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Association of Women Police - Essay Example

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The paper "Association of Women Police" highlights that the association has truly revolutionized the thought processes of the police women in the workforce and has made them a positive outlook, with regard to their career prospects within the department. …
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Association of Women Police
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Introduction to Women’s Police Association Answer: Women were always being discriminated in almost all the sections of the society, right from the ancient civilizations. Even the most modern society tends to use double standards, when it comes to the issues dealing with women and because of this they face constant threat and harassment in their day today life. Be it in the case of imparting the education or at the work place, women are made to toil and work hard when compared to their male counterparts, in order to gain recognition and status in any society. This is the truth of the modern women and modernization of the various societies, have only resulted in the increase in the tale of woes for the women. In order to safeguard the interests of the police women in the various police departments present in the different regions across the globe, the Women Police association was primarily setup. The Women Police Association had its origins in the year 1915, which was just a blue print and remained in paper. The Association was setup in Washington DC after about one year in 1916. ( When one looks back at the history of the United States of America, one can very well see that women had been in the police department’s right from the year 1845. It was in the year 1893 that a women by name Mrs. Mari Owens was inducted into the Chicago Department of Police and was been given the Policeman rank, which entitled her to the power of arrest. It was only in the year 1910, which another woman by name Mrs. Alice Stebbins Wells was named as the Policewoman. ( The modern society by then had very well looked into the benefits of the introduction of the women in the police force and has rightly acknowledged the need for women police officers, to deal with crimes related to women and children in particular. Indeed the main aim that was behind the creation of the Woman Police Association, was to take preventive actions against the occurrence of the various kinds of problems and harassments, which were being created for policewomen in their workplace. The areas that were also looked into by the Women Police Association, mainly included places of public interest like the dance halls, movies, arcades, shopping malls and all other places of recreational interest for women and children which could also turn out to be problem spots. It can very well be said that it is this Women Police Association, which has really become a force to reckon with and has straight away empowered the women police officers in the law enforcement department. ( In fact women and more particularly the police women have always felt very insecure, without such an Association and this could have in turn drastically affected their freedom and their rights in the society and at their workplace. Hence it can be said that, the formation of the Women Police Association has been a blessing for the police women. The women Police Association has grown so much in strength all across the world that, it today has got so many branches across the world. The present Women Police Associations across the world is present in approximately 14 regions. This can be very well attributed to the fact that, most of the governments all across the world have found it important to form such an association, that would be entrusted with the duty of safeguarding the rights of the policewomen at their workplaces, which would enable them to rightly enforce crime detection and prevention activities. ( But with the increasing concern regarding the safety and security of the women and children across many countries, there is certainly scope for growth for more such women police force and their respective Women Police Associations. Thus due to the Women Police Association’s efficiency in prevention of harassments against police women, the association has grown tremendously in strength during the recent years. As a part of the annual activities this Association conducts training programs as well as conferences which span for more than five days. During such conferences it has been seen that, the Association invites both men and women and high level delegates, from almost all the countries across the globe. ( The seminars conducted during such meetings attract a huge number of experts, from various fields of the criminal justice. During such conferences the members discuss very important issues pertaining to the women and children and also issues pertaining to the harassments of police women at the workplace. Very vital information’s are being disseminated, to almost all the members during such annual meetings. All these activities during the five day conference helps the various members to get a clear view, about the Associations goals and also the ways to tackle, solve and prevent various types of harassments and gender inequalities meted out to policewomen in the modern society and their respective police departments. ( Indeed such conferences helps each individual to strengthen and hone their skills and gain much more confidence in tackling crime, that is very much prevalent in the current society. Thus by sharing of the various views among the group members, each member gains knowledge and new insights into the various types of criminal activities and the laws that can be enforced against the perpetrators of harassments to women in their work places. Thus each member gets a very clear perspective with respect to dealing with such offenders. Thus it can be said that the Women Police Association, has been doing a great service to the modern society and preventing the acts of crime and torture against the policewomen, at the workplace or during the course of their duty. The women Police association has got a major boost in recent years, following the increase in the number of female officers being inducted into the law enforcement department. 2. What is the definition of the Association of Women police? Answer: The Association of Women Police can be rightly defined as the association, which has been created by bringing together a group of police women and women police officers, with the main aim to safeguard the rights of the police women, in the presently existing modern society and also within the existing police departments. In short the duties of the Association of women Police was to mainly prevent the different types of criminal incidents and problems that are being committed on the policewomen and also fight for their rights within the police department. Thus this definition has got a much broader perspective and goal in order to ensure that, the policewomen are being given adequate safety, greater freedom and security in their respective workplaces in addition to maintenance of self respect and equal rights comparable to their male counterparts. Thus the Association is endowed with the duty to take care of the welfare of the policewomen and also to fight prejudice against policewomen, which is rampant in society and among the staff in the police departments. 3. What are the objectives of the Association of Women Police? Answer: The association of the Women Police had been formed, in order to meet certain objectives to empower the women present within the police departments. The objectives are listed below: To mobilize and bring together almost all the female police officers operating in a particular region, in order to work towards the achievement of laid out aspirations and goals for the empowerment of the women. To concentrate mainly on the best types of practices, that can be readily be applied by the female police women and at the same time create a very good environment, that can in turn help in boosting their inner potential. By doing so the police force will be totally enhanced due to their positive contributions. To help each other to collaborate and work together and also share their thoughts and develop their skills, through the various methods of training. To increase the voice of women within the police force, that would have a lasting effect on their influence and capabilities both internally and externally with regards to the workplace. This would have a very profound effect on the way they deliver their duties and service to the society and in particular with regards to the women and children. To create a very good work environment, as well to rightly set goals and maintain a high quality of the equipments, that would help the women police officers and police women in imparting the duties to the society, in a highly professional manner. To enforce and achieve a very good balance in terms of gender as well as ethnicity, across the various ranks present in the police department, which will help them to serve the women across the various strata of society. To become highly successful in the chosen career as a police woman and to take necessary steps, to take up senior positions in the police department and at the same time to maintain a very good balance between their work and personal life. Since these are very highly demanding areas and has a very high level of competition present in them, such Associations of women police helps in the women working within the police department, to thoroughly understand and balance the demands of the society, their job as well as their private life. ( 4. What is the strategy of the Women’s Police Association? Answer: The women’s Police Association planned out some strategies, to meet with the objectives that had been laid out by the association. As per this the strategies were to bring together all the members of the Women’s Police Association, so that they could plan and implement in unison the decision taken by the Association. The strategies were: In order to bring about unity among the various women police personnel working in a particular area, it was decided to conduct periodical meetings, so that they could very well share the views and opinions freely, regarding the various difficulties that they face during the course of work. To discuss the problems of the women and children belonging to the various classes of the society, which are commonly brought to the notice of the women police personnel and the police officers and to find out instant solutions and implement them. This would help them to impart justice to the affected women, in a very timely manner and at the same time help to prevent the incidents of crime against women in the society. To conduct worldwide annual meetings and conferences of the Women’s Police Association which would help the woman police persons from different regions of the globe, to discuss the problems that they face within their country and also the types of crime that most commonly occur against the women and children in their respective society. This world wide perspective would indeed help the police women in the associations to get valuable tips, methods and techniques, to improve their work atmosphere and personal life. At the same time they would get the know how about the various methods that are being adopted by the police women across different countries, in their fight against crime that take place against women. To impart and undergo many more police training classes, that could very well improve their skills as a woman police officer, which could go a long way in implementing of peace and security to the women in their respective regions. To empower the women within the association as well those present within the society, by encouraging them to speak openly about the various types of problems that they encounter in the day today life and very well find and implement lasting solutions to such problems. 5. What is the importance of women’s police Association? Answer: Indeed the creation of the Women’s Police Association has brought about a major change in the modern society, which till now was mainly dominated by men. Before the creation of the Women’s Police Association, the women in most of the societies around the world were mainly sidelined and were being treated with disrespect and double standards were commonly being applied, to matters relating to them. Whether it was in the case of the educational institution or in the workplace women were considered secondary to men and they had been treated very badly, when it came to matters relating to promotions or job vacancies. Even across the various police departments the women police officers and police women, had to undergo several types of harassments from their male counterparts and there are several cases to prove such happenings. As a result the freedom and the career prospects of the women police officers and police women had been curtailed and overlooked by policemen. In the case of the dealings of the police department relating to the women and their harassments in the society, again double standards were being adopted and they were treated very badly. As a result the women could not get the much needed justice, due to the male dominance and their influence in the police departments. But all these have ever since changed with the formation of the Women’s Police Associations, that has been specially formed to empower the women in the society, as well as within the police department. Due to this the women police officers have got a forum and an association, where they can very openly discuss the problems at the workplace and also in their homes. Additional forums and meetings conducted at such women’s Police Associations also discuss the various types of crimes taking place against children and women and also the problems that they very commonly face within the society. Due to such discussions various strategies are put across by the association, which helps to find lasting solutions for such problems of women. Thus such Women Police Associations are considered very important by the government across various countries and the decisions that they take during the meetings, are presented before the government to find the much needed solutions for the stated problems. As a result of this the Women Police Associations in recent years, have gained much strength due to the power they wield in the society and they are being considered very vital associations for the well being of the entire police force, as well as to ensure the freedom and rights of the women in the society and at the workplaces. ( 6. Functions and responsibilities and duties of the Assembly of the Women’s Police? Answer: The Assembly of the women’s Police is entrusted with some very important functions, responsibilities and duties, which they have to take care in the course of their work at the work place and also to the society. As per this the main functions and responsibilities and duties of the Assembly of the Women’s Police, can be classified as given below. Functions: To bring together the various women working within the police department, with a view to bring a sort of unity among the policewomen and female police officers in the workplace. To discuss the various problems, which are most commonly faced by the women at the work spot and also at home. To chart out action plans for successively implementing the decisions, taken by the women police association. To make follow-ups to ascertain whether the plans for the welfare and the development activities for empowering women, as decided at the meetings in the Women Police Association have turned into reality. To conduct periodical meetings within the association, so as to discuss the current problems of the police women at their workplace. To chart out strategies regarding the future course of action for the association and also to set up a vision for leading the association, towards the future. Responsibilities: The association has to see to it that, they are able to rope in the maximum number of women present in the police department and also make them active members of the association. They have to ensure that, the forums and the meetings conducted by the associations is free from any bias and also give each member freedom of speech and thought, to express themselves at the meetings. Ensure that the gender equality is being maintained at the work place and if not, take necessary steps to enforce the same in the police department. Should give a fair hearing to the grievances of the various police women, within the association and give them the required feedback of the various cases, put forward by them. The association should also see to it that the women present in the different classes of the society, are also given gender equality and also that their rights are rightly safeguarded. Should be able to instill the confidence among the members the confidence that, they would be very well be able to do justice to their work and to march ahead in their career to get the senior most posts in the police department. Duties: It is the duty of the Women Police Association to see to the fact that, no injustice is being meted out to any women present within their association or in the region where they make their presence felt. To see to it that they get maximum number of members for each meeting conducted. Each member has to feel a sense of belonging to the association and to perform their duties at the work place without any prejudice. To ensure that each member is totally knowledgeable regarding the rules of the association and the various benefits, that they could get within the association. To make sure that no kind of partiality is shown, to any member in the association which inturn could make the association much weaker. Be in constant touch with the legal and law enforcement authorities, as well as with the government authorities, so as to voice their grievances instantly to the government and get the much required justice from the various courts of justice. 7. What are the factors for establishment of the Women’s Police Association? Answer: The following are the factors that have resulted in the establishment of the Women’s Police Association: There has been a growth in the number of crime related activities in the recent years against women and also the various types of harassments that they have been put under, both in the police departments and also in the society. This has made the women across the world to feel that, they strongly need an association which could discuss their various problems at the work place and find lasting solutions to them. Though the society has become very much modern in the recent years, still so much of gender inequality exists between the male and females in the modern society and more particularly within the work places. There has been a certain transition from the olden day concept wherein the women of the past were involved in only traditional activities and jobs. Now the modern culture has brought forward women, to accept and get employed in jobs that were previously considered to be male dominant. This growing equality and the change in the attitude of the modern women regarding the choice of the jobs have also brought them various forms of criticisms in society, as they were still considered by the wide majority of people as being inferior to the men. Thus as the number of the women in the male dominated jobs like the police departments started to grow, the resentment and also the harassments from the men towards them also started to increase. This has indeed forced women in the police department to form an association for themselves, which would help them to voice their grievances and concerns and find solutions for achieving gender equality and solutions for the problems that they face at the workplace. The increase in the women in the law enforcement jobs and workplaces have contributed to the growth in the number of the Women Police Associations. Changes in the societal thinking patterns has also been a factor, which has very much contributed to the increase in the number of Women Police Associations that are formed across the world. 8. What are the benefits of the Association of Women Police? Answer: The Association of Women Police had been formed several years back and it has been in the process of rendering a tremendous service, to the women working in the police department. The following are the various benefits of the Association of Women Police: The Association has been able to fight for the rights of the women, working in the various levels of the police department and has been very successful in rendering them the needed justice. The Association has been able to develop the women force within the various levels of the police department and have instilled them with confidence through the various training programs, which would take them to higher positions in the department. By joining the associations, the police women have got a forum for voicing freely, the concerns regarding the various types of harassments and inequalities, which they come across in their day today life at the work place and also in the society. The existence of the women Police Associations empowers the women and they very well know that, they are much needed by the modern society and feel a sense of pride, in administering their duties at the work place without any fear. In case of gender inequality the associations have been the best place to deal with such cases and they find lasting and peaceful solutions for the women at the work place. Grievances and harassment issues relating to women police, are being dealt with by the association very strongly and they fight legally for the women who have been the victims. Amicable solutions relating to work related problems are easily found out by the Women Police Association. Thus their presence and the growth in the number of the Women Police Associations across the various regions of the world, very well proves that in the years to come, majority of women across the world would get justice and the harassments meted to them by their male counterparts in the society and at the workplaces are going to get minimized. 9. Basic principles of establishing the women police association. Answer: Right from the ancient civilizations women have been considered to be the weaker sex, when compared to men and this has contributed to the underestimation of the women, in terms of almost all the activities involved in the society. It is a really interesting and dismal fact that, even though the modern society has grown much in terms of science and technology as well as in the field of education and despite the fact that today’s generation consists of highly educated youth, when it comes to gender equality, the society has still got the old mindset of considering the women to be far inferior to men. This is the main reason that most of the women still feel themselves to be much neglected, when it comes to education or the workplaces. But it has been seen by experts that in recent years, there has been a spurt in the number of women who have made their entry into the law enforcement departments and also in the legal and judiciary departments. These departments were previously being considered by the society, to be totally male dominated and the jobs to be fit only for men. As a result due to this inflow of women into the male dominated workplaces and their subsequent contributions to this field, women started to make their presence felt. But still there had been a lot of incidents of torture and harassments to women in these work places, which have forced women to club together and create an association, that would help them in fighting for the justice in cases relating to gender inequality, harassment and also promotion related issues. Thus this has been the basic underlying principle, which had been the real basis for establishing the women police association. 10. Advantage of women police association Answer: The following are considered to be the advantages, with regards to the Women Police Association. The Women Police Association has been able to become, a voice for the women serving in the various police departments. The Women Police Associations have been able to fight for the rights of the women in the police force. The Associations across the world have been very successful in bringing down the incidents relating to the harassments of female police officers in the department. Due to the various camps and training programs that are conducted by the association, the women taking part in these training, have been able to well develop their skills and get confidence in furthering their career within the police department. The rate of women police turnover rates from the police departments, have reduced in recent years, which show the efficiency of the training programs conducted by the Women Police Association. Even the crime related to the women in the society, have been dealt with the association, which has helped in creation of an atmosphere of freedom and gender equality among the women in the society. Due to the annual global level conferences conducted by the Women Police Associations exchange of views between the different participant regions, has resulted in further enhancement of the activities of the association. The men in the police department have started to show more respect for the women police officers, which has created a very good working atmosphere among most of the police departments. With regards to the treatment for the female victims and the criminals, there has been a drastic change in stance among the police department, ever since the formation of the women police association. 11. Who will be the beneficiaries from establishing the Women Police Association? Answer: It can be said that the women in the society, will be the biggest beneficiaries due to the establishment of the Women Police Association. This is due to the reason that, the women till now have been treated very badly by the society and have been not been considered for any of the prestigious posts in the law enforcement departments or in any such departments. This is due to the sole reason that, most of the women have been overlooked by the heads of most organizations around the world and the top posts have been reserved only for the males. But since there has been an increase in the number of female police officers in the law enforcement departments across the world, the formations of the Women’s Police Association in several regions across the world will only help to make them much stronger. Indeed there is a fear among the males in the police departments, that the most coveted posts in their departments would be given to the women based on their performance. They know very well that, the women in their organizations will not be overlooked by the seniors in their department any more due to the presence of the Women Police Associations. Thus the Women in the society and also the police departments, will have a high degree of confidence with the formation of the Women Police Association, since they can directly voice their grievances or problems to the association, which would take care of them and render them adequate justice. 12. The greatest impact from Women Police Association for Police woman. Answer: It can be truly said that the creation of the Women Police Association, has been a milestone for the women rendering their services in the various police departments across the world. Indeed the greatest impact that has been created for the police woman by the Women Police Association, has been in the region of ensuring the safety and rights in terms of gender equality and also in terms of creating a better and congenial atmosphere for the women, to work alongside their male counterparts in the various police departments. The association has truly revolutionized the thought processes of the police women in the workforce and have made them to have a positive outlook, with regards to their career prospects within the department. Ever since the formation of the association, statistics show that there has been a tremendous increase in the number of women getting senior position within the police department. Thus is can be said that the Women Police Association has been very successful, in changing the mindset of the policewomen and also the society as a whole, when they look towards the police women administering the law enforcement duties. Hence it has created a very great impact upon the police women and has helped them to climb the ladder of success within the police departments. References: Book Rags “Women Police and Discrimination” , Web. February27. 2011 Read More
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