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English Domestic Violence Domestic violence involves antagonism between familiar partners committed in matrimony. Even so, it sometimes involves friends or people who cohabit. In the main, it engrosses the misappropriation of supremacy by a domineering party in a correlation (Stover). Its main causes include alcohol use, distrust, or the mere need to dictate and control. Globally, it is seen as a desecration of the essential human rights of an individual. It mostly happens to women and children, although cases of men facing domestic violence have been previously recounted.
The feeling of inferiority also defines the form of domestic violence and its victim (Stover). The description and nature of domestic violence bears dissimilarity across countries. The laws and constitutional priorities of a region influence the characterization of domestic violence. Violence is a societal issue of distress. This means that it may be construed differently in unrelated areas. The forms of domestic violence vary by definition. It may range from emotional exploitation to physical resentment.
In addition, there exists sexual cruelty or even financial misappropriation. All these forms of mistreatments are encompassed in domestic violence. The effects of domestic violence often trickle down to all household members (Stover). Its undesirable effects not only include terrorization and psychological cessation, but it also results in grievance and grave harm to general well-being. Depression and sexual dysfunction also follow in dangerous cases. In contrast, domestic violence may have some positive effects.
In some societies, it is an approach of raising children in an upright manner. For instance, in some families, discipline involves corporal punishment or caning of children. It all hangs on the region, and the supposed meaning of domestic violence. The forms, effects, and impacts of domestic violence differ across diverse cultures, social standing, and sexual orientation. Work CitedStover, Carla. Domestic Violence Research: What Have We Learned and Where Do We Go From Here? Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 2005; 20; 448. DOI: 10.1177/0886260504267755
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