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Cell phone should use it on class room - Essay Example

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Cell phones have become a very important part of any human being’s life today; they are extremely accessible, making them one of the most primary objects of use in everyday life. Every student these days possesses a phone for the various kinds of usage that it has as well…
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Cell phone should use it on class room
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5 February Cell phone Usage Cell phones have become a very important part of any human being’s life today; they are extremely accessible,making them one of the most primary objects of use in everyday life. Every student these days possesses a phone for the various kinds of usage that it has as well. They help to make life easier by keeping one in contact with the other and thus reducing all kinds of distances. However, many people wonder whether or not they should be used by students within the classroom.

A personal stance on this is that cell phones have gone from being simple toys to proper tools that assist students in making their studies easier and much more interesting. Students prefer carrying their handheld cell phones in order to surf information faster as well as keep themselves updated with what is being taught in class. These pocket sized devices help students keep connected to each other as well as reduce the burden on paper because information is so readily available that students find it easier to learn and grow personally by having knowledge right on their fingertips.

Teachers can mail children about their problems and home work and keep in touch with them in a better manner as well. Cell phones also have various applications which help students make notes as well as keep reminders about school and college events and happenings and thus make the entire process less tiring both mentally and physically on the child. Thus, students prefer to use their cell phones during class hours and it can actually be a boon for them. Name 5 February 2012Ban on Cell phone Usage Almost every class room around the world has a no cell phone policy – and much rightly so.

Cell phones have become the biggest distraction, especially in a student’s life because of the capacity of applications and tools that they contain. Students find it tough to work on essays with pen and paper and have become obsessed with copying and pasting information for their work from the internet. Thus, it is leading to retarding their learning and growth process. Not only this, but cell phones keep beeping all the time and distracting young minds from learning what is important. Since almost every student is connected to the other, an array of text messages and calls never leave them, even inside the classroom.

Thus, there should be some hours a day where a student does not communicate via his cell phone, but pays attention to what is being taught. Most children take to playing games and spending their time on social networking websites with cell phones within the classroom, wasting precious learning time. During examinations as well, children have taken to cheating from the internet as well as each other through these devices which keep them connected to everything around the world including each other.

An answer on the exam paper is simply a click or a text message away. Thus, even though these gadgets have some amount of classroom potential, they have been misused since their inception within class hours, making children even more prone to not understanding what is being taught, and making them callous in their attitude towards learning, and therefore, should be banned for usage within the classroom.

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“Cell Phone Should Use It on Class Room Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 Words”, n.d.
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