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Brown v. board of education - Research Paper Example

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This was the case in the Brown v. Board of Education case which was ruled that the blacks and whites were receiving equal treatment because of having…
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Brown v. board of education
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Brown v. board of education Why is equal not equal in your opinion? Equal transportation, educational facilities and qualified teachers does not mean that the students will be treated equally. This was the case in the Brown v. Board of Education case which was ruled that the blacks and whites were receiving equal treatment because of having equal facilities. The facilities did not erase from the mind of people the fact that one school was dominated by purely white and the other by purely black students and the blacks were still being considered unequal in status to the whites and in fact regarded and treated as inferior beings despite having equal facilities (Anderson and James 33).

The law does also not recognize the lack of equality in segregating the two races and actually turns a blind eye to the fact that one race is being treated superior while the other remains inferior in their segregated premises. The fact that they had equal facilities does not mean that the facilities were of the same quality only quantity. Having equal number of teachers for example but who are not very much qualified (as they are also of similar race and hence not very much educated) does not shout the name equality at all.

The same applies to the state of the other facilities such as the transportation and the building compared with what the whites were receiving. If the same quality of facilities cannot be accorded to the different races and the same treatment being offered to the white cascaded down to the blacks, then there can never be any form of equality even though the law rules that there is according to the fourteenth amendment as equality cannot exist just in one form or term and the rest of the issues ignored or assumed.

Work CitedAnderson, Talmadge and James, Stewart. Introduction to African American Studies: Transdisciplinary Approaches and Implications. New York: Black Classic Press, 2007. Print.

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“Brown V. Board of Education Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 Words”, n.d.
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