The work of an engineer cannot be judged in this way because his or her work begins from a distant abstract theory work before they are translated into something meaningful. This is not enough until we begin to see the product itself in terms of a structure or a model. Analysis We may not understand the weakness or the strength of a piece of engineering work unless we seek the help of another profession in the some field. You will see architectural and structuring engineering working hand in hand to produce a particular product.
In other words we can say that beyond conforming the set rules and standards a professional engineer must be very truthful in his work since without breaking any law he can still misrepresent information or misinform the client if he chooses to unless there is another specialist in the some field who can point out the anomaly. It follows that a professional engineer will choose to be good out of his own will but not that he is being compelled by the set standards or rules. Consequently an engineer can deliver substandard work without going against the set rules.
It reaches a point in the practice of engineering when such a professional can offer his own advice based on his personal experience. At this point a professional code of conduct is not enough to direct or guide ones trail of thought and the client will hang on every word because he is a novice in the matter under discussion and he or she will only believe whatever she is told by the expert in that area. Another crucial point why a professional engineer is different from other employees is that any misinformation that he contributes in course of a project can be much cost in the end.
A mistake done by him at the beginning my not show its effect soon but it may lead to piling up of other build up mistakes which eventually we result into an absolute disaster. The client may have and in many cases invest heavily in a project and when it does come out perfectly he or she is left counting many losses. Mostly an engineer oversees many processes in a project and his word and direction is depended upon for the rest of the functions to be carried out in a successful way. It follows that an engineer will take on the role of a group leader and if he chooses to mislead the whole group you will find others being blamed for mistake they knew nothing about (Harris 67) A professional engineer has to avoid conflict of interest, should not attempt to misrepresent his knowledge in order to accept jobs that are outside his are of training, he should act in the best interest of the society and environment, meets the terms of the given agreement or contracts in a professional and thorough manner, and should in his own will promote the educational young engineers to ensure continuous flow of knowledge within the field.
This is to make sure that there are people to take up or fill the gap as the existing engineers age on. Engineers are expected to show the highest level of integrity and honesty. Engineering has a direct role and important effect on every ones quality of life. In carrying out their duties engineers must exhibit the highest level of ethical conduct. When engineers are compromised a lot of damage is caused. We have seen many buildings collapsing simply because engineers allowed themselves to be compromised by their clients to come up with substandard products (Robinson 121).
Conclusion Inclusion it very appropriate to state that a professional engineer as compared to other employees in the industry has been bestowed high amount of trust and faith by the people that he or she serves. Consequently he is expected to live to the standards of this responsibility that he has been accorded by the society. It will be unethical if a professional engineer will use this opportunity for commercial gain and forget to put the welfare of the society at the forefront and not only his client because also the client can only be interest in the money aspect of a project and not the safety of the society.
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