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Capitalism refers to a social and political system whereby the production and distribution of goods are owned by a small fraction of society, which is known as the capitalist class, and the other group referred to as the working class must work to get a means of livelihood (World Socialist Movement). In this form of government, the working class is under the control of the capitalist class as they are supposed to work and produce goods that will be sold by the capitalist class at a profit (Knight). This means that the rich will accrue wealth by exploiting the majority population, and they will achieve this by encouraging people to work to get money to earn a livelihood.
Present-day Dubai is capitalist and this is because the profit motive controls all undertakings and the royal family enjoys most of the profits acquired from the production of various commodities. For example, the Dubai royal family controls most of the oil reserves in the country and they fund other sectors of the economy to gain from different areas and build up wealth.
In my work environment, which is the court, capitalism exists and an example of this is that there are minorities who control the legal structures and they can get away with crimes through unethical practices.
There are various aspects of the welfare state in the UAE and these include the government providing free education and access to funds for development purposes. The country also engages in helping its neighbors in an effort of providing benefits to people all over the world.
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