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Implications of the Interventions Pertaining to Sustainability of the Environment of Canterbury City - Research Paper Example

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This research work deals with an analysis of the implications of the interventions pertaining to the sustainability of the environment of Canterbury City in Kent County. In this regard, various environmental issues, such as air pollution, waste management, parking spaces, have been scrutinized…
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Implications of the Interventions Pertaining to Sustainability of the Environment of Canterbury City
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Environment and Health Introduction This research work deals with an analysis of the implications of the various interventions pertaining to the sustainability of the environment of Canterbury City in Kent County. In this regard, various environmental issues, such as air pollution, waste management, parking spaces, have been scrutinised. In addition, issues related to the emergence of Kent Environment & Community Network in dealing with the flaws in the planning systems have been examined. Moreover, the initiatives taken by the City Council of Canterbury to promote a sustainable environment have been analysed. Furthermore, the measures to be adopted in the future, for ensuring the sustainability of the environment of this area, have been discussed. The development of cities, across the world, has been phenomenal during the past two centuries. In 1800, the proportion of urban residents was 5%, which increased to 50% in 2000, and is projected to reach 66% in the year 2030. However, a comparatively larger increase, in the number of urban residents is expected to transpire, with regard to the developing nations. Urbanisation is engendered by certain elements, such as industrialisation, lifestyle compulsions, and in order to circumvent political strife (Friis, 2011 , p. 11). During the latter half of the 1990s, it became evident that the ‘health for all’ initiative was not going to emerge successful, by the year 2000. This resulted in the renewal of the policy strategy of the World Health Organization (WHO). This renewed policy strategy was accorded minimal attention by the national governments. At that juncture, another issue was identified, which was being recognised as being correlated to issues of health. This issue was the deterioration of the environment. In order to address the issue of environmental harm, governments participated in the Rio Earth Summit. During the meeting, Agenda 21 was formed, which constituted a plan for sustainable development. (Sim & McKee, 2011, p. 5). Part A On 25 November 2011, the Canterbury City Council declared an Air Quality Management Area (Canterbury City Council, 2011). It encompassed 17 streets of Canterbury. The first of these areas had been designated in the year 2006. The law mandates the declaration of such areas, whenever the air pollution of that area violates the objectives of air quality. This region has become home to severe air pollution. As is well known, air pollution is extremely harmful to health (Abreu, 2012). Several research works, such as the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment of 2005, established that the environment and poverty were closely related to each other (Prato, n.d.). These studies have shown that the progress realised in eradicating poverty and hunger, improving health, and the protection of the environment could not be sustained (Adams, 2001, p. 15). This was due to the degradation of the ecosystem services upon which humanity relied. In the year 2008, the Kent Environment & Community Network was instituted, in order to address major flaws in the planning system. An instance of the latter being the failure to ensure sufficient protection for the environment. This network has been challenging this environmental lacuna and providing support to local communities for ensuring environmental justice. The biodiversity is undergoing drastic deterioration, carbon consumption is on the rise, air pollution is increasing in urban areas, and green spaces are declining (Abreu, 2012). It has been acknowledged that physical and mental health problems are correlated to housing conditions. Thus, housing variables render deprivation indicators adequate substitutes for morbidity. Moreover, it is evident that addressing housing disparities takes care of health inequalities. It has been realised that the method of partnership working is very effective for creating cross-agency and cross-sector solutions to health inequalities, via the sharing of plans and resources. Nevertheless, it is indispensable to concede the influence of private sector housing, if housing is to be made central to this process (Stewart, et al., 2006). (Office for National Statistics, 2015) (Office for National Statistics, 2013). The above statistics show that the Canterbury neighbourhood has been deficient in providing affordable housing. Expenditure on account of housing benefit is expected to increase tremendously, due to the persistent shortage of affordable dwellings. Upon reallocating subsidies, it would be possible to enhance the supply of dwellings that the members of the lower income category could afford (Joseph Rowntree Foundation, 2015). Moreover, homes in Kent were surveyed, subsequent to their completion and occupation. The data, so obtained, provided information regarding the number of parking spaces allotted to each property, the number of cars in each home, and the extent to which the residents were satisfied with the parking (Rudlin, et al., 2013). Average cars per household by district in Kent (Rudlin, et al., 2013). People reside in neighbourhoods, which provide a sense of community and belonging, and circumscribe individual life to a specific location. The aspirations for neighbourhoods tend to be quite consistent among people, regardless of the diversity in their lifestyles. Individuals, in general, prefer neighbourhoods that are healthy, unpolluted, safe, attractive, and provide good local facilities, access to greenery, and constitute outstanding links to other areas. As such, people perceive their neighbourhood to be crucially important for their well-being and health (Barton, et al., 2013, p. 1). These authors have also specified other guidelines for a neighbourhood. First, it should accord importance to access to public transportation, and facilitate gradual renewal and adaptation to new necessities. Second, the neighbourhood should enable active and frequent participation of the population, commercial interests and voluntary groups, with regard to its design and planning (Barton, et al., 2013, p. 2). In addition, Gilbey the council leader of Canterbury stated forthrightly that the poor signing of diversion for the A2 closure constituted a major drawback (Claridge, 2014). This had resulted in traffic jams and long lines of traffic in Blean and Rough Common, and traffic congestion around the city. Gilbey attributed this problem to inadequate signage (Warren, 2014). Part B The Canterbury City Council has emphasised its commitment towards an agenda that is environment friendly. This council has declared that it will attempt to implement policies that are beneficial for the environment. It collaborates with its contractors, partners and suppliers, in order to ensure that the best value for money is procured, while seeking solutions that do not harm the environment. It has been claimed by this council that at the time of taking decisions relating to procurement, it adheres to the rules of the European Union (EU) and environmental regulations. The council staff are provided with the information and training required for enhancing environmental awareness and the use of renewable energy sources (Canterbury City Council, 2015). The Kent Environment & Community Network (KECN) was established in 2008. This development was in response to the grave defects in the planning system. For instance, there was a dismal failure in according sufficient protection to the environment. The KECN has been making unflagging efforts to contest this environmental deficit. In addition, this campaigning organisation has been lending its unstinting support to the local communities of Kent, with the intention of establishing environmental justice. It is indeed a sad commentary on the extant situation that biodiversity is declining ominously, carbon emissions are increasing drastically, air pollution is attaining dangerous levels, and the green spaces are continuously reducing in their extent. More than 1,000 pages of planning have been discarded, in order to accommodate the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), and governmental financial support to Local Enterprise Partnerships that have scant regard for the environment. In this milieu, there are few if any chances of the environment being accorded the necessary protection (Abreu, 2012). To its credit, the KECN has been campaigning to ensure that economic development considerations do not have the major say in planning decisions. It is the endeavour of this organisation to achieve the same level of importance for environmental protection, and the requirements and desires of the local communities (Abreu, 2012). In addition, the Kent City Council bulks up the waste material conveyed to the household waste recycling centres. From these centres the waste is transferred to the final disposal or recycling facilities. In addition, garden waste conveyed from household waste recycling centres is converted to peat-free soil improver, which is then sold at the rate of £3 per 40-litre bag (Kent County Council, 2015). Moreover, the waste that is not reused, recycled or converted to compost is sent to another plant, which transforms it into energy. Such waste is subjected to combustion under controlled conditions, and the heat so generated is utilised for producing steam, which in turn is employed in thermal power generation. All the same, some portion of the waste is buried in landfills, and this is the treatment accorded to large bulky items that cannot be recycled by the Kent County Council (Kent County Council, 2015). Furthermore, in order to promote sustainable development in the Canterbury district, the Environment Group and its constituent partners have decided to undertake certain campaigns. One of these pertains to improving awareness regarding environmental issues among the residents of this district. In addition, the Environment Group has decided to take pragmatic action to improve and safeguard the built and natural environment (Green Information, 2015). To this end, this group has endeavoured to increase awareness and understanding regarding environmental issues in the Canterbury Partnership. In addition, it has perceived the necessity to affect the decisions of the Canterbury Partnership Executive Board, in order to accord greater importance to environmental issues. Moreover, the progress of the Canterbury Partnership’s strategy is to be observed, by this group (Green Information, 2015). Human activity exacts a heavy toll on the environment, and recycling provides some relief. In view of this maxim, the Environment Group has stated that it would endeavour to reuse the extant supplies and equipment, prior to considering procurement. Moreover, this group intends to bring about the disposal of unwanted goods, via local organisations that can recycle and reuse such goods. With regard to goods that cannot be recycled, these are to be disposed in the most environmentally friendly manner possible (Green Information, 2015). In addition, national carbon reduction targets have to be declared. Moreover, concerted efforts have to be made within the EU, in order reinforce and promote the EU Emissions Trading Scheme. As a consequence of its failure, the UK has been compelled to construct new power stations that produce energy from fossil fuels. This situation has arisen from the undue importance accorded to the central government to bring about change. The crucial partners in this endeavour, namely, the local government, business sector, local communities and individuals had not been induced to participate to the extent required (Gummer & Goldsmith, 2007). This has caused the populace to experience disempowerment and disassociation, vis-à-vis the various programmes of the Government. It is essential for the Government to adopt a radical green agenda for the next two decades. However, the David Cameron has proved to be far more successful in engaging the UK public than the Government of Tony Blair (Gummer & Goldsmith, 2007). Part C For a sustainable environment, the Government has to generate a conducive economic and political framework. The latter should penalise conduct that harms the environment or social structures. At the same time, this framework should provide incentives for responsible behaviour. This can be achieved via the market and regulation, communities and individuals, business, public procurement, and national sovereignty (Gummer & Goldsmith, 2007). In the context of markets and regulation, environmental tax has to be modified, and the use of carbon has to be charged. In addition, the user should be made to bear the actual cost of transportation, and incentives should be provided to those who construct green homes. Moreover, strict rules have to be introduced with respect to the energy-efficiency of consumer technology, power stations, and other things (Gummer & Goldsmith, 2007). Furthermore, permission for constructing new roads and airport buildings should be granted very sparingly. With regard to communities and individuals, the local councils have to be empowered to a much greater extent. This has to be accompanies by promotion of the local food economy, local transport solutions, and emphasis upon mixed use neighbourhoods, with workplaces and shopping malls situated nearer to the home. In the context of business, binding and long-term targets on climate change and carbon emissions reduction have to be established. This will provide business with a well-defined and long-term system for planning (Gummer & Goldsmith, 2007). With respect to public procurement, the political and financial prowess of the public sector has to be utilised for ensuring sustainable purchasing decisions. In this exercise, partiality should be shown towards the environment friendly companies. In addition, public procurement should engage companies accredited as being carbon neutral. Furthermore, the public sector should be made to procure clean cars. Finally, supply chains for using local and low-carbon food should be introduced (Gummer & Goldsmith, 2007). Conclusion In their guide, Shaping Neighbourhoods, Barton et al, state that the neighbourhood should constitute an inclusive and environmentally responsible model. It should provide varied housing options and a socially balanced population. In addition, it should permit diversity of use and provide easy accessibility, opportunity and choice for all the residents. Moreover, there should be different modes of transport in the neighbourhood, and this should provide the necessary connections to the city and region, thereby generating a connected environment. The hiatus between the formulation of policy and its implementation has emerged as a major problem of the government. In this context, it has to be declared that New Labour had set several targets, which it failed to implement. For instance, this Government had formulated several innovative policies on the environment. However, many of these policies had been poorly implemented and suffered from being intricate. While awarding contracts, the tender has to incorporate environmental consideration, be relevant and adequate, should not be anti-commercial, and should be competitive. These conditions have to be adhered to with respect to contracts in the Member States of the EU. Consequently, the Canterbury City Council has to consider environmental requirements at the time of awarding contracts. It can be surmised that in Canterbury, biodiversity has undergone drastic decline. In addition, carbon consumption and declining air spaces have increased atmospheric pollution. There have been frequent traffic congestions, on account of inadequate signage on the roads. Furthermore, affordable housing has been neglected. These issues have to be addressed competently, by the Canterbury Council and other environmental organisations for ensuring a sustainable environment. References Abreu, A., 2012. Kent Environment and Community Network. [online] Available at: [Accessed 9 April 2015]. Adams, W. M., 2001. 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