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Foodservice - Research Paper Example

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This research paper "Foodservice" aims at analyzing and evaluating food safety problems in relation to foodservice systems and management. The study will be conducted on several restaurants and schools food service providers. The aim will be to analyze their service systems and manage food safety…
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FOOD SERVICE RESEARCH CHAPTER INTRODUCTION Explain the issue you are examining and why it is significant Food safety is the main issue of concern in this research and is important in ensuring good food quality for consumers. Food service directors in many institutions, apply their knowledge in food safety to ensure that consumers get the best food quality. According to WHO, Food safety involves actions aimed at ensuring that food is safe for consumption. Nash et Al refers food safety as a scientific discipline which describes careful handling, preparation, and storage of food items in order to prevent foodborne illness (43). This includes a number of routines that should be followed to avoid potentially severe health hazards. Food safety policies and actions need to cover the entire food chain, from production to consumption. Food service research aims at analysing and evaluating the problem of food safety as related to food service systems and management. In some food service systems there is less control over food safety. The research on food safety helps to identify weaknesses in these systems. Once weaknesses are identified, modifications can be done such as quality control and implementation of “Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point” program. Vaclavik and Christian have argued that, there are several pathogenic causes of food borne diseases (52). They also reveal that through conducting research, several problems are identified and this helps to reduce food borne maladies that affect the public. Brief summary of the importance of subject and the need for the research a) Describe the general area to be studied Food service research, aims at analysing and evaluating food safety problems in relation with food service systems and management. The study will be conducted on several restaurants and schools food service providers. The aim will be to analyse their service systems and how they manage them to ensure food safety. The study will also focus on food service directors. This will be to identify how these directors apply their knowledge in food safety, to ensure that consumers get the best food quality. The study will also involve interviewing some of the consumers. This will assist in getting adequate information and their views on quality control of the products they consume (Sullivan and atlas 67). b) Explain why this topic or area is important to dietetics, FSSM, school nutrition, or the school district in general The research on food service will help to identify the kind of diet that consumers are engaged with and the important of food quality control in schools. The research is important in dietetics, FSSM and school nutrition because the data collected would help to reduce food related diseases and improve the health of consumers (John and Dennis 77).It will also help to improve the performance of students in school due to good health. Objective or purpose of the study The study in food services has a number of objectives. The first one is to identify challenges related to food safety in food service systems and how they affect consumer diet. The second one is to identify the measures taken by food service providers to ensure quality control. The last one is to find out what caution consumers take, to ensure provision of quality goods and services from food providers (Burke and Turner 81). Hypothesis – what you expect to find or what you expect your results to be Lehmann and Ramao have defined a hypothesis as uncertain explanation for an observation, a scientific problem or experiment, or a phenomenon that can be tested by investigation (12). From the interviews being conducted, we expect less people to be negatively affected by the food they take in restaurants or from fast foods. For example, less cases of food poisoning would indicate that, there are better standards of quality food and more efficient food service systems.Most restaurants should have efficient food service systems that offer the best quality services to consumer. The restaurants must meet the average food standards needed for quality food services. For instance the employees are expected to be trained in food management and handling. According to Lillicrap and Dennis, food should flow through at least ten processes before it reaches the consumers (33).These processes include menu planning, Purchasing, Receiving, storing, Preparing, Cooking, Holding, Serving, Cooling, and Reheating. There should be impeccable hygiene conditions in the food service systems to avoid contamination of ingredients during preparation and serving consumers. Consumers should also take care of their health by following precautions like washing hands before taking food. Limitations Some respondents were hostile and uncooperative and some were unwilling to share their information. A number of students gave false information on questionnaires and these increased errors during the study. There was high cost of transport to cover the geographical scope and to deploy the personnel involved in different areas of study. The study was also time-consuming because it involved covering a wide geographical scope. A lot of time was also wasted during transportation of personnel involved in the study (Lapan et al 41). Definitions The term quality control refers to a procedure by which individuals analyse and review the qualities which influence production. Food service system management is the science of selecting and preparing food items in a preferable manner in which is presentable to the consumer. CHAPTER 2: Background/Review of the Literature: A description of what is already known about this area and a short discussion of how this background information supports the need for or builds on your own research project. 1) Summarize what is already known about the topic. Include a summary of the basic background information on the topic gleaned from your literature review. John and Dennis acknowledge that most managers in restaurants and school districts use the conventional and centralized food service systems (16). These systems increase efficiency and are important when serving mass population. For instance, despite the school districts being labour intensive, they lack consistency and have low standards of quality control. The journal of American dietetics identified 29 food handling behaviours for maintaining the safety of food and reducing the number of cases and outbreaks of foodborne illness. These were rank-ordered within 5 pathogen control factors. This factor include practicing personal hygiene; cooking foods adequately; avoiding cross-contamination; keeping foods at safe temperatures, and avoiding foods from unsafe sources. In 2009, the results for ‘International Food Information Council Foundation Food & Health Survey’ indicated that more than half of Americans perceive foodborne illness from bacteria as the most important food safety issue today. However, a few are taking food safety precautions when cooking, preparing, and consuming food products (Levey). 2) Discuss any available studies that have already been done in this area and relate to your project. Several surveys have been done in the past on the topic of food safety. A study done in Las Vegas, Nevada in 2007 revealed that Clark County was the fastest growing school district in the nation. They had 235 schools in January 2001 and a central kitchen, but the kitchen did not have the capacity to produce all of the meals needed all schools in the district. This forced the managers to apply the centralized system of management. This combination provided them with labour efficiencies and the ability to produce the large number of meals needed by the school district. However, the study revealed a marked increase, in cases of food poisoning, for the students portraying that the system did not focus on food safety (Unklesbay 425). The study did not show how the food processing system led to food poisoning. It did not also show any irregularities that would face the process such as chemical contamination. According to journal of American dietetics, there was a study done in 2010 on different restaurants in America. It explains the problem of proper nutrition in restaurant cuisine and indicates that besides the fact that 65% of the food having proper nutrients, there was 15% chance of meals causing food poisoning. However, the study did not relate the food service systems management to the food poisoning, which could be attributed to improper storage methods, undercooking, or over storage of ingredients. This has proved to be a medical challenge over the years and has cost consumers a great deal (Grossbauer 38). 3) Point out why the background information and studies support the need for or build on your own research project. Although these studies were carefully done, it is important to mention that they miss out on certain detail. These studies do not show the importance of careful examination of tools and methods used in the processing of food. They have not also studied in details on the systems applied in restaurants to process the food. It is importance to study these systems of management in order to point out any ambiguities (Grossbauer 33). This would help in preventing any physical, environmental or medical hazard. CHAPTER 3: Method and Design: Describe the general methods you choose for your study, in order to test your hypothesis(es). A. Study Design/Method for Data Collection 1. The reason for the research The data was collected to describe the different types of food systems management and how they relate to food safety. The data also aimed at explaining decisions made at different levels of food processing to consumption and to show the effect of restaurant diet on consumers. The aim of the research was also majorly to address the problem of food safety and find solutions in the long run. Much research has been done in the past but has not been keen to address the problem (Burke and turner 67). 2. At your best understanding or guess, the type of research you will be doing A cross-sectional study, also known as cross-sectional analysis, will be the type of research conducted for this topic. This is because a cross sectional study is a research method known to involve observation of a whole population, or a representative subset, at one specific point in time (Lapan et al 36). This type of study is unlike the longitudinal research which involves subjecting a given sample population to a certain study, and this is done repeatedly and over a given period of time. 3. Data Collection: How will you actually gather your data? Several qualified personnel including epidemiologists and nutritionist were deployed to different areas where the study was being conducted for the collection of data. These personnel conducted a survey type of research that involved interviews, dispatched questionnaires and make observations; data that is collected is then stored for analysis. The personnel will use different and relevant tools to collect the data including video cameras and audio devices (Walliman 49). B. Sample Selection and Size: Who or what did you test and why? 1. Describe your sample. This may be people, objects, or data depending on your choice of study topic. The sample was made up of individuals, both male and female and from the age of 18, some of the population included students from the school districts. The subjects were only selected if they were willing to participate and were not in any way forced into taking part in the study. The restaurants and number of schools also formed part of the quantitative sample and the study involved 200 restaurants form different parts of the country (Lehmann and Ramao 92). 2. Explain your recruitment procedures if applicable. If using human subjects, how did you choose who would participate? The selection of these participants was made randomly and some were chosen conveniently in their respective restaurants where they take their daily meals. Also, the selection disregarded gender or any social differences and the population was made of both professional and unprofessional consumers (Walliman 54). 3. Are there any participants, objects, or data that were excluded? Why or why not? The study did not involve the children under the age of 18 because they do not have a better understanding of the topic being studied. People of older age for instance 70years and above were also excluded because from preliminary research they were shown to be less out going and had a lower probability of taking their meals at restaurants (Burke and turner29). C. Data Collection/Procedure 1. Describe the data collection procedure or steps. How did you actually go about doing the data collection? For example: Burke and turner have demonstrated that there are several criteria for collecting qualitative and quantitative data (34). In this study simple tools like questionnaires were used and several personnel including epidemiologists and nutritionist were deployed to the different areas where the study was conducted for the collection of data, given different tasks. They conducted interviews, dispatched questionnaires and made observations; data collected was stored for analysis. D. Data Analysis 1. How did you analyse the results? Walliman argues that data analysis is the core of conducting research (51).The data collected from the study was mostly qualitative because it reflected the views of consumers in relation to the topic of discussion. The questionnaires from the survey were analysed via the coding method and tables like the one shown below were used to demonstrate the findings.The observations made were analysed by documentation and the views of the consumers were categorized into different concepts. Video and audio tapes were transcribed in order to identify themes or patterns in the conversations. Individuals being interviewed showcased different ideas and theories which were recorded and later analysed. E. Ethical Considerations 1. Comment on the methods used to ensure the study was designed and conducted using sound ethical procedures. Ask yourself the following questions: Certain ethical guidelines and rules must be followed while conducting research that involves human subjects (Miller et al 47). The method used to collect data was fair and did not involve any unethical behaviour. The study was conducted by professionals who are trained in data collection and there were no cases of extreme measures like bribery in order to get information. Such unethical activities are considered unconstitutional and the personnel were given strict instructions to abide by the laws. CHAPTER 4: Results what did you learn? A. Response rate, if appropriate (such as when using surveys). The response from the participants was good, most of the recruited members were cooperative and this facilitated the process of data collection. The sample population included both males and females aged 18 with the population in school districts consisting of students from 7th grade and above. B. Participant characteristics/demographics, if appropriate. The sample population included both males and females aged 18 with the population in school districts consisting of students from 7th grade and above. The study also involved interviewing of professionals in the field of food processing for instance managers and their employees. C. What did you learn about your topic or hypothesis (es)? What did you find out from your analysis? From the analysis of the data we found that most of the restaurants have efficient food service systems that ensure quality control and quality food to the customers with restaurants applying conventional systems while schools districts applying central systems. Few people in the population were found to have been sick after taking food in different restaurants indicating that the food systems safe for food processing. However most of the students complained of having visited hospital after taking food in their respective schools indicating that the food service systems managers are not putting measures to ensure food safety. Individuals also prefer homemade food to restaurant food, since homemade is considered best heated and have less risk of poisoning (Levey). 1. Use tables and graphs! Conventional 55% centralised 25% Other 20% He results Furthermore, the results have shown that only 60% of the people in the community are informed of importance of causes of foodborne illnesses. 40% of the people admitted to not washing their hands before eating and 30% did not care about the process of preparing the food. Some managers also pointed out that the employees in the restaurants were well trained in the food handling and were careful not to spoil the food while some managers revealed to the study that their employees were only employed because they offered labour at a cheap price (Unklesbay 426). 2. Refer to the tables and graphs in the body of the paper rather than listing each result out. This will save you time and it is often easier to follow. CHAPTER 5: Discussion/Conclusions: Based on your results what are your conclusions and/or recommendations? A. “Therefore What?” After all that work, what actually did you learn or decide about your subject? We can, therefore, conclude that food management systems in restaurants are efficient in ensuring food safety. This is because from the data collected, strict measures have been taken to ensure food safety and quality control. On the other hand, we can conclude that more can be done to the central food service system, as a form of management, to reduce cases of food poisoning hence food safety. B. What recommendations would you make for future practice related to your topic? From the study that we conducted, a few observations were made about the topic of food safety. For instance, education on hygiene and sanitation should be prioritized to sensitize people on its importance. Simple practices like cleaning hands before meals or after visiting the loo and using sanitizers can be of use in preventing water and foodborne diseases. In the Readers Digest guide on skin care issued on February 2010 it points out that most people do not take care of their health and their eating habits. Further research can be done on the food systems so as to improve or upgrade them, to prevent chemical or physical contamination of ingredients. Future studies may include weakness of storage systems; food policies that govern the handling of food in schools and restaurants; sanitation and many more. C. You might want to comment again on any limitations of the study. The challenges that were encountered by the personnel involved in conducting survey were a lot of time consumption and exhaustion. However, measures were taken and they were dealt with appropriately. Some of the equipment was damaged during the study and was replaced with new ones. D. What additional questions were raised from this study? How would you research those? Most people wanted to know what kind of pathogens caused food contamination and poisoning. This is an area which can be studied in a wider scope. Such studies have been conducted in the country and a few results have been found, for instance, the major cause of food poisoning in the past decade were found to be; Salmonella, Norovirus, Campylobacter, E. coli, Listeria Clostridium perfringens. This has been very fruitful although more studies can be done for precision of medication. CHAPTER 6: Appendix A. A. Include any items (surveys, letters, interview notes, etc.) that support the research project. Survey questionnaires Does restaurant rating influence your decision to eat at a restaurant? When should you wash your hands to prevent the spread of bacteria that cause foodborne illness? How long should you wash your hands in order to prevent foodborne illness from occurring? Washing hands will not prevent foodborne illness When is it most important to keep raw meats separate from produce and other foods? By using separate cutting boards for produce and raw meats or poultry, you can reduce the spread of bacteria that cause foodborne illness. How can you tell if your meat, poultry, or seafood is fully cooked or done? Ground meats and hamburgers should be cooked to what temperature? Hot food should be kept at what temperature? How long can you leave cooked food at room temperature? How often do you practice the following? Wash your hands with soap before you prepare food Wash your hands with soap after touching raw meat, shellfish or eggs before cooking. Wash fruits and vegetables before eating or cutting. Wash cutting boards with soap, rinse, and sanitize after using them with raw meat, poultry, or seafood and before continuing to use. Works Cited Burke B. Larry and Turner Lisa. Research Methodology, Design and Analysis. Boston: Ally and Bacon, 2010. Print. Grossbauer, Sue. Managing Foodservice Operations: A Systems Approach for Healthcare and Institutions. New York: Kendall Hunt Pub Co, 2001. Print. John, Cousins and Dennis Lillicrap. Food and Beverage Service. London: hodder education, 2012. Print. Lapan D. Stephen et al. Qualitative Research: An Introduction to Methods and Designs. New York: Jossey-Bass, 2011. Print. Lehmann L. Eric and Ramao P. Joseph. Testing Statistical Hypothesis. New York: Springer, 2008. Print. Levey N. Noam. Food Safety. Los Angeles Time, 2009. Web. 15 Sep. 2013. Miller, Tina et al. Ethics in Qualitative Research. California: Sage Publishers, 2012. Print. Nash, Claire, et al. Food Safety Management Principles. New York: CIEH, 2010. Print. Olson D. Erik. At The Intersection of Health, Health Care, and Policy. Healthaffairs, n.d. Web. 15 Sep. 2013. Sullivan, Catherene and Atlas Courtney. Health Care Foodservice Systems Management. New York: Aspen, 1998. Print. Unklesbay N. “Monitoring for quality control in alternate food service systems.” Journal of the American Dietetic Association 71 (2010): 423-428. Print. Vaclavik A. Vickie and Christian W. Elizabeth. Essentials of Food Science. New York: Springer, 2007. Print. Walliman. Nicholas. Reasearch Methods: The Basics. London: Rootledge, 2010. Print. Read More
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