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Globalization as a phenomenon requires the imposition of certain types of values and traits which are mostly Western in their orientation. Such an outcome, therefore, results in the diminishing of the local values and thus gradually erodes the local culture and replaces it with more modern Westernize culture. Appiah’s arguments therefore of relatively more important because the systematic overhaul of the different social values may further result in discernment for globalization rather than generating a widespread acceptance for it.
The universalization of the values under globalization therefore can create significant resistance to the same even though globalization can result in the transfer of economic and technological benefits for the developing countries. (Jameson and Miyoshi). Appiah’s arguments therefore are more critical because globalization may adversely affect the local cultures and superimpose other cultures on local cultures thus creating so-called moral disagreement between developed and developing countries.
This moral disagreement therefore can result in the clash of civilizations and globalization as a whole may fail to provide the desired results. It is also critical to understand therefore that to make globalization a successful process and phenomenon, it is critical to understand that globalization must support or allow local cultures and civilizations to grow with the global culture also. The mismatch between the two may create critical differences between the nations and cultures and thus forcing globalization to fail to provide the desired results to the less developing countries.
Foer’s arguments, however, offer a deep and practical aspect of how globalization failed to erode the local culture. Considering the example of soccer, Foer presents the argument that the local culture associated with the global game of soccer has not changed over a period even though global clubs such as Manchester United and Real Madrid are considered global icons being followed across the globe. The critical difference between the arguments of both authors, therefore, provides a rare glimpse of the possible and concrete differences between theory and practice.
Appiah’s arguments are more theoretical suggesting the normative aspects of globalization and how this may result in the overcoming of the local culture through the universalization of culture. Foer on the other hand, however, has offered a different opinion regarding the failure of globalization to overcome the local culture in its real settings thus potentially failing to achieve its intended aims. Foer believed that soccer and the culture associated with it is a deep impression of the generations of individuals who carried forward the tradition from generation to generation.
However, soccer is also considered anti-American because it is perhaps the only non-American trend that is dominating the world and which has remained purged from the increasing power of America and its value systems. Soccer is seen as a threat in America because of its resilience to maintain its local cultural orientation.
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