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Contributing Factors That Lead to Ecological Imbalances and Environmental Degradation - Coursework Example

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The paper "Contributing Factors That Lead to Ecological Imbalances and Environmental Degradation" is a good example of environmental studies coursework. The earth is the only living and breathing planet in our solar system. The life of fauna and flora, as well as the future of the human race, would depend upon its health…
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Environmental Management Learning Outcomes: 1. Evaluate environmental management and management systems 2. Examine the International environmental concerns such as Greenhouse effect, Ozone depletion and many others 3. Identify and analyse the relevant regulatory frameworks 4. Assess the new technologies and approaches to environmental management ENVIRONMENTAL CHALLENGES The earth is the only living and breathing planet in our solar system. The life of fauna and flora as well the future of the human race would depend upon its health. However, rapid advancements in sciences, industry and nuclear armaments have led to considerable changes in the environment of this beautiful planet. There are many contributing factors that lead to ecological imbalances and environmental degradation. The major causes have been appended as follows: (A) Depletion of Forests There is a reduction in annual rainfall in those areas where forest covers have been depleted. Imbalance of proper supply of oxygen adversely affected all the living organisms. Air pollution has increased. Forest covers minimise soil erosion during floods and are also, a natural habitat for wild life. With the reduction in their size, the fertile land as well as wild life has been seriously affected. Abu Dhabi Civil Defence to reduce pollution within Abu Dhabi and the other Emirates ,they have to look on this matter with care. (B) Ozone layer Ozone layer surrounds the atmosphere of the earth and protects us from harmful solar radiations. It also protects the earth from over- heating. However, Chloro Flouro Carbons (CFCs), Carbon Monoxide and other gases rise up in the atmosphere and form compounds with Ozone gas. Thus density of Ozone gas is reduced above the surface of the earth in the upper atmosphere. This phenomenon is termed as Ozone Hole. This hole allows the harmful ultraviolet rays to pierce through the atmosphere and fall on to the surface of the earth. The earth gets heated up and the living beings are also exposed to these rays. If these unhealthy trends continued, then polar ice caps would melt which would eventually raise the ocean levels. (C)Floods Due to melting of the polar ice caps, the ocean levels would rise. So, low levels areas of the earth would be submerged. There would be small land left for us. For example, low lying areas would be submerged first due to the melting of polar ice caps. (D) Earthquakes If the poles of the earth get heated up due to Ozone holes, the ice would melt and would flow into the oceans. This would result in dangerous imbalances. So, the axis of the earth would shift. This could result in earthquakes. This natural disaster has already affected many nations; India, Iran, Mexico, the USA and China are examples; Abu Dhabi Civil Defence to reduce pollution within Abu Dhabi and the other Emirates, they have to look on this matter with care. (E) Man-made Causes Man is causing environmental degradation through pollution. He is polluting the mother earth by three methods. Firstly, man is polluting the air by burning millions of tones of hydrocarbon fuels. The poisonous gases coming out of the vehicles, plants and factories, generators etc are making life a misery for our children. Delhi is as the fourth largest polluted city in the world. Environmental pollution has brought diseases like TB, lung cancer, eye defects, Asthma, infections, bronchitis etc for adults and children alike. Secondly, man is polluting water (underground as well water of oceans) by mixing industrial and household waste materials and chemicals in it. Water drilled from beneath the earth is also polluted beyond repair; this phenomenon is more prominent in the industrial townships and big cities. We can always read about a few incidents of spillage of crude oil in the high seas, which pose a major threat to the environment on the high seas as well as their aquatic lives, Finally, man is polluting the soil by mixing pesticides, fertilizers and toxic chemicals for agricultural production into the same. The soil is becoming toxic because of the lust of man for more money. Industrial wastes are being dumped in the rural areas (where the chemical industries are operating) and the crops produced in the immediate vicinity of the factories and processing units are harmful for human consumption. Abu Dhabi Civil Defence to reduce pollution within Abu Dhabi and the other Emirates, they have to look on this matter with care. (F) Hazards due to Nuclear Radiation The dumping of nuclear wastes by the Western countries has raised a hue and cry in all the corners of the world. The pro-environment international organisation-Green Peace-has vehemently opposed such measures taken by the nuclear powers from time to time. The nuclear wastes would be dumped either in water (high seas) or in soil (deep inside the earth).Whatever may be the method of disposal, the harmful radiation and toxicity so generated could reach the living beings and this could create havoc for them. Further, nuclear tests are being carried out frequently by the nuclear States as well as by other nations: This also affects the environment in an adverse manner. Nuclear weapons could wipe out the entire humanity several times over or could annihilate all the living forms or processes within a few minutes. Event if we use nuclear power for peaceful purposes, the results could be highly detrimental to the mankind and our example. Chernobyl disaster in Russia is the most glaring evidence in this context. We must control this global disaster by resorting to afforestation, using eco friendly -friendly vehicles, consuming lesser amounts of fuel than we are consuming today, avoiding the piling up of nuclear weapons and finally, taking utmost care in the operations of chemical and nuclear plants around the globe. We must conclude by stating that environmental protection is the most serious issue to be addressed by the masses, the scientists and the politicians in the interest of the health of our planet. ENVIRONMENTAL STRATEGY The greenhouse gas emissions are produced due to the combustion of fossil fuels like coal and oils. But only 14 nations have ratified it and no other nation has decided to ratify the Kyoto Protocol unless the treaty permits the unrestricted usage of the market mechanisms and unless there is meaningful participation on the part of the developing nations in the treaty. The proposed treaty and its modus operandi require the developing nations to accept funds and technologies in return for the strict over emissions. The developed nations have been persuaded to give credits to poor nations that would enable them to meet parts of their emission reduction commitments. The G- 77 group and China gave fresh terms for participating in the pact. The character of the G-77 states that the nation opting for market mechanism would be the sole judge of whether the project in question is able to meet her national, sustainable development objectives and priorities. The funds to be supplied by the developed world would be supplementary to the nation in question for her efforts. To reduce pollution within Abu Dhabi and the other Emirates, Abu Dhabi Civil Defence has to look on this matter with care. Control of emissions A strategy in schools for revitalising the education regarding environmental issues (D) A draft Biological Diversity Act proposed for conservation, sustainable utilisation and equitable sharing of advantages of the biological resources. (E) Identification of parameters for declaring eco-sensitive zone. (F) A national environmental policy for the nation. Other incentives included in the national environmental policy as follows:— One hundred per cent centrally funded scheme, for reducing pollution loads in 22 major cities. Programmes for planting 50 trees in each village of the country already launched. Action plans for pollution control for the National Capital Region and Metropolitan areas. What is Global Warming? After Industrial revolution, use of materials like coal and petroleum increased combustion of fuel accelerated the rate of emission of Co2 in to the atmosphere. Deforestation and forest fire contribute to the increase in the deposit of Carbon di Oxide. The amount of gases like Methane, Nitrous oxide, Sulphur di oxide, carbon monoxide etc. also increased in the atmosphere. The transparent glass covering of green houses, where plants are grown prevents escape of heat. Increasing the amount of Carbon di Oxide, in the atmosphere has a similar effect. If acts as shield, that prevent the escape of heat from earth’s surface to the space. This green house effect of nature causes increase in atmospheric heat. This in turn leads to Global Warming which may result in create natural calamity. Increased quantity of at heat will cause ice and icebergs in the polar region to melt. This will increase the water level in the seas and threat of low lying areas being submerged by the sea will have to be faced in the near future. Increase in atmospheric heat has changed climate conditions. The effects of it already been felt in the average global heat; an increase from 0.3 degree -.6drgree Celsius. It is presumed that in the present century itself it will increase to 1 - 3.5degree Celsius. To reduce pollution within Abu Dhabi and the other Emirates, Abu Dhabi Civil Defence has to look on this matter with care. Effects Global Warming is affecting all over the world. In the Himalayas, which hold the largest ice reserves after the polar ice caps, the rate of melting is the fastest. With 33,000 sq. km of glaciers it is aptly called as the water tower of Asia, ensuring the round-the –year of supply to billions of people living in the plains. Reports indicate that 67 percent of the glaciers are retreating at an alarming rate.-much faster in the last three decades than in the last 200 years. What does the phenomenon passage for Great River like the Ganges? More disastrous floods? A March 2005 report by the World Wide Fund for nature, a collaborative effort by India, China and Nepal, found in the loss of glacier melt water will reduce the July-September flows to two –thirds, causing water shortages for 500 million people and 37 percent of India’s irrigated land. There is fear that with glaciers melting fast there could be floods in quick succession followed by inner flow in the Ganga as a quarter of glacier mass could disappear by 2050 and up to a half by 2100, which means first flood followed by severe drought. To reduce pollution within Abu Dhabi and the other Emirates, Abu Dhabi Civil Defence has to look on this matter with care. At the Montreal international meeting more than a 150 countries agreed on December 10 , 2005 , to start formal talks on mandatory reduction s in green house gas emissions beyond, 2012, despite the rejection of the Kyoto Protocol by the US and Australia. What are the green house gases? These gases conclude Carbon di Oxide due to fossil fuel burning and deforestation, chloro fluro carbons (used industrially in refrigerators and solvents) methane (used in rice paddies and gas leaks) and nitrous oxide. Which is used in fossil fuel burning and fertilizers? Solution To reduce pollution within Abu Dhabi and the other Emirates, Abu Dhabi Civil Defence has to look on this matter with care. It is high time the world to act quickly. Even now we are unaware whether we have already, knowingly, or unknowingly, triggered climate change to the saturation point. While the US the biggest polluter, refuses to fall in line as per the demands of the Kyoto Protocol, fast developing countries like India and China have also to look for greener technologies in order that the earth could continue to be a livable planet. The reasons for waste utilization are economic, environmental, resource conservation and employment generation; developing countries like India with constraints of resource cannot afford to call any material as waste. However, it developed countries like USA, Japan and UK that are in e forefront of waste utilization, (So as to encourage industry to take to waste utilization, Ire need to be fiscal incentives for using non-conventional raw materials and penalties for not recycling materials. Recycling of wastes is economically advantageous. . Energy from garbage Domestic, agricultural and industrial rubbish can be utilized to produce power and heat. To reduce pollution within Abu Dhabi and the other Emirates, Abu Dhabi Civil Defence has to look on this matter with care. In fact in Europe currently the watchword is "Rubbish is the fuel of future” and refuse derived fuel is becoming common. Until now, Relatively cheap fossil fuels and inexpensive land fill sites have kept the concept of using rubbish for fuel at bay. But now, the shortage of rubbish dumps near cities and the spiralling cost of transporting domestic refuse to land fill sites out of town have focused attention on waste-to- energy plants. Waste-to-energy incinerators have been traditionally generating steam for industrial use in different parts of the world. The modern waste-to-energy plants now in operation in developed countries generate both power and heat. In -this waste utilization technology for generation of electricity, the municipal solid wastes or garbage is processed into a refuse derived fuel by removing the ferrous metal and non- combustible materials. The combustible materials are shredded to a size suitable for burning. The Processed fuel is burnt in the boilers to produce steam which drives the turbo-generator to produce, electricity. The electricity is distributed to the consumers from a switchyard. An air quality control equipment removes the fly-ash from the flue-gas before the gas is emptied through he stack. The non-combustible processing residue as well as the ash resulting from burning process are collected and juried in special landfill sites designated for hazardous materials. The ash may contain dangerous materials such toxic metals. Biogas generation Bio wastes or agro wastes can be used as biomass for making biogas. Pyrolysis The garbage can be gasified at temperature 500 to 1000°C in the absence of oxygen. This process, called Pyrolysis, reduces the waste to gases comprising hydrogen, methane, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide; and liquids containing organic compounds; and carbonaceous char. Some of the gas can be burnt to run the reactor itself. The surplus gas and liquids are available as fuel products. The solid char can be processed to, yield various grades of useful carbon. Fuel pellets This is another method of utilizing garbage as fuel, the technology needed is simple. The garbage is passed at various stages over metal meshes to sieve out soil particles. The shredded garbage is passed through a kiln to dry up the moisture with hot air circulation. Iron can be separated using magnets while non-magnetic metals, glass ceramics, etc are removed by sucking the garbage vertically upwards in a strong stream of air. Mixing agricultural wastes like coffee husk or pea-nut shell and sawdust into processed garbage will increase its calorific value. The mixture is then made into pellets or bricks which can be used as a fuel for domestic and industrial use. SEWAGE TREATMENT It is customary to consider the treatment of sewage in 3 stages:- Primary, Secondary and Tertiary. It is a mechanical process which simply removes solids. Metal screens stop large solids; sands and small stones kettle in a grit chamber from which the water passes into sedimentation tank, where its rate of flow has been sharply reduced and small particles settle as sludge. Scum at the top is removed. The quantities removed at this stage can be huge. FIRE FIGHTING To reduce pollution and risk within Abu Dhabi and the other Emirates, It is very easy to understand the practical difficulties in the risk factor during the day time and night time. In the event of fire, the people should be able to fetch water so easily and can try to extinguish it manually even in day or night . But the rate of risk is also increasing if it is in the case of top level floors. Just remind you the case of World Trade centre in the case of tall level buildings. But due to all the modern infra structural facilities, the building should be able to work out its fire extinguish programme very effectively. Reference 1. Helen Lingard, Steve Rowlinson, 1998. "Behaviour-based safety management in Hong Kong's construction industry: the results of a field study," Construction Management & Economics, Taylor and Francis Journals, vol. 16(4), pages 481-488, July. [Downloadable!] (restricted) 2. Richard C. Hill, Paul A. Bowen, 1997. "Sustainable construction: principles and a framework for attainment," Construction Management & Economics, Taylor and Francis Journals, vol. 15(3), pages 223-239, May. [Downloadable!] (restricted) 3. Vivian Tam & C. M. Tam & L. Y. Shen & S. X. Zeng & C. M. Ho, 2006. "Environmental performance assessment: perceptions of project managers on the relationship between operational and environmental performance indicators," 4. Construction Management & Economics, Taylor and Francis Journals, vol. 24(3), pages 287-299, March. (restricted) 5. Helen Lingard, Guinevere Gilbert, Peter Graham, 2001. 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Public health reports, 2003, 118:65–71. Read More
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