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An Ideal of the Sources - Essay Example

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The paper "An Ideal of the Sources" highlights that writers would introduce a number of quotations in the essay without noting the real purpose of the topic sentence. In other words, it could be said that the writers need to explain the quotation in accordance with the subject manner…
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An Ideal of the Sources
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This paper aims to concisely note down the main essence of using sources. This is in response to the written essays by Stedman and Haller who have given a very insightful brief regarding formal writing and adding sources.

Authors like Stedman and Haller have mentioned in their written essays that students or writers need to be aware of the fact that their audience needs facts but marked in a paper with better flow. Haller has mentioned in his essay that most of the students come to him for guidance regarding sources. As per Haller’s evaluation of different written pieces state that the students always fail to understand the right usage of sources (Haller).

They often cite sources that have been re-published or been edited by other authors for their respective themes. Thus, students or writers need to understand the right usage of sources. The information from the primary source will always give a clear and concise dimension to the subject of matter. Read More
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