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Section/# Networking: Mr. Watkins, Encouragement, and a Career Path Although it is difficult to definitively pointto a specific period in time or a specific individual that has disproportionately impacted upon the way in which career or life decisions are altered, it will be the purpose of this brief narrative essay discuss the means by which my high school information technology teacher was instrumental in encouraging and defining my future career aspirations as well as my choice of major in college.
Whereas many individuals already have a clear indication of what their major will be, I had no clear indication upon even my soft more year of high school as to what that might be. This is not say that certain subjects did not interest me; they did. Rather, it is merely to assert that I found it difficult to imagine myself passionately pursuing any course of study based upon the ones that I was currently introduced to within the standard high school curriculum. As anyone who has attended high school can attest, standard high school curriculum is most closely associated with reading, writing, arithmetic, and standard sciences (to include chemistry, physics, and biology).
Once again, even though these interested me, they were not something that captured my imagination or intrigued me to pursue as a potential career choice and/or college major in the future. However, upon my junior year, I signed up for a course in information technology. Although I have always been somewhat talented and gifted in computers and software applications, I had never considered information technology as a potential career choice; or even choice of major for that matter. Yet, the subject matter itself, although intriguing, was not ultimately what encouraged me to the greatest degree.
As a result of an exceptional teacher, Mr. Watkins, I was introduced to a broad and deep level of information that I had previously only scratched the surface of. To me, such a reality was unique due to the fact that prior to attending high school I was of course aware of the fact that mathematics and science is as well as literature and the arts were an accident parts of the world and is necessarily defined the means by which the human experience and achievement took place. Conversely, prior to signing up for and participating in this for Watkins information technology class, I have little if any for knowledge of the range and depth that the complexity of information technology could afford anyone who studied it.
What this meant was that Mr. Watkins was able to open up a range of subject matter expertise and material that I was otherwise unaware of and this intrigue me to an extent that the other subjects which have been discussed thus far in this analysis could not. By realizing the fact that real-life applications could be made infinitely more efficient and the information which I was gaining could be applied to a host of different real-world situations, the subject matter that Mr. Watkins presented became all the more engaging.
However, beyond merely the intriguing nature of the subject matter, Mr. Watkins served as a mentor and perennial encouragement with regards to the way in which students could potentially integrate with the information and apply it to their daily lives stop as compared to many of the other professors and teachers that I had previously, or have had cents, Mr. Watkins ability to expand otherwise boring subject material and bring it into the real world applicable a that made it relevant was one of the most unique facets that encouraged me to pursue this as a major in college.
Moreover, the encouraging spirit and means by which Mr. Watkins regularly made himself available to the student to encourage and tutor them outside of class served as yet another encouragement for me. Although it cannot be definitively stated that my experience in Mr. Watkins high school information technology class has been replicated in each and every one of my college experiences, it can be stated that the formative encouragement and mentorship that I received as a result of this particular high school class has been able to encourage and bolster my confidence even during course work and applications that I would otherwise find highly tedious and otherwise uninteresting.
Ultimately, as a result of Mr. Watkins mentorship and encouragement, I have decided to pursue a major in networking. Realizing that the world of the future will not only rely upon the baseline of information that has been presented to students in high school and colleges over the past hundred years, Mr. Watkins encouraged me, and doubtless other students, to think outside the box and pursue a major that has a number of real world applications and high demand within the current economy.
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