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Climate Change and Management and Mitigation - Term Paper Example

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The author states that the fast depletion of natural resources has disturbed the ecosystem, resulting in a change in global environmental conditions. The paper discusses the management strategies for the identification and mitigation of the factors that contribute to climate change…
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Climate Change and Management and Mitigation
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Introduction In the contemporary environment of fast advancing technology and rapid globalization, climate change has become a major concern for the environmentalists. The various drivers of climate greatly contribute towards sustenance of life and determine characteristics and distribution of ‘natural and managed system including the cryosphere, hydrology and water resources, marine and freshwater biological systems, terrestrial biological systems, agriculture and forestry’(Parmesan and Yohe, 2003; Thomas et al., 2004). Managed system can broadly be defined as systems that have considerable human input like agriculture, health etc. Hence, the interdependence of the systems becomes important factor for the widespread implications of climate change. The rapid advancement of technology has brought about a massive change in our lifestyle which has not always been in our best interest. Some of the ways and means, which have contributed towards our better living conditions, have also brought certain challenges in its wake that needs our urgent attention. The limited natural resources like water, land and fresh air are being taken for granted with scarce regard for future legacy that our children are going to inherit from us. Fast depletion of natural resources has disturbed the eco system, resulting in change in global environmental conditions like global warming, increasing number of climate related natural disasters etc. The paper would be discussing the management strategies for the identification and mitigation of the factors that contribute towards climate change. Historical aspect, Current and future Global Scenario of Climate Change and its impact The history has been witness to gradual and abrupt climate change through the millions of years which has been responsible for extinction of living organisms, including plants, animals and human life. The changes in the physical geography of the earth have also been contributed to the abrupt changes in the earth’s climate caused due to some known and unknown factors. The Eastern Island Civilization and Maya civilization are prime example of climate change caused primarily due to the widespread ramification of highly developed society and urbanization. The gradual depletion of the natural resources through deforestation became responsible for the slow death of the plants and animals which were interdependent on each other. Lack of trees and plants is also one of the main reasons for barren land because the loose soil tends to blow away the seeds, saplings and essential minerals which are prerequisite for fertile land. The forest with its tall trees also protects the species from natural catastrophes like storms and hurricanes. In the later part of the century, civilizations suffered multiple natural disasters which ultimately became the major cause of their extinction. In the current times, the rapid advancement of technology has brought about a massive change in our lifestyle which has not always been in our best interest. Some of the ways and means, which have contributed towards our better living conditions, have also brought certain challenges in its wake that needs our urgent attention. The fast urbanisation and the technological advancements have been responsible for the global climate change which may have contributed in recent natural disasters like hurricane Katrina in California, hurricane Felix in Central America, wild fires in Denver and Tsunami in South East Asia. The global warming is seen as a result of environmental degradation and may become a contributory factor of spreading diseases like malaria with frequent outbreaks (National Geography). Factors contributing towards climate change The human threats to the environment comprise of many significant factors that are important ingredients of development process. Population growth in the last quarter of the century saw an unprecedented increase in population bringing new challenges in its wake. Pielke et al claim that climate change causing extreme weather conditions and natural calamities are much greater when they occur in regions having poor infrastructure, huge populations etc. (Pielke et al., 2003). The fast advancing technology and rapid globalization, including local migration, has adversely affected the ecological conditions. The local, national and international policies must address demographic needs of the region and facilitate resources to match the increasing population. The survival of human race is at danger from the effluents and waste material, consisting of various chemical and organic contaminants that are let lose in the water that is consumed by the masses and marine life. These are vital issues in climate change that promote extreme weather conditions. Carbon emission is yet another major cause for climate change that needs to be addressed urgently. The global warming and extreme weather conditions and change in weather have become huge concern for the environmentalists. The last few years have seen long and hot summers in UK. The melting of Antarctica and arctic oceans and rising of sea levels at alarming rate are few of the repercussions of damaged ozone layers. Fast depletion and pollution of natural resources has disturbed the eco system, resulting in change in global environmental conditions like global warming, increasing number of climate related natural disasters etc. The study by Rosenzweig et al. has found that: ‘Large-scale climate variations, such as the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), El Ni-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and NorthAtlantic Oscillation (NAO), are occurring at the same time as the global climate is changing. Consequently, many natural and managed systems are being affected by both climate change and climate variability. Hence, studies of observed changes in regions influenced by an oscillation may be able to attribute these changes to regional climate variations’ (Rosenzweig et al, 2007). While climate change broadly refers to general shift in climate conditions, the global warming and global cooling are its effects that indicate change in average temperature of the earth. Temperature is vital factor of biological and physiological well being of the living creature and landscape. The carbon emission, methane etc adversely affect the temperature and may damage ozone layer. Significance of Coral reef and impact of CC Moberg and Folke have stressed that Coral reefs are one of the most biologically diverse and economically important ecosystems on the planet (Moberg and Folke, 1999). They facilitate ecosystem services to the human societies and industries through fisheries, coastal protection, building materials, new biochemical compounds, and tourism (Hoegh-Guldberg, et al, 2007). Coral reefs have become intrinsic to the welfare and survival of living organisms. In the recent times, the huge damage to the coral reefs and their gradual decline has been a great concern to the scientists. Wilkinson says ‘30% are already seriously damaged and close to 60% may be lost by 2030’ (Wilkinson, 2002). The need for conservation and preservation of coral reefs, therefore are vital to the existence of life in general. Scientists and environmentalists are especially concerned about the serious threat to the coral reefs across the globe primarily due to increased fishing activities, over-population and pollution caused by chemical industries, agriculture greenhouse emission etc. T.P. Hughes et al have asserted that ‘with increased human populations and improved storage and transport systems, the scale of human impacts on reefs has grown exponentially… these changes to reefs, which can often be managed successfully at a local scale, are compounded by the more recent, superimposed impacts of global climate change’ (Hughes et al, 2003). Another major issue of climate change is its effect to the estuaries which are part of wider ecosystem of coral reefs. Estuaries are partially closed coastal areas where one or more rivers and streams meet the sea. Estuaries are also known as ‘bays’ and are characterized by highly indigenous mixture of fresh or brackish river water and denser saline sea water which is rich in biological productivity, creating a habitat which is rich in flora and fauna. In the recent years, it has become susceptible to pollution and environmental issues because the rivers that come to estuaries are increasing becoming polluted and bringing poisonous material to the estuaries that is damaging the especially nurtured habitat of diverse marine life that includes plants and animals. They provide home for wide variety of fishes, plants, animals and birds and provide food and shelter for them. Pollutants brought about by the rivers and streams tend to destroy food and shelter thereby endangering the marine lives of plants and animals. Management strategies for mitigating impact of CC with special reference to coral reef The most alarming thing is that the climate change is causing unprecedented natural disasters, resulting in loss of lives, food products and other natural resources. The conversion of food into alternative energy sources or fuels and the fact that all the goods and services that are made from natural resources which are being traded in the market are creating demands that are in turn adversely impacting environment, causing irreversible and unprecedented damage to lives of living beings. The huge threat to the survival of Coral reefs needs to be addressed urgently. The governments across the globe are coming up with managerial strategies to mitigate climate change and adopt promote innovative practices to adapt to the climate change in a manner that mitigates its effect. Kyoto Protocol is one of the most important frameworks Convention on Climate Change that had become legal entity on 16 February, 2005. Its basic objective is to restrict greenhouse emissions by the developing and developed countries by setting targets for them. It was ratified by 55 countries including European Union, Russia and excluding America and Australia that refused to sign because it would ‘damage their economy’ (BBCNews, 2005). Greenhouse gases help to regulate earth’s temperature but indiscriminate increase in the greenhouse gases like carbon di-oxide and methane etc have damaging impact, changing the earth’s temperature disproportionately resulting in extreme weather conditions. Need for sustainable development The conservation and preservation of natural resources are important part of population dynamics as its sustenance depends on the available resources. The population growth has brought into focus the issue of sustainable development. Sustainable development is defined as maintenance of ecosystem that facilitates a continuous supply of natural resources like water, clean air, energy and food with proper waste disposal system. It is important that awareness regarding sustainable development is created amongst the public so that despite advancement in technology, environment is preserved for our future generation. Fast depletion of natural resources has disturbed the eco system, resulting in change in global environmental conditions like global warming, increasing number of climate related natural disasters etc. Government’s initiatives The various countries have realized the necessity of environmental preservations and have enacted laws and guidelines for conservation and preservation of environment through stringent measures. UK is the first country that has come up with Climate Change Act 2008 which has‘a legally binding long-term framework to cut carbon emissions. It also creates a framework for building the UKs ability to adapt to climate change’(defra, 2008). It promotes well defined guidelines and laws for emission of greenhouse gases and other measures to mitigate and adapt to the climate change with equanimity and conscious awareness. The various local and international agencies have also evolved measures and programmes to not only create wider awareness towards climate changes and need for adapting measures that would help mitigate the effect the effect climate changes. While cut in the emission of greenhouse gases is extremely welcome step, the need to inculcate habits that promote environment preservation in the daily routine of common man has become vital part of government initiatives. Corporate social responsibility of business The growing concern of the environmentalists, for the fast decreasing natural resources and the need for finding alternate source of energy, has forced the global businesses to improve and improvise their business strategies to address this vital issue. The private initiatives by the corporate world by incorporating the socio-environmental paradigms within the framework of their strategic goals and visions helps the companies to contribute towards environmental conservations and social issues which have considerable impact on the sustainable development. Today, globalization has transformed the world into a global community which demands not only a value based social order but proposes to redefine the socio cultural compulsions that promote universal values and equality that bypassing individual interests. The process of globalization has also raised the pertinent issue of corporate social responsibilities of global businesses that are working in developing economies who need to be more proactive towards the socially relevant issues. ‘Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), defined in terms of the responsiveness of businesses to stakeholders’ legal, ethical, social and environmental expectations, is one outcome of these developments’ (UNIDO, 2002). Through various positive measures, the companies are making significant efforts to reduce their energy consumption through reduced consumption and helping preserve environment by using recycled goods like paper, glass etc. Norwich Union is a case in point which has also forged alliance with the ‘Climate Care’, an agency that works towards reducing carbon emissions and provides carbon emission calculators that can be used by people and thereafter support projects that absorb or reduce greenhouses gases (Norwich union). Individuals’ duty and adaptation to changing climate The climate change brings forth hordes of issues which are considerably influenced by the socio-economic dynamics of the society and therefore the adaptive capability of unevenly distributed within the society and across the countries. The vulnerability of the poor and disadvantaged countries or the segment within the society is greatly enhanced as compared to his counterpart who may be economically well placed (Leary et al., 2006). Environment concern needs to be inculcated amongst the general public through dissemination of information, radio messages, public concern advertisements in different media and public campaigns for promoting goods and services that incorporate good environmental paradigms within their work schedules. The children should be taken to educational tours in the coral islands and estuaries and disseminated information about our heritage and create awareness for environment conservation and preservation. Development of cleaner technologies, use of recycled paper, buying goods from people who promote environment and doing business with people who are sensitive towards the environment issues are few of the ways, individuals can contribute constructively towards the preservation and conservation of environment. Conclusion One can therefore, conclude that climate change is the most important issue of the contemporary times and needs to be addressed urgently on a global business because it affects everyone, whether they come from rich country or belong to the under developed economies. Indeed, environment protection agencies and other groups, throughout the world are trying to promote public participation and intensive awareness campaign that addresses environmental problems. Various initiatives are taken to encourage sustainable development through environment preservation measures have become intrinsic part of global business practice. But the concern for the coral reef across the world has yet to become major concern of the environmentalists. It is time that we learn the precious lesson of environmental paradigms from the history and make efforts to use the natural resources with wisdom and planning so they are passed on to next generation in a flourishing state. (2454) Reference BBC News. (16 February, 2005). Kyoto Protocol. Available from: [Accessed 24 October, 2009]. DEFRA. Climate Change Act 2008. Available from: [Accessed 24 October, 2009]. F. Moberg and C. Folke. (1999). Ecology. Economics; 29, 215. Hughes, T.P., A.H. Baird, D.R. Bellwood et al. 2003). Climate change, human impacts, and the resilience of coral reefs. Science, 301, 929-933. O. Hoegh-Guldberg, et al.(2007).Coral Reefs Under Rapid Climate Change and Ocean Acidification. Science 318, 1737 Leary, N., J. and Co-authors. (2006). For Whom the Bell Tolls: Vulnerabilities in a Changing Climate. AIACC Working Paper No. 30, International START Secretariat,Washington, District of Columbia, 31 pp. National Geography News. Available from: [Accessed 24 October, 2009]. Norwich Union. Corporate Social Responsibility. Available from: [Accessed 24 October, 2009]. Parmesan, C. and G.Yohe. (2003). A globally coherent fingerprint of climate change impacts across natural systems. Nature, 421, 37-42. Pielke, R.A., J. Rubiera, C. Landsea,M.L. Fernandez and R.Klein. (2003). Hurricane vulnerability in Latin America and the Caribbean: normalized damage and loss potentials. Natural Hazards Review, 4, 101-114. T. P. Hughes, et al. (2003). Climate Change, Human Impacts, and the Resilience of Coral Reefs. Science 301, 929 (2003) Thomas, C.D., A. Cameron, R.E. Green et al. (2004). Extinction risk from climate change. Nature, 427, 145-148. Rosenzweig, C., G. Casassa, D.J. Karoly, et al. (2007). Assessment of observed changes and responses in natural and managed systems. Climate Change 2007: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability. Contribution of Working Group II to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate. Change, M.L. Parry, O.F. Canziani, J.P. Palutikof, P.J. van der Linden and C.E. Hanson, Eds., Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 79-131. C. Wilkinson, Ed. (2002). Status of Coral Reefs of the World. Australian Institute of Marine Science, Townsville, Australia. UNIDO Report. (June 2002). Corporate Social Responsibility: Implications for Small and Medium Enterprises in Developing Countries. Available from: <> [Accessed 24 October, 2009]. Read More
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