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Homicide in Puerto Rico - Term Paper Example

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From the paper "Homicide in Puerto Rico" it is clear that by minutely examining the critical situation of growing homicide in Puerto Rico, it is quite advisable to make suggestions and recommendations for the eradication of criminal activities from society…
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Homicide in Puerto Rico
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? Homicide in Puerto Rico OUTLINE Crime is a social phenomenon, which is observed by every human society since the known human history. The scholars and theorists have always been interested in discovering the motives that force the normal and peace loving humans towards breaking the statute of law, and committing different crimes. The present study aims to explore the causes and consequences related to the horrible crime of homicide with reference to the Caribbean Island Puerto Rico. The paper throws lights on the growing criminal incidents committed by the young males belonging to age range from 25 to 35 years. The paper, on the basis of the relevant researches conducted on the similar topics, views unemployment, poverty and inequality as the basic reasons behind high homicide rate in the island. Domestic violence, lack of tolerance, class discrimination and ethno-racial hatred can also be stated the imperative reasons behind homicide in the region. The study has been conducted in the light of Marxist and Freudian perspectives, which consider class differences and sexual arousal respectively as the major factors behind committing of different crimes. The paper has also made suggestions for the quick and permanent eradication of homicide from the island. Homicide in Puerto Rico Contents Pages Abstract 3 Statement of the Problem 3 Legal Nature of Homicide 4-5 Homicide Subcategories 6-8 Homicide Statistics 8-9 Puerto Rico and Selected Metropolitan Areas Homicide Comparison 9-10 Homicide Contributing Factors 10-11 Recommendations 11 References 12 Abstract Collected in 2003, the national crime statistics of Puerto Rico declare homicide as one of the most dominant causes of unnatural deaths in the country. An overwhelming majority of offenders belongs to young males from 25 to 35 years of age in this Caribbean island. Consequently, the country finds the involvement of its youth in killing of the citizens in cold blood. Hence, the statistics alarm the growth of social evils like poverty, unemployment and unequal distribution of wealth and resources in the country, encouraging the desperate youth to adopt the path of destruction and turmoil for the fulfillment of their desires on the one hand, and to take revenge of social injustices and deprivations from their social establishment on the other. Statement of the Problem The researches reveal the very fact that Puerto Rico Island has turned out to be the victim of homicide in the pattern of the mainland USA, as the violence and crime rate witnessed an upward trend from late 1990s onward. Although the crime rate in the region was lesser than that of New York and Florida even in the initial years of the new millennium, yet the same appears to be touching the dangerous point putting the social, cultural and economic activities into grave jeopardy. The present study aims to present a comparative examination of the upsurge of homicide in the region and New York by exploring the factors paving the way towards the high rate of homicide criminal activity in this unincorporated territory of the USA in order to address the actual problem on the one hand, and combat with the growing violence in the territory on the other. The Legal Nature of Homicide The notion homicide is aptly applied by the social scientists and theorists to identify the illegal murder of individuals. Homicides are those assaults intended to be fatal regardless of outcome plus those assaults that were fatal regardless of intent. (Daly & Wilson, 1988 pp. 13-14) Since homicide is a vast concept in its nature and scope, it encompasses every type of illegal and extra judicial murder, killing and manslaughter at large. Hence, the term homicide is regarded as the most nefarious offence against the very foundations of law and society, as it not only deprives a human of his life, but also leaves the family, friends and companions of the murdered in a perturbing and tormenting state of affairs subsequently. Thus, homicide and the practitioners of the same are paving the way towards the deterioration of the political and social set up of their region by creating fuss and inviting chaos in the social environment in general. There was a time when killing and manslaughter used to occur rarely in societies, and only personal grudge and malice of extreme scale used to invite the revengeful action of gravest consequences in society. Thus, financial and moral corruptions, stealing, theft and robbery, white collar and blue collar crimes, sexual offences and hurting used to challenge the law and order situation in an area, locality or state. However, the growing uncertain financial situation and social inequalities have invited the constant increase in homicide and deliberate killing all over the globe. Consequently, killing has wide spread its awkward feathers by damaging the canopy of peace and order with its nasty shadow and condemnable schemes. Milroy (1995) examined fifty-two episodes of homicide-suicide, which revealed the fact that 98% of the assailants belonged to male stratum of society. The major reason for homicide-suicide was breakdown in a relationship (46%), the victim usually being the spouse. Mental illness was the second commonest reason (21%). Physical ill health (11%) and financial stress (10%) were important reasons in older couples. Criminal behavior was the reason in 11% of cases. Alcohol was detected in 15 (29%) of assailants, with 10 (19%) having a blood-alcohol level over 100mg/100ml. (Milroy, 1995 pp. 213-214). Homicide Models Legal Model Theories have been articulated and sociological researches have been made in order to explore the motives behind manslaughter. The scholars blame the phenomenon of weakening family bounds as the most imperative factor behind the high rise of homicide. The family is the most frequent single locus of all types of violence from slaps to beatings, to tortures to murders. Students of homicide are well aware that more murder victims are members of the same family than any other category of murder-victim relationship. (Daly & Wilson, 1988 p. 18) Thus, domestic conflicts and differences are taking the shape of violence, taking the very life of the family members out of uncontrollable fits of anger as well sheer feelings of hatred and abhorrence against the blood relations. Women are the greatest victim of homicide all over the globe. Everyday, fifty-two women are victim to domestic violence in Puerto Rico. The were recorded 22,274 incidents of domestic violence to police in 2004 in Puerto Rico, where 85.5% victims were women, and the same was the percentage of male offenders. Similarly, between 2000 and 2004, 36% of all female homicides in Puerto Rico were motivated by domestic violence. (Retrieved from Motivation Model The theorists and criminologists have also coined the terms motivation and provocation in order to define the intensity of homicide crime on the basis of the intention behind the offence. They analyze the nature of killing in the same patterns as the jurists and lawyers make interpretations of the statute of law keeping in view the malafide intention of the offender. Consequently, the killer seeks relief by taking plea of self-defense and committing the manslaughter quite unintentionally. Somehow, such crooked supports require sound evidence and reasoning due to the very reality that burden of proof is always on the accused or offender, who is liable to provide evidence of the inevitable circumstances, which have paved the way towards the committing of the same quite unintentionally. Hence, according to Section 40 of the Law of Evidence, the burden of proof is upon the prosecution to make out a prima facie case against the accused, no matter what his defense may be. But as a general rule when the prosecution has proved the killing and no evidence has been given tending to prove justification or other defense, a prima facie case will be regarded as having been established. All circumstances of justification, excuse or alleviation must be shown by the accused. (Quoted in It is therefore, the killers of family members take plea of committing of the same without having any ill intention behind the crime. Homicide Subcategories Somehow, homicide is not confined to the manslaughter of family members only; on the other hand, sexual, pecuniary and professional motives also play their significant role in the projection and promotion of homicide. It is therefore the offenders kill their victims during rape, robbery, burglary, serious quarrel and financial issues. Hence, woman and child rapist kill their victims out of the fear of getting identified by the victim. Marxist perspective declares social injustices and cruel deprivation as the major reason behind sexual assaults and killing; while Freudian school of thought finds pursuit for sexual gratification as the leading motive behind violence and murder. Poverty resulting from capitalism encourages crime. The unequal distribution of rewards and encouragement of egoistic material accumulation encourage crime. (Hagan, 2010 p. 110) Being the forerunner of contemporary psychological thought, Sigmund Freud associates unfulfilled sexual desires, hidden in the sub-conscious of human brain, with the committing of violence and offences of various types. Hence, pecuniary embarrassments and unquenched carnal desires play pivotal role in the exercising of violence and crimes including manslaughter and homicide. The analysts declare Puerto Rico as the paradise of the sex offenders, as the region is viewed to be the favorite place for voluntary and involuntary sexual activities. Sex offenders are flocking to Puerto Rico, lured by laxer laws that allow them to live a more normal life. Here, they are not barred them from living near parks or schools, and failing to register is a misdemeanor, not a felony as it is in most parts of the US. (Spak, 2010 p.1) It has also been estimated that nearly one third of the rape cases are not registered to the police, where partial consent of the victim is involved. Additionally, an overwhelming majority of the offenders belongs to the mainland, which helps them escape to their homeland after committing rape in the wretched region of Puerto Rico. Thus, the poor tourists also become prey to the obnoxious criminal attacks of the rapists and killers. Another important factor behind the attacks on the tourists in the island includes the killers’ motif to snatch money, precious articles, jewelry and automobiles etc from them. It is partially due to the lack of riches and resources as well as unequal distribution of opportunities that pushes the young males towards committing of various crimes including burglary, robbery, rape and homicide. Here appears the Marxist perspective that declares social conflicts as the outcome of cruelties and exploitations at the hands of bourgeoisie upon the proletariat. The capitalists performed the rather simple trick of paying the workers less than they deserved, because they received less pay than the value of what they actually produced in a work period. (Ritzer & Goodman, 2003 p.22) The same is applied on the island of Puerto Rico, where the individuals belonging to well to do families visit to enjoy themselves with the tours and quench the thirst of their lust in the gorgeous company of beautiful and charming girls. Since the poor Puerto Ricans are unable to enjoy the same, they commit rapes and get involved into homicide to satisfy their revenge against the exploitations of the inhabitants of the mainland at large. Biological theory of crime, presented by renowned psychologist criminologist Lombroso, is of the opinion that the criminals contain some specific innate biological and physical traits that distinguish them from the other members of society. The theorist, on the basis of his in-depth analysis of criminals and prisoners, developed his hypothesis that the structure of skull, ears, jaw, bones, hands and feet is almost similar among the criminals, and thus they maintain natural tendencies for committing crimes since their early youth. Similarly, Bromberg categorizes criminal in three types including psychopathic personality, schizoid psychopathic personality and paranoid psychopathic personality. (Vedder et al, 1976 189) Paranoid psychopathic personality is interested in crimes like blackmailing and emotional assaults, while schizoid psychopathic personality aims at serious offences like murder and rape. The reports suggests that during 1980-2005, the mainland had a mean annual rate of aggravated assault of 349 cases/100,000 residents, more than twice as high as the mean annual rate in Puerto Rico (168 cases/100,000 residents). The decline of aggravated assault started earlier in Puerto Rico (1986) than on the mainland (1993). During 1990-2005, the incidence of aggravated assault declined by 8.18%/year in Puerto Rico and by only 3.29%/year on the mainland. (Godoy, 2008, p.3) The studies also blame growing drug addiction and chemical dependency as the vital factor behind the individuals committing of crimes. Since drug consumption weakens the mental and physical faculties of humans, and decreases the level of patience and tolerance in them, they get irritated on petty matters and useless issues, and spare no time in entering into violence and aggression against the family, friends, colleagues and strangers even. It would be very hard to find a nurse who saw only the physical aspect of care as that which defines nursing. We all know that when a person is hurting emotionally, all sorts of physical ailments crop up. On the other hand, physical conditions can affect the mind and spirit. (Hutchison, 1997 p.4) In other words, emotional and sentimental collapses drag the people use drugs on the one hand, and adopt the path of crimes and delinquency on the other. However, better health facilities and improvement in socioeconomic conditions of the country prove beneficial in combating with the curse of criminal activities and offences of various kinds from the very face of a social establishment. Decrease in homicide and control of crime rate in Puerto Rico is partially because of the special attention being paid by the law enforcing agencies towards ensuring the safety and protection of the visitors and local population, so that the revenue generated through tourists could be escaped from grave threats due to the increasing rate of homicide and burglary in the island. The ratio of population to police in Puerto Rico compares favorably with the ratios in the states of Florida, Mississippi, or New York. During 1999-2005, for every police in Puerto Rico there were 208 citizens, lower than the ratio in Florida (395), Mississippi (471), or New York (286). (Godoy, 2008 p.9) The studies also view improvement in medical facilities as a very important factor in the control of homicide in the island. The better health facilities are supportive in saving the lives of victims on the one hand, and are beneficial in respect of psychological treatment of the offenders on the other. In addition, the availability of improved health provisions also adds its share in the rehabilitation process of the victims of rape, violence and domestic tortures. Recommendations By minutely examining the critical situation of growing homicide in Puerto Rico, it is quite advisable to make suggestions and recommendations for the eradication of criminal activities from the society. One of the most formidable steps taken towards this direction is the recruitment and appointment of vigilant, active, honest, qualified and experienced personnel in the police department of the island at senior positions. It would be highly beneficial for the middle and lower rank cops and staff members to perform their duties and obligations in an effective manner. In addition, inclusion of criminologists, lawyers, crime psychologists and sociologists as senior staff members in police department in order to discover the motifs behind committing such heinous crimes like rape, burglary, homicide and others, as well as for elimination of the same from society. Moreover, in order to save the society from getting prey to serious crimes and offences. Furthermore, the political authorities should make the distribution of opportunities and resources transparent and just ones in order to diminish the concept of exploitation from the minds of the middle and lower strata of society. Since professional qualification wide opens the bright chances of respectable jobs for the youth, the spread of technical and professional education in the island is also an imperative method of regulating the activities of the masses. The theorists also declare non-productive leisure and unemployment as dangerous for the peace and harmony of a social establishment. They view sports and recreational activities as significant factors for the elimination of criminal acts from society. If the youth is provided with healthy opportunities in the form of sports and games, they will not indulge into crimes and other law breaking deviant behavior. Similarly, companionship and association with law-abiding, sophisticated and creative individuals is also helpful in respect of protecting the individuals from becoming prey to the perversion and delinquencies. A good piece of advice would seem to be, “Don't hang-around with (or marry-into) a bad crowd.” That includes occupations that require associations with dangerous people, such as taxi-driving, liquor store work and police work, but it also includes country & city of residence. Other adages would be, “Don't be the guardian of valuables, even if those valuables are your own” and “stay sober.” (Best, 2010 p. 7: quoted in Hence, by taking these steps and adopting these measures would be beneficial for the authorities in respect of controlling the youth from committing heinous crimes including homicide, manslaughter, rape, burglary, robbery and other violent acts. References Best, Ben (2010) Death by Murder Retrieved from Daly, Martin & Wilson, Margo (1988) Homicide Transaction Publishers 13-14 Godoy, R. (2008). Is homicide in Puerto Rico High? Homicide Studies, 12 (2), 188-207. Hagan, Frank E. (2010) Introduction to Criminology: Theories, Methods and Criminal Behavior Sage 110-119 Hutchison, Margaret G. (1997) Healing the Whole Person: the Spiritual Dimension Retrieved from Milroy, C.M. (1995) Reasons for homicide and suicide in episodes by dyadic death in Yorkshire and Humberside Med Science Law 1995 Jul; 35(3):213-7. Ritzer, George & Goodman, Douglas (2003) Classical Sociological Theory Fourth Edition McGraw Hill Publishing Company 22-23 Spak, Kevin (2010) Puerto Rico: Sex Offender Paradise: Lax Laws Send Convicts to the Island Vedder, Clyde B., Koenig, Samuel & Clark, Robert E. (1976) Criminology Holt, Rinehart & Winston New York Read More
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