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Recent Advances in Novel Food Preservation Techniques - Assignment Example

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The paper "Recent Advances in Novel Food Preservation Techniques" states that the research of the effects of microbes has brought about improved food preservation techniques. The results are almost accurate as compared to the conformist heat procedures of sterilizing food…
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Name Institute Tutor Date Introduction Food preservation basically is the exposure of pathogens and spoilage microbes to a hostile environment in order to slow down their growth or shorten their continued existence or cause their instant death. The reaction of microbes to these environments validates whether they survive or die. For us to understand these reactions a lot of research needs to be carried out. Some scholars have undertaken the study of these microorganisms considering their homeostasis, metabolic disintegration and stress reactions in relation to the hurdle technology; as well as bringing in the question of novel concept of multitarget preservation of moderate and yet efficient hurdle technology foods. Homeostasis is the tendency towards homogeneity and constancy in the internal position of a living organism. The maintenance of the pH for instance, within specific confines is an important factor and characteristic of all living organisms. The microorganisms are not exceptional to this factor (Haussinger 1988). In food preservation, the homeostasis factor needs to be considered. This phenomenon is a two way traffic with food preservation. If the homeostasis of the microorganism is altered by preservation factors, they will not multiply. They remain in the lag stage; quite a number may even die before rebuilding back their homeostasis. Leistner 1995 argues that homeostasis of microorganisms is achieved when then the homeostasis of microorganisms is altered permanently or even momentarily. Food is important for the survival of living things. Food preservation is therefore an important undertaking by humans and is one of the earliest technologies he undertook. This paper will in broad discuss the preservation techniques used today, specifically the recent advances in novel Food Preservation Technique. The underlying factor in food preservation is to slow down the multiplication of the disease- causing microbes and also inhibit their growth. Killing the bacteria altogether may be the perfect solution. Some preservation techniques destroy the enzymes-proteins that act as catalysts in a chemical reaction- in the food which cause spoilage of the same. Food preservation makes food sterile. Food that contains proteins and vitamins are prone to faster growth of microorganisms which is referred to as the booster or trampoline effect. The hurdle effect has to be reinforced to prevent the growth of microorganisms in the food. It is important to note that the hurdles in the food may not be enough in preservation of food or prevention of poisoning. Hurdle technology The basis of food preservation is from the understanding of hurdles. Hurdles are basically the preservation factors, their interactions and impacts. The interactions of hurdles are observed in order to understand whether food can be preserved for long or not. Leistner 1995 argues that the microbiological and safety of food may be optimized by using hurdles of varying intensity and quality. If this hurdle technology is understood, it is no doubt that we are on the right track to effective food preservation. The ensuing improvements have been the optimization of indigenous foods from preservation point of view to the novel products developments. Hurdle technology has been based on intentional and premeditated blend of hurdles in the conservation of traditional and novel food products. This technology is on the verge of advancement in the whole world all in the quest to advance the food preservation techniques. Quite a number of scholars have been working on the same and evidence shows that this information has been relayed in a number of languages. This technology is being used on various foods to find the best solutions in food preservation. A good example researched on is on the fermented foods that need to undergo various stages to eventually come up with a microbiologically and safe product. "Novel food" has various meanings: A substance that is harmful and cannot be consumed or taken in by human beings. They also include microorganisms. Food that has been processed, conserved and packaged by processes that have never been used on that food and causes it to undergo major changes. Food derived from plants, animals or bacteria genetically modified in a way that the previous exhibits different characteristics rather than the original, sometimes they no longer exhibit these characteristics or even some characteristics do not fall within the range of that particular plant, animal or micro-organism. The advent of novel food preservation modes enthused research in microbiology, technology and food processing. The novel food preservation approaches uses mild preservation techniques which is an on- going process. This research has made an incredible step forward towards food preservation. The recent novel food preservation techniques include submission of food to high pressure, pulsed electric fields and use of biopreservatives. The equipment to facilitate the same are available on diverse scales. These products are now penetrating the market as a result of this method. Seminars have been held to discuss the adoption of microbiology and preservation techniques that are mild and not harmful to the consumer. Body There are three major trends in novel food preservation techniques. The first step is the initial development stage, followed by research on the quality of the food and finally understanding microbiology and implementation of the whole process. The first trend aims to understand and find out how this novel preservation technology works on microorganisms. The focus on microorganisms in relation to food preservation is very crucial. The novel food production technique aims to inactivate the microorganisms which are the main cause of food spoilage. It not only puts attention the inactivation of microbes but also sub lethal inactivation of the microorganisms and their stress adaptations. The second phase basically is on research on a number of technologies. More and research is done on the variety of novel technologies with other existing technologies discussed in the first stage. This leads to production of a perfect method that effectively counters the micro-organisms. Researchers emphasis the use of high-pressure sterilization using extreme temperatures and high pressure freezing that employing sub zero temperatures (Matser, Krebbers, Van den Berg and Bartels, 2004) Novel food preservation techniques apply the use of biopreservatives in addition to the submission to extreme temperatures. These combined technologies increase the possibility of achieving a mild preservation technology that is consumer friendly. The third and last phase implements the technologies applied technologies on novel food preservation techniques. The main focus here is to emphasize on the emerging issues on food safety which employ this technology. There has been growing critics on the safety of this technique. Consumer protection activists argue that their clients are subjected to harmful chemicals that harm their body functioning. These issues are not only on microbiology but also toxicology. The toxic factor comes from the corrosion of electrodes used during the subjection of foods to high temperatures or the pulse electric fields (Pol, Mastwijk, Bartels, Smid, and 2000). However, these critics do not hinder the proponents of the novel food technology from producing safe foods to the consumer. The processing conditions chosen of novel technologies are safe so that the foods produced are of a high quality and don’t expose the customers to high risks of infections. The novel food preservation techniques are hygienic and the resultant products need to well preserved under mild temperatures until consumption periods. They are pasteurized and subjection to low temperatures is a must for the foods to go for a long period of time. We shall look at this technology in broad detail especially focusing on the three broad methods discussed above. Results of current research will be put across to emphasize the facts that shall be stated below. Novel Technologies High pressure processing The novel food preservation undertakes subjection of food to high temperatures. Micro-organisms and active enzymes are rendered powerless. The flavors of food as well as the nutrients remain constant. This does not happen with the traditional thermal processing. This technique has been used over and over again for a very long time. It is absurd to argue that the recent advances in novel food preservation techniques are harmful to human health. Geeraerd, Herremans, and Van, 2000 argue that previously milk has been heated over long periods of time. It is not alien if the novel preservation techniques build on this feature to come up with a better product that can go for a longer period of time. This food preservation technique applies to other foods other than milk. Rice, oysters, ham, citrus juices among others are preserved using this technique. Advanced pasteurization has been undertaken to improve food preservation and preparation. At 100MPa, food is well preserved. Proteins are denaturated, starch gelatinized and lipids crystallized. The macromolecules are altered while the flavors, vitamins and colors of foods remain intact. This process takes place in a pressure container containing pressure fluid. This pressure is regulated from time. In a span of 1-10 minutes the items for consumption are treated. The pressure is uniform in the container. This explains that the product undergoes the same treatment procedure. Nevertheless, some scholars will criticize this method by questioning the amount of heat applied on foods. Geeraerd, Herremans, and Van, 2000 argue that the high pressure is non-thermal though as the pressure increases, temperatures increase as well. This means that there is no cause for alarm using this method for food preservation. The main processes applied here are preservation and preparation. In regard to preservation, enzymes and microbes are subjected to high pressure resulting to a preserved product maintaining its fresh and flavored quality. In Japan, for instance, several rice-based foods are available in novel textures induced by high pressure treatments. Meat has also been gelatinized through this novel food preservation technique which can withstand temperatures and go for a long period of time. The Pulsed Electric Field Treatment The novel food technique has advanced by adopting the pulsed electric field treatment in food preservation. This is an upcoming technology that introduces the new-fangled standpoints for food production and the pharmaceutical industry. The technology brought to play here is subjection to reduced temperatures. The temperatures are homogenized through the product and can be applied in pasteurization. The cell membranes of the micro-organisms are destroyed through electroporation (Peleg, 1995). No interference occurs on the physical and chemical composition of the product. In this era, it has been noted that a growing interest on food preservation has risen tremendously. The pulse electric field treatment relies on use of electric impulses on foods. This alters the osmotic balance of the micro-organisms present in the foods. If this process is undertaken very carefully, the bacteria are rendered powerless. A single electric pulse is said to reduce the magnitude of multiplication of bacteria five times (Heinz, Toepfl and Knorr, 2003). After the process, foods can be stored only under 30C of temperatures and remain fresh for a very long period with the initial product quality retained. Examples of foods that have undergone this process are skimmed milk which has a wide-ranging shelf-life. Fruit juices have been treated by this means. This novel food technique advancement as compared to the traditional heating methods has led to preservation of foods for a very long period of time like the fruit juices that have an increased shelf life when refrigerated while loss of vitamins and flavor elements are seen to decrease. The traditional heating methods destroyed these vitamins necessary for the body. The consumption of these beverages is therefore merely for fun and satisfaction as no nutrients are present in them. This pulse electric field treatment has additional advantage to the consumer especially on the extension of shelf-life of foods to low temperatures up to 4°C (Heinz, Toepfl and Knorr, 2003). Other non-thermal novel technologies Apart from the high-pressure processing and pulsed electric field treatment are volumetric treatments that simply inactivate microbes in a product (Matser, Krebbers, Van den Berg and Bartels, 2004). The novel food preservation technique has undertaken other strategies that fumigate bacteria at room temperature. Among them is the light technology that uses radiations from the sun-the ultra-violet light and pulsed white light. The pulsed white light engages use of extreme pulses of broad spectrum which include the ultra-violet light. This light treatment results to inactivation of microbes hindering their growth and development but maintaining product value. Though this light technology is known is disadvantaged by frequent shadows, it has still been successful in food preservation. It is used on rough surfaces like cold plasma and thanks to technology, equipment for this process are now readily available. Use of cold plasma is now possible under atmospheric conditions and is applied to the food industry which is our main concern. The issue of light that can be raised to wipe out this technology is answerable because this surface treatment- plasma- can now penetrate the shadow places since it is a gas. This makes all the difference unlike the light technology. Quite a number of gases can be used to create plasmas. For instance the noble gases may be used in the production while oxygen acts as the ozone layer in the plasma (Raso, and Barbosa-Cánovas, 2003). The temperature used depends on the composition of gases in the plasma. Stability and the function ability of this plasma entirely depends on the temperature. This advance on Novel food preservation technique provides yet another possibility of preserving food at room temperature. It is these advances that will lead to easier and cheaper food preservation measures. Perfection is done by latter scholars who build on these ideas to get a perfect one. Use of models to focus on microbiology as a method used in the Novel Food Preservation Technique Various models have been used to explain the process of novel food preservation technique. These models work on the basis that bacterial cells can be modeled in such a way that their growth and prediction in terms of survival are put under scrutiny. The traditional methods believed that the inactivation of the cells in a micro-organism depended on the temperature. The kinetic energy determines whether the microbes survive or not (Smelt, 1998). Molecular modeling Molecular modeling is a collection of techniques that use computer generated descriptions of chemical structures that illustrate the comparative positioning of all atoms included in the molecule being considered .Such methods are of significant aid for understanding many physio-chemical properties of particles and may also give ideas about their possible functions that is their role, in the mortal. They can be therefore especially valuable tools for looking up for structure-function interactions. Proteins –within a specific protein cluster-have, in writing, identical sequences and usually shares similar basic arrangement. Thus, once the organization of one constituent of the protein family is discovered, molecular structuring computations can aid in the determining the model of the other constituents of the same protein family. This kind of homology technique when used to protein model may give scientist an upper hand to gaining additional insight into protein organization, especially for those proteins for which the available trial data is scarce. Applications of molecular modeling Molecular modeling has been brought up for more than two decades back. More and more modeling software is accessible for a diversity of industrial applications. International markets for molecular structuring, in a wide range, now exceed 2 billion US $ yearly. Applications in the food industry and human nutrition Molecular structuring has been recommended by several professionals in the food trade as a new device for food explores (Hegenbart 1992). Such tools can assist food scientist in problem solving and also save time and money. Examples of usage of molecular structuring are the uses of high concentration sweeteners and tang receptors to forecast the sweetening possibility of new molecules by means of molecular structuring as urbanized by and E.W. Taylor and S. Wilson at the University of Georgia such structures can be used in food industry for item manufacturing and also for quicker results in sensory assessment. One of the models proposed is the Classic log-linear survival model by Stumbo, 1973. This model assumes that all cells respond the same to heat and the cell destruction takes place occurs at the time when subjected to heat. By use of this method, it is possible to sterilize food and can it. It has been proven and used practically to preserve food for over 80 years. This method is still being used for novel food preservation. The microbial inactivations have been rated absolutely reliable and in turn an increase in perfect storage of food and decrease in the decline of food quality. Build up of stress mechanisms in the micro-organisms Bacterial cells have numerous mechanisms that enable them adapt to various environmental modifications. These mechanisms range from radical sporulation to transitional manufacture of proteins that restore the damaged cells or eradicate the stress agents (Yousef, and Juneja, 2003) Bacteria stress responses is another recent advance by the Novel food preservation technique. In a food chain, the microbes undergo various stresses in their survival. These stresses range from temperature changes the microbes are subjected to in food preservation processes for instance subjection to the electric fields. These food preservation and preservation techniques invoke stress responses in the micro-organisms. Cells contain particular stress responses which lead to reaction to the stress imposed on them. For instance, alkalinity stress in an egg white damages its outer membranes. The stress responses include alkali tolerance, thermo tolerance resistances and Alkyl hydro-peroxide tolerance. This method counters this stress response by introducing heat shock proteins while preserving this food. Another example of stress responses is subjection to heat during production, cooking and preservation of food. The outer membranes of the cells are destroyed, the DNA as well as the ribosome. To counter this, the cells have developed thermo tolerance and acid tolerance. The novel food preservative personnel have introduced induced gene products like the heat shock proteins that counteract this (Storz and Hegge-Aronis, 2000). This enables them preserve this foods for a long period of time retaining its quality. Although some may survive, using this method, majority of them die from the combination of heat and pressure (Storz and Hegge-Aronis, 2000). The Novel food technology undertakes to carry out research on the possible reactions or responses that may result from this method. This is because these microbes tend to develop mechanisms that enable them survive in harsh conditions. It is important therefore to ensure that they are put on close check for any adaptations that might have occurred. It is evident that optimal benefits are achieved through this advance on food preservation technology. Combinations with bio-preservatives The novel food preservation technique has undertaken combinations with bio preservatives as a way of preservation of foods. This technology has improved food preservation technology by use of crucial oils like thymol and Bacteriocins like nisin. These bio- preservatives have been approved by the World Health Organization and are safe for use in foods by human beings. Pathogens and microbes have been suppressed successfully by this method. This method especially nisin used with the PEF- Pulsed Electric Field- reduces the number of microorganisms in vegetables. This proves that the novel food technology has contributed a great mile in food preservation. High pressure and nisin is also effective in destroying milk bacteria. The novel food preservation techniques have also been used in Agricultural Biotechnology and health food formulations. The techniques applied here are; Immobilized bacterial cells and enzymes, Microencapsulation and liposome production, Genetic manipulation of microorganisms, Development of novel vaccines from plants, Epigenomics of mammalian cells and organisms Bio-computational tools for molecular modeling related to disease and Bioinformatics. These techniques are used for healthy food formulation and production. The immobilization of microbial cells is the confinement of these cells in a certain region with preservation of catalysts. The cells are subjected to extreme temperature conditions destroying the bacteria. This enclosement of cells is a very reliable method in the food preservation industry. This method is used depending on the nature of the micro-organism. The most common immobilization method is the adsorption method. Bonds between cells and enzymes are closely monitored. Bonds like hydrogen bonds, van der Waal forces are used to immobilize the cells and enzymes. Exposure to extreme heat and increase of the pH levels destroys these bonds between the cells. The cells are weak and cannot survive at that moment or later if the same conditions are maintained. This application is used in the production of vinegar and treatment of water. Storz, and Hegge-Aronis, (2000) argues that the chemistry here is that the negatively charged microbial cells intermingle with the positively- charged ion exchangers. The results of this technology are sensitive to pH levels. Both the cells and enzymes are checked under this method. This advance on Novel Food preservation has been used of quite a number of products known as Nutraceuticals- food components that have health benefits beyond their nutritional value. This novel technology on immobilization has successfully been used in the isolation of products and addition of others in ordinary foods. It is this process that creates a product of better quality. A good example is the introduction of Linoleic acid (CLA) in dairy foods that has been made possible through the immobilization of lipases. The problems of cost-effectiveness can be solved using this novel technology on the disposal of toxic substances in the environment and the detoxification of water.  Ahvenainen, 2000 states that this method is used in both in the industrial and agricultural industries. Isolation of certain micro-organisms has greatly increased the rate at which some compounds both organic and inorganic are degraded in water which probably would have gone to waste as well as the ones present in soils. The application of microcapsules has been adopted by novel food techniques on proteins like cheese. The protein enzymes responsible for cheese maturity are put in microcapsules. It is in these microcapsules that these enzymes cannot thrive in the cheese milk. What does this mean? It means that the cheese can be preserved for a long time under certain temperatures. The encapsulating materials include phospholipids, alginates that are not naturally found in milk. The phospholipids develop membranes that aid in conservation of the milk product. The constancy of the liposomes in the milk is altered by temperature and pH. Studies have indicated that the DRV liposomes are most efficient in the encapsulation of enzymes and they aid in the maturation of cheese (Pandean, and Soda, 1999). Microencapsulation improves the nutritional value of foods behind the concept of surrounding a component of foods like vitamins, proteins with a layer of polysaccharide or lipids to prevent the weakening of the encapsulated constituent. Lipid droplets, solid units or gaseous materials are packaged with shells that release their contents under certain conditions. The novel food preservation technique has used the genetic manipulation technique as a recent advance. This manipulation has enhanced the performance of micro-organisms in the food preservation industry. These manipulations are generic in nature and in turn can be applied in improving the performance of a cell or micro-organism. The first technique used is the Mutagenesis-based Technique. This process generates a change in the DNA sequence of an organism by either modifying the gene structure or altering the products that build up the gene structure. Mutagenesis is in two forms, the classical mutagenesis and the transopon- directed mutagenesis. The classical mutagenesis and the transposon-directed mutagenesis This entails the use of chemical mutagens in the process of regulation of the micro-organisms target. Basically this method emphasizes on the action of the inundated micro-organisms. The transposon- directed mutagenesis comprises the genetic alteration of the targeted chromosomes to come to a decision on the function of this particular site. This one is more specific on particular sites in a chromosome unlike the classical mutagenesis. Gene transfer Gene transfer involves the transfer of genes through replication and delivery to as many other organisms as possible. This happens when the mechanisms of one cell are thoroughly observed. Later, the same can be replicated in another organism. Gene Cloning Gene cloning use is said to have numerous strains in an organism. This is done through gene analysis which is the study of specific DNA sections through physical and chemical methodologies. When this is done, the structure of the DNA is closely watched and can easily be transferred from one organism to another. This novel technique has been used in the brewery industry in the yeast production and amino acids. The most recent is on the production of butanol possible as a result of fermentation. Applications of Liposomes in the Food Industry Application of liposomes as a novel food preservation technique has been used to preserve food in the industry. Liposomes introduce water-soluble substances like flavors and micro-nutrients to improve the shelf- life of foods. Some of these liposomes include the lecithin-based liposomes used in the beverage and bakery industries. The flavors and oils are locked in the liposomes which are unconfined in the mouth. Flavor oils also undergo this process. It is important to note that this process is only achievable through the use of micro-encapsules. This is because liposomes are able to carry fat based tastes in their bi-layer and also water soluble tastes in the heart of the vesicle; they shield the flavor from deprivation and also boost the longetivity of the tastes in the scheme where they are engaged. Therefore, their application in the beverage trade has become extensive. The pace of dispersion from the bilayer depends on the liposome composition and bodily properties of the tastes. Bakery is another sector where liposomes have been applied and also based on the feature of the liposomes of not destroyed in the process of incorporation or extrusion; therefore, they can discharge encapsulated flavorings, fragrances or food spices. When a taste is encapsulated, the discharge occurs after the enzymatic deprivation of the liposome, and thus the pace of discharge depends on the bodily properties of the material of which the liposome is manufactured. In regards to lecithin, the pH value and the temperature are key factors. Conclusion Novel Food Preservation technique is an interesting alternative used to come up with high quality food with unlimited shelf-lives. Recent advances like the Pulsed Electric Field treatment (PEF) and high pressure processing have revolutionalized the food preservation industry. They have produced better quality foods unlike the traditional conservative methods of heating, smoking and drying foods. The research done on these methods has facilitated the production of more quality foods that can go for a long period of time still retaining their previous nutritional values and flavors. The resultant products are safe for consumption. The research of the effects of microbes has brought about improved food preservation techniques. The results are almost accurate as compared to the conformist heat procedures of sterilizing food. Quite a number of research groups are working towards finding the best technology and the proper implementation of the novel technologies in a nontoxic manner. Issues on hygiene, safety of food and microbial research are still on- going to come up with the best solution to food preservation. Application of this technology is very possible and useful and should be applied by all stakeholders in the Food Preservation Industry. Application of extreme high and low temperatures, combination of bio- preservatives has increased the effectiveness of the novel food preservation techniques. This interest in proper food preservation techniques has aroused a lot of international interest (Ohlsson and Bengtson, 2002). The spotlight on the combinations of high pressure, use of pulsed electric fields and bio-preservatives, radio frequency heating are good examples of novel food techniques. Generally, these technologies inactivate microbes’ cells and spores, fungi and yeast cells in foods that cause food spoilage. We have also discussed the use of non-thermal technologies that enable total destruction of microbes. Raso and Barbosa-Cánovas, 2003 argue that amalgamation of these methods and the traditional ones is fascinating. For instance, the combination of novel technologies and the traditional heating results into a perfect blend. Ideas are borrowed from each method creating a prefect one. Generally, these blends result into perfect end results that have prolonged shelf-life and exemplary quality. The molecular basis of stress responses are put under scrutiny in order to counter any developments and adaptations that may come up, and affect the end product. The recent advances of novel food preservation techniques have been successful enough in preserving food in a quality standard as compared to the conservatism methods. Novel Food technique has led to a mounting increase in the production of safe foods while retaining their nutritional quality. This has aroused a lot of interest in the Food preservation Industry. References  Ahvenainen, R.2000. Novel food packaging techniques. Wood head Publishing: Cambridge. Geeraerd, A.H., Herremans, C.H. and Van, J.F. 2000. Structural model requirements to describe microbial inactivation during a mild heat treatment. Int J Food Microbiol, 59, 185-209 Heinz, V., Toepfl, D., and Knorr, D. 2003. Impact of temperature on lethality and energy efficiency of apple juice pasteurization by pulsed electric field treatment. Innovative Food Science & Technologies, 4, 167-175. Matser, A.M., and Krebbers, B., Van den Berg, R.W., Bartels, P.V. 2004.Advantages of high pressure sterilization on quality of food products. Trends in Food Science and Technology Ohlsson, T., and Bengtsson, N. 2002. Minimal processing technologies in the food industry. Woodhead Publishing Limited: Cambridge. Pandean, S. and Soda, M. E. 1999. Recent Developments in Accelerated Cheese Ripening. Journal of Dairy Science, Volume 74, Issue 7. Peleg, M. 1995. A model of microbial survival after exposure to pulsed electric field. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 67, 93-99.  Peleg, M. and Cole, M.B. 1998. Reinterpretation of microbial survival curves. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr, 38,353-380. Pol, I.E., Mastwijk, H.C., Bartels, and P.V., Smid, E.J. 2000. Pulsed electric field treatment enhances the bactericidal action of nisin against Bacillus cereus. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 66 428-430 Raso, J., and Barbosa-Cánovas, G.V., 2003. Nonthermal preservation of foods using combined processing techniques. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 43. 265-285. Smelt, J.P. 1998. Recent advances in the microbiology of high pressure processing. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 9, 152-158 Storz, G. and Hegge-Aronis, R. 2000. Bacterial stress responses. ASM Press: Washington Stumbo, C.R. 1973. Thermo bacteriology in Food Processing. Academic Press: New York Yousef, A.E. and Juneja, V.K. 2003. Microbial stress adaptation and food safety. CRC Press: Boca Raton, FL Read More
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