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For Rich or For Poorer - Essay Example

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This beautiful creation would be meaningless without man. So, God creates man and man creates classes. The mankind is classified in to two classes the rich and the poor. This distinction is done by none but man himself. But the world…
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For Rich or For Poorer
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13th of March, For Richer or For Poorer This world is the beautiful creation of God. This beautiful creation would be meaningless without man. So, God creates man and man creates classes. The mankind is classified in to two classes the rich and the poor. This distinction is done by none but man himself. But the world remains one For Richer or For Poorer. No matter you are the poorer of the poor but if you hold your pride, values and manner then you are more of a person. This globe is divided in to two sections high class and low class.

On one side of the globe there are over twenty four industrialized non-communist states whose 800 million citizens devour the majority of the world resources. They generate most of the manufactured goods and enjoy the highest standard of living to date. On the other and also the dark side, there are 100 underdeveloped poor states, home to over two billion people. When we see the differences between rich and poor, the differences are very obvious. The rich people have every basic necessities of life.

They have good, healthy and enough food. Whether it is high education or health facilities rich have all access to it. You can say they can get what they want. The lower class they do not have much but they are happy at what they have (Cline Austin 2006).Where there are differences there is always similarities lie in the way. The first thing is whether rich or poor we are all human. We have the same needs, wants and desires. We have same outlook towards life. Both want to see this world with a positive attitude.

Each class has their own view of the other. So the main difference is of ideology fostered in mind. Whatever the ideology in minds the world will not change. Because one thing is also fostered and fostered by nature that is humanity. This world is for human not for rich or poor. Forgetting this difference and considering humanity as only element of this world, one will see this world is just for humans. Not for rich or for poorer. Works citedCline, Austin. Morality of Rich Vs. Poor in America (Book notes: The Cheating Culture), 29th of January 2006, Web 13th March 2012

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