CHECK THESE SAMPLES OF The Concept of Merger and Acquisition Theories
MERGERS AND AQUISITIONS AND THE ECONOMIC AND PUBLIC INTEREST (anti-competitive effects and efficiency gains) Although more than 14 drivers of M&As activity have been recognized and defined in the economic research and theory, according to Griffiths and Wall, in most of the cases the theories are highly unpredictable and inconsistent8.... Generalization of these theories is difficult, therefore one may argue that Griffiths and... First the impact of M&A on the society as a whole is investigated followed by an overview of EU competition law with the EU merger procedures ending with a conclusion and discussion on the findings....
21 Pages
(5250 words)
The objective of this paper is to analyze the concept of mergers and acquisitions through a case study, examine the common factors and motives of going for an acquisition and analyze the concept of merger waves and the result of the same on stock market.... This research aims to evaluate and present primary reasons and motives of an organization going for merger, various types of bid methodologies used by companies and the tactics for each, the concept of merger waves and analyze the reasons behind the same as either of technological shocks or availability of sufficient liquidity in the market to facilitate continual mergers....
12 Pages
(3000 words)
he research methodology chapter is based on secondary research method and case study approach that covers information on the merger of Time Warner and AOL.... The understanding over the impact and influence of misevaluation in the failure of mergers and acquisitions has been presented in a logical and illustrative manner by covering wide arrays of information on the research topic....
27 Pages
(6750 words)
Mergers or acquisitions are therefore assessed if they would significantly impede effective competition for being anti-competitive or strengthens dominance—thus an inquiry shall be made by the competition authorities to determine its impact on the market and whether competition is still functioning effectively despite the merger or acquisition and the same is beneficial to the public in general.... The author of "The Importance of the Counterfactual in merger Assessment" paper argues that counterfactual analysis seeks to establish the effects of a given transaction, agreement, or conduct of organizations seeking to merge or acquire another organization....
19 Pages
(4750 words)
he acquisition of two companies should be optimistic and bad decisions should be eliminated from the processes of merger and acquisition.... The new company will be working on the best practices of the two companies and certain key factors will be merged together to have a modern age merger and acquisition.... ccording to Elebourne & Rambarran (2004), the process of merger refers to the process where one company is merged with another, and acquisition refers to the process when the company acquires another company....
34 Pages
(8500 words)
Research Paper
4 Steps to follow while undertaking a merger and acquisition Strategy: 23 3.... So in order to compete against the giants of the industry that are dominating the market, one of the strategies that organisations have come up with is merger and acquisition.... Motives behind Mergers and acquisition: 10 2.... Trend of Mergers and acquisition in Europe in 1990s: 16 2.... merger and Acquisitions Waves: 16 2.... acquisition: 9 2....
72 Pages
(18000 words)
The first stream of literature is based on understanding the concept of mergers and acquisitions.... In this section, the definition of culture, the concept of national and organizational culture, including the country clusters and their value system have been discussed at length while providing the different theories.... Under the same section the acculturation theory and the concept of cultural synergy has been highlighted.... This research aims to investigate the theoretical concepts of culture – both national and organizational that influence mergers including the theories on cultural fit, acculturation and cultural synergy and to review literature on merger failure/success due to cultural factors....
70 Pages
(17500 words)
The motive of this type of merger is to cut down on competition and maximize on factors that can improve the economic footing of both companies.... Based on liquidity ratio, market price per share, profitability ratio, and earnings per share it is seen that the banks were doing fine until the merger year.... In addition, the merger should consider the decrease in operations' costs as they affect the profitability ratio indicating signs of increased revenues with little net income....
21 Pages
(5250 words)