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Internet and children - Research Paper Example

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This paper will aim to understand the facets of children and internet. It is clear that internet and technology are vital components of the future. With the advent of technology, the internet has become a very strong force. Internet is a monumental channel that can have a positive and a negative impact on children. …
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Internet and children
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Research Proposal This paper will aim to understand the facets of children and internet. It is clear that internet and technology are vital components of the future. With the advent of technology, the internet has become a very strong force. Internet is a monumental channel that can have a positive and a negative impact on children. The advent of social media has revolutionized internet, but is it safe for children. In my opinion, the internet has become an addiction for the children in more bad than good. As a matter of fact, this paper will aim to analyze this addiction that has deterred children from physical activity. The question remains- has the Internet produce a thinking and analysis in children? Are We Losing Our Ability to Think Critically?, an excellent article written by Samuel Greengard certainly agrees with this phenomena. As a matter of fact, conducive research statistics indicate this to be a vital force as many children use GOOGLE as a search engine. Additionally, many scholars insist that at least 65% of children have been a victim of cyber bullying. Without a doubt, these are hefty sources. The advent of internet has opened many paths but has may diminish critical thinking. Children are quick to GOOGLE or use Wikipedia as their primary source of information. This is not healthy for critical thinking because many of these websites are not only dangerous, but provide false information. There has to be a strong push for children to analyze and harness their creativity to develop strong minds for nurture and nature. This paper will aim to analyze a solution in children can go to other sources rather than solely the internet to propagate their cognitive thinking and stimulus learning. Works Cited "Communications of the ACM." Are We Losing Our Ability to Think Critically? Web. 4 Dec. 2014. . "Internet Statistics | GuardChild." GuardChild RSS. Web. 4 Dec. 2014. . "Is technology producing a decline in Critical Thinking And analysis?" Newsroom. Web. 4 Dec. 2014. . "Research Proposal For Internet Addiction Essays and Term Papers." Research Proposal for Internet Addiction Essays 1. Web. 4 Dec. 2014. . Research Outline a. Intro-As society advances to the 21st century, the advent of technology has made a dramatic impact on the social aspects of people. As technology has played a bigger role in our lives, the skills that are conducive for cognitive thinking and analysis have declined. b. Thesis-This paper will offer solutions to promote critical thinking via libraries, collaboration groups that are not solely crated in the Internet. II. Body I- The advent of social media and the revolution of internet have become drastic distracting force for kids. a. Wiring the classroom with internet does not ensure cognitive learning. b. Without a doubt, social media has created a lifestyle, just not a fad that aligns with the future roadmap in 2020. Soon social media will play a huge role in Artificial intelligence, a tie that binds us together because it creates a revolution, a unique following, unparalleled to anything we have witnessed. c. Many kids are better off with collaboration group and stimulus learning to bridge the gap between theories. d. Solution- form groups for children to ensure they are thinking intelligently. III. Body II-Internet has too many widely available sources for information. a. Children simply ‘google’ or search for answers online for academic purposes which is detrimental b. Cyberbullying can become a issue that deters overall growth. c. Solution- propogate children to read and write. IV. Conclusion a. Critical thinking is harnessed in perception, reality and closing the gap of real-life experience. b. Avoid computer games and distracting elements such as phone distraction to harness critical thinking. c. Propagate children to read, write and think outside the internet. Internet and the Children As society advances to the 21st century, the advent of technology has made a dramatic impact on the social aspects of people. Children in society has long harnessed the ability to think beyond the ordinary in the world where renovation is cherished. It is evident that the children have heavily relied on the internet as their main knowledge based. Their heavy exposure to all facets of the internet will be examined to understand cognitive behavior. However, the internet as decent as it may seem might hinder cognitive thinking in children. This paper will offer solutions to promote critical thinking via libraries, collaboration groups that are not solely crated in the Internet. The Internet has become a platform of revolution and a knowledge base for children. However, it has also hindered development and cognitive thinking. The first element that it has deterred growth is because it is quite convenient. It almost takes “seconds to GOOGLE an answer. This is detrimental because the internet has become the only primary source for knowledge base. Children have become susceptible to critical thinking because they are too accustomed in a shell of digital living. Everything is digital, which adds to the problem. Social media has overly taken an every human task and has automated it with a personalization. This same scenario can be correlated when the author discusses the situation with Rebecca, who was intrigued in pets. Her father suggested that she gets a turtle, but the realistically did not want to handle the intricacies of keeping a pet. Hence, social media has dramatically modified this by taking something humane and converting into a digital life form. It can also be dangerous because it makes us humanity lose intimacy, cut off human contact, but at the same time maintain a following for ‘x’ amount of friends and followers globally. Make no mistake, the author signifies the importance of this as he states, “The world, as we are told is in midst of revolution. The new looks of social media has reinvented social activism.”(Gladwell 134). Without a doubt, social media has created a lifestyle, just not a fad that aligns with the future roadmap in 2020. Soon social media will play a huge role in Artificial intelligence, a tie that binds us together because it creates a revolution, a unique following, unparalleled to anything we have witnessed. But it does paralyze the thinking of children to think cognitively. Another element that deters cognitive thinking in children is because the internet has too many widely available sources for information. Simply put, too much information does not translate to knowledge. As a matter of fact, scientists argue that this is inefficient for the nurturing in children. It is clear that the wealth of communications and information can easily deter the reasoning abilities in children. West, a renowned scientist and author states his claim as he states," Whats more, its ironic that ever-growing piles of data and information do not equate to greater knowledge and better decision-making.”(Greengard). It is clear that children are losing their ability to think critically because they are constantly bombarded with the advent of internet. An ever-growing problem with Internet and children is cyberbullying. One of the major obstacles regarding cyber bullying is the dire consequences that result in taking acting against it. Without a doubt, it is has been prominent that when school take action discipline bullies outside the premises of the school- they often get sued. This sort of behavior serves as a major barrier for taking correct course of actions. Hence, major schools have no way to remedy cyberbullying as they are taunted by the freedom of speech clause (Friedman 32. The issue itself has become a legal issue because students cannot be governed or disciplined outside the premises of the school. Cyberbullying therefore becomes more of a constitutional issue rather than ethical one (Schwartz 10). Within the realms of morals, cyberbullying has been dominant form of bullying because it allows users to mask themselves with fake profiles. In the era of booming technology, this has been more evident. With a click of a button, bullying has become so transparent. Although many researches argue that technology does not explicitly enhance bullying, it does allow bullies to have an avenue to victimize individuals. One of the solution to deterring growth can be protected learning environment. It is clear that children get too distracted with free ability to roam. For instance, e-learning has been a crucial focal point in harnessing an individual’s growth. Children can really benefit from online education that is present on the internet. The educational system in the United States has witnessed drastic changes over the past decade.  Working with children is different because it relies on different strategies to achieve the learning goals. The disadvantage of social media is the fact that students can get distracted. Social media has many avenues in which students can easily find time to play games, chat online or even worse-interact with intruders. Strategies differ from student-centric because they rely on boring drills and endless memorization. The point is to harness collaboration and give students thought and perception. Another issue that is derived from Internet and children being exposed to it is rethinking critical thinking. Arriving to a clear thinking for children being exposed to internet can be undoubtedly challenging. The internet is filled with temptations that can distract children. The solution as defined is to enhance thinking via correct technology. Undoubtedly, the technology level is at a point where children are finding new manner to call it “ADHD.” “When facts and experiences enter the processing part of the brain that optimizes long-term memory, children are able to think. As a matter of fact, there is prime evidence that indicates that children just become systematic process of translating information into processing units. This equates to shorter span thinking and scattered thinking that distracts children from the sole purpose of analytical thinking However the issue is not attention itself, but the distractions that are so broad-based. Children are constantly being exposed to online trivia games and unnecessary distractions. Everything in the internet has a leisure channel, which deters growth. Children accept what they read and believe because the availability of information is so readily available and convenient. The impact of the internet itself is no reservation it is very important and it is quite true that the custom of the technology can develop the effectiveness of the session and the learning productivity. Another huge detrimental effect that the internet has caused is the fact that children become followers than leaders. In the young generation of society, it is pivotal for the youth to take stand for leadership. Leadership is defined by following personal ideals. However, children are prone to share or copy someone from the web, which becomes problematic. The internet is filled with ignorant individuals that may have bad influence on kids. Many parents and administrators have insisted that there is a solid correlation between internet and media that incites the youth to be more violent. One of the strong cases for this is depicted through the tragedy of the shootings in Columbine and Virginia Tech. A perfect depiction of this is seen in the Columbine shooting in which the two young men were addicted to an online shooting game. Their exposure to this video game was found to be the primary cause that incited their behavior to open fire in their schools. It was clear the link to media and violence was evident because both children came from well-respected families and very strong parents nurturing. Undoubtedly, the games that being produce lack any sort of morals and provide false illusion of heroism. Furthermore, violence is depicted as an admirable way to solve any sort of issue. That is the problem itself, children do not analytically think about their own personality or ideals because they are exposed to wrong ideas on the web. Many critics argue that children have become more unadventurous, unrealistic and less curious because of technology. Children no longer think about the enigmas that the universe holds, but are more concerned about the intangible lives of fictional character. Conducive studies support these claims in which teenagers may become less susceptible to pain and suffering because of violence. Some children live an environment in which violence is the only solution to rectify this problem. It is clear that children are prone to mask these problems via retaliation and not think logically. The illusion is clear- the internet changes the perception of reality. In order to rectify this, it is evident that children must find their own identity. This is the self-crisis itself that the youth are not aware off. Children suffer to find their calling in life because they are too busy following someone else’s ideal. The youth must identify their own identity in a technology driven world to understand the reality of life and to find their passion. Technology and media has drastically facilitated this cause. One of the greatest benefits of E-learning that it provides dynamic technology it provides to learning. Undoubtedly, E-learning has been the pinnacle and focal point of learning. Conventional school learning relies on endless drills, homework and lecture notes. It is clear that students must understand to enjoy the learning process and to become analytical thinkers. When it comes to teaching, specifically writing and reading- it is important to consolidate the differences in writing style prevalent between students. Teachers should always emphasize learning and analytical thinking rather than grades because it matters more. However, with technology logic- these trends can be picked up and facilitate the growth of the students. One of the best methods for learning is interactive learning that is reached via collaboration through video conferences or local libraries. This is one of the best tools for learning. Children learn when they’re exposed to critical thinking. This is a best method to promote discussion and collaboration. Imagine an aura in which students are sitting in a circle, thinking, analyzing and discussing. This is a clear way to engage and stimulate their minds. Conducive research shows that interactive learning is one of the best methods to engage students in a simulative learning. As a matter of fact, this new type of learning of application has allowed students to truly be more engaging. It breaks away from the traditional scope of learning in a conventional classroom that extends beyond writing boring notes, engaging in useless writing drills and discussion. The interactive learning has harnessed learning because it allows students to engage in a learning environment. Another method to promote critical thinking is to experience real-life situations that deal with hybrid solutions. Conducive research indicates that the internet can potentially be a channel for students to obtain education. In order for students to implement these strategies, it is crucial that they get exposed to real-life scenarios in which they can be able to compare and contrast their acquired skills set. For instance, air force pilots use stimulating flight techniques to give them a prototype to what to expect in combat. Conducive research indicates that processing information is stimulated through visual images. Studies prove that IQ tests in children improved because of visual learning and stimuli. Collaborating is undoubtedly essential in order to thrive in any profession as the thoughts of ideas, knowledge, and practices are exchanged. Quite often, students struggle to socialize in a pre-dominant learning environment. Hence, the true goal here is to foster an environment in which peers collaborate with each other that can critically be a constant reminder of their ever-growing knowledge. In this particular study, a new type of assessment is proposed, which is known as hybrid-problem based learning. This new methodology imposes key concepts of critical thinking that traditional techniques lack in their system. They must enjoy the learning process through simulation. This stimulates the minds of young learners and allows a more interactive approach. Embedding fun games, puzzles and a story line truly makes learning fun. Without a doubt, collaboration, open discussion, and real-life strategies are clear methods to eliminate cognitive thinking in children. There should be a push to also eliminate distracting elements such as video games and social apps on the phone. Children should have ‘quiet-time’ where they turn of cellphones and exclusively harness their creativity and minds. There is a monumental difference between smart and intelligent. Children are undoubtedly called being smart as they become accustomed to internet. This does not yield to intelligence. Intelligence will only be derived from constant understanding, learning, collaboration, and thinking. Reading and writing are powerful tools that will become a catalyst to initiate stimulus in children. Works Cited Cennamo Katherine, Ross John, Ertmer Peggy (2013) "Technology Integration for Meaningful Classroom Use" Published by Cengage Learning. p. 85 Pitler Howard, Hubbell Elizabeth, Kuhn Matt (2012) "Using Technology with Classroom Instructions that Works," Published by ASCD, p.4 "Is Technology Producing a Decline in Critical Thinking and Analysis?" SCIS. Web. 4 Dec. 2014. . "Technology Causes Decline in Critical Thinking? | Everyday Citizen." Technology Causes Decline in Critical Thinking? | Everyday Citizen. Web. 4 Dec. 2014. . Internet and Children-Annotated Bibliography Li, Dongping, et al. "School Connectedness and Problematic Internet use in Adolescents: A Moderated Mediation Model of Deviant Peer Affiliation and Self-Control." Journal of abnormal child psychology 41.8 (2013): 1231-42. ProQuest. 3 Dec. 2014  This article discussed the major benefit of E-learning is the fact that that it provides dynamic flexibility. Online Distance learning has been a hot trend that has initiated long-life learning without borders. Conventional classroom learning traditionally confined students to brick-and-mortar learning. Online education will allow students to collaborate, interact, and learn without borders. This is truly exceptional and actually the future of education. An online portal will allow students, teachers, administer to collaborate on a daily basis. Barton, markey to facebook: Do you plan to collect childrens personal information? (2012). (). Lanham: Federal Information & News Dispatch, Inc. Retrieved from This article talked about social media, especially Facebook is dangerous a social utility tool is due to the fact that it lacks the necessary security protocols to protect its users. In a high technological world, networking has become a very easy concept. Facebook allows individuals to display their personal information, “poke” others, tag friends, “like’ statuses. It has lead to online predators which can be detrimental. "Is Technology Producing a Decline in Critical Thinking and Analysis?" SCIS. Web. 4 Dec. 2014. . This paper talked about children are losing critical thinking skills because they are not being exposed to real life methodologies. This article concerns the child’s cognitive thinking of nature and nurture, which is essential for growth. It also envisioned an era free of distraction in which students can collaborate and learn from each other. Goodine, J.. Comparing computer software programs: Determining the most efficient system for teaching English language learners. Ed.D. dissertation,Northcentral University, United States -- Arizona. Retrieved August 1, 2011, from Dissertations & Theses: Full Text.(Publication No. AAT 3341279). This article talked about many factors that play a vital role in interaction. Three factors that affect interaction between students and instructors consist of language barriers, misconstrued messages, and body language. Since everything is conducted online, the body language cannot be depicted. This can be detrimental for both students and instructors who are working together to achieve a mutual symbiotic relationship. "Technology Causes Decline in Critical Thinking? | Everyday Citizen." Technology Causes Decline in Critical Thinking? | Everyday Citizen. Web. 4 Dec. 2014. . This article talks about social stimulation that is necessary for the mind and how children can benefit from it. The use case was how children are not being exposed to interaction and human behavior, which is detrimental to their growth. Additionally, cognitive behavior in children in cultivated through experience and bridging the gap between methodology and education. Real –life experiences harness creativity and growth. KnowledgeNet announces the first next generation, fully integrated enterprise E-learning platform. (2002, Apr 08). PR NewswireRetrieved from This is truly exceptional and actually the future of education. One of the best methods for learning is interactive learning that is reached via collaboration. Conducive research shows that interactive learning is one of the best methods to engage students in a simulative learning. As a matter of fact, this new type of learning of application has allowed students to truly be more engaging. Anthropology & Education Quarterly, Vol. 25, No. 3, Alternative Visions of Schooling: Success Stories in Minority Settings (Sep., 1994), pp. 317-335 The position of the teachers in the digitalization process has been extended and how everything has converted into digital touch that children have lost the cause of humanity. This also warns parents of how schooling children from real-life can be detrimental for growth. Children need to interact in a mutual environment in which they can understand life lessons. Additionally, it talks about “GOOGLE” syndrome in which students just GOOGLE keywords instead of finding knowledge base. McIlrath, M. (2006). Childrens cognitive processing of internet advertising (Order No. 3245951). Available from ABI/INFORM Complete; ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Full Text. (305348696). Retrieved from Another element that the internet has opened are viral marketing. It is evident that revolutions have begun from internet. Additionally, it can allow children to collaborate openly in a safe environment. Many children face issues such as: abortion or homosexuality. These issues might be taboo for children, but online- they can get some advice on how to deal with these issues. The use of social media has by products in 2 ways. First and foremost, it encourages collaboration. Students can collaborate and personalize education. Boston, M., Ruwe, E., Duggins, A., & Willging, J. P. (2005). Internet use by parents of children undergoing outpatient otolaryngology procedures. Archives of Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery, 131(8), 719-22. Retrieved from The advent of internet redefine and revaluate our communication by constantly keeping us in touch via asynchronous methods. Social media allows us to have endless connectivity and has gained a very personal element in our lives. It has defined our personality by allowing us to customize, upload and share sentimental elements beyond our imagination. The digital revolution has provided public relations practitioners with a new communication challenge: social networking sites. Considered a form of social media, social networking sites have altered the way people communicate, interact and respond, in particular reference to personal and professional relationships. Tejedor, S., & Pulido, C. (2012). Challenges and risks of internet use by children. how to empower minors?/Retos y riesgos del uso de internet por parte de los menores. ¿Cómo empoderarlos? Comunicar, 20(39), 65-72. Retrieved from This article talked about risks such as viruses and the indirect use of obscene matrials.This causes many malicious viruses to come upon the internet and damage it in many ways. Obscene materials in internet can damage the internet and introduce strange viruses that can destroy peoples’ business. Imagine a healthcare administrator adding the patient’s symptoms and insurance information. Suddenly, an embarrassing pop-up consisting of naked people flashes in the computer screen. To make matters worse, the patient’s family coincidently glanced at the screen for a split-second. Read More
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