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Maslow Idea of Self-Actualization - Research Paper Example

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This research paper "Maslow Idea of Self-Actualization" shows that the Centre of determination and the quality of work-life is the discipline of modern management; though management as a discipline shares many principles from the theories of economics, it has elements that the related to sociology. …
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Maslow Idea of Self-Actualization
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? Maslow's self-actualization and Eupsychian management Introduction Centre of determination and the quality of work life is the discipline of modernmanagement; though the management as a discipline shares much principle from the theories of economics, but it also has elements that the very closely related to sociology. For many people, outside the family, one of the most significant aspects of life is the place where they work. Therefore, according to Maslow this place must have witnessed the element of understanding and harmony among the employees. Maslow was the first person who showed the significant impact on the issues related to self-actualization at the workplaces. Later many other theorists have worked to develop the mental models of management. However, most of them are related to the model presented by Maslow. In this paper, we will first discuss the Maslow’s idea of self-actualization and eupsychian management and how it is connected with the mental models of management. Later in the light of human variance and capabilities, the need of self-actualization and eupsychian management is discussed by the help of other theorists. A comparison is made between the Maslow’s hierarchy and Alderfer’s ERG theory. The paper also discusses the implications that are required for the practical managers, how at different stages of their professional life they can use the Maslow’s theory. It also talks about how I can use self-actualization and other concept of Maslow’s hierarchy in my professional life. In the end, it discusses the scenarios like religious activities, creativity, and people who work for the society, for instance a doctor who, keeping in mind their profession and duties does not flow the hierarchy and strive to achieve self actualization way before they achieve their basic needs. On the other hand, it also discusses the scenarios like bank jobs and other discrete organizational structures in which the idea of self- actualization are implemented. How can Maslow’s idea of self-actualization and eupsychian management be reconciled (to cause) with frequent mental models of management? Self-actualization refers to making something real or actual in our innate talents, aptitude, and the possibility to release out highest potentials. This whole process is done when a person satisfies their lower driving needs such as food, water, sleep etc. and jumps to the highest needs by learning, changing, growing, and transforming. Like this, a person becomes fully functioning and the best person comes out of them. According to Bernardo and Carducci (2009) Eupsychian management emphasizes that the managers must concern themselves by becoming more aware of the needs of the employees and create the working environment that facilitate the satisfaction of the needs of the employees in order to attain self-actualization. In the theory, it is argued that, as people move from the basic needs towards self-actualization needs, the source of motivation changes for them on every stage. According to Douglas and Khalil (1967), as the managers progress, their lower level needs that of physiology and safety reduce, while the upper level needs that of affiliation, self-esteem, and self-actualization amplify. The motivators that are significant when one’s career starts, become insignificant later. For example, money that is the driving force in the early stages of one’s careers becomes less important. This natural growth towards job satisfaction and job empowerment becomes significant with time. Through Eupsychian management, great trust in the employees is reflected, which assumes that every worker prefers to become a prime mover than a passive helper. To become more productive and reach to the point of self-actualization, few things need to be considered in the work environment: trust in human nature; within the human nature there should be strong belief for the self-actualization; there should be strong belief in the cooperation, capacity and productivity of the workers; within the work environment, mutual exchange and fair performance evaluation must be preferred; last but not the least the complexity of the human nature must be taken into consideration. Mental models are a means by which individuals and organizations first create and then share meaning that enables common understanding and development of the knowledge. Such models occur when there is a common understanding by the individuals in the organization. These models provide a framework when belief and value systems acting as a basis for the analysis of new ideas, policies, concepts and cultural developments are considered by the team (Smith, 2002). The combined idea of Maslow’s self-actualization, in which the employees need changes from a good salary to a higher status of esteem, recognition and a decision-maker, and Eupsychian management, in which mutual share of the performance is preferred and the complexity of the human nature is considered, give way to the current mental models in which the individuals and the organisations share the meaning that shows common understanding by the organization. Shared models are socially constructed as they represent the shared knowledge and beliefs about the environment as well as its expected behaviour. Here, the team members influence each other and try to improve the coordination by enabling the members to anticipate each other’s actions and needs (Pescosolido and Druskat, 2002). This phenomenon is not possible unless the employees have the sense of self-actualization and want to learn and grow. Therefore, it is noted that in order to apply the mental models of management in the organization, the employees need to have the self-actualization in them. Through this not only the company will grow, they will also see new heights in their professional life. In light of what you know of other theorists, and the variety of human variance and capability, how can Maslow’s ideas be utilized? One of the most prominent examples of how psychological theories can be applied to the variety of other settings is the work of Abraham Maslow. In addition to his known concept of humanistic approach to psychology and ‘hierarchy of needs’, his initial concept of motivation, self-actualization, and synergy have opened many opportunities for the managers and management theorists. According to the need of the human variance, the Maslow’s idea of self-actualization was enhanced by many other theorists who have developed many models that can help to derive the motivation in humans. Keeping in mind the concept of self-actualization, McClelland has developed ‘Human Motivation Theory’. The theory states that, in addition to the need of learning and growing, there are more needs that help the human beings to strive for a better position. These needs include the ‘need for achievement’, ‘need for power’ and ‘need for affiliation’ (McClelland, 1987). The need for achievement in the humans helps them set their goals that are challenging for them and at the same time realistic as well. These achievers are dependent on their capabilities and do not work for recognition but for achievement. The need for achievement can only work in circumstances when they are working for self-actualization. Moreover, without Eupsychian management in the system, it is not possible to attain achievement. The other used concept of ‘need for affiliation’ is related with the friendly relationships and human interaction with one another (Hdzsroi, 2009). To fulfill this need, Eupsychian management theory is required, as it can be served best in the co-operative environment. The Maslow’s need of hierarchy theory of motivation has been put in synchronization with the empirical research by Clayton Alderfer in 1969 – his theory famously known as ERG theory of motivation. In his theory, he has used Maslow’s hierarchy of needs; however, they are re-categorized into three broad but simpler classes of needs (Wang, 1993). The needs that deal with the basic material necessities are ‘Existence Needs’ that include the individual’s physical and physiological safety needs. The second need includes aspirations individual’s have for maintaining significant interpersonal relationships: this is ‘Relatedness Needs’. Maslow’s social and external component of esteem needs fall under this class. The last need deals with self-development and personal growth and advancement; this is ‘Growth Needs’. In Maslow’s theory, it is self-actualization needs (Ratzburg, 2011). Though ERG theory is the reflection of Maslow’s need of hierarchy, however, as Maslow’s theory works chronologically according to Alderfer, more than one need could motivate at the same time. The theory proposed by Alderfer tackles different cultures. The last improvement in ERG theory was the knowledge that higher ordered needs cause frustration as they are difficult to attain. What implications are there for practicing managers? In order to enhance workplace motivation, there are some very important implications for practicing managers. The staff motivation needs through different styles of management are imperative to a workplace. Even though the main critical determinants of organizations are the managers, employees and the environment, with all the three factors interdependent and interlinked; it is however the manager’s duty to make the environment conducive to work. The manager studies and analyzes employees individually while maintaining a healthy relationship with them. A good manager encourages and appreciates the curious employees and thus prohibits their involvement in wrongdoings, thus creating a learning environment. The manager also inculcates the sense of collectivism and relationship building in employees, so that they can work as a team (Randall, 2004). All the efforts of the manager will be seen at the end in the form of increased efficiency of the results. If we talk about carrying out change in an organization, it is implied that whenever a change occurs, the manager has to manage it properly. The management not only involves the proper implementation of the change, but also helps the employees in managing and adapting the change effectively. If managers want to transform the organization in accordance to eupsychian management approach, then it is implied that every assumption of the approach cannot be implemented all of a sudden. Managers also need time to understand the change, and then implement it, and later help the employees to adapt to it (Adrian, 2000). Manager should create a climate in an organization that will help the employees change their perception, views and perspectives regarding the change. Moreover, projecting employees with trainings and workshops regarding the changes in the organizational processes will help them better understand the new processes. A manager should involve the employees in the implementation process of change management, so that the employees feel empowered and honored. The flattening structure of hierarchy should be ensured to the employees, which will encourage the culture of openness, where employees can put forward their ideas and viewpoint without any hesitation (Slipp, 1982). Additionally, a manager has to check that the employees affected by the change agree with, or at least understand, the need for change, and have a chance to decide how the change will be managed, as well as to be involved in the planning and implementation of the change. The Maslow’s Self Actualization Needs Stage implies for the managers as having the chief role of shaping an organization’s future. At this stage, managers with their distinct competence, inventiveness, and influential personalities are often recognized regionally or nation-wide. They head the decision making process and are the catalyst for positive change. The increased responsibility and engagement in innovation and risk-taking becomes the key motivators at this stage. From lower level needs till self-actualization stage, the implication for managers is to identify their career stage and the motivating factors or driving forces that will help them move forth along the upper stages or levels. It is important for managers to be aware of their long-term professional development goals and developmental opportunities and work towards them. If you wanted to integrate these ideas into your own management style, how would you do so? Since we are holistic beings, we continue to evolve whilst engaging with the external environment consisting of events, relationships, and circumstances. From my learning through this module, if I were to integrate all these ideas I would first gauge my personal management style in connection with the organization’s management style. According to Adeniyi (2007) normally two contrasting management styles are followed: autocratic and beaurocratic style. With my remarkable creativity, imagination, innovation, and open-mindedness through the years, I would have already driven myself towards the need for Self Actualization. With this situation in mind, if I were to become a CEO of a multinational corporation that follows an autocratic management style, all decisions would be made unilaterally by me, without the employees’ involvement. However, if I am a beaurocratic style manger, I would appreciate the involvement of my subordinates or employees in decision making of the entire routine and non- routine tasks. If my organization previously has had an autocratic management style, and then wanted to implement the eupsychian management concept, then I would have to work slightly harder in order to achieve the desired results. As eupsychian management emphasizes on the flatter hierarchy structure which means equal distribution of authority among the employees and managers. So in this case my organization would need to change the complete structure of the organization, which will not be an easy task. It will not only involve changing the structure of the entire organization, but also the chain of command, processes, hierarchy as well as training the entire workforce. This would involve an extensive flow of two way information between the management and the employees, in order to ensure the results (Frame, 2003). Similarly, if I lead a beaurocratic management style and want to implement the eupsychian management concept, this transformation will be easy. Since the Maslow’s enlightened management concept portrays the implementation of employee empowerment and self actualization, and as we know that beaurocratic organizations favor two way communications, so it would not be difficult to reinforce and manage change. It will be easy to implement change because already the organization has a flatter organizational structure, which will work in favor of implementing eupsychian management style. Under what conditions should these ideas be avoided, and under what conditions should they be deployed? The ideas of Maslow have been very inspirational for the development of management and for the enhancement of personal growth. The idea of self-actualization and eupsychian management in Maslow’s theory has helped many individuals find the meaning and purpose of their life. Therefore is implemented in the lives of most of the workers in one way or the other. However, since the idea of self-actualization was derived by using a few individuals, thus there are chances that these theories are not applicable in all the cases. According to Maslow, the idea of self-actualization arises in the humans when they have satisfied their lower need. However, there are examples when people have exhibited the desire of self-actualization before fulfilling their lower needs. Many of the best artists and authors have suffered from poverty and depression. The examples that can be quoted here are of Galilieo, Rembrandt and van Gogh. All of them were striving to achieve self-actualization yet their basic needs were not fulfilled. Moreover, examples from fashion industry can also be quoted in this approach. Trachtenberg has developed a new way of doing arithmetic while he was in the camp. Other than this, the approach to therapy was developed by Viktor Frankl when he was living in the camp. It is seen that even in this case, the individual’s lower level needs were not satisfied. Another strange example that comes under this umbrella is of Ernest Hemingway. He is among one of those people who were creative when they were unknown. However, when they became known their creativity ended (Boeree, 2006). In religious activities, the concept of basic needs is avoided and people tend to gain self-actualization and use eupsychian management. As a doctor too, the concept of basic needs can be avoided. These are all the exceptional cases where the hierarchy of needs stands up well to the general trend. Therefore, I believe that on the grounds where you are supposed to show your creativity and help others, the idea of self-actualization must not be considered. This is because at times one might not be fulfilling their basic needs; however, they might be striving for self-actualization that can ultimately fulfill their other needs. This theory can be employed in the scenarios where the individuals are working in discrete programs. For instance, employees working in the bank or a corporate sector tend to first satisfy their basic needs, after which they move toward further scales. Moreover, the concept of eupsychian management can create problems for mangers to keep the level of discipline and working conditions to the optimum height. Conclusion Self-actualization is considered as the full use and exploitation of talents, capacities, potentialities etc. It is not considered to be a static state, it is considered to be an ongoing process in which the capabilities are fully creative and utilized. It is seen that people who have the capability of self-actualization see life clearly. They are considered to be less emotional and more objective. Their observation is less likely to be distorted by any of the emotions. The idea of eupsychian management is to work in harmony, and trust is developed among the employees. The idea of self actualization and eupsychian management is adopted by a number of theorists, and in the modern environment, they work with the mental models of management to achieve better policies. Even though it is discussed that there are number of other theorists that have had developed their theories but their base is connected to the Maslow’s hierarchy. References Adeniyi, M. A., 2007. 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