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3). The stadium was refurbished by Herodes between 140 and 144 AD in the present form after excavated in 1870. The length and width of the Panatheniac Olympic Stadium designed in horseshoe shape is 204.07 meters and 33.35 meters respectively. Herodes constructed another such portico at the front of the stadium. Herodes also repaired the Illissos river bridge at the Stadium’s gate to make it bigger by putting three archways on its base. The bridge was there till 1778 (Meander Travel par. 1-3).
A semi-circular wall was added to the north of the Stadium parallel to the sphendone of the southern side (“Olympic-Legacy,” par. 2). The archaeologist Earnst Ziller found the Stadium during excavations of the 1869-70, which was rebuilt again in 1896 for holding the first Olympiad in Athens by G Averof. Anastase Metaxas helped in remaking the Stadium to the capacity of 69,000 seats. The same marble from Mt. Penteli, which was used 2,400 years before, was used again for making of the Parthenon on the Acropolis.
The Stadium was adorned as if it was the Grecian temple, the outline of which was still intact with its porticos and colonnades (Olympic-Legacy,” par. 3-8). Lycurgos as head of the overseers’ team was conferred the title of “caretakers of the Stadion”. . Lycurgos changed the valley not only into a Stadium but also circumvented the arena with a parapet, which straightway marked the place for the competitions. A line of stones was laid down to label the starting point and the finish of an ordinary route.
A passage was constructed behind the parapet, which made the circumference of the route. Below the footpath a covered passage was running along to take the flow of the rain water out from the Stadium. Some remains of this passage are still there to be seen. During that period, inclines were not sheltered with marble benches as the audience seating arrangements were made on the ground. The place named “the first wood” was meant for VIPs of that time, earmarking their seats (Lambros & Polites, “The Olympic Games B.C. 776. — A. D. I896.” pp.35-36). There are inscriptions that inform the repairing of the Stadium dating Third Century BC by Heracleitos in a “befitting manner”.
In the second Century after Christ the Stadium was totally refurbished by Herodes Atticus. Herodes Atticus was selected the “Athlothete of the Panathenaia” (Lambros & Polites, “The Olympic Games B.C. 776. — A. D. I896.” p. 36). Worth description by Herodes was the ship on wheels on whose pole people laid their offerings because the goddess there is depicted as sail. It operated through a secret method sailing beside the ground. While addressing the people of Athens, Herodes finished his speech of thanks giving by saying: “It will be in a Stadium of marble that I hope to receive you, oh Athenians, yourselves as well as the Athletes and strangers, who will then be our guests.
” In a span of 4 years he presented an altogether new look to the Stadium fully decorated. Such was the appeal of the Stadium that no other
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