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Module Why the Tuition Fee Is Almost Triple For International It is notable that international have to pay higher tuition fees for their education. In some instances, the tuition fee is almost triple when compared to that of other students. Bizarrely, these students study in the same schools and are legible for the same treatment and facilities. This has a dire effect on the education of international schools, especially when they do not have sufficient funds for their schooling. To begin with, the management of schools state that there is limited funding for international students.
It is noted that sponsorship programs are limited for international students. Therefore, there is a limited number of international students sponsored by organisations. As such, students that would wish to study in international schools will have to cater for their costs while studying. This is a burden that is directly linked to the international students, which increases the amount of tuition fees. Similarly, international students have to incur costs in payment for each unit (OECD 2). This is to provide the students with enough materials for successful learning.
However, many institutions have their various directives on payment per each unit. While the non-international students have their stated amounts to pay, international students will have a different amount. In some schools, the payment per each unit could be exorbitant, as they have to pay up to four times more. This is a hindrance to some international students as they have to limit the number of units they will study. Consequentially, reducing the amount of fees paid per unit would be a disadvantage to the schools.
For example, some students will be in a position to study a wide number of units in each year of study. This will have a dire impact on the school as it will have to invest heavily in resources. It is decreed that students would like to study oversees for better and quality education. Many students know that there are viable opportunities in international schools, and many would wish to have such opportunities. As such, there are many students applying for slots in international schools in order to attain better and quality education (Heller and Callender 6).
Therefore, when the tuition fee is level with other non-international students, there will be an influx of students struggling for the limited slots in the schools. To limit such competition, the international students have to pay more tuition fees. As a fact, the students with sponsorship will have an upper hand since their sponsors will be in a position to cater for such costs. Therefore, international schools feel that limiting the number of students enrolling in schools can be done through hiking tuition fees.
A limited number of students will afford such exorbitant tuition fees, which will limit the number of students in the school. Apparently, the school will have an easy time giving quality education to the students. For example, when the ratio of students to teachers is low, the students will have better and quality education. It is noted that a tutor lecturing a small number of students will give optimum attention to the students. However, when the number of students is high, the lecturer will have jeopardized attention to the students.
Similarly, with a limited number of students, the schools will have enough funds to furbish the school with resources, equipments and materials (OECD 4). This will assist the students in getting better and quality education. International students have to cater for some expenses while in international schools. For example, international students have to pay for their health insurance. This is to provide a peace of mind for students in case any risk happens. As a fact, the international schools would wish to limit any expenses incurred when a risks occurs.
In any case, a student that does not have health insurance will be a liability to the school. As such, the school will be forced to cater for the bills incurred when the student is in dire need. Therefore, the students will have to be liable for the insurance premiums for protection against risks that could occur. Apparently, different schools have different premium and payment patterns. This gives a reason why some students feel they have to pay more in terms of tuition fees when compared to others.
Similarly, international students are required to pay for part time courses, which are non-funded. These are additional courses for students. However, since they are not funded by their sponsors or any other organisation, the students have to cater for such costs. This increases the amount of fees paid by international students. Consequentially, the premiums are payable depending on the programs (Heller and Callender 5). In addition to this, students in some colleges have to register for approved programs.
Apparently, some of these approved programs have a higher premium payment for international students. Therefore, the students will have to incur more costs in paying fees. In conclusion, it is evident that international students have to pay higher tuition fees. In some instances, the tuition fees triples while some other schools pay five times higher. This is due to a number of reasons. For example, some students without sponsorship will have to cater for the costs. Similarly, a higher fee reduces the number of students enrolling in schools since they are not in a position to pay for the exorbitant fees.
Lastly, the additional costs on the students increase the fees payable. Works Cited Heller, Donald E. & Callender Claire. Student Financing of Higher Education: A Comparative Perspective. London. Routledge. 2013. Print. OECD. Education at a Glance 2013 OECD Indicators: OECD Indicators. London. OECD Publishing. 2013. Print.
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