Most people will be uncomfortable while writing in unfamiliar places. People should practice working from one place away from noisy and other disturbances. 4) Set goals and achieve them. A researcher should have well set out goals to work towards. These goals should be set at regular intervals during the day whose achievements should be rewarded with coffee breaks. 5) Use of a word processor. Word processor will help the researcher keep changing his rough copy without having to fill the waste paper basket with numerous unsatisfactory attempts. It will also help the researcher in updating his project report as he develops new ideas or becomes dissatisfied with old one. Moreover, most packages have a word count facility that the researcher will use. 6) Generate a plan A researcher should sit down and write the main topic in a piece of paper, he should write down other ideas that occur to him at other points on the page, relationship between the ideas suggest themselves and lives between the ideas may be drawn and this allows him to group his ideas. 7) Finish the writing session Researchers normally finish their writing session while they are in the middle of a section to which they will look forward to returning. 8) Get friends to read your work. Researchers’ friends are expected to be constructively critical. Friends tell the researcher about things in the text that are not easy to comprehend, points out any omissions, spelling, punctuations and grammatical mistakes. He tells the researcher whether the piece of writing makes sense and achieves its purpose. (Denscomber, M. (1998) Suggested Structure Most researchers will agree with Kervin, (1998) on the general structure to adopt for a project report that is the end product of your research. This is Abstract- this is a short summary of complete content of the project report. It prepares those who intend to read the whole report for what is to come it contains for short paragraphs with answers of these questions. 1) What were the research questions and why were these important? 2) How do I go about answering the research questions? 3) What was the response of my research questions? 4) What conclusion did I draw? Introduction- should give the reader a clear idea about the central issue of concern in your research and why you thought this was wroth studying. Literature review: - Setting your study within its wider context and to show the reader how your study supplements the work that has already been done in your topic. Method -This should give the researcher sufficient information to make an estimate of the reliability and validity of the researcher methods. Results - This is the researcher’s opportunity to write the facts that his research discovered. Conclusion - Shows the degree of insight exhibited by the research in reaching his conclusions. References – The researcher should indicate the materials of the writers that he has cited in his report. It acts as acknowledgement. Appendices- Materials that are interesting to know rather than essential to know are put under this subtopic by the researcher. Appendices should include a blank copy of researcher’s questionnaire, interview or observation schedule. REFERENCES Bell, J. (1999): Doing your Research Project, Buckingham Open University Press. Coghlan, D and Brannick, T (2001): Doing Action Research in your own Organization. London, Sage Cooper, D and Schiveller, D (2001): Business Research methods London McGraw-Hill Denscomber, M. (1998); The Good Research Guide Buckingham, Open University Press. Fink, A (1995); A survey Handbook thousand oaks, CA, Sage Hakim, C (2000): Research Design.Successful Designs for social and Economic Research, London, Routledge. Johnson, J (1999): Doing Field Research. New York, Free Press Kervin, J (1998): Decision making: Proven Method for Better Decisions, Maiden, MC Graw-Hill Oja, S and Smolyan, L (1999): Collaborative Action Research: A developmental Approach, London, Falmer Press. Sekaran, U. (2000): Research methods for Business: A skill – Building Approach (3rd edition) New York, Wiley Read More
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