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The Hobbit by J R R Tolkien - Research Paper Example

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It is worth noting that most of the literature of john is majorly fictional and it is because of this that he is referred to as the father of modern fantasy work. On the same note, the success of some of his remarkable work is also another reason for being named the father of modern fiction. …
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The Hobbit by J R R Tolkien
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English and literature Introduction John Ronald Reuele Tolkien was a well-known English born in the year 1892, January 2nd. In addition that, he is a poet and a university professor. However, John acquired worldwide recognition following the publication of some classical literature based on fantasy for instance the hobbit, the lord of the rings and the silmarillion. It is worth noting that most of the literature of john is majorly fictional and it is because of this that he is referred to as the father of modern fantasy work. On the same note, the success of some of his remarkable work is also another reason for being named the father of modern fiction. However, not only does the work of john use imaginative writing, it also incorporates other styles of literature in a bid to compliment the various themes and consequently enhance the plot while at the same time creating memorability of the particular piece of literature. Evidently, since johns work are majorly fictional stories, they are aimed to target audience who are young in terms of age and therefore read literature that is captivating while at the same time helps them to get an insight into the world of literature. However, in this paper we are going to focus on the novel, the hobbit written by john. In addition to that, we try to establish the various style of literature employed in this particular work of art and highlight on the relevance in the development of the plot and the themes of the story. Perhaps, in this paper we are going to focus on the role of imaginary writing approaches used by john in this particular novel. On that note, in order to get a glimpse on the role of imagery in this particular narrative, it is essential to read and consequently read and properly understand the plot of the story. First and foremost, the hobbit was first published in September 21st, 1937. On that note, it is one of the most successful works of literature produced by John (Watson, 253). For instance, the New York Herald Tribune named this book as being the best juvenile fiction and a prize was awarded. The hobbit is a story about elves and dwarfs. Apparently, Gandalf who is a wizard uses trickery on Bilbo Baggins who is a hobbit, in a bid to enable Bilbo to welcome and host a group of reunion of Thorin and his dwarf counterparts (Walker, 7). On that note, the meeting is purposed to addressing ways in which they can reclaim their homeland; Lonely mountains. Notably, they use the element of musicality to air their views and as the song come to a halt, Gandalf the wizard, reveals that he is in possession of a map that highlights a secret entrance into the mountain. On their endeavour to reach this destination, they pass through the misty mountain where they are attacked by goblins that live in that area and they are forced to go deep into the ground through canyons. However, Gandalf was able to save them but Bilbo was separated from this group as they escaped from the goblins (Nelson, 38). At this point in the story, john uses imagery to describe the structural makeup of the goblins in comparison to the dwarfs. In addition to that, we are able to learn that the dwarfs were small in size and thus at a disadvantage as compared to the goblins (Nelson, 38). Notably, at this juncture, the use of imagery to create mental pictures in a bid boost the understanding of the situation better in relation to the audience was essential. In the course of the separation with his fellow comrades, Bilbo gets lost in the goblin tunnels and it is at this point that he acquires a mysterious ring from Gollum, who eventually helps him find his way out of the goblin tunnel as a reward of unravelling the riddles posed to him by Gollum (Christensen, 10). However, Bilbo was able to use the abilities of the ring; provide invisibility to the one wearing it, to escape the goblin tunnels and was able to reunite with his fellow dwarfs thus boosting his reputation among the dwarf who previously viewed him as weak and full of fear. Despite their escape form the goblin tunnel, the pursuit by the goblins and the wargs on the dwarfs continued. In this particular part of the story, john uses imagery to create a mental picture of the wargs who had body formations resembling wolves (Arrizabalaga &Maria, 240). On that note, imagery here is employed to try and establish the nature of the behaviour of the wargs who are characterised as being vicious and canning as the wolf. This is aimed at giving an insight to the resemblance of the character of the wargs as compared to their body formation. The dwarfs were able to be saved by the eagles before they were taken to Beorn. In the present realistic world, eagles hunt and prey on small animals such as rodents fish but in this book; the hobbit, they are used to carry wargs of the cliff of a hill which were characterized by their large bodies. Evidently, in this case john uses the technique of imagination in a bid to enhance the plot of the book (Christensen, 9). In addition to that,eagles in the real world are small in physical size thus are unable to carry huge animals on their feet thus in the hobbit the evidence of fiction in the novel. Following this encounter, Bilbo and his counterparts venture into the mirkwood forest with the absence of Gandalf who apparently had a disagreement with Thorin pertaining to the manner in which they will pursue their homes back. Notably, Bilbo courageously rescues the dwarves from the giant spiders and from the wooden elves aiding in their successful escape in order to fulfil their prophecy and as a result reclaim their homes in the process (Brackmann,99). Consequently, they pass through a small town, Lake Town which is near the lonely mountain. They are welcome by the people of the town who also believe in the quest of the dwarves in fulfilling the prophecy of the demise of the Smaug. In fact, they Continue to the mountain and find the secret door (Christensen, 10). Bilbo uses trickery and is able to steal a cup and at the same time was able to learn of the short comings of the Smaug army and weapons. However, the dragon was able to notice the theft by the dwarves, the dragon declared war on the lake town citing that it was in alliance with the dwarves in their quest to attack the mountain by aiding the theft (Brackmann,99). On a similar theme, Bilbo was able to deliver the word regarding the weaknesses of the dragon to the lake town and consequently, when the enraged dragon was able to attack the town, it was defeated by the town’s defender, Bard. Here john was able to use the style of imagery to create a fascinating mental picture of the battle thus making the story more interesting and memorable. Furthermore, imagery is also used in this part of the story to promote the plot and therefore facilitate the development of the synopsis of the novel. Therefore, following the demise of the dragon the dwarves were able to reclaim their homes back and Bilbo discovered a precious stone, ark stone which was a significant symbol to the new regime of Thorin who was the leader of the dwarves. It is worth noting that the lake town men and the wood elves were an essential part in the conquest of the dragon (Firchow, 18). However, when they came to seek compensation for their losses in the war since they fought hand in hand with the dwarves, Thorin dismissed there claims citing that the dwarves were the heir to the mountains and therefore will not share in the riches of the mountain. Consequently, in an attempt to avert the looming war, Bilbo traded the ark stone with the elvenking. Thorin learnt of this development and as punishment, he banished Bilbo for his activities in which he termed as being unlawful and not in the interest of the king and the kingdom as a whole (Brackmann,97). In a twisted turn of events, Gandalf returns with the aim of warning the king, Thorin of the insurgence of the wargs and the goblin armies united (Firchow, 20). Here john employs the imagery style to create a mental picture of the size of the armies of the wargs and the goblins in comparison to the dwarves. On that note, the author of the hobbit employs this style to emphasise that the dwarf’s army was out manned and thus needed the aid of the eagles to win the war. However, this scenario is not possible in the current or real world since eagles do not have the capacity to carry people thus the use of imaginative writing is mandated to create an imaginary world in which everything is possible (Arrizabalaga &Maria, 241). This is aimed at thrilling the reader and facilitating the growth of the plot of the novel. As a result of this new development, the dwarfs are able to fuse with the elves in a bid to protect their territory. On that note, they were able to overcome the wargs and the goblins with the aid of eagles. The triumph of the battle of the five armies was significant in the safeguarding and shaping of the future of the mountain and its riches. However, Thorin acquired fatal injuries in the war and before his death he was able to reconcile with Bilbo who was banished earlier. The aftermath of the war enabled the rewarding of the participants in the war with the treasures of the mountain and land (Christensen, 9). On that note, Bilbo was rewarded handsomely but accepted a small division of his reward citing that he did not aid the dwarfs for the reward but out of a good heart. Therefore, it follows that Bilbo who was the hobbit returned to his home a rich and happy man following their fulfilment of the prophecy of the demise of the dragon and consequently, the dwarfs were able to acquire their homeland in the mountain of lonely (Arrizabalaga &Maria, 245) Evidently, the hobbit is a narrative founded on fictional ideas which are not relevant to the current real world. On that note, it is worth noting that the book was written in the mediaeval times (Christensen, 10). Apparently, this age was characterised by numerous war in the world for instance the world war two and this contributed massively to the creation of this story through the incorporation of the theme of war as seen by the long quest that the dwarfs engaged in in order to obtain their homeland in the lonely mountains (Firchow, 20). In addition to that, this time was marked by the poor organisation of people for instance settlement since it is noted by the nomadic nature of people during this time and age. This served to influence this particular work of literature since it is more suitable to that time in age as compared to the modern age that we currently live in now. Om the contrary, this narrative has no application or relation to the current time and age since the world has tremendously changed since the mediaeval times (Firchow, 20). For instance humans have been able to adapt modern settlement that includes the building of structures which are permanent thus abandoning the nomadic lifestyle that was present in those times. In addition to that, there has been a reduction in warfare in the world thus the need for permanent settlement as opposed to the traditional system. Therefore, the narrative is not feasible with the current diverse and modern environment that we currently live in. as a result of this, the book has been viewed as being founded on fictional ideas as opposed to the real world setting of things (Brackmann,97). On that note, it is crucial to say that, the environment portrayed by john in this novel was real as compared to the mediaeval age but it is viewed unreal or fictional in the modern world since there are no similarities between the environment and the occurrences in the narrative with the current real world that we live in. Furthermore, It can be said that the choice and naming and attributes associated with the characters in the book was based on fiction and was mandated to attract the reader by making the work of art more interesting and memorable to the audience. For instance in the case of Bilbo Baggins, the narrative describe him as being a person who valued food over everything else thus portraying him as being a glutton(Christensen, 9). On that note, this is mandated to excite young audiences for instance children a bid enable them to read the narrative since it is interesting. Moreover, this technique of imaginative writing is also used in this context, to enable the reader feel the incorporated in the novel since the author is relating to them by the use of common attributes which exist in the real world and are viewed as being hilarious. John in the narrative the hobbit uses names like Gandalf who was a wizard, to create a sense of humour to the audience of the young generation (Nelson, 38). On a similar theme, the author uses names that are humorous to the audience in order to create memorability and make the work of literature more fascinating. In addition to that, the author also embarks on creation of mystical attributes of the characters for instance the wizard who poses supernatural abilities in a bid to capture the attention of the readers (Christensen, 9). On the same note, the author uses this technique in order to facilitate the growth of the plot of the story and at the same time make the narrative more interesting to the readers. Furthermore, through the incorporation of this mystical and fictional characters, the author is able to relate to the reader for instance the young generation who are intrigued and fascinated by the fictional characters who poses superhuman abilities. Consequently, this technique is used to capture audience of the young generation as compared to the older people who relate to events that are related to real life occurrences (Barbour, 80). In addition to that, john in the narrative the hobbit has also the technique of animalism in this story in order makes it more interesting to the readers (Firchow, 20). Apparently, animalism entails the approach of enabling natural creations such as animals and other natural creations to acquire human intelligence for instance engagement in speech and critical thinking and reasoning. On the same note, this technique generally lays emphasis on the fictional part of the narrative since in the real world animals do not have the ability to converse and to make decision based on critical thinking and reasoning (Brackmann,97). Evidently, in this narrative, the wargs who possessed wolf like characteristics are seen to be conversing in speech with each other in their pursuit of the dwarfs in the forest. Moreover, the bard who was the defender of the lake town, was a bear like character is seen to have capitalised on the weaknesses of the dragon as a result of the reports from the hobbit; Bilbo. This is a clear evidence of critical and application of critical thinking in the process of decision making (Arrizabalaga &Maria, 240). However, in the real world this is not possible and thus this technique is based on fiction as opposed to the current world. Moreover, this style of writing is purposed to create continuity of the story, and at the same time champion the theme of animalism in the narrative (Nelson, 38). It follows that, the employment of this style is aimed at making the work of literature more memorable and interesting to the audience through the creation of humour for instance through songs sung by this characters and their heroic activities for instance the bard was able to defeat the dragon from the mountain and thus helping the dwarfs reclaim their home back while at the same time protect the people of the lake town. In addition to that, this style of writing has served to enable the readers to relate to the narrative for instance, audience of the younger generation are fascinated by this fictional world and thus are able understand more about the narrative (Arrizabalaga &Maria, 239). Notably, in order to fascinate and thrill audience of the younger generation it is critical to incorporate the aspect of fiction in a bid to make the narrative more captivating in order to attract this audience while at the same time make the work of art more interesting to the reader ones they have decided to read the narrative (Firchow, 20). Evidently, the author of the book the hobbit has been able to champion this ideology and consequently use this idea. For instance, in the hobbit, john incorporates the dragon, Saug in a bid to create fear to the audience due to its evil nature. On that note, according to the young generation particularly children, dragons are attributed to beastly behaviours and are normally associated with evil happenings for instance the eating of people and the destruction of human property. In this narrative, the author uses this character to relate to the younger people in a bid to create a relationship between the reader and the narrative. On a similar theme, this is mandated to create thrill among this generation thus fostering the understanding of the narrative more. In addition to that, the author also uses the aspect of fantasy in this particular work of literature to enable the suspense in the story (Brackmann,99). On the same note, through guiding the reader into an imaginary world in which everything is possible, the author of the narrative the hobbit is able to create suspense to the user at the end of every chapter thus hooking the reader to the narrative since they seek to satisfy their curiosity (Nelson, 38). For instance, towards the end of the final chapter the reader tries to figure out what would happen to Bilbo since he was banished from the mountain by the king Thorin. However, the suspense created enable the reader to continues and finish the narrative in a bid to find out the fate of the young hobbit that we consequently, learn that he is finally accepted into the society following his contribution to the war in which they triumphed over the goblin and wargs armies (Arrizabalaga &Maria, 239). In simple terms, fantasy has managed to make this work of art more memorable. Evidently, the author of the narrative the hobbit derived his idea of this story based on a fictional idea. On that note, it is worth noting that the journey of the dwarfs through the various terrains was made interesting through fiction (Brackmann,99). In addition to that, the author delves into providing us with an imaginary world in which he dramatizes the journey in a bid to make the story lively while at the same time make it thrilling to the reader. Apparently, the dwarfs are faced by numerous challenges for instance they are captured by the goblins and they manage to escape into the forests (Firchow, 20). This event is highly dramatized with the aid of fictional ideas for instance, the goblins are dwarf eating predators and thus prepare there meal by boiling the dwarfs in a huge bowl. This is intended to create a mental picture of the occurrence and thus makes the narrative more interesting through the engagement of the emotions of the reader in relation to the happenings in the story. On that note, we are also told that ones the dwarfs escape the goblin tunnels they are caught up in pursuit by the wargs who are wolf like creatures that feed on the dwarfs also. On a similar theme, through imagery we are able to get a picture of the structure of the wargs who according to the narrator possessed beat like characteristics. Through this description the author tries to relate to the younger generation who perceive huge animals for instance beasts to be harmful and dangerous and at the same time foolish. It is worth noting that, the dwarfs were able to escape with the aid of eagles that carried them away from these harmful predators (Donaldson, 189). Notably, since wargs were faster than dwarfs it is obvious that they would have caught the dwarfs. However, due to their foolishness the dwarfs were able to escape. In simple terms, the narrator uses this fictional occurrence to relate to the primary knowledge of young readers that huge animals are in most cases foolish thus making the work of art easy to understand with the aid of fantasy. However, it is worth noting that the works of literature of this writer, john are heavily influenced by other fictional writings regarding adventures and mysterious quests. On that note, it is evident that the arts and crafts polymath by William Morris served as a major influence in the work of john in this particular work of art; the hobbit (Firchow, 20). Apparently, the manner in which john used to name his characters in the book the hobbit was similar to the William piece thus suggesting that john automatically borrowed some aspects of writing from the William who was an exemplary writer in the field of fictional and animation writing. On a similar theme, he borrowed the aspect of naming of characters on the basis of their attributes and behaviour in the book. For instance the dragon, saug was named in that manner since he served the role of an evil and dangerous creature which opts to be feared for its anger and fierceness. Evidently, since john in the novel, the hobbit draws his major influence form other fictional works of art and writers it is therefore means that majority of his works in literature were going to be founded on the principle of fictional writing which automatically means that this entails the author creating a fantasy world in which the reader joins ones he starts reading the novel (Donaldson, 189). On the same note, in this novel john employs fictional writing approaches in a bid to offer continuation of the story by the use of imaginary characters for instance bard who was a creature that possessed bear like characteristics (Firchow, 22). Furthermore, he also uses this writing approach to champion some of the themes in the novel for instance the theme of animalism in the story. Moreover, since this particular narrative was formulated in the medieval times under different environment setting, the fantasy writing approach is used to create a mental picture of the previous medieval environment and consequently, help in the understanding of the surrounding n which the writer was in or the environment that is feasible to the narrative. In addition to that, the other main inspiration of the works of the hobbit was the numerous European mythologies for instance john was inspired by the ancient English literature such as poems. On that note, john was able to relate to the similarity of the environment and thus the setting of this works of literature (Brackmann,99). Evidently, since the author of the hobbit was able derive his inspiration from other works of art that were founded on the ideology of fiction since there idea was generated from myths, john was able to also incorporate the imaginative writing approach in a bid to pass on information to the audience. For instance due to the similarity of the theme passed by the narratives at that time and age, for example the theme of warfare which has been comprehensively highlighted in the novel the hobbit; when the dwarfs are engaged by the wargs and the goblins, the works of literature in which john derived his influence were similar in both style of writing and literature (Donaldson, 186). Thus since he draws his inspiration from this works of art, it follows that his work will be fictional in nature. However, in the medieval time they used this style of fictional writing to create memorability purposes since it provided a forum in which the writer and the could relate with the audience in which the narrator create a virtual world in which the user can derive a sense of entertainment since it creates dramatization of the piece of the literature (Brackmann,99). In addition to that, through the dramatization the audience is able to understand the literature. Furthermore, through the understanding of this literature, it has facilitated the growth of the education standards among the audience. Consequently, through the study of literature that interests of the audience students have been able boost their academic performance (Donaldson, 189). On the other hand, in the novel the hobbit, some of the names used by the character have been derived from other fictional literature, for instance, the wizard who aided the dwarfs in the escape from the wargs in the forest, radagast (Christensen, 8). Apparently, this name is traced back to work of art in the field of literature called the Slavic deity of radagast. This particular piece of literature was based on the principles of fiction therefore if john used this as an influential literature in the coming up of the story of the hobbit, it follows that the hobbit is a fictional narrative founded on the principle of fiction as opposed to the current world. On the same note, john used dramatization of the journey of the dwarfs in a bid to reclaim their home. Apparently, it is evident that the john was hugely inspired by the journey of the Jews as documented by ancient records and literature (Brackmann,99). However, in this story, the author of the hobbit used the fictional writing skills to highlight the plight of the Jewish people in the ancient times before they reclaimed there home Israel. Therefore, in this context the writer employs this technique in a bid to shade light into the ancient world of the Jewish people (Christensen, 8). On that note, through understanding the plight of the dwarfs in their quest to reclaim their homeland, we are able to get a glimpse into the nature in which the Jewish people were able to suffer for their quest to win back their home in the Israel nation. However, the writer also uses the fantasy writing technique in a bid to provide flash back of the success of the quest of Jews in the reclaiming their home in comparison of the quest of the dwarfs to reclaim the lonely mountains which was the home of the dwarfs (Brackmann,93). Therefore, fiction has facilitated the preservation of history and thus influenced the decision making of the society. Notably, it is evident that the fictional approach of writing of the novel, the hobbit has contributed to its success in the world of literature globally. Evidently, in the production of the novel, john the author of the novel the hobbit intended that the book be a children’s book thus the need to use imaginative writing styles of literature (Barbour, 82). On that note, since children are easily fascinated mystical stories based on legends and mysterious quests which relate to their everyday life they will be intrigued by this novel particularly. Through the creation of an imaginary fictional world through the use of imagery style of literature, john is able to achieve this goal of creating an interesting and fascinating story for the children to relate to. On a similar theme, john the author of the novel the hobbit attempts uses simple phrases and statements in a bid to enable and boost the understanding of the novel by the younger generation audience (Arrizabalaga &Maria, 245). Furthermore, in a bid to boost and ensure that the relationship between the audience and the literature, the author of this fascinating novel tries to use characters that are familiar to the children generation. Apparently, children enjoy imaginary creatures for instance creatures that are hue in size and feed on human beings (Barbour, 82). On that note, children often attribute foolishness to these creatures since they are normally outwitted by other smaller ones. Therefore, it follows that this is a typical example of a children’s fairy tale. On the contrary, in this novel the hobbit, there exist imaginary creatures; wargs and the goblins who feed on the dwarfs who have human like body structure but are short in height. Consequently, the incorporation of such characters is mandated with task of creating humour for instance Bilbo who values food over everything else. Moreover, the dramatization of this narrative is purposed to make it more interesting and thrilling to the audience. To this end, this narrative can be viewed as typical example of a fictional story (Arrizabalaga &Maria, 245). In conclusion, the hobbit is an interesting work of literature. The author has delved into making it more interesting through the incorporation of various styles of literature. Apparently, through making it interesting the audience are able to enjoy the reading exercise and as a result boost the academic performance of an individual. In addition to that, the writer of this particular work of art sourced his idea of this novel based on a fictional and imaginative world. On that note, he uses this form of writing to facilitate the interaction with the audience for instance children through the use of characters who are imaginary to thrill children. In addition to that, the writer also uses this style to pass across a number of themes for instance the theme of animalism that is prevalent in the whole novel. Furthermore, the author of this narrative also uses this imaginative style of writing in a bid to create dramatization of the narrative this making it more interesting and memorable to the reader. To this end, it is evident that the writer, john of this narrative used this imaginative writing style in a bid to create fantasy in the plot of the story. References Arrizabalaga, Maria Ines. "Hobbits & Riddles: ReflexionesSobre La Traduccion Al Castellano De La Obra De J.R.R. Tolkien."Lenguaje 35.1 (2007): 245-75. 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9 Pages (2250 words) Term Paper
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