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The ethical dilemma of domestic violence can be understood with the help of an exemplary case study. Let’s suppose that a woman who mothers three children gets hurt by her husband. She approaches a counselor who has newly started his career. The woman tells the counselor that she is physically abused by her husband. The counselor advises the woman to seek divorce and take her kids with her away from her husband. But the woman can not do that as she is afraid her husband would find and kill her along with her children if she attempts to escape. In such a case, the counselor feels too inexperienced to give an informed suggestion. If he tells the authorities about this, his competence as a counselor would be suspected. If he gives a decision he considers appropriate, this might take away four lives. Thus, the counselor is put into an ethical dilemma because of the domestic violence experienced by his client. Likewise, several other points can be made from the same case study.
Some common forms of abuse in domestic violence:
Some of the most common forms of abuse people experience in domestic violence are physical abuse, sexual abuse, social and emotional abuse, isolation, intimidation, discrimination, racism, threat, and neglect. Each of these can be further divided into many forms of violence like punching, hitting, pulling, pushing, restraining, kicking, and even hugging.
Potential consequences of domestic violence:
The consequences of domestic violence are very alarming. It causes homelessness. To escape interaction with dangerous people, people put themselves into social exclusion. Many women who are offered physical, sexual, emotional, or verbal abuse by their husbands take divorced and get separated from them. This not only distorts the whole family setup but also ruins the future of the children. Dysfunctional families, broken homes, depression, social exclusion, and suicide are some of the potential consequences of domestic violence (Schweitzer, 2011).
My stance on domestic violence and the basis for that:
I hate domestic violence. I believe that domestic violence ruins the whole society by distorting the family system. I believe that to make a healthy society, people need to live in a strong family system. Almost all religions require their followers to live in the nuclear family system. In a nuclear family system, everybody has well-defined roles and responsibilities. A father earns bread for the family, while a mother nurtures the children. The children are perfectly brought up with the mutual efforts of both the mother and the father. Broken families harm the psychology of the children along with the separating partners, and they are not able to play a constructive role in society.
Applications that can be made to me professionally as a member of the Criminal Justice System:
As a member of the Criminal Justice System, I can receive applications to make rational decisions and formulate policies that would address the individualistic concerns of the victims. “Professionals in criminal justice are called upon to enforce laws and also to implement policies. Policies can be formal or informal.” (Pollock, 2010, p. 154). Formal policies are formulated by the government’s legislative branches and senior executives. They are standard policies and reflect the criminal justice system in place in a country. On the other hand, informal policies are those that may occasionally be developed to usurp formal policies as per the demand of a situation at hand.
The Christian implications of domestic violence:
Christianity preaches the spread of love and peace in society. The Christian belief requires individuals to live together as brothers in society and not cause harm to one another. In an ideal society, people should not cultivate grudges against one another and should live together in peace and harmony. Domestic violence results from a violation of the preaching of Christianity.
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