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The impact of technology on family time Technology is one of the contemporary developments with significant effects on people’s social lives as computerized devices make communication easier and grants easy access to audio and visual data. Technology applications however have effects on real time and quality of time that families spend together, aspects that I discuss in this paper.One of the effects of technology is on the real time that families spend together. While members of a family may be physically together at home or in one room, they may lack connection because each member may be focused on a technological application.
An example is a home with many television sets or computes in the same room, with each member glued on each device. Even though the members are together, they do not enjoy a social interaction and therefore lacks real time together as a family (Parenting 1). Technology also has adverse effects on quality of family time because of its significant usage that disrupts family interactions. People may be on a dinner table but are often distracted by phone calls and messaging or need to check on their mails.
Addiction to technology worsens this as even couples may be together at a social even but each is glued to his or her technological device (Parenting1 1). Children’s preference of technology, such as watching television, to spending time with their parents is another indicator of lost quality of time that family members enjoy to the extent that technology is taking over. This observation is based on research findings (Williamson 1).Technology is wide spread in the society and has adverse effects on real time and quality of time that family members spend together.
Works citedParenting. “How is technology affecting your family time together?” Parenting. 2014. Web. March 28, 2014. Parenting1. “The long-term effects of technology on family time.” 2014. Web. March 28, 2014. Williamson, Kim. “5 ways technology has negatively affected families.” How Stuff Works. 2014. Web. March 28, 2014.
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