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The various types of pollution, their causes, effects and solutions - Essay Example

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This paper will discuss the various types of pollution, their causes, effects and solutions. Pollution is one of the huge problems facing the world today. The common types of pollution are air pollution, water pollution, land pollution and noise pollution…
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The various types of pollution, their causes, effects and solutions
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?Running head:  Environmental Science Insert         Insert Grade Insert 18 January Table of contents Introduction…………………………………………………….………………………..2 Forms of pollution ……………………………………………………………………...3 Air pollution………………………………………………………………………………3 Causes…………………………………………………………………………...3 Effects…………………………………………………………………………….4 Solutions…………………………………………………………………………4 Water pollution…………………………………………………………………………..6 Causes…………………………………………………………………………...6 Effects……………………………………………………………………………6 Solutions…………………………………………………………………………7 Land pollution……………………………………………………………………………8 Causes…………………………………………………………………………...8 Effects…………………………………………………………………………….8 Solutions…………………………………………………………………………9 Noise pollution…………………………………………………………………………..9 Causes…………………………………………………………………………...9 Effects…………………………………………………………………………..10 Solutions………………………………………………………………………..11 Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………...12 Reference: Environmental Science: Pollution Introduction The modern world has witnessed an increasing rate of pollution touching all aspects of the environment; for instance, there is air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, and land pollution. Pollution can be defined as the introduction of a contaminant into the environment, caused by human activities; however, pollution can yield disastrous results on vegetation, human beings, and animals (Degobert 21). All kinds of pollution have serious repercussions to the universe, health, and economy. According to the guardian, Kyoto Protocol plays a huge role in reducing pollutions by countries; here, the member countries agree to reduce gas emissions with an aim of protecting the environment. The guardian (Para 5) also adds that the United States has reduced its emission for the past 2 years, while India is ranked the third as the biggest emitter of carbon dioxide, and China continues to emit more carbon dioxide. In the United States, 3million tones of harmful chemicals are released in the air, land, and water; such waste leads to the loss of 15million acres of land annually. Health-wise, pollution interferes with the human respiratory system, causing complications. The lakes and rivers become too polluted and as a result, not benefiting human beings at all. However, industries are not solely responsible for pollution, instead, agricultural activities and other human activities such as driving contribute to pollution as well. This paper will discuss the various types of pollution, their causes, effects and solutions. Forms of Pollution The common types of pollution are air pollution, water pollution, land pollution and noise pollution. Air Pollution Causes Air pollution is mainly caused by carbon emissions from industrial activities, cars’ fumes, electric generation, domestic heating, and construction among others (Stankovic, Campbell, & Harries 19). Carbon dioxide emissions contribute to global warming, as it is one of the largest among the green house gasses. The process of burning fossil fuels such as gas, coal, and petroleum releases carbon dioxide into the air. Transportation accounts for high levels of carbon emissions since vehicles, trains, planes, boats, and trucks are involved in the production of carbon dioxide fumes. In addition, human beings greatly contribute to the emissions of carbon dioxide through use of electricity in lighting, heating, and air conditioning service. This is because the generation of electricity leads to a high level of carbon dioxide emissions. The industry sector also plays a major role in the emission of carbon gasses; this is due to the processes involved in production and manufacturing of goods. Methane is another green house gas that results from gas produced by livestock and from swamps. Sulfur dioxide is also an air pollutant, which forms smog. Volcanic eruptions produce large amounts of sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere, and as a result, cooling is caused and may last for years (National Geographic Para 4). Effects When carbon dioxide emissions are released to the air, they remain in the atmosphere for 100 – 200 years, thus with time causing the temperature on the earth to increase, which results to global warming. However, according to science daily, each increase of one degree Celsius of carbon dioxide is capable of causing up to 1000 deaths and respiratory complications such as asthma in human beings. These gasses in the atmosphere normally cause a greenhouse effect, which interferes with the earth’s temperature. Cigarette smoking is considered a pollutant as it also interferes with the respiratory system, causing lung cancer and heart disease among other complications (CNN health news Para 4). According to CNN health news (Para 1), most American citizens live longer as a result of clean air; residents of the cities that had low air pollution increased their life span compared to other polluted cities. Solutions According to US Environmental Protection Agency (2), quality air is important, as the quality of air affects how an individual breaths and lives. In the United States, the environmental protection agency works with the local air quality agency to provide information about quality of air, and as a result protecting people’s health. Nevertheless, the government should implement strategies that will assist reduce any harmful emissions into the air. Finally, the clean energy initiative is another measure that can guarantee the reduction of carbon emissions to the atmosphere. Clean energy can be referred to as renewable energy, which is produced from only renewable resources. This energy causes less or no pollution at all; it also uses those resources that can easily be renewed. Clean energy may be derived from wind, solar and water. The main aim of clean energy is to reduce the green house gas emissions and reduce the damages to the environment like global warming, thus providing a safer environment to live in. Another advantage of clean energy is that its sources are free, like water and wind, thus proving to be cheap and reliable. Sometimes, clean coal is also considered as a source of clean energy. The clean renewable energy includes solar power, waterpower and wind power. According to Dell & Rand (27), renewable resources have attractive features that include the fact that they enhance diversity in energy supply and they reduce the huge gas emissions. They also allow access of energy supplies to rural areas, they create new opportunities for employment, and they utilize and conserve fossil fuels for future use and secure unlimited sources of energy. Since burning of fossil fuels contributes to global warming, it would be wise if countries switched to the use of natural energy that is cheap and less pollutant. Abiding to the Kyoto Protocol standards would enable countries to reduce the high level of harmful emissions in the air, thus protecting the atmosphere. In the United States, KyotoUSA was established with an aim of encouraging cities to abide by the standards of Kyoto protocol by reducing green house gas emissions. However, according to the guardian (Para 5), by 2011, the United States had maintained low levels of carbon emissions for two consecutive years. The continuous emphasis on green house gases emission by Kyoto USA will provide cleaner air in years to come. The government should also implement strict rules that prohibit emission of harmful gases to the atmosphere, whereby, if a firm is found to be emitting more than the required gases, the owners should be prosecuted. Water Pollution Causes Water pollution is caused by harmful industrial waste products, which are released into the rivers and lakes (energy saving site Para. 1). Human beings play a huge role in water pollution, as they dispose household wastes and garbage into the rivers. In the developing nations, the low income earners bath in these rivers and lakes, contributing to the pollution of water. In addition, soil erosion can contribute to water pollution through surface runoff, which leaches to ground water. Needless to say, water pollution is as a result of human activities, affecting drinking water, lakes, rivers, and oceans worldwide by reducing its quality (Miller and Spoolman 256). Natural phenomena such as storms, earthquakes, runoff, and decay of vegetation, contribute to poor quality of water. Agricultural activities also lead to water pollution; for instance, fertilizers and pesticides pollute water. Effects Water contamination has been associated with serious effects such as stunted growth, anti-social behaviors among children and learning disabilities among others, which are caused by poor quality of water (Energy Saving Site Para 1). As a result, human health is affected. According to Miller and Spoolman (257), WHO estimates that 1 billion people access unclean water. The effects of water pollution are determined by the type of chemicals damped. Boston harbor signifies the effect of pollution on water. In this harbor, chemicals, and garbage are dumped, which compromise the ecosystem; fish, dolphins, and bird die as a result of such pollutants (Life of Earth Para 3). When harmful chemicals are dumped into the lake, the tiny animals consume them; these animals are then consumed by fish, which human beings consume thereafter, hence leading to harmful diseases. Solutions The developed countries like the United Sates have strict rules that regulate water pollution; however, water pollution is still evident in such countries. According to Berry (Para 1), the United States Clean Water Act did not improve the quality of water in the 70s. The government should foster healthy agricultural activities that will not compromise the quality of water. Healthy fertilizer application techniques such as biodynamic farming that will prevent runoff from entering the stream are favorable techniques. The government should also fund the clean water initiative among its states, which provide loans to municipalities who need to upgrade their sewage systems. Therefore, substitutes for toxic substances should be found. In addition, water should be purified before drinking. Nevertheless, reducing flow of harmful substances into the lakes should be the main priority (Spoolman and Miller 541). Land Pollution Poor solid waste management is the main cause of land pollution. When land is polluted, it yields poor quality crops. Land pollution can be compared to the reduction of the potential of land to be used for a good purpose. Degenerative actions such as, deforestation, overuse of pesticide, mining, and lack of waste treatment, though unavoidable, lowers the quality of land. Misuse of land by cutting down trees for agricultural purposes or desertification, which occurs when people convert a fertile land into a desert, can be categorized as land pollution. Inefficient use of land amounts to land wastage, while soil pollution contributes to land pollution when the top-most layer is washed by rain. Soil contamination causes soil degradation, which involves the introduction of harmful substances in to the soil, rendering it harmful to many forms of life that grow in it. Land can also be polluted when its original constituents are lost. Effects Land pollution affects the earth’s environment in that, the forest cover of the earth is compromised, and as a result, less rain occurs, which results to lesser vegetation. Extinction of species may occur as a result of land pollution, whereby, species are endangered through habitat fragmentation. When excessive use of fertilizer and pesticides is applied, they can contaminate the soil with impurities; as a result, farm products may bear toxins that harmful for human consumption. Solutions Avoiding and reducing land pollution should be a priority for any country; the government can encourage organic farming. People should also separate garbage before damping it, and avoid dumping plastics; recycling can also be encouraged, whereby, individuals are encouraged to purchase recycled products. According to Butler and Macey (58), land pollution can be controlled through the regulation of solid wastes; therefore, the government should regulate landfills. The government should also raise awareness on the importance of reducing waste on lands; the amount of waste produced can be reduced by reusing the product. Farmers should also be enlightened on the safe use of fertilizers and pesticides that are not harmful to the soil. Needless to say, the best solution for land pollution is reducing waste, recycling and re-using; disposing waste correctly is an added advantage. Noise pollution Noise pollution arises from aircrafts, vehicles, industrial noise, and trains; however, vehicles contribute the highest percentage of noise pollution worldwide. Therefore, the main causes of noise pollution are the motor vehicles and machinery. Noise pollution is displeasing to the human beings, since it is unwanted noise, which affects the physiological health. Effects According to medscape news (Para 1), World Health Organization declared that noise pollution has serious effects on human beings. For instance, it could cause hearing impairment. Generally, exposure to sound levels of less that 70dB cannot damage hearing; however, exposure to excessive sound levels over 85dB for more than 8hours can be hazardous to the ears. Children are more vulnerable to hearing impairment than adults are. In 2001, a study proved that 13% of American children between 6-19 years had impaired hearing (Medscape news Para 4). In addition, noise pollution interferes with spoken communication; therefore, a normal speech becomes impossible due to lack of concentration and misunderstandings. Uninterrupted sleep is good for one’s health; however, noise pollution can interrupt sleep, and as a result, changes in mood arise as well as decrease in performance especially during the day due to lack of peaceful rest. Medscape news further explains that noise pollution affects the human beings’ nervous systems, as human beings exposed to such environment develop increased heart rate, blood pressure and high levels of norepinephrine and cortical. Another effect is the mental health that is affected by excessive noise such as, anxiety, stress, nausea, and headaches. In children, it also affects performance in school work, as it affects their learning and reading in school. Needless to say, increase in annoyance arises from noise pollution, as it creates depression for individuals (Medscape news Para 19). Solutions There are varieties of strategies that can be implemented to reduce noise pollution; for instance, to reduce road-associated noises, noise barriers can be used, vehicles speed can also be reduced, and smoothening the texture of roads can limit rough noises. Countries can emphasize on traffic controls, which enable the smooth flow of vehicles, hence avoiding acceleration and braking, which produce noises. Aircraft noises can be reduced by the manufacturers of the planes in the way they design their planes; planes should be designed with environmentally friendly aspect. Vehicles should also be serviced regularly, as they contribute to the highest percentage of noise. Servicing vehicles regularly will lower the intensity of sound they produce (Buzzle Articles Para 4). The machines used in factories should be of good quality and they should also be serviced regularly to reduce sound production; as a result, workers will not be exposed to noise pollution at their places of work. In addition, industries and factories should be located far from residential areas to prevent health hazards associated with noise pollution to the residents. The use of loud speakers in the public should be prohibited, as it causes excessive noise. Tree planting can be a solution to noise pollution; this is because trees block sound passage, as a result preventing disturbances caused by noise. White noise machine is a device used to convert excessive and unbearable noise into pleasant sound, which resembles waterfall or soft music noise (Buzzle Articles Para 10). In addition, people can install soundproof widows and doors for their homes, especially if they are in a noise-polluted area, and as a result, providing a peaceful environment inside their home. It is important for such strategies to be implemented to solve the noise pollution. The government should lay strict laws pertaining to pollution and violators of these laws should be prosecuted. Conclusion Pollution is one of the huge problems facing the world today. The increased environmental problems cause serious damage to the earth. Environmental pollution has been discussed in four categories, air, water, land and noise. Air pollution has emerged as the most harmful form of pollution to the environment due to the harmful green house gasses emitted to the atmosphere, capable of causing death. However, solutions to these types of pollution have been indicated, with the government called upon to protect the environment through policy implementation in support from the public and other stakeholders. There is need to protect and preserve farmlands, wetlands, and atmosphere; as a result, species are saved and global warming, which could cause serious repercussion is avoided. Works Cited Buzzle articles. Noise Pollution Solutions. 2011. 20 January 2012. Butler, Henry and Macey, Jonathan. Using federalism to improve environmental policy. Washington DC: American Enterprise Institute publisher, 1996. Berry, Shawn. Water pollution solutions. 20 January 2012. Degobert, Paul. Automobiles and pollution. NY: TECHNIP Publisher, 1995. CNN health news. Drop in U.S. air pollution linked to longer lifespan. 2009. 20 January 2012. Dell, Ronald & Rand, David. Clean energy. NY: Royal society publishers, 2004 Energy saving site. Types of water solution, 2012. 20 January 2012. Life of earth. Save our world, water pollution. 2012. 20 January 2012. Kyoto USA. US cities and their citizens working together to address global warming. 2012. 20 January 2012. Miller, Tyler and Spoolman, Scott. Environmental Science. Edition 13. OH: Cengage Learning Publisher. 2009. Medscape news. Noise Pollution: A Modern Plague: Adverse Health Effects of Noise. Adverse Health Effects of Noise. 2007. 20 January 2012. National geographic. Air pollution comes from many sources. 2012. Retrieved from Science Daily. Carbon Dioxide Emissions Linked to Human Mortality; Science news. 2008. 20 January 2012. Spoolman, Scott and Miller, Tyler. Living in the Environment: Principles, Connections, and Solutions. Edition 17. OH: Cengage Learning publisher. 2011. The guardian. World carbon dioxide emissions data by country: China speeds ahead of the rest. 2011. 20 January 2012. US environmental protection agency. Air quality index. A guide to air quality and your health. 2009. 20 January 2012. Read More
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