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Like Water for Chocolate - Essay Example

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It is based in the Mexican revolutionary era. The local people have ganged up to form opposition against the ruling dictatorship. There are various issues, in the society, which the…
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Like Water for Chocolate. “Like Water for Chocolate” is a literary work that is categorized under magical realism. It is based in the Mexican revolutionary era. The local people have ganged up to form opposition against the ruling dictatorship. There are various issues, in the society, which the revolution was seeking to address, and they have been highlighted in the book through different characters. The first time I set foot in the De Al Garza ranch I was awed by the sheer determination of Mama Elena De La Garza to keep her family together, which comprised of three daughters; Tita, Rosaura and Gretrudis (Esquivel 67).

According to the De La Garza family tradition, the last-born daughter was not supposed to marry, or she would do so after taking care of her mother until her death. This role fell into the hands of Tita, who happened to be last born. As the family doctor, I pitied the role Tita had gotten as her birth right. It was a tradition that was both selfish, on the mother’s part, and denied Tita equal opportunities like her sisters’. Being a doctor from the United States of America, I saw this as a major infringement on Tita’s rights.

When Tita fell in love with a young man named Pedro, I saw this as a chance for her to escape from traditional bondage. I was highly disappointed when Pedro was denied her hand in marriage because Mama Elena disallowed the marriage citing tradition that Tita can only marry after she is dead (Esquivel 78). According to my opinion, Mama Elena’s mistreatment and cruelty on Tita on numerous occasions, represents the same kind of treatment the civilians were receiving from the dictatorship, in governance (Esquivel 43).

When Mama Elena imposed the marriage of Rosaura to Pedro, instead of Tita, strengthened my perception of the country’s leadership that was strongly rooted, in a tradition, which it used to oppress the civilians. I yearned for the day Tita would stand up to her mother and do as she wished. When Gertrudis run away and get banished by her mother, she had to come back as a general with the revolution (Esquivel 98). This gave me hope that it would be a sign to Tita, and other women, in Mexico that they can stand up against oppression and triumph.

The day Tita stood up against her mother’s ghost and banished it, gave me a piece of mind since it showed me that she had acquired enough strength to be rid of her mother’s domination once and for all.The death of Roberto, Rosaura and Pedro’s son was a blessing in disguise because it gave me another chance at love. I fell in love with Tita when I was treating her for the breakdown she suffered after his death. I was able to witness the true power of love when even after years of separation, Tita and Pedro still loved each other dearly.

Even though I was in love with Tita I appreciated the fact and I accepted their love for each other as it was the right thing to do.The situation on the De La Garza ranch goes to show the results of determination and belief towards achieving a set goal. In most cases, traditions are regressive if they are used in a selfish manner like for the purpose of wielding power over others and for manipulating people for self gain. Traditions should be used for cohesion and bringing members of a society together for the common good of the society.

When used in the wrong way it can be a dangerous tool that could bring ruin and devastation in a community.Works CitedEsquivel L. Like Water For Chocolate. London: Transworld, 2010. Print

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