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Drugs and their influence - Research Paper Example

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The abuse of drugs continues to be an epidemic problem worldwide. Whether legal or illegal, it has numerous effects not only to individuals but to the society in general…
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Drugs and their influence
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?Drugs and their Influence Drugs and their Influence Drugs and their InfluenceIntroduction The abuse of drugs continues to be an epidemic problem worldwide. Whether legal or illegal, it has numerous effects not only to individuals but to the society in general. Every day, we watch many people from television news reports being apprehended because of it. Many lives were also reported to have been lost as a consequence of drug use or drug trafficking. Still others had been ruined and as a result ended up on the streets, rehabilitation clinics or even worst in mental institutions. In 2004, the famous Whitney Houston disappointed many of her fans when she was arrested because of drug use. She ended losing her voice and reputation. In 2009, Michael Jackson shocked the world with his death that is associated with drugs. Such cases are only a few of the many unknown cases of drug users. Other effect is on the economy of the government. Billions of government money has been spent to treat victims of drug abuse and eliminating its supply but it seems victims of it and its illegal market grew even more. Tom Whitehead (2011) in his editorial report mentioned that the government has wasted 100 billion pounds tackling illicit drug markets. Because of this, aggressive attempts to prevent abuse of drugs by the government not only in the United States but internationally have been enforced. The supply and cost, risk factors of illegal drug use, and practice of physicians all influence the continuous habit of using drugs. Understanding these factors may lead to better strategies or techniques in dealing with the problem of drug use in the United States. Review of Related Literature Influence of Supply and Costs of Illegal Drugs in its use Most problems of drug use in the Unites States are rooted in the supply. The supply of illegal drugs is abundant in some States of the country especially in the southern part because of its proximity to Columbia and Mexico which are the largest producers and suppliers of heroin, cocaine, and methamphetamine (Reuter, 2009). Drugs flourish in the Northern cities of Mexico and seem too crawl beyond its border and expand to United States through its border cities. This claim is further supported by the study by Bucardo and company (2005) where they explained that Mexican border crossings might be a contributory factor on the rampant heroin use in the border cities of the United States. History also reveals that Mexican and Columbian drugs reach the United States and Canada via the Caribbean. With the proliferation of drug production in these neighboring countries, eliminating drug use is almost would be difficult. Not only illegal drugs are abused because of abundant supply. Cigarette, alcohol, marijuana, and over the counter (OTC) drugs are also commonly abused. More than 46 million individuals in the United States alone are smokers. The supply of cigarette and alcohol makes it an easy choice of drug abusers to shift from illegal drugs to cigarette and alcohol instead. Today that law enforcers are becoming stricter in the implementation of laws in clamping down drug traffickers, supply of cocaine was reduced forcing drug users to resort to over the counter drugs too. Most often, pain killers like codeine, morphine, and oxycodone are abused as a replacement of illegal drugs. Cost also influences the proliferation of drug users. Low price encourages users to continue the use of illicit drugs because it is affordable. Ironically, policies prohibiting its sale caused the price of the commodity to decrease and that drug users could easily avail of it. The increased capture of drug traffickers by coast guards and other government authorities had significantly resulted in the low price of the commodity favoring drugs users because of reasonable price. Report also stated that the price of heroine had further deteriorated to 30% more even with a 26% seizure rate of heroine throughout the world (ONDCP, 2004). On the other hand, States and countries with high demand entails high price too. In another recent report, the price of cocaine and methamphetamine increased because of drop in supply (Leinwand, 2007). With this, criminal entrepreneurs are even more encouraged to participate in this lucrative business even if the demand collides with laws and policies. Policies were created in an attempt to eliminate drug supply. However, this seems to be ineffective as it fueled crimes like terrorism, money laundering, and political corruption. Drug trafficking does its best in moving sum of money in the government in an effort to soften their mind and heart against illegal drugs. This is reflected in the statement of Stanley Marcus, judge of Miami where he said, “The big boys hardly touch drugs, but they always touch the money” (Adams, 1991). As long as the cost of illegal drugs remains high, drug business continue to flourish and as long as the drug is affordable, drugs remain to be patronized by the users. Risk Factors influencing Illegal Drug use The likelihood of drug use is believed to be influenced by several risk factors. Research has repeatedly found out those factors like the environment, cultural, biological, and other factors increases the likelihood of drug addiction and had led to the development of several theories regarding such factors as causative agents (Perkins, Elifson, & Sterk, 2010). Without complete understanding of the variables involved in putting individuals at risk for drug use will result in failure to develop an effective prevention and treatment programs. The community had been found to be associated with drug use as presented in the study of Rhodes and company (2003). The authors explained that among the three main risk factors in illicit drug use included the micro and macro environmental. Individual participate in the use of illegal drugs as a form of social activity. To interact and to maintain a good relationship with others in the community is to do what others normally do even if the act is considered deviant. This is especially true with those families or individuals who relocate. It is just like applying the famous proverb that states “if you are in Rome, do what the Romans do”. As a result, individuals have to partake in the norm of the community just to belong. Because of this, the study of Hawkins and others (2004) suggested that preventive programs like public health approach could be effective in combating behavioral problems among individuals and peer groups. The authors believed that communities have different levels of specific risks and protective factors and that targeting those who are most at risk may decrease the prevalence of drug use. Equally important factor is the type of community the individual belongs. The study of Barnes, Welte, and Hoffman (2002) revealed that urban community correlates with drug dependency. Residence of urban community has been cited in many studies as not only violent but drug users as well. Reason for this could be the support that the community gives to the act. Another reason could be the characteristics of the urban community where there is high rate of unemployment, poverty, lack of opportunity, and large number of single mothers. Barnes, Welte and Hoffman further explained that culture plays a role in drug use. They found out that there is a 50% of variance in score among Mexican-American and young Blacks and 34% of variance among Whites in substance use. This difference in variance may be attributed to the experience minority group is subjected. Whites who are believed to experience lesser problems and can exercise control to the amount of their drink are less risky to drug use. It is suggested that vulnerability to problems makes the difference. Asians with stricter family rules and regulations and are believed to have close family ties are also found to be more receptive in drug use. Culture that provides appropriate support and control is found to influence drug dependency. This is evident in a research conducted by Bisset, Marham, & Aveyard (2007) where they studied on the influencing factors on substance use among youths in a certain secondary school and found out that adding value-added-education is associated with the reduced risk of substance use among adolescents. With the inclusion of about 25,789 pupils in grade 7, 9, and 11 in their research, the authors came up with a conclusion that the school culture that supports their students may lower the prevalence of substance use among this age group. Thus, the authors suggest that schools have to understand the mechanism in which the school could add value to the educational experience of their pupil to effectively prevent their dependency in drugs. The extent to which the individual uses drug also depends on her family structure. The book of Garcia (1984) presented that faulty parent-child and family interaction has been studied to be the origin of children who are poorly equipped for adult responsibilities and role behavior. Children who come from such background develop personality disorder which may in turn makes the individual at risk to use drugs. Obvious reason for this act is for the individual to attempt to self treat their emotional disorder. In like manner, families with history of drugs and alcoholism may double the risk of children to do the same. Parents who are alcoholics or drug users may likely to influence their children to develop substance use disorder. In this regard, parents serve as a role model for their children. Whatever they do has an influence to their children. Thus, if parents use substance, smoke, and drink, children have the tendency to follow the same pattern. In addition, parent’s style of discipline may have a profound influence on their children. Parents who are inconsistent, gives severe discipline, and unclear of their rules and reaction to substance use may further reinforce drug dependency. Garcia further pointed out that unstable families may likely to have children who are drug users. A high proportion of drug users are products of parental separation or parental absence. The same holds true to a nationwide sample among youths in Greece with one parent who migrated or had died. This situation may press children to have the tendency to go vagrant if they know either parents are not at home. In the child’s quest to find for comfort and happiness outside the home, she/he may end up to groups that may influence her/him to experiment on drugs until she/he is hooked to it. Studies also reveal that effective family relationship may have an impact on the use of drugs among its members. Families who are proactive or who positively communicate with their members are most likely to protect adolescents to be involved in drug use. It is also noted that absence of affectionate relationship among family members may lead the child to find compassion and belongingness in drugs. Thus, parent’s bonding especially during adolescent period is an effective protection from involvement of drugs among this age group. Biological make up of a person is believed to be another inclusion as a risk factor in drug use. Although, there some researches pointing to the community as the main risk factor in drug use, other researches had proven that genetics play an influential role as well. Experts believe that hereditary is strongly associated with drug use. People with family members or relatives who have problems of substance abuse may have inherited the genes making them vulnerable to drug dependency. Grant and other co-authors (2006) in their study involving identical twin had proven that not only environmental factors may influence drug dependency but also genetics. It was learned that 50% of their shared genes indicates risk to alcoholism and drug use. Some studies also reveal that certain combinations of genes are responsible for drug use and alcoholism. However, studies did not yet identify which certain gene combinations are accountable for illicit drug dependence. Other risk factors include friends, boredom, and poor academic achievements. People who are associated with friends who use drugs are at a higher risk of using drugs. Just like the community, the individual has to be involved in pot sessions to be accepted in a group. Pressure from the peers is observed to exert an influence for members to comply with the practice of the group in which drug use is one. Not complying with what the group does mean expulsion from the group. Individuals who are disinterested in school and who do not have further plans in their life are also candidates to be involved in drugs. In like manner, poor academic achievers are likely to become drug dependent to escape reality. Sometimes people in this category find help in drugs. They find life and its challenges difficult and too much to handle thus to stop the struggle, they use drugs to handle the situation. Practice of Physicians in Prescribing Drugs Not only direct individuals are a menace in this drug dependency but unfortunately professionals are contributors. In the recent years, drug misuse and abused of prescribed drugs has been steadily increasing in the United States. This further contributed to the problem of drug use and dependency in the country. Prescription drug dependency happens if the individuals become addicted to her own medications. Most often, depressants, anesthetics, opiods, and stimulants are the most prescribed medications that are abuse and misused. In fact, studies show that there is a fourfold increase in pharmaceutical opiods abuse between 1995 and 2002(Grau, et al., 2007). United States is not the only nation where physician’s prescription affected drug dependency but also in Russia. Opoid overdose has been observed to have contributed tremendously to severe heroin abuse in St. Petersburg, Russia. The alarming fact is that such overdose is the responsibility of health care professionals. Trainings among health care team had been enforced but it waited until there were many victims of such overdose before action is implemented. Drug misuse is the incorrect use of medications supposed to treat pain or illness causing harm to the individual’s social, physical, and psychological health. Drug misuse could be observed to be rampant in sports. Athletes who want to perform well in important competitions like in the Olympics are believed to be misusing drugs. Their goal in using drug is to enhance their performance to win. However, if this becomes a practice, athletes will be addicted and will further add to the already great number of drug addicts. Using drugs for non medical reasons may alter the brain activity and could lead to dependency. The central nervous system is depressed which may cause physical dependence and addiction. This is especially so in cocaine and methamphetamine which has a powerful altering potential in the brain. An alarming data is that a large number of people who misuse drugs are not using one particular drug but uses combinations of drugs. Drug misuse could lead to drug abuse which occurs when a person takes in medications even without prescription of the physician or taking in of drugs for reason outside the non medical use. In some situations, drug abuse takes place when taking in another person’s medications. This could be observed in people who borrows pain killers or antibiotics from their friends or relatives to relieve own pain and illness regardless of the dose and route of medication. Drug abuse as a result of physician’s prescription had become a problem in the United States for several reasons. One is that people abuse prescribed drugs like Ritalin or Adderall to decrease signs and symptoms of restlessness and to stay focused. This is most applicable to young individuals with problems in their attention and also to hyperactive students. Sleep problems had likewise caused people to abuse sleeping pills or tranquilizers. Just because people want to sleep calmly during the night, they go beyond what is prescribed to take in several pills instead of one. Advertisement that strongly suggests the use of chemicals to have a better life is another “come on” for people who cannot sleep and have other health problems to use drugs. The liberated practice of many physicians in prescribing drugs had contributed to the epidemic drug dependency. Many drug addict individuals seeking rehabilitation are related to opiates drug prescription. This happens because pain is always handled with pain killers. The study by Rigg, March & Inciardi (2010) explained that nearly all pain management clinics dispose painkillers as a remedy to treat pain in their patients. They further explained that drug addicts and traffickers are using the pain management clinics as their source of controlled prescription drugs. Sometimes individuals who are not sick but dependents may still visit their physician, pretend to be in pain or may exaggerate slight pain just to get a shot of the pain killer. Perhaps one reason for such liberal prescription among many doctors is acceptance of the government in allowing opiate as painkillers. In other countries, pain killers are considered over the counter drugs thus individuals who want to purchase it would do so even without physician’s prescription. Since drug abuse and dependence are prevalent worldwide, programs like education campaign, trainings, and enforcement of laws should be strengthened. This would help reduce numbers of drug addicts and eventually reducing other problems related to drug dependency and drug addiction. Summary Drug use whether it involves legal or illegal remains to be a problem in the United States. Studies had proven that its prevalence is dependent on certain influences or reasons. Among them is the abundance of supply and low costs. The more the supply is within the country, the more users are convinced to use drugs, and the cheaper the commodity, the more users are influenced to try until they are dependent. Other influence depends on the risk factors like the environment to include community and family, culture, biological make up, and others to name the kind of friends the individual is associated with, poor achievements, and boredom. The practice of physicians in their prescription of drugs is yet another influence of drug usage. Drug becomes misused as a result of doctor’s prescription. This shows that there is no single factor that may predispose an individual to use drugs. Efforts on the side of the government had been exerted to arrest its proliferation especially to the youths but despite the many programs, it seems that the problem of drug use is here to stay. References Adams, J., (1991). Losing the drug war: Drugs, banks, and Florida politics. Social problems. Dushkin Publishing. Virginia. Barnes, G., Welte, J., & Hoffman, D., (2002). Relationship of alcohol use to delinquency and illicit drug use. Journal of Drug Issues. Bisset, S., Markham, WA., & Aveyard, P., ( 2007). School culture as an influencing factor on youth substance use. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. 61(6):485-90. Bucardo, J., et al., (2005). Historical trends in the production and consumption of illicit drugs in Mexico: Implications for the prevention of blood borne infections. Drug alcohol dependency. 79(3): 281–293. Grau, L.E., et. Al., (2007). Illicit use of opoids: is oxycontin a getaway? The American journal on addiction. 16,166-173. Hawkins, D., Lee, VH. Arthur, M., (2004). Community Variation in Risk and Protective Factors and Substance Use Outcomes. Prevention science. Vol. 5. No. 4. Leinwand, D., (2007). Price of illegal drugs continues to increase. USA Today. Perkins, M., Elifson, K., & Sterk,CE., (2010). Drug risk: A cross sectional exploration of the influence of family of origin and current situational circumstance. Journal of Drug Issues. 10(2), 353-378. Office of national Drug Control policy (ONDCP), (2004). The price and purity of illicit drugs: 1981 through the second quarter of 2003. Washington, DC. Rigg, K., March, S., Inciardi, J. ( 2010). Prescription Drug Abuse & Diversion: Role of the Pain Clinic. Journal of Drug Issues. 2010; 40(3): 681–702. Rhodes, T., et al. (2003). Risk factors associated with drug use: the importance of ‘risk environment’. Drugs: Education, Prevention, and Policy. Vol. 10, No. 4. Whitehead, T., (2011). Illegal drugs cost the country ?16bn a year, says charity Transform. The Telegraph. Editorial. Read More
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