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Ethnic Communities in Britain - Essay Example

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This paper 'Ethnic Communities in Britain' tells us that since the UK contained a well-established political structure, well-trained and highly equipped army, n, navy and air force, magnificent economic stability, and an unshakeable social hierarchy, the country was in a position to rule over the entire world for several decades. …
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Ethnic Communities in Britain
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? The Past Impact on the Present Situation of “Ethnic Communities” in Britain Introduction: The present paper looks for examining the impact of the past on the present day life of the individuals belonging to divergent ethno-racial communities of Great Britain in the health, education and employment sectors. Since multiple racial and ethnic groups have been living in the United Kingdom for almost last three centuries, in the aftermath of the arrival of Asian and African communities in the country, it has left indelible impact on the present-day life of the UK professional and private life. Since the UK contained a well-established political structure, well-trained and highly equipped army, navy and air force, magnificent economic stability and unshakeable social hierarchy, the country was in a position to rule over the entire world for several decades. By dint of her unconquerable armed forces, sharp foreign policy and enormous financial resources, the UK invaded on numerous Asian and African countries, and captured their wealth and governmental system. Hence, the people belonging to the subjugated states got orientation with the UK as a great strategic, educational and economic giant of the world at large. Consequently, they dreamed of visiting and settling down in the UK in order to lead a comfortable and respectable life for the future years to come. Additionally, the African men, women, children and elderly were also brought in the country as slaves, where they were meant to serve their white masters in their domestic chores and professional responsibilities as well. By looking into the history of the British Africans, it becomes crystal clear that the Blacks had been the least educated stratum of British society, as majority of this community was either working as slaves or got involved into different petty or purported odd jobs at lower scale. Similarly, because of their association with the labour in their native land as well as scarcity of food and fruits, the Blacks underwent poorer health condition in comparison with the rest of the entire English population. Though the situation has taken drastic change with the passage of time, and the country is viewed to be exemplary in respect of the health condition and education level of its citizens, yet the Blacks are still viewed to be the least developed community in respect of both health and education, as they are refused to be treated on the foundations of equality in the British society. Thus, their past is still haunting the Blacks even after several years of their freedom from slavery and settling down as free citizens in Great Britain. The Paper: The contemporary Britain is undoubtedly one of the most enlightened states of the entire sphere, which offers job, business, health and immigration facilities to the highly skilled and proficient individuals belonging to various parts of the globe. Additionally, the traditional British universities have been pioneer in providing high quality education by conferring degrees against different disciplines, which does not have any match with any educational institution of the entire world. It is therefore the students who had sought education and degrees from these renowned institutions, led their respective societies and cultures by rendering valuable services in their relevant fields. The entire exposure they gain and the outstanding vision they acquire is partially dependent of the British educational institutions, cultural values, social norms and traditional way of life that proves guiding star for polishing their personality and enhancing their capabilities to move and survive even in the multicultural civilisations. On the one side of the picture, there appears to be affluence, luxuries, social justice, economic prosperity and technological advancements, and on the other side, malpractices, apartheid, ethno-racial and religious discrimination, poverty and deteriorating health of the lower stratum of society raise their ugly head to threaten the glow of the so-called big claims of national unity, social equality and financial stability. Hence, the United Kingdom faces serious problems of racial hatred and class discrimination in contemporary times particularly in the aftermath of current economic crises and recessions, which have taken the entire world in their ugly and awkward fold. Racism is not a new phenomenon in England. Rather, it maintains long history in the country, which extends to the island of Ireland. “Through successful campaigning and lobbying, led mainly by minority ethnic people living here, things have changed. The passing of the Race Relations (NI) Order 1997 finally made racial discrimination unlawful in the region. Moreover, under the Northern Ireland Act 1998 there is now a statutory duty on all public authorities in Northern Ireland to promote racial equality and good ‘race relations’ among other things.” (Connolly, 2002, pp. 1-2) Somehow, no statute of law can impose bar on any individual to give up his disliking towards some specific person, group or community. As a result, people have determined and defined their personal links and social relationships and large part of their life is spent in imitating the same in one way or the other. The whites and blacks are two major communities, which have been at daggers drawn perhaps since the arrival of the latter in England. Since the white Anglo Saxon population had the indigenous community of the country and has been living there for centuries, their contributions are certainly vital in all the nation-building activities. On the other hand, the African and Asian subjects arrived in the UK far later than the whites, and had just enjoyed the fruits of developments made by the whites. It is therefore the whites not only view themselves as the real Britons, but also deny the rights and privileges of other races in the country. Thus, they take the Brown, Black and Yellow racial groups as an unnecessary burden on the British economy had been built at the hands of the hardworking and laborious ancestors of the whites. The whites are of the opinion that it was their ancestors which rendered remarkable services in educational revolution in the UK. As a result, the British universities, libraries, laboratories and research centres are regarded as the authority over logic, law, mathematics and all the pure, medical, natural and social sciences. It was the sound name and fame of the British educational institutions that urged the students to pay heavy fees for getting enrolled in them in order to acquire their professional qualifications from them. “At an international level, HE has expanded substantially over recent decades and has moved up government agendas as a result of a number of factors. These include drivers to increase the knowledge and skills-based economies, participation in HE and social cohesion (OECD, 2006). As a result, the Indians, Arabs, Japanese, Chinese and Russians from Asia and Blacks from Egypt, Somalia, Sudan, Nigeria and other parts of Africa proceeded to England for completing the professional education. Somehow, their entry in the educational institutions of England realised them the very fact that the British maintained humiliating attitude towards the foreign students. Being the masters of many Asian and African states in past, they considered (and even still consider) these outsiders as their subjugated slaves, which should not have the permission to share the seats beside them in schools, colleges and universities. Moreover, they aptly passed insulting comments about the complexion, religion and political and economic of the foreign students, which adversely told upon their nerves and sentiments. “In recent years there has been a lot of public discussion about the extent of racial prejudice in Northern Ireland. There has been a significant growth in the reporting of racist incidents to the police, and media reports have dubbed Belfast the ‘race hate capital of Europe.” (BBC News Online, 2004) The increased reporting of racist incidents has taken place in a context where there has been a significant rise in the number of migrant workers living and working in different parts of the UK particularly in Ireland. Nevertheless, the students tolerated those comments because their acquiring of degrees from British institutions served as the guarantee for their bright financial, social and political career on their return to their native lands. Hence, the students returned from England used to become leader of their nation in future just because of their qualification from a British university. Somehow, the impact of such prejudiced behaviour is long lasting in nature, and the ex-students remain under the influence of the same humiliating words used against them by the biased local classmates. As a result, the minority students remain fearful of such racial hatred and disliking in their professional life and can seek relief in the company of the members of their own racial group in career life. It is not only threatening and dreadful for the social structure of the UK, but also such an uncomfortable state of affairs may challenge the economic growth and stability of the country too in future. Apparently, the people belonging to these victimised minority groups look peace loving, tolerant and unbiased, but there remains an extremist and prejudiced person in their subconscious, which displays his antagonism by taking revenge from the majority race by refusing to offer jobs, accommodations or services to them sincerely. Thus, the biased behaviour practiced and exercised upon the minority groups retaliates from the innocent members of society because of the injustices, atrocities and abhorrence had been applied on them in the past days. It is therefore the theorists and researchers frequently complain of the presence of discriminative behaviour of bosses and entrepreneurship in their everyday attitude and behaviour while dealing with the individuals belonging to the races other than their own. Thomas found that indirect discrimination stemmed from employers’ primary concern ‘to find workers who would work for low wages and not question management authority’. Attitudes varied by the skill level of employment concerned, ‘as the level of occupational skill…increases, employers are less likely to express racial stereotypes’ (2003, p. 228) Although the native white population is aptly blamed for displaying prejudice towards the African and Asian citizens, yet Asians and Africans have also been involved into such behaviour that comes under the definition of the biased of extreme intensity. However, since they are in minority, they are not in a position to harm or hurt the majority population consists of the white individuals. Furthermore, the whites vehemently condemn and censure the awkward and deviant behaviour of the people coming from the poor and backward nations, as they frequently get indulged into theft, burglary, street crimes, cyber crimes and even homicide. Thus, inclusion of the outsiders has challenged the very peace of England, and interaction with the poor Asian and African citizens also entice the native people to commit crimes individually or in groups. “Recent incidents have thrust violence perpetrated on and by black young people onto the public agenda. In 2000, Damilola Taylor bled to death on a stairwell in Peckham after being stabbed in the leg by a teenager, a killing which a Metropolitan Police Commander said had “sent shockwaves through London and beyond.” (House of Commons Home Affairs Committee, 2008, p. 3) Hence, it is the fear of the criminal activities of the Blacks that prevents the whites to let their children mix up with the black students at schools and playgrounds. Since the whites are also humans, and feel every activity of others, the concept of violence haunts their minds and they remain fearful of the violent blacks in their grown years and hence hesitate in offering equal status to them. “The Blacks are observed to be practicing lawlessness and committing offences in the UK by breaking the rules and attacking on others in order to exhibit their physical strength as well as for hiding their inferiority complexes and deprivations.” (Macionis, 2007, p. 413) The entire criminal behaviour is the outcome of the socioeconomic problems they had faced in their childhood, which remain haunting the souls and damaging the personalities in different ways quite unconsciously. The rational and prudent British leaders always dislike apartheid and discrimination against any racial, ethnic or religious group due to the very fact that a divided nation is not capable of growth and development. Ironically, hatred in the heart of the citizens of the same country makes them unable of defending its geographic and ideological boundaries too. Since the country has been the political, military, strategic, economic and cultural leader of the entire globe for the last several centuries, it vehemently lays stress upon unity, fraternity and individual and collective liberty as well as freedom of thought and action. The credit goes to her dynamic political and martial headship, which played decisive role in the maintenance of the writ of law as well as supremacy of constitution in the country. Additionally, the British leadership contained vision, exposure and courage necessary to defend the ideological and geographical boundaries of the country from the external threats and foreign invasions. Consequently, the country turned out to be triumphant in earning sound name and fame in international arena as a progressive and freedom loving state. The credit also goes to the English jurists, educationalists, writers, researchers, scientists and human rights activists, who improved the social values of the country by rendering valuable services in their respective fields of interest, and thus made imperative contributions in the cultural and educational uplift of their fatherland. Consequently, England appeared to be the most attractive place for the people belonging to divergent parts of the globe, where they dreamed of proceeding to England for seeking superior education as well as availing themselves of the better and wide job prospects England offered to them. It paved the way towards the acculturation of various ethno-racial and religious groups and communities and thus Britain became the country carrying multiple racial, ethnic, cultural, regional and religious communities. However, England observed racial discrimination within her boundaries, and native citizens enjoyed several privileges and facilities from which the outsider immigrants had been deprived of. Hence, the local English people were granted several favours in the fields of medicine, education and transportation etc, while the Asian and African subjects did not have the same. The same is the case with the employment sector, where the Asians and African Blacks were looked down upon as they enjoyed little encouragement from the job market of the UK. “To be the target of racial harassment at any time is a terrible thing. But to experience it at work means being in a permanent state of dread, unable to concentrate properly and failing to achieve one’s potential. Such tension is contagious and invariably affects others, with potentially damaging consequences for the whole organisation.” (Betts & Hamilton, 2006, p. 10) Apparently, the whites and blacks have accepted each other as the essential part of the UK, where working shoulder to shoulder with one another is inevitable for both the major communities of the country. Somehow, their displeasure and disliking for one another is at its climax during the recruitment procedure against different posts and positions. It has often been observed that both blacks and whites seldom select and appoint even the most suitable and capable candidate belonging to the other race provided there appears to be the person of the same race as the candidate against the same post. The Blacks had been the target of abhorrence since ever, and the job market had least offers for them. The recruitment agencies seldom took their talent and abilities into consideration; on the contrary, their ethnicity, appearance and religious background was kept in mind while making the selection against key positions at social and governmental sectors. Hence, all social policies of equality and fair play go to dashes under the thick pile of prejudice and bias. The British considered themselves as the superior race, which not only has ruled over a large part of the world, but also won two decisive Great Wars against her political rivals. As a result, the British authorities had denied admission in many disciplines and universities to the foreign students. It is particularly the case with the Muslim students, who are not allowed to get admission in metallurgy, space sciences, chemical engineering, atomic energy and others. It is partially due to the very fact that few extremist Muslim sects had been involved in terrorism and suicidal attacks by using destructive weapons and dreadful techniques. The purported 9/11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Centre in 2001 have also worsened the entire scenario, and the Arab and Afghan students have particularly been looked with great suspicion by the western authorities, which has almost banned the Muslims in getting admission to these subjects learning the technology of which may be fatal for the world at large. Though the circumstances have taken drastic turn with the passage of time, yet the effects of discriminatory behaviour can still 4be witnessed in the everyday life of the UK; as still the most brilliant African students are denied the right to get admission. “Five top grades at A-level were not enough to win a Somalian girl a place, as university admits she was 'disadvantaged' by their admissions process Oxford University has admitted that it bungled when it failed to offer an interview to a bright black student from one of Britain’s most deprived areas.” (Griffiths & Ungoed-Thomas, 2011) Somehow, the long struggle made by the Blacks not only allowed them to grow and develop side by side with the Whites on the one hand, but also the Black could serve as the secretary of state and even the President of the country in the multiracial country of the USA. Thus, the Black children can study in the desegregated interracial schools now It is fact beyond suspicion that the British constitution lays stress upon social justice and equality in all fields of life and seriously condemns any discriminatory behaviour towards any group or community. However, various departments and professions remained reserved for the native Britons due to the fact that they were considered as the identification mark of the traditional culture and civilisation of the past hundreds of years. The majority of the native people were preferred in job market during recruitment, while they were given special attention in healthcare institutions during medical treatment. The same was the situation at educational institutions, where the children belonging to royalty, nobility, clergy, military and traders were granted admissions to the subjects of their choice. On the other hand, the Asian and African students could get admission in limited institutions for higher studies. Actually it was strongly believed that the outsiders could rule over the country provided they sought superior education and learnt better technical skills in comparison to the local people. The idea witnessed setback as the time passed, yet the Hence, the future white generations took the African Blacks as their slaves, and looked down upon them as an inferior racial group had been created to render services to the superior white community. The Blacks had to make very hard efforts in order to free themselves from the awkward clutches of slavery, hatred, prejudice and discriminatory behaviour inflicted upon them by the indigenous British white population. Although, the contemporary British society seldom observes any biased laws at state level, yet the impacts of the past biased behaviour adopted by an overwhelming majority of the whites can be witnessed in every department including health, education, employment and political sectors. They still take the individuals, having Asian and African origin, with coloured spectacles, as their inclusion in the society has confined job, education, health, housing and transportation opportunities of the native people to a great extent. It is therefore, the sizeable proportion of native population condemns and censures devising of immigration scheme, as it is really challenging for the survival and growth of the local citizens of England. This entire scenario has left indelible imprints on the hearts and minds of the minority groups; consequently, an unseen state of conflict can be witnessed between the people belonging to divergent ethno-racial and cultural groups living as purported one nation under the British crown. Racial discrimination and apartheid is not confined to employment and education sectors only. On the contrary, the same feelings could also be observed in other departments too including health, medicine and others. “Racism within the health sector has been a familiar issue in the UK. A report by Allan & Larsen in 2003 focused on nursing staff and examined the experience of overseas nurses coming to work in the UK. Experiences varied depending upon whether respondents were working in the NHS or the private sector.” (Betts & Hamilton, 2006, p. 11) The Asian citizens complain of obtaining little attention of the healthcare centres towards their ailments, and they are also reluctant to providing them medicine at discounted rates. If a native Briton is brought to the community healthcare centre or in a hospital, the administration forces the Blacks and Asians to vacate the bed for his treatment. The children observing all this discriminatory behaviour keep everything in mind, and take revenge from the entire community after entering in the same field or department in their grown years. It augments the differences between the communities, and invites riots, frays and apartheid in the country. The recent riots being observed in the UK also reflect the same prejudice hidden in the minds of the major racial groups, which are displaying their intensity by challenging the peace and security of the entire country including Northern Ireland and London. Thus, the seeds of hatred turn out to be the flourishing crop to take the lives of many local and foreign citizens. To conclude, it becomes crystal clear that ethno-racial discrimination is a social phenomenon, which cannot be denied at any cost. Moreover, the socialisation is a very strong phenomenon that becomes an essential element of human personality. The happy and gloomy memories go hand in hand with humans, and turn out to be decisive in determining the liking, disliking and tastes of the individuals. Any unpleasant incident had occurred in past leaves its indelible imprints on human mind, and shapes man’s thoughtfulness. Man assesses and estimates the society in the same manner, and applies it in his practical life. The same is the case with the ethno-racial hatred that shapes collective human behaviour while their interaction with the social phenomena. The individuals, whether they belong to any ethno-racial community, and working at the position of doctor, lawyer, teacher, writer, journalist or any other profession display the same feelings of love or hatred as they had experienced in past. The contemporary world has witnessed imperative alterations in the social norms, values, mores, traditions, customs and conventions, which are not confined to political, social and corporate environment. Rather, the same changes could easily be found in the pieces of art and literature even produced by the intellectuals, writers and artists. It was the time when the white writers openly applied the condemnable terms like nigger, black family and others in their works, yet these notions and terms have become obsolete, slang and abusive now. The factor behind not applying these terms includes the mixture of races, where a significant proportion of population has biracial background, and it has become very difficult to distinguish between biracial individual and the pure black. Consequently, mentioning of the black family may invite the displeasure, disapproval and wrath of thousands of families in its wake. Additionally, the concept of black family is in constant decline, and the black racial group is either addressed as African American or African European or the person with biracial background, so the present day liberal thoughtfulness seriously condemns addressing the individuals with their racial background. Moreover, since the black community has rendered valuable services in all fields of life, and have made accomplishments in politics, socioeconomic activities, science and technology, art and literature and sports and games, they have become an essential part of the British and American culture, and are not looked down upon as their ancestors experienced the humiliation at the hands of the whites in olden past. As a result, the fruitless debate of black or white racial group, and thus all the citizens should work jointly in the nation-building programmes for the best interest of the country at large. BIBLIOGRAPHY Becket, Nina & Brookes, Maureen (2006) Quality Management Practice in Higher Education – What Quality Are We Actually Enhancing? Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism Education Vol. 7, No. 1 ISSN: 1473-8376 pp 2-12 Retrieved from Betts, Jennifer & Hamilton, Jennifer (2006) An Investigation into the Nature, Extent and Effects of Racist Behaviours Experienced by Northern Ireland’s Ethnic Minority Healthcare Staff DHSSPS Report ICR June 2006 Connolly, Paul (2002) ‘Race’ and Racism in Northern Ireland: A Review of the Research Evidence Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister Research Branch pp 1-2 Retrieved from Gilligan, Chris & Lloyd, Katrina (2006) Racial prejudice in Northern Ireland Research Update Number 44 June 2006 ARK North Ireland Social & Political Archive Retrieved from House of Commons Home Affairs Committee (2007) Young Black People and the Criminal Justice System Second Report of Session 2006–07 HC 181-I [Incorporating HC 1675-i and ii, Session 2005-06] Published on 15 June 2007 by authority of the House of Commons London: The Stationery Office Limited Macionis, John J. (2007) Sociology. Eleventh Edition Pearson Prentice Hall Inc pp. 331-338 BBC News Online (Tuesday, 13 January, 2004) Race hate on rise in NI Read More
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