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Workplace communication barrier - Research Proposal Example

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The research proposal is about communication barriers that the organizations are facing nowadays. The paper will illustrate the challenges and risks that the organizations are facing due to these barriers. …
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Workplace communication barrier
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? of the The research proposal is about communication barriers that the organizations arefacing nowadays. The paper will illustrate the challenges and risks that the organizations are facing due to these barriers. The paper has mainly focused on the language barriers of Asian organizations as they language barrier has become a common part of these organizations. Language barriers are effecting the performance of employees as well as the managers. Research methodology and data collection is also mentioned in the last of the paper. In conclusion, findings and ethical consideration is also provided. Table of Contents Abstract 1 1. Introduction 3 1.1 Working Title 3 1.2 Overview: 4 1.3 Research Question: 5 1.4 Aims and Objectives/Purpose: 6 2.0 Literature Review 7 3.0 Research Method and Methodology 17 3.1 Data Collection 17 3.2 Design of the Study 18 3.3 Sample Population 18 3.4 Sampling Technique 18 3.5 Research Methods 18 3.6 Findings 19 3.7 Ethical Consideration 19 Works Cited 21 1. Introduction 1.1 Working Title We are living in a smatter planet where everything is now been programmed, interconnected and been made more intelligent to cope up with the fast growing changes. And this change brings a lot of new opportunities, specifically for the midsize businesses. According to Andersson (2002: 168), when the organizations faced conflict between their employees, these organizations have to face loss. Most of the organizations are facing challenges such as communication barriers and obstacles. But with the growth of more challenging and exceptional scale of requirement for supply and demand, the midsize companies started to face the difficulty to meet the dispute on an overall basis. To find the solution for such unprecedented challenges, the organizations has planned to increase communication and remove conflicts form the employees, so that, the organization may gain higher profitability and productivity. According to Akkirman (2005: 398), the organization has started work to remove the communication barriers, and carry forward the responsibility of playing the major mechanism behind the global economic growth. My topic is specifically based on the “communication barriers” that the organization is currently facing, and this is also affecting the business of the organization. In this research proposal my discussion will critically analyze the barriers and issues that the organizations have to face in their employees. The issues will also discuss briefly to know the reasons why the communication barriers are affecting business of the organization. This paper will also illustrate the issues that the employees have to face because of the less communication. According to the Abrell (2004: 44), employees are the most important and essential part of the organization, that’s why it is important to make them satisfied and happy with the policies and strategies. The first interval will present a preface to the theme of study accommodating the rationale and implication of the cream. The subsequent interval will present a detailed appraisal of communication barriers, prominence the preceding delves into carried out in this meadow. The triennial division will swathe the methodology for this study. The psychoanalysis of result, conclusions and debate will be obtainable in the quadrant section. The quintal content subdivision shall bring the study to a close, given that assumption and functional commendation for supplementary investigation. 1.2 Overview: Most of the managers fail to improve communication and cooperation between the employees because of language barriers. William (2000:87) said that if there would not be a language barrier within the organization then this will definitely lead the team towards the success and effective work. Employees are the essential part of any organization and manager should motivate their employees to work together and provide them friendly environment, so that they may work with each other, and they may help other employees. One common example of language barrier is a team of Thai nationals working with few Japanese employees. There is not a common set of language due to which lack of coordination will occur and transfer of knowledge will not be possible. The consequences of this situation would be hard enough to handle as the members cannot work as a team. Antosin (2011: 60) said that, training of new employees and biasness in recruitment could also result through this situation. There will be different set of goals and values and as a result, the objectives of organization will be neglected. Communication skills are more beneficial for organizations; it increases the rate of profit of any organization. It differentiates the company’s image, team, and sales in the competition. For managers and teams, communication skills are essential in the business; and to gain the profit as well. Through the communication skills, managers can connect and create a relationship with the team. The manager can have command on the employees and can get more efforts from them by using communication skills. Communication skills also enhance the information and knowledge about the business as well as create the awareness about the behaviors as it helps in making the relationship between teams and managers. It also increases the options to communicate and move with conflict workers and co-team staff. 1.3 Research Question: The researcher tried to focus on distinctive research questions which will help individual to understand subject more precisely in detail to get an overview of the related topic. The first most important finding that the researcher wants to do is to get an overview of the details of the management solutions that the organizations have developed to meet the criteria’s of the effective communication. The question will revolve around the key issues of how organization had found a solution to provide the job satisfaction to its employees. The second question that the researcher will put an emphasis on getting the answer is to find out the learning curve that the solution will provide to the small and medium organizations and how it will manage to really affect the overall profitability for the prosperity.  Another area of concern that the researcher have tried to critically evaluate about the detailing of the state of the art technology that is been used by organization to design the smart business appliances that can really help the smaller businesses to prepare and restore the technology with satisfying results without spending weeks of training to the employees. The fourth question will try to explore and investigate the issues that the employees are facing within their workplace due to the less communication. The last part of the research question will analyze the merits of the service solutions which can really help to boost up the overall profitability for the organization and also tries to find out the limitation of implementing such business tools through increasing the effective communication.    1.4 Aims and Objectives/Purpose: The main aim of the research is to explore how organization will meet the same criteria of skilled personnel and management tools that a large organization has in their working infrastructure to deliver as per their targeted performances through using effective communication.  The focus of the research work will be to critically evolve an idea behind the business solution that the organization has designed keeping in mind the benefits of effective communication and also the need for providing a more effective learning curve for organization success. Brun (2010: 13) said that, the objective of the research paper will underline the overall aim of the research. Its basic fundamental criteria is to find out the technical aspects of the solutions, which will include the infrastructure that is being used in the solution, the system specific details, as well as to find out the alternative solution method for the predictable performance. The research will put much emphasis on the idea that the organization has thought while designing the communication designs and implementing it in a way that has helped it to turn the vision into the reality. The basic communicational challenges that the small organization faced are almost similar to the same challenges that has been faced by the large organizations. The objective of the research will narrate the basic findings of how organization will really on effective communication and how it can increase the overall operating effectiveness and prosperity.  2.0 Literature Review Auer (2011:105) said that the communication skills are playing an important role in every part of life. In many organizations, people are using 75% communication strategies each day and that communication may be in writing, speaking, listening and reading patterns. Eisenberg (2010:253) said that, for the success of any organization, communication is an essential module. For the youngster communication skills are as important as the technological qualification. Balmer (1998:13) said that the communication skills is the key of confidence as with the communication skills one has faith in him because he can convey his message in an effective way. Command on the accent and language is also a part of effective communication. Canary (2011:164) said that, communication skills help a manger to grow up the business and make a long term relationship with workers as they are said to be the key drivers of any business. Beamer (1992:263) said that, communication skills help to deal with every type of individual as each individual is different by the personality traits, nature, ambition, motivation, opinion, belief, values, attitudes and perspectives etc. Cheney (2011:191) said that, it also enables a person to make good relation with co-workers. In a meeting, if one will share ideas and thoughts in the effective way and the listeners can understand the purpose. Bull (2012:136) said that, effective communication can enable any organization or company to maintain professional behavior in their fields and they can get prosperity in their life. Hansemark (2004:40) said that, communication failure is increasing every day, as the employees are not cooperating with each other and this leads them towards conflicts. Communication failure occurs when the message is not properly send to its destination. Burstein (2010: 174) said that, if the individual cannot understand the message of other properly because of the noise on his background, the miss communication and communication failure occurs. If the letter dose not reaches to its spam folder and the receiver don’t get any notice about it. The entire situation that is above mentioned promotes miss communication within the workplace of any organization. Hermans (2003:90) said that, these are the examples of failures in the communication because of the partly or completely loss of the message sent by the sender. Eisenberg (2010:253) said that, there are several communication barriers that are decreasing the performance of the organization. The most important barrier is language barrier. Pratt (2000:19) said that, the organization has to face less communication and less profitability due to the language barriers among the employees. Eisenberg (2010:253) said that, employees need conversation on their tasks and if there will be language barrier this will reduce or fail the communication. Brownell (2009:152) said that, the employee’s morale, satisfaction, performance, as well as employee’s productivity will also influence. Language barriers remove the communication from the organization. Brown (1997:68) said that, language barriers may have several causes; such as the most common is the uncertainty of language competences. Green (2010:27) said that, communication skills improve the culture of workplace, it is also imperative for improving the relationship between workers, managers, and owners as well. Stringer in (2011:168) said that, it is important to build strong workplace relations to increase the productivity and these relations cannot be build in a better way without use of effective e and efficient communication. There are problems which are related to communication practices because it has been noticed that there are many communication barriers in organizations which results in dissatisfaction of employees. Stringer (2011:168) said that these rough communication practices are the cause of absentees, drop sales and high employee turnover. These communication barriers are: Non Communication Standards: In most organizations, there are no communication standards that have been developed by the management for the workplace and organizational communication. Without communication standards, the managers found the lack of consistency about when and how employees will communicate. Nayyar (1990:516) said that the major communication form that is being used in the organization is verbal communication which is very difficult to track information and conversation in the company. Non Factual Communication: Nayyar (1990:516) said that the factual based communication is very essential for effective communication in the workplace. Many employees indulge in false communication and information because they have to communicate with each other in order to complete specific tasks. Stringer in (2011:168) said that, they are not sure about the information that it is whether true or not and this false information is a cause of delays in the completion of the task. Generally, this sharing of false information started from middle managers or supervisors which are the main cause of upset and de-motivation in the workplace. Assumptions and Misinterpretation: Fox (2010:197) said that because of lack of communication standards and non-factual communication practices in the company, communication in workplace is interpreted incorrectly most of the times. Employees and workers make assumptions on the basis of available information which was being transferred from others. Nayyar (1990: 16) said that because of verbal communication and non-verbal cues made assumptions that are impeding communication in the organization. New Hiring: Lack of training and orientation to new employees is another major barrier of effective communication. Most of the organizations have no communication standards or communication training programs for new hired and old employees. Wojnar (2007:178) argued that this is the major communication issue which exists in most of the organization. Eisenberg (2010:253) argued that because of lack of communication structures, new employees leave the organization as they are unable to convey their messages to the management about their problems. Lack of Feedback: One way communication can become an ineffective way of exchanging information throughout the organization. Keyton (2010:34) said that the communication practices in the company should be one way communication, as there is less feedback of employees to show the issues and problems that they are facing in work which reduces their performance. Dincer (2006:132) said that the employees mostly become dissatisfied and do not pay proper attention to their tasks which causes decline in sales. Poor Communication: Lack of communication structure and undefined policies always result in poor communication. Robbins (2011:315) said that the poor communication in organizations contributes in increasing the conflicts and delays in meeting the said deadlines which result in failure of completion of team assignments as well as affect the individual's performance. Intellectual communication is the most important kind of communication, as it is increasingly globalized world. Mosadegh (2006:16) said that the employees have to communicate with the customers and clients to guide them about the organization’s products and services. If the employees are not using effective communication skills this will influence their performance, as the customers will not satisfied from the services that the employee is talking about. Barrett in (2011:156) said that the communication skills are also necessary for the internal environment of the organization, as within the organization every person have to communicate with each other. Roland in (1996:75) said that the communication within the organization can increase performance and capabilities of the managers, employees etc. Every team member from middle manager to supervisor and lower employee has indulged in playing the blame game and puts the responsibility of wrong doings or bad performance on others. Berko (2010:8) said that the because of this casting blame, employees are diminishing their personal autonomy, sphere of influence and trust of their co-workers and colleagues Barriers Explanation Language Roy M. Berko in (2010: 8) said that, the communication significance might not use language that is unspoken by the handset – e.g. too much use of technological or monetary terminology Noise a variety of belongings stop a letter from receiving from side to side or being hear Over load Too much knowledge can reason troubles e.g. slow downward decision-making Emotions Roy M. Berko in (2010: 8) said that, the relationship between the sender and receiver of communication might adversely affect the message – which could be ignored or misinterpreted Gaps Too many intermediaries might prevent or distort the message Inconsistency If people receive conflicting or inconsistent messages, then they may ignore or block them Berry (2008:326) said that the intellectual communication fact to face communication generally involved. In the intellectual communication employees communicate with each other on their issues face to face and share the information and knowledge with each other. Berko (2010:8) said that the intellectual communication the cultural difference and ideas difference create failures and challenges. Lauring (2011:241) said that the communication that an individual do with people who are from his culture is easy and comfortable as compare to the communication with different cultural people. Dutton (1987:336) said that the managers in the organization should have experience to face the language barriers in the communication. If the manager don’t know the language of the employees and this will create barriers and conflicts. The employees that are not speaking the same language have to face communication as more difficult and complicated task. Lauring (2011:241) said that these language barriers also decrease the confidence level of the employees. Moreover, the cultural difference also creates communication barriers. In the process of communication the pop-up at all stages will be affected by the barriers of communication. These barriers have potential influences on the employees, as employees misunderstand the message and this creates confusion in employee’s minds. Eisenberg (2010:253) said that to get actual point across the communication individual has to use planned communication to share their information. For effective communication the employees and managers should create proper planning to remove confusions and misunderstandings through, well planned, accurate, and clear communication. Effective communication is the heart of any business and it is the most important entrepreneurial skill. That can increase the performance and productivity of the employees. The business depends up on the good relations with partners and the employees as well. These good relationships depend up on the good and effective communication skills. Communication can increase the trust of the employees on their manager and they will increase their delegation with their work to increase the performance. Emotions of the employees also plays important role in their performance, and to increase the employee’s performance communication is the essential part. While communication plays a cardinal role in the smooth flow of information and making things happen; an equal disservice or problem can be created by miscommunication. Many professionals witness a situation where a little miscommunication or misinterpretation caused a nuisance and utter waste of time at my workplace. Miscommunication can be handled in the best way by making sense of discussion and by describing the issues clearly so that the next person can understand the point of view. The misunderstanding occurs when we are careless and behave very casually. Lauring (2011:241) said that one should think very carefully before communicating in order to avoid those words which produce a negative impact on other person. Moreover, the body language also plays an important role to avoid the misunderstandings in the communication. Nayyar (1990:516) said that in addition to that, these misunderstandings and misconceptions are more likely to happen when we work with those people to whom we don’t like. These relevant differences between the individuals cause this problem. The training will be very useful to reduce the misunderstandings about the work place. Irving (1994:54) said that, effective communication permits people to accomplish their jobs and tasks in precise and effective way. In any business, one of the most important things is the effective communication. Eisenberg (2010:253) argued that when the issues are controlled by the communication skills, then the employees want to do more efforts and feel more confidence in execution of their tasks. Along with strong relationship, it helps to improve the productivity of any organization as the employees are free to discuss their problems and they are appreciated timely upon achieving any goal. Lauring (2011:241) said that additional positive aspect of communication skills is that the employees are treated as special numbers not like ordinary people and this superiority helps in pushing them up for hard work and remains honest with their managers and work as well. Communication skill improves the employee’s ability to understand the circumstances of business as well as it improves their confidence in interaction with others. Through communication skills, managers are enabling to understand and overcome the hurdles and problems that the employees are facing. Eisenberg (2010:253) said that for a productive workplace, communication skills are the most important part as it helps to create a professional environment in which workers can work together in a friendly manner. It boosts up the productivity of workers as it assists in understanding the responsibilities and tasks by a far better way. Any organization can get a competitive edge by improving communication skills through behavior modeling and training exercises. Irving (1994: 54) said that communication skills are the essential components of today’s life. There are several advantages of communication skills and it is said to be a successful key for the modern organizations of global world. It improves productivity and profit rate of organizations as well as improves the general knowledge of employees regarding business and dealing with others including professional and non-professional relationships. Lauring in (2011:241) said that, with poor communication skills, one cannot show effective performance and it will also result in decline of confidence level, poor customer services, and lack of focus. All these reasons will result for loss in the business and dissatisfaction of customers. Overcoming the mentioned issues will give a chance to communicate in an effective manner through which everyone can interact with each other and new ideas will be generated. Effective communication has many benefits for the organization such as: Eisenberg in (2010:253) said that, effective communication is a cause of fostering pleasant relationship among employees in the workplace which result in the promotion of positive business environment and increased satisfaction of employees. Irving (1994: 54) said that the effective communication helps in decreasing the employee turnover as well as absenteeism. Irving (1994:54) said that, owing to effective communication, the productivity of employees will also be enhanced. The increase in productivity means the faster completion of projects and increased sales of the organization. The morale of employees can also be improved due to effective communication. Morale of the employees is increased because of appreciation and rewards where necessary. Specht (2007:548) said that the effective communication has fruitful results in the shape of highly efficient teams as it helps employees in trusting the management as well as other team members. Nayyar (1990:516) said that the effective communication reduces the chances of vein less and unnecessary competition. Irving (1994:54) said that the leaders have to face complications due to the communication barriers in the employees and his team. Nayyar (1990:516) said that the leaders have an impact on the performance of their teams as a good leader can lead the team to the way of success. Lack of communication structure and undefined policies always result in poor communication. Lauring (2011:241) said that the poor communication in organizations contributes in increasing the conflicts and delays in meeting the said deadlines which result in failure of completion of team assignments as well as affect the individual's performance. 3.0 Research Method and Methodology The research approach for this research qualitative the reason for selecting this research technique to get the detailed and specific concept which linked with the organizational culture and employee job satisfaction. Nayyar (1990: 516) said that the quantitative approach in the undergoing research work is not being preferred thinking of the particular subject area. The researcher did not find that practicing of various surveys among sampled number of groups of people will be quite effective in the particular course work. The basic idea behind writing the proposal is to get an overview of the subject matter by analyzing the data available from the trusted and reliable resources. The researcher only planned to use once structured interview with one of the application manager in the organization to get some detailed feedback of the understanding that the researcher already have and to know the particular feature of the communication barriers.   3.1 Data Collection The primary data will be collected from the various organizations in the Japan and the Indonesia, India, China, Taiwan, who have a formal organizational culture so that the deep and detailed information will be collected during the data collection. Moreover, the managers and employees of different branches of the company will enter so that the basic concept and the findings of the research will be collected. The data will be collected from the employees through questionnaire. Moreover, the actual information about the communication barriers may collect. The data collecting method is very consciously being practiced according to the qualitative modes of collection procedure. Eisenberg (2010:253) said that the researcher consciously has chosen the qualitative procedure to make the analytic point of view of the research method. The different journal release and official websites data publications are being studied and understood thoroughly to get an over view on the communicational barriers and its impact on the performance of the organization. 3.2 Design of the Study The design of the research will be described in nature because the descriptive research technique wills the research the collect relevant and antiquated data during the data collection. Moreover, this research method contains the scientific methods to analyze the data on the basis of the structured interviews and other methods of observations. 3.3 Sample Population The sample population for this research will be the branches of the company in different countries. The employees of the different countries will be collected for questionnaire and other interviews for the data collection. 3.4 Sampling Technique The sample of this research will be based on the all branches of the organization in Japan, Indonesia, India, China, and Taiwan. Among these 50 employees will be selected for the data collection form all branches. 10 employees from each branch will be selected for the interview and questionnaire. The sample will be taken from the capital cities of both countries because the major companies have headquarters in the capital cities. 3.5 Research Methods For this research, the various methods to collect the data which are listed under; Structured interviews with the manager of the company Questionnaire based on the communication barriers and effective intellectual communication Semi structured interviews with the manager of the company 3.6 Findings After collecting the data the findings will be summarized from the results which will be drawn from the findings. Afterwards, the recommendations and conclusion are also drawn from the findings. 3.7 Ethical Consideration Every research proposal is guideline by some ethics. The ethical consideration that the researcher has followed while preparing this course work is to follow the specific contents of organizational official press released documents that is considered to be the most trusted source while collecting the secondary data. The researcher has not tried to express his thoughts depending upon any other’s perceptions and have tried to maintain a unanimous independent opinion towards the subject matter. Eisenberg in (2010: 253) said that, the particular subject of It management tools in communicational sector has the limitations of very appropriate write to the point data which can’t be affected by an individual’s perception. The technical information that is being mentioned in the web technologies development and their details are very much true to the facts as per published by organization. According to Akkirman (2005:408) Confidentiality is one of the most important ethical behaviors that a researcher should follow while writing the proposal. According to him, the researcher should keep the details of the person confidential and should not disclose without prior consent from the particular individual. 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