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Control System for Efficient Fuel Consumption - Term Paper Example

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This paper "Control System for Efficient Fuel Consumption" discusses that the Look-ahead system's modelling was done using Matlab Simulink. The value of the calculation theoretically is then compared with the value of the result that has been obtained by using simulation…
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Fuel Efficiency Analysis of Automated Vehicle Control Sustainability Engineering Practice & Design By: Course: Tutor: University: City/State Date: Executive Summary The aim of the project was to create automated control system for efficient fuel consumption. The system designed controlled speed, engine speed, engine torque, and accumulator pressure. The factors that is responsible for fuel consumption. Matlab was used and result showed improvement in fuel usage when this factors were put to check. Look-ahead system achieves its control of products by ensuring both the feedback and the feed forward loops are deployed automatically within a specified time interval. This kind of system would be found in a loop control where everything world be coordinated to work in a real time. Introduction of functional changes were the tests that gave indicator parameters upon which a maximum and a more elaborate system could be controlled to produce a more unified controlled system. Executive Summary 1 Introduction and background 3 Modelling approach to the engineering problem 3 Components description 4 Manufacturing of the Look-Ahead system 7 Assessment equation s and assumptions 11 Outcomes 12 Future Works 12 References 13 Introduction and background This is the world of technology, where every action is guarded by a technological device. It has become imperative that technology has seeped our hearts and minds. Once the driving was of perceptions about cumbersome manual processes, now it has been replaced with doing everything with the help of a single device. Indeed, life has become easier, yet more complex than before (Crolla, 2009).. The more the technology, the easier it becomes for the users to access their data whenever and wherever they want. Here the importance of Modern Global Positioning Systems and their effectiveness to capture in geo-location and personal data cannot be undermined. The same Modern Global Positioning Systems have also greatly aided the drivers in predicting the changing direction. Modern Global Positioning Systems (GPS) and meteorological forecasts can be used to let an intelligent automotive system look-ahead on its own, anticipating slopes, bends and influences of wind. With such a proactive system a reduction of fuel consumption could be achieved which constitutes improvements economically as well as ecologically. This project aims to assess the feasibility of such a look-ahead system in comparison to a traditionally operated vehicle. Modelling approach to the engineering problem The modelling for Look-ahead system was done by using Matlab Simulink. The value of the calculation theoretically is then compared with the value of the result that has been obtained by using simulation. Other than that, the result does make sense as you can see that there is not much percentage error between theoretically and practically values. The design method assumed second order relationships between open-loop frequency and closed-loop time response measures (Goodall, 2010). These assumptions were invested to determine their reasonableness in the system. The performance of the continuous-time and discrete-time controllers was compared. The Matlab schematic of the model is presented below Components description Sensors- this will be responsible for measuring the speed, distance, driving conditions, and relative position of the preceding vehicle. When the variables have exceeded the required limit, the response is will show red while green colour shows that all variables are correct. When the red light is shown it means the one variable is showing requires digital rectification. This will consist of radar and optical laser (Kibbe, 2006). The sensors will include Motion sensor: - this senses vehicle’s speed and is fixed to the transmission to provide a signal of low voltage alternating current to the cruise control module. Here three models were considered that is Dodge speed sensor, Duralast models and Infinite speed sensor. Infinite speed sensor scored highest marks and was selected. Infinite speed sensor has the required variable speed of 10.5Km/h, it can withstand Ambient temperature ranging between 5°C and 40°C with dimensions of 87 x 87 x 33mm. It fits single gang box and has neon indicator. Cruise control module is responsible converting AC signal to a pulse width modulated direct current signal that is usable. It controls the speed by maintaining the set speed by storing the speed under use as well comparing the speed with set target. This control unit then sends this to the actuator which will work with throttle linkage to maintain that speed. Actuator: - The main purpose of this is to move the throttle linkage which will maintain the speed. The component is electrically controlled and has step-up motors for managing power supply. It works on the signal send by cruise control module – the intelligent Cruise Control System. Brake Switches- This will be used to offer brake when limit is exceeded without the driver is being is involved. It works by interrupting the current flow to cruise control module memory. It begins when the cruise control releases a switch of open and a stop which is attached to braking system. This disengages the system electrically when the brake pedal is pressed. Cruise control cut-out switch and Buick LeSabre cruise control switch standard motor products were considered but Buick LeSabre cruise control switch standard motor products was selected because it had good price, more compatible and more durable than the other(Vesilind and Gunn, 1998). Clutch Switches- this type of switch works in a similar version as brake Switches where it disengages the cruise control system upon pressing of clutch pedal. Model NC700S Dual Clutch Transmission has good compatibility with Light Switch 24470 model. SW6349 Cruise control cutout switch and Buick lesabre cruise control switch standard motor products were considered but Buick lesabre cruise control switch standard motor products was selected because it had good price, more compatible and more durable than the other. It has 3.8L 3800CC 231Cu. Throttle Linkage- this controls the set speed, making the driver comfort. It monitors acceleration, deceleration when application of brake torque. This actual mechanical connection between the cruise control actuator and the engine throttle (Khayyam, Nahavandi, and Davis, 2012). In selecting, the components to be used in designing the proposed next generation intelligent Cruise Control System components were price, durability performance, and compatibility. Each component had three models and one was going to be selected as shown below. The each model has been assigned scoring marks. Component models Price Durability performance compatibility Total Vehicle speed sensor Duralast models 3 2 1 1 7 Dodge speed sensor 2 3 3 2 10 Infinite speed sensor 3 3 2 3 11 Cruise Control module Chevrolet G30 cruise control module Gas A1 cardone 3 2 3 3 11 Ford ranger cruise control module A1 cardone 2 3 3 3 11 Ski module 2011 model 1 3 3 1 8 Actuator Kinetrol 3 3 2 3 11 Rotary actuators 2 3 2 3 10 HIW 2 2 3 3 10 Radio/light detection and ranging Precision locate 3 3 3 2 11 Water leak detection 2 3 3 3 11 Brake and clutch switches Buick LeSabre cruise control switch standard motor products 3 3 2 3 11 SW6349 Cruise control cutout switch 2 2 3 2 9 Throttle linkage Lokar SRK4000 3 3 2 3 11 Carburettor throttle lever extension 2 3 3 2 10 Scoring process The scoring were rated using the following scale Relative performance rating Much worse than 1 Worse than 2 Best value 3 The performance in different aspect can be evaluated by comparing with the chosen values. Manufacturing of the Look-Ahead system The look-ahead system will not require large industrial manufacturing but will assemble by small industry. The manufacturer will offer six months of maintenance and free installation and usage. It is uses small space and provides effective movement and good performance compared to the other designs. After double-checking the installing, the look-ahead system will be suitable for making fuel consumption. 1-The lifecycle cost Monograph life cycle costs: K(t)=s+a+c+pl+hl+p(t)+cs(t)+r(t) Serial life cycle costs: K(t)= s+at+c+plt+hlt+p(t?)+cst?+rt? Where K(t) is the life cycle cost s is the selection cost a is the acquisition processing cost (excluding the purchase price) c is the cataloguing cost pl is the initial preservation cost (such as an archival enclosure) hl is the initial handling cost (including pressmarking, labelling and placing) p(t) is the likely preservation cost over time (including interventive conservation) cs(t) is the collection storage cost over time r(t) is the likely retrieval and replacement cost over time 2-lifecycle assessment A-goal and scope The purpose of the project is to effectively address the problem of fuel consumption in cars. In order to qualify the project scope a number of questions must be clearly addressed b. These questions include the following: 1) What is the ceiling budget for the project? 2) How much has been factored in the funds above as a buffer to cover for inflation 3) Is the current scope sufficient? If not what other area can be included 4) Where does the project fit within the company’s business strategy? The successful implementation of this project will follow a defined framework . Understanding the total life cycle costs of a product or service, or the product costs incurred before, during, and after the manufacturing cycle is critical, as decision makers can more completely analyze and understand what creates product costs. For example, if a company can reduce a product’s design and development costs at the pre-manufacturing stage, it also is possible to reduce all other subsequent downstream costs such as manufacturing and service-related costs (Curran, 2006). Impact assessment While inventory analysis is an important step in the analysis of a new product line, it is only the beginning. Users of GPS are also interested in how long they will use the product and while the seller is interested how profitable the new look ahead system is expected to be over the given lifecycle. Interpretation While analysis of breakeven is an important step in the analysis of a new product line, breakeven analysis is only the beginning. Corporate officers and business owners are also interested in how quickly they will recover their investment and how profitable the new product line is expected to be over the given lifecycle of the new product. In this analysis, four key formulae give a snapshot understanding of the new product line’s viability: the payback period (how many years will pass before the initial investment is recovered), the profitability index (what ratio of profits to initial investment are expected), the internal rate of return (also known as the IRR or the annual rate at which the initial investment and expected profits occur) and the net profit value. In the case study, the payback period is computed by first approximating the expected sales of the new PDA product over the next five years. These sales are modified downward by the expected lost sales of the existing PDA product. The net cash flow is deducted from the initial investments for each projected year to show when the profits of the new product will exceed the associated investment and lost sales. The final negative amount is divided by the current year’s revenues to approximate how many months in that year this transition point occurs. In this scenario, the product payback period is three years and approximately one and a half months. Societal Like any other project social impact is a necessary consideration for this project. The project will create a system that will minimise fuel consumption in motor vehicles. This will be great social improvement to owners and drivers of vehicles (Heijungs, 2008). The social benefits derived from solving the problem of fuel consumption are manifold. There are certain rational tools which can be introduced in order to increase the possibility of project. However, there are some major obstacles which hinder the overall implementation of this system. The biggest of these hindrances is the lack of knowledge. Due to this lack of knowledge people are involved in many misunderstandings concerning the concept of proposed system and its social benefits. To begin with, the impact of the project will be calculated on the use of the fuel and time taken for trip. The main aim is to change the total length of the time spent on the road (Heijungs, 2008). Assessment equation s and assumptions The main aim is to minimise fuel consumption and the and objective Minimise Subject to Where is a constant representing the trade-off between fuel consumption and trip time, T is Assumptions - The vehicle is moving in one direction -It is possible to control accelerator, gear shift and brake Outcomes Results that show improved accuracy for in fuel management. On average the map matched data showed an improvement of 2.7 meters, averaging approximately 5% improvement for each GPS point. The 5% improvement is considered a significant improvement for this particular region due to the relative accuracy of the GPS data. This significant error indicates that the base simulation model must be updated in at least three areas—the number of trucks, the waiting time at the asphalt plant, and the waiting time in the work zone. Future Works In considering future look-ahead system characteristics, the following method can be implementing for further studies based on ability sent data about. The following needs to researched Improvement of slope/bend/wind speed information Only one bend/slope per segment Improvement of regional data References Crolla, D., 2009. Automotive Engineering: Powertrain, Chassis System and Vehicle Body. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann. Curran, M 2006, ‘Life Cycle Assessment: Principles and Practice’, US Environmental Protection Agency, New York Goodall, C. 2010. How to Live a Low-Carbon Life: The Individual's Guide to Tackling Climate Change. London: Earthscan. Harris, C., Pritchard, M., & Rabins, M, 2009. Engineering ethics: concepts and cases. Belmont, CA: Cengage Learning, 2009. Print. Heijungs, R., 2008. ‘Life Cycle Assessment: A Training kit Manual’, UNEP SETAC Life Cycle Initiative, New York. Khayyam, H, Nahavandi, S & Davis, S, 2012, ‘Adaptive cruise control look-ahead system for energy management of vehicles’, Expert systems with applications, pp. 3874-3885. Kibbe, C. 2006. "It's not always easy driving green." New Hampshire Business Review 28.21. Life Cycle Assessment: A product-oriented method for sustainability analysis LCA Training Kit - module b 2008, UNEP SETAC Life Cycle Initiative, New York. Life Cycle Costing - Better Practice Guide 2001, Australian National Audit Office, Canberra. Multi-criteria Analysis: A Manual 2009, Department for Communities and Local Government, London. Schobert, H., 2002. Energy and society: an introduction. New York: Taylor & Francis. Spoolman, S. & Miller, G., 2011. Living in the Environment: Principles, Connections, and Solutions. Belmont, CA: Cengage Learning. Stasinopoulos, P 2017, Introduction to Sustainability (Week 2 Lecture Notes of OENG1118 Sustainable Practice and Design). Melbourne: RMIT University. Vesilind, P & Gunn, A S., 1998. Engineering, ethics, and the environment. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Read More

It has 3.8L 3800CC 231Cu. Throttle Linkage- this controls the set speed, making the driver comfort. It monitors acceleration, deceleration when application of brake torque. This actual mechanical connection between the cruise control actuator and the engine throttle (Khayyam, Nahavandi, and Davis, 2012). In selecting, the components to be used in designing the proposed next generation intelligent Cruise Control System components were price, durability performance, and compatibility. Each component had three models and one was going to be selected as shown below.

The each model has been assigned scoring marks. Component models Price Durability performance compatibility Total Vehicle speed sensor Duralast models 3 2 1 1 7 Dodge speed sensor 2 3 3 2 10 Infinite speed sensor 3 3 2 3 11 Cruise Control module Chevrolet G30 cruise control module Gas A1 cardone 3 2 3 3 11 Ford ranger cruise control module A1 cardone 2 3 3 3 11 Ski module 2011 model 1 3 3 1 8 Actuator Kinetrol 3 3 2 3 11 Rotary actuators 2 3 2 3 10 HIW 2 2 3 3 10 Radio/light detection and ranging Precision locate 3 3 3 2 11 Water leak detection 2 3 3 3 11 Brake and clutch switches Buick LeSabre cruise control switch standard motor products 3 3 2 3 11 SW6349 Cruise control cutout switch 2 2 3 2 9 Throttle linkage Lokar SRK4000 3 3 2 3 11 Carburettor throttle lever extension 2 3 3 2 10 Scoring process The scoring were rated using the following scale Relative performance rating Much worse than 1 Worse than 2 Best value 3 The performance in different aspect can be evaluated by comparing with the chosen values.

Manufacturing of the Look-Ahead system The look-ahead system will not require large industrial manufacturing but will assemble by small industry. The manufacturer will offer six months of maintenance and free installation and usage. It is uses small space and provides effective movement and good performance compared to the other designs. After double-checking the installing, the look-ahead system will be suitable for making fuel consumption. 1-The lifecycle cost Monograph life cycle costs: K(t)=s+a+c+pl+hl+p(t)+cs(t)+r(t) Serial life cycle costs: K(t)= s+at+c+plt+hlt+p(t?)+cst?+rt?

Where K(t) is the life cycle cost s is the selection cost a is the acquisition processing cost (excluding the purchase price) c is the cataloguing cost pl is the initial preservation cost (such as an archival enclosure) hl is the initial handling cost (including pressmarking, labelling and placing) p(t) is the likely preservation cost over time (including interventive conservation) cs(t) is the collection storage cost over time r(t) is the likely retrieval and replacement cost over time 2-lifecycle assessment A-goal and scope The purpose of the project is to effectively address the problem of fuel consumption in cars.

In order to qualify the project scope a number of questions must be clearly addressed b. These questions include the following: 1) What is the ceiling budget for the project? 2) How much has been factored in the funds above as a buffer to cover for inflation 3) Is the current scope sufficient? If not what other area can be included 4) Where does the project fit within the company’s business strategy? The successful implementation of this project will follow a defined framework . Understanding the total life cycle costs of a product or service, or the product costs incurred before, during, and after the manufacturing cycle is critical, as decision makers can more completely analyze and understand what creates product costs.

For example, if a company can reduce a product’s design and development costs at the pre-manufacturing stage, it also is possible to reduce all other subsequent downstream costs such as manufacturing and service-related costs (Curran, 2006). Impact assessment While inventory analysis is an important step in the analysis of a new product line, it is only the beginning. Users of GPS are also interested in how long they will use the product and while the seller is interested how profitable the new look ahead system is expected to be over the given lifecycle.

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Control System for Efficient Fuel Consumption Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 Words.
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