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Arguments David Boonin, in his book The Problem of Punishment examines how “the fact that a person who has broken a just and reasonable law render itmorally permissible for the state to treat him in ways that would otherwise be impermissible” (1). Boonin, therefore, is of the opinion that it is unacceptable to punish a criminal for an immoral act by means of punishment that in itself is immoral. I, however, disagree with Boonin as it is necessary for offenders and criminals to understand the implications of their actions and to repent for the unethical acts they commit.
Nonetheless, some people may argue that punishment is not the answer or solution to crime and with punishment, criminals will only become more inconsiderate towards what socially and morally acceptable behavior is.Works CitedBoonin, David. The Problem of Punishment. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2008. Print.
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