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The Twelve Apostles, the Characteristics of Peter - Research Paper Example

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The paper "The Twelve Apostles, the Characteristics of Peter" asserts that peter is a man transformed, when the other apostles scolded him for eating with Gentiles, the impulsive, Peter patiently explained his vision to them, maybe Peter saw the person he once was in his fellow disciples.  …
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The Twelve Apostles, the Characteristics of Peter
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? The Twelve Apostles: Characteristics of Peter CONTENT The Twelve Apostle 3 Andrew 3 Nathaniel 4 Phillip 4 James and Judas Alphaeus 4 Levi-Matthew Thomas 5 Thomas 5 Simon the Zealot 5 Judas 6 James and John BarZebedee 6 Peter 7 The Mount of Transfiguration 8 Jesus Rebuke d the Devil in Peter 8 The Last Supper 8 Day of Pentecost: A new Disciple is Chosen 9 Peter heals a sick man and address the Sanhedrin 10 Peter’s begins his Ministry 11 Peter's Vision 12 Outline 1 The Twelve Disciples Judas Iscariot Simon the Canaanite Thadd?us James the son of Alph?us, Bartholomew Phillip Andrew Matthew John James Thomas Judas Peter 3. Peter the Impetuous A. Peter speaking out of turn Peter on the mount Peter denied Christ B. Peter’s conversation Peter rallied the disciples Praying for the Holly Ghost C. The Day of Pentecost The apostles speak in tongues The apostles before the Sanhedrin 4. Peter’s Ministry Healing the sick Raising the dead Peter raises the dead The twelve Apostles: The Characteristics of Peter According to The New Grolier Webster International Dictionary, an apostle is “one sent forth, a messenger. A person who advocates a large moral reformation or new practice.” Jesus choose twelve men who left their homes, jobs, families, to follow Him, not knowing from day to day whether they would be fed or sheltered. The lives of these men testify to the fact that an apostle needs the following characteristics: tenacity; dedication; and dependability. Now the names of the twelve apostles are these; The first, Simon, who is called Peter, and Andrew his brother; James the son of Zebedee, and John his brother; Phillip and Bartholomew; Thomas, and Matthew the publican; James the son of Alph?us, and Lebb?us whose surname was Thadd?us; Simon the Canaanite, and Judas Iscariot(Matt. 10:2-4 NKJ). These twelve men were commissioned by Jesus to to go into the cities of the lost sheep of Israel and preach to them, telling them that the kingdom of heaven is near (Matt. 10:5, 6 KJV). “The Twelve Apostles (Paper 139)” The Urantia Book11, describes the twelve apostles and their background, starting with Andrew. Andrew Andrew was born in Capernaum, the oldest of five children. He was a fisherman. In AD 26, 1 when Jesus called him, he was living with his married brother Simon Peter. When persecution scattered the apostles in Jerusalem, Andrew journeyed through Armenia, Asia Minor, and Macedonia. Andrew was crucified in Patrae in Achaia. Phillip Philip was twenty-seven years of age when he joined the apostles; he had recently been married, but he had no children at this time. He was not necessarily dull, but he lacked imagination. This lack of imagination was the great weakness of his character. Philip, the onetime steward of the twelve, was a mighty man in the kingdom, winning souls wherever he went; and he was finally crucified for his faith and buried at Hierapolis. Nathaniel Nathaniel, was brought to Jesus by his friend Philip. Nathaniel with Phillip was on his way to see John the Baptist when he encountered Jesus. He was twenty-five years old, living with his infirmed parents, in Cana. Nathaniel and Judas Iscariot were the two most educated men among the twelve. “Nathaniel’s duty was to look after the families of the twelve. He was often absent from the apostolic councils, for when he heard that sickness or anything out of the ordinary had happened to one of his charges, he lost no time in getting to that home.” After Pentecost, he preached and baptized believers in Mesopotamia and India. He died in India. James and Judas Alph?us James and Judas, the twins, who were also called Thaddeus and Lebb?us, were the sons of Alph?us, and lived near Kheresa. They were simple fishermen, and never quite understood Jesus' ministry. Soon after Jesus' death, they returned to their families. Simon the Zealot Simon was a merchant, who lived with his family in Capernaum. He was labeled an “agitator” who often spoke without thinking. “He was a rebel by nature and an iconoclast by training.” When persecutions took over Jerusalem, he retired temporarily. However, in a few years he revitalized and performed the duties of an apostle, preaching in Alexandria, working up the Nile into the heart of Africa. He proclaimed the gospel of Jesus until his death in Africa. Levi-Matthew Matthew was a Publican and tax collector; “Of the Romans official in Palestine, none were more hated then the Publicans. The fact that the taxes were impose by a foreign power was a continual irritation to the Jews. Being a reminder that their independence had departed.” (White 1990, 146)2 As was his commission, after he left Jerusalem, he went through Syria, Cappadocia, Galatia, Bithynia, and Thrace. In Thrace, Lysimachia, a group of Jews plotted his death with the Romans. Thomas Until Thomas saw Jesus and put his finger into Jesus wounded side, he refused to believe the other apostles, when they told him that Jesus is alive. Even though Thomas spent three and one half years with Jesus, and was told over and over that the grave would not hold him, he still had doubts. According to Wayne Blank:3 Thomas was also called Didymus which is the Greek version of his name. Not easily convinced, he has the nickname Doubting Thomas because he wanted to actually see and touch Jesus after His Resurrection. Certainly a good witness for us today, because he wanted indisputable proof of what he was expected to report about, and he got it.? JUDAS 2 The name Judas has become an derogatory word. Throughout the gospels, Judas’ behavior implied that he was with Jesus, hoping to get a high position when He set up His earthly kingdom. In the end Judas betrayed Jesus for thirty pieces of silver. BiblePath.com4 says this about Judas: ... He was the only one of the Twelve Apostles who was not a Galilean, but a Judean...erhaps the most significant thing that can be said of Judas Iscariot, was, that, in feeling sorrow for his crime of betrayal, he did not seek to atone for his sin to the One (Jesus) whom he had wronged, but, rather, went to his accomplices in crime (the priests) and there sought to set himself aright. Because those whom he had served in his selfishness failed him at the end (the priests), he went out and hanged himself. The disciples honored Judas, and he felt his learning give him the right to feel superior to them. White says: “Judas was highly regarded by the disciples, and had great influence over them. He himself had a high opinion of his qualifications, and looked upon his brethren as greatly inferior to him in judgment and ability. (418)”5 James and John James Keifer6 in his article James BAR-SEBDEE: says he believes James and John were upper class Galileans. Their father had hired servants, and John had links with the high priest. “They were headstrong, hot-tempered, and impulsive.” When they and Jesus were refused the hospitality of a Samaritan village, James and John wanted to call down fire from heaven to burn up the transgressors. After the Ascension, James sometimes accompanied Peter on his missionary tours. In 3 the Bible, the King James version, the book of John is titled: “The Gospel according to John;” first, second, and third John begins respectively: “The First Epistle; The Second Epistle; and The Third Epistle of John.” The book Of Revelation begins, “The Revelation of Jesus Christ to St. John.” Therefore, John must be the writer of these five books. Peter If no other disciple is known, Peter is known. Everyone hears jokes about Peter standing at the gate of heaven. As popular as Peter is now, he was as popular then. He wrote the two epistles that bear his name, first and second Peter. Peter was from Bethesda, but also lived in Capernaum. He was married and took his wife with him on missionary journeys (I Cor. 9:5KJV). He probably helped to write the book of Mark, considering the fact that they were close friends. Knowing Peter is knowledge of the following words: impulsive; impetuous; hot-headed; and forceful. Despite his character, Peter loved his master. Joel Hendon7 agrees: “Perhaps no one ever had a stronger attachment to our savior than the Apostle Simon, called Peter by our Lord, which is a word meaning “stone”. No matter what one thinks about Peter, in the end he/she must admit that Peter always means well. In (Matt. 14:28-3 KJV) when the disciples saw Jesus walking on the water, they were not convinced that it is Jesus. Of course, Peter had to be the one to speak first. “Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water.” Peter made the first of the many mistakes that he would make during his walk with Jesus. He decided that he could walk alone, therefore, he looked down and began to sink. Peter’s first lesson, “keep your eyes on Jesus.” “... the request is a rash, self- 4 confident pushing of himself before his brethren into circumstances of wholly unnecessary peril and trial, of which he had not estimated the severity till he felt the water beginning to yield under his feet and the wind smiting him on the face.”(Alexander Maclaren)8 Jesus Rebuke the Devil in Peter Peter, always the impulsive one, speaking before thinking, allowed the devil to speak through him. Jesus explained His impending death, how He must go to Jerusalem where He will suffer before He is finally put to death. (Matt 16: 21-22 KJV). At the end of Jesus' speech Peter led Him aside and said; “Be it far from thee, Lord, this shall not be unto thee.” Jesus Knowing that it was the devil speaking through Peter and not Peter, He directly addressed the devil saying, “Get thee behind me, Satan, thou art an offense unto me” (Matt. 16:23 KJV) The Mount of Transfiguration Some may say he spoke out of fear; others may say he was just being Peter. Nonetheless, one can understand why Peter mis-spoke; it must have been a very daunting sight, beholding heavenly beings. Peter expressed his emotions, the only way he knew how. He was convinced that this moment should be etched in history. “Lord, it was good for us to be here: if thou wilt, let us make three tabernacles; one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elias” (Matt. 17:4 KJV) The Last Supper The time Jesus spoke about had finally come. But before He should be taken, He decided to have communion with His apostles. As they were sitting around the table, He told them tonight they 5 will be offended because of Him. Peter's reply, “Though all men should be offended because of ,thee, yet will I never be offended” (Matt.26:31-33 KLV).Peter just could not see himself denying his beloved master. Peter Cut off a Man's Ear When Peter said he would not deny Jesus, he truly meant it. Consequently, he sprang into action and cut off the ear of one of the priest's servant. When Jesus replaced the ear, Peter understood that this must be, it is time for Jesus to die. Peter's faith was shaken, even though he went to the priest's palace with the crowd, “he followed a far off.” Three times Peter denied Christ, as the cock crowed Peter remembered his promise. In despair, he went away and wept. Nothing could prepared him for this moment. This episode was a turning point in Peter’s life. In the magazine, Spectrum, Lila Arraya9 says: The man who appears at the beginning of the story is Simon. Simon is a man of determination, impulsive and ready for action, willing to leave his home and job to follow Jesus, the roaming master. At the end of the story, he has another name: Peter. Peter is still prepared to make his own will prevail, even with force. His impulsiveness remains, and he cuts off the ear of the Centurion's servant. These attributes remain even after his transformation into a man of faith. A new Disciple is Chosen, the Day of Pentecost Peter was down but not out. After Jesus’ ascension, he rallied the disciples. As expected, he was the leader of the group. Surprise, surprise! He was also the spokes-person. First they cast lots to choose a new disciple to replace Judas. Then they prayed for the Holy Spirit,and received it. Crowds follow the apostles, just like they followed Jesus. When the multitude gathered around the 6 disciples on the Day of Pentecost, There were people from different counties, and everyone heard the gospel in their own tongue. The people were amazed and thought the apostle were drunk. Peter, with the help of the holy spirit knew what they they were saying and addressed them: For these are not drunken, as ye suppose, seeing it is but the third hour of the day. But this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel;And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams Acts 2: 16-18 KJV). According to Bob Deffinbaugh,10 A large number of them had come from distant lands to reside in Jerusalem ... These Hellenistic Jews heard the mighty works of God proclaimed in their own native tongue. The sincere... wanted to know the meaning of what they heard, while others mere mocked, attributing what they heard to excessive drinking. This day was filled with the holy ghost, at the end of the day three thousand people joined the church. Peter Heals a sick Man and Addressed the Sanhedrin Peter has started to blaze a trail; from preaching to healing. Peter told the cripple at the temple, he could not give him money, but he would give him what he has, “In the name of Jesus of Nazareth rise up and walk.” For this act Peter was arrested; fearlessly, he stood with John before the members of the Sanhedrin (surely Peter did most of the talking) and defended his action telling them that he did it in the name of “Jesus Christ of Nazareth! He is the one whom you crucified but whom God raised from the dead, and it is by his power that this man at our side stands in your presence perfectly well.” (Acts 3-4 KJV). 7 Peter Begins his Ministry Peter is a new man now, he has committed his life completely to the holy spirit. Consequently, when Ananias and Sapphira promised to sell their land and give the money to the church, and abjure, with the help of the holy spirit, Peter was able to see through their lies. Peter had become so dynamic in the name of Jesus, people would bring their sick on the side of the road confident that if Peter’s shadow passed over them they would be healed. Arno Clements Gaebelen11 has this to say about and his healing ministry: The Book of Acts records the beginning of the Church on earth, which took place on the day of Pentecost when the promised Holy Spirit was poured upon the assembled Doming of the Holy Spirit there were miraculous outward signs, a miraculous gift of praise in different tongues, miraculous deliverances by the visible ministry of angels, miraculous judgments, like the instantaneous death of Ananias and his wife, as well as the smiting of blasphemous Herod by an angel. A second arrest was not going to deter him from proclaiming his Lord. Every time Peter needed to defend himself he became more bold. Gone is the Peter who is afraid to acknowledge his Lord. As he went throughout the territories he healed in Jesus’ name. Noted, he healed Aeneas, no sooner had he done that, they came for him to heal Lydda. However, by the time he got there she was already dead. Peter knowing what he can do in the name of Jesus, prayed. When he was through praying, he turned to the body and said: ”Tabitha, arise.” Straightway she sat up and opened her eyes. Peter laurels spread throughout Jappa, yet, he accept no accolade for his actions (Acts 9:32-46 KJV). Peter still had some cleaning up to do, and the next event was a test of his faith. While 8 sleeping on his roof top one day, he had a vision. In which he was offered all kind of meats. Some were unclean meats that the Jews were forbidden to eat. When he heard the words: “ Rise Peter, kill and eat.” Peter answered, “Not so Lord, for I have never eaten anything common or unclean.” The answer came back, “What God has cleansed, that called not thou common.” Peter awoke, and while he was pondering the vision, the spirit told him that three men were seeking after him. The men explained their mission, telling Peter that Carnelius, the Centurion had sent them, and would like him to come to his house. Peter did not hesitate, he went with the men, and after ministering to Carnelius, he baptized him (Acts 10 KJV) Peter is a man transformed, when the other apostles scolded him for eating with Gentiles, the impulsive, Peter patiently explained his vision to them. Maybe Peter saw the person he once was in his fellow disciplines. Herold was tired of Peter, knowing that Peter would not shut up he made plans to kill him. Peter would never deny his Lord again, he knew that his death was imminent, and happily he went to his death, secured in the assurance that he adhered to the charge given by Jesus. Oreign,12 a church theologian, says that, “Peter felt himself unworthy to be put to death in the same manner as his Master, at his own request, he was crucified with his head downward." Jesus wanted to reach everyone; and that is the reason the twelve apostles were a motley group. All the disciples, except for James and Judas Alphaeus, took the command Jesus gave them, and continued to preach the gospel until the day they die. In this twenty-first century, many religions have adopted the example Jesus left them. They have sent missionaries to the most remote, and most 9 uncivilized parts of the earth. These are disciples, albeit, they are called by different names, who are taking up the challenge given by Jesus; “Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every kindred tongue and people” (Matt. 28: 19,20 KJV). Bibliography Arraya, Lilia P. (2008,August). “From Madness to Faith: The Apostle Peter” Spectrum Translated by Carlos Enrique Espinoza. 23,14 Blank, Wayne. “Daily Bible Study:” http:// (accessed March 23, 2011) Bob Deffinbaugh, Bob. “Peter’s Sermon at Pentecost. (accessed March 24, 2011) Gaebelen, Arno Clement. The Healing Question: (New York:Publication Office “Our Hope” 1925) 30 Hendon, Joel. “The Apostle Peter, Impetuous, Weak, yet Strong. The, (March 2011) yet-strong- loyal-yet-hum “Judas the Apostle,” (accessan. (accessed March 25, 2011)ed March 23, 2011) Keifer, James. “James BAR_ZEBEDEE” (June, 2001)), (accessed March 26,2011) Maclaren, Alexander. “Exposition of the Holy Scripture.” Christian Bookshelf. Http:// -on_the_waves. htm. (accessed March 24, 2011) Oreign. “The Apostle Simon (Peter). Daily Bible Study. (accessed March23, 2011) “ The Twelve Apostles. (Paper 139” The Urantia Book. Http:// standardized-paper-139-twelve-apostles (accessed March 23, 2011). White, Ellen G. (1861) Reprinted (1990). “Levi-Matthew” Desire of Ages. Washington D.C.: Review and Herald. 146,418. Read More
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