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Ecosystems and Trophic Levels - Assignment Example

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From the paper "Ecosystems and Trophic Levels" it is clear that secondary and tertiary consumers eat other small animals. So if secondary and tertiary animals decrease in number then it will result in the outburst of those animals which serve as their food…
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Ecosystems and Trophic Levels
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Tropical rainforests extending from 23.5N to 23.5S inhabit a great diversity of plants and animals, fungi and microbes, and other species. Although this area has poor soil still it is the most productive ecosystem on this planet. This part of the earth has a higher level of biodiversity than any other part of the earth. There is an estimate that approximately 20 to 86 species of trees exist per acre of these forests. Trees lie in several vertical layers named as Emergent layer, Canopy layer, understory layer, shrub layer, and ground layer (Davis, 2007).

So scientists consider this area as species-richest biomes on this planet that is very unique due to its complex ecosystems. Food Chain: In the tropical rainforest, there are hundreds of interlinked food chains those when combined result in a complex and huge food web. The tropical rainforests food chain has four levels
The first level is dominated by plants, fruits, leaves, plankton, etc
The second level is made up of herbivores (animals that eat plants) such as insects, small reptiles, nectar-eating birds, and some large animals such as monkeys, apes, etc.

Small carnivorous animals (meat-eating animals) make up the third level and these include rodents and some small reptiles. Large carnivorous animals such as snakes make the fourth level. The last and fifth level is dominated by large dangerous carnivores such as pythons, alligators tigers, etc. Symbiotic Relationships and energy transfer within various levels: Life in the tropical rainforest is difficult and there is strong competition between different species. Hundreds of species have developed a symbiotic relationship with other species to survive in such a highly competitive environment.

In a symbiotic relationship, both species are mutually benefited. In every ecosystem, organisms are dependent on each other. There is the transfer of energy from one organism to another that is a key factor for the appropriate running of the ecosystem and usually, this flow of energy is represented in a graphic form that is named an energy pyramid. In the energy pyramid, the lower the level of energy more will be the population of a specific group at that level. The tropical rainforest’s energy pyramid starts from the base, so primary producers (green plants) occupy the base of it.

Primary producers also named autotrophs are the only living being that use sunlight energy to convert carbon dioxide and water into carbohydrates (Pipe, 2008). Then comes primary consumers, which consume autotrophs and utilize their energy for their living. In this way, energy is transferred from one level to the next level. In an energy pyramid, the third and fourth level is occupied by secondary and tertiary consumers. Secondary consumer depends on plants as well as on primary consumers for their energy requirement whereas secondary consumers (carnivore) feed on secondary consumers (Davis, 2007).

As energy is transferred from one level to another, it becomes lesser in amount as some energy is lost as heat energy. Indeed only 1.2% of energy is transmitted to the next higher level in this energy pyramid. Decomposers or detritivores from the last level of the energy pyramid. Detritivore includes bacteria, fungi, and virus. And these are the organisms that nourish dead plants and animals and derive energy by decomposing these dead bodies. In this way, they change the complex organic substances of the dead bodies into their simpler form that is further utilized by the plants to synthesize their food.

In this way, decomposers serve as a link between autotrophs and consumers. Decomposers also serve to clean the environment (Pipe, 2008).Human interference: This valuable resource of the earth is under threat due to human activities.

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