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Vehicle-t-Grid and Grid-t-Vehicle Technology - Coursework Example

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The author of the "Vеhiсlе-tо-Grid and Grid-tо-Vеhiсlе Tесhnоlоgy" paper seeks to conduct a comparative analysis on the role of V2G and G2V as an alternative source of energy amongst others in cushioning the consumers against the high demand for power…
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VЕHIСLЕ-TО-GRID (V2G) АND GRID-TО-VЕHIСLЕ (G2V) TЕСHNОLОGY Institutional affiliation Student’s name Course code and name Tutor’s name Date Table of Contents Table of Contents 2 Abstract 3 Introduction 3 Literature Review 4 Relationship between the Grid Systems and Electric Vehicles 4 Electronic Vehicles Imperative 5 Advantages 7 Challenges 9 Results 10 Discussion 11 Conclusion 11 Abstract This paper seeks to conduct a comparative analysis on the role of V2G and G2V as an alternative source of energy amongst others in cushioning the consumers against the high demand for power. The study exercises by employing a qualitative review of previous studies done with regards to electric energy uses in automobile and renewable sources of energies that could be incorporated in a subsystem, Smart grid in a bid to satisfy increasing power demand. Introduction Sub-energy systems and infrastructures have been promoted to define and describe new paradigms in the design of future energy systems such as smart grid (Kossahl, Kranz, and Kolbe, 2012) and Vehicle-2-Grid (Lund and Kempton, 2008). Until recently, renewable energy such as tidal power, solar power, geothermal energy, hydropower, and wind energy have begun to play a major role in producing electricity on the grids. The forecasts on the amount of Electric Vehicles and generations of renewable energy in U.S, Germany, France, Britain, China amongst other countries is an illustration of future power distribution mechanism. For example in 2050, at least half of the U.S. vehicles of more than 100 million cars will be converted to electric cars. Power grid systems that enable a car to either release excess power generated from its systems to the community power grid system or gain from the sub energy system, otherwise known vehicle-to-grid (V2G) or grid–to- vehicle (G2V) respectively. This paper seeks to conduct a comparative analysis on the role of V2G and G2V as an alternative source of energy amongst others in cushioning the consumers against the high demand for power. Literature Review Electronic vehicles technology was first introduced in the mid-19th century (Shrivastava, 2011). The main reason for the invention of EVs was to solve the energy crisis and pollution problems. Rather than using only gasoline or electricity, EVs can also use a combination of both electricity and gasoline with less or zero carbon dioxide emissions. Electric and Traditional Vehicles differs regarding their motors such that; Electric vehicles have two motors, that is, the Direct current motor (DC) and Alternating Current Motor (AC), while a traditional vehicle is only powered by a DC. Relationship between the Grid Systems and Electric Vehicles The Grid is encompassed of intersected electrical power systems that convey electric power from the source of energy to the end user (US Department of Energy). The grid entails substations, wires, transformers, and switches. It relates to electric-power grid and transmission lines, and that delivers power energy from the power plants to businesses or homes. Although electric-power grid can be regarded as an engineering wonder, it is being extended to its mix capacity. More advancement has been made to acquire new types of electric-power grid, meant to handle digital and computerized power equipment. An electric-power grid that is a Smart grid advanced power system plays a role in controlling power demands in a sustainable, economical and reliable way. The electric power grid system can be identified as a digital technology because it permits a two-way connectivity channel between ultimate users and services providers and it is ability to sense the electric power lines. For the case of a Smart Grid, electrical power technologies will react digitally to fast correcting electric-power demands. Smart grids are advantageous because of their efficiency in electricity transmission and restoration of electric power in case of disruptions, and affordable in management costs (Igbinovia et al., 2016). The wider the EV fleet participating protocol, the higher the degree of elasticity is exercised by the grid, in management of power generation or consumption corresponding, hence will help in the compensation of a more unpredictable power generation patterns (Rottondi, Fontana, and Verticale, 2014). Electronic Vehicles Imperative Transport accounts for over 30 percent of the global energy consumption and nearly 72 percent in oil demand (BP Energy Outlook, 2016). Given the unpredictability of oil prices in the past decades, caused by factors such as political instability in oil generating countries, and environmental destructions from combusting engines. Electric energy is increasingly becoming an option for most governments in view electronic transport as an essential economic growth and energy independence (Netherland Enterprise Agency, 2015). In particular, in the U.S. transportation electrification is influenced by factors like; High and volatile oil prices rising from about $25 / barrel in 2000 to, over $75 in 2006 and elevating to all-time high of $147 /barrel in 2008, then downed to almost $80 in 2010. In comparison, prices of electricity have been averagely stable with the MegaWatt price per hour ranging between $50 to $75 (Silver Springs Networks, 2013). How the Sytem Works V2G enables the flow of power between the electric grid and the electric vehicles. This is mainly achieved through the mechanisms that have been put in place. In order to ensure efficeincy during the process, communication mechanism is heightened (Sortomme & El-Sharkawi, 2012). A network facilitates communication within the grid. A demand responce service is also available to the power grid which is vital in securing the system incase of a heavy load. Power is generated from various sources which include renewabnle energy sources such as wind, solar and hydro. The power generated from the thermoila systems also flow in one direction and is distributed. The power that is generated in most cases is used for various purposes which include charging Electric Vehicles at home, workplace and dedicated charging stations. The system is fed through the use of electric vehicles battery during the peak electric demand hours. This therefore ensures that there is a two way flow between the vehicles and the system. A central command system which is Independent System Operator (ISO), is in place and it mainly acts as a link for communication between the grid and the Electric vehicles (Sortomme & El-Sharkawi, 2012). The vehicle to Grid (V2G) involves the use of Electric Drive Vehicles to provide electricity to the Grid when the vehicle is parked (Parsons, Hidrue, Kempton & Gardner, 2014). The vehicle can be battery electric vehicle, hybrid and fuel cells and it is connected to the grid. In order for the electrical energy to flow, a power connection to the grid is required. On-board the vehicle, a precision metering is required in order to determine the amount of electricity generated. A communication mechanism with the grid operators is also required in order to ensure efficient operations. The grid operator mainly relies on the vehicles parked and plugged at any particular time in order to generate the required amount of electricity. This mainly utilizes the fact that most of the vehicles are parked 90% of their time and is on the road for only 10% (Parsons, Hidrue, Kempton & Gardner, 2014). Just like Grid to Vehicle (G2V), the owners of the vehicle have to be paid based on the amount of electricity supplied to the Grid. The independent system operator emits control signals in the form of radio broadcasts signals. It can also utilize the cellphone network and the power line carriers. The three main basic requirements for a V2G and G2V include power connection, communication and metering (Yilmaz & Krein, 2013). The power connection mainly involves electric vehicles being connected to the charging station through on-board power electronics. This is carried out in order to facilitate bi-directional flows. Real time communication is usually in place between the vehicles and the utility. This is mainly for the purposes of controlling and managing the power. Telematics is becoming common in terms of the communication process (Yilmaz & Krein, 2013). Metering involves the use of a precise tamper free meter with the potential of accuartely measuring the power that is provided by the vehicles. Advantages V2G and G2V technology is considered smart due to its ability to sell and buy electricity to and from the grid. It has more advantages over the centralized asset generation that is commoinly used in the generation of elctricity. The smart infrastructure has the ability of ensuring the endpoints can be stabilized closer to the demand. It has the ability of increasing the energy production by upto 10%. The enegy produced through V2G and G2V is without negative environmental effects. One of the main benefits associated with the smart system is its ability to cut down on the production of carbon dioxide to uptob 90% (Ota, et al, 2012). This is effective in terms of ensuring that the problems associated with the high levels of carbon dioxide is reduced. The environmental friendly nature of the technology will enable the country to greatly reduce the levels of pollution. The technology enables the effectoive capturing of the renewable energy and hence promoting sustainaibility regarding the use of energy. The power groid provider alos has some advantages when the technology is embraced. The technology enables the power grid provider to produce or buy electricty when it is needed. The elctricity that is produced can be stored when the demand is low. The electricity can then be used during the peak hours when the demand for elctricity is high (Ota, et al, 2012). This is therefore an indication that the technology has the potential of ensuring that the electricity produced is not wasted. The owners of the electric vehicle are also set to benefit from the technology. The vehicle owners could earn extra revenue by connecting to the grid infrastructure. The owners of the vehicles can sell the extra electricity generated and hence generating more income. This will however require a frequent generation to the grid. The companies can also take advanatage of this sytem by encouraging their employees to be connected to the grid (Mwasilu, 2014). This can be vital in enabling the organizatiosn to meet their electricity costs at a much lower costs. The cpmpany with a high number of employees is likley to benefit more from the technology. The cyclical and structural problems associated with the ordinary vehicles can also be solved through the use of the technology. This means that its bemnefits will alos extend to the vehicle manufacturers. The development of a smart grids infrastructure is thus beneficial to multiple stakeholders. The cost of electricity can be greatly reduced in the presence of the smart grid technology. The cost of electrical systems can be reduced as the technology plays a vital role in ehnacing the regulation, load management, demand response and spinning reserves (Mwasilu, 2014). The load leveling which involves balancing between period of high and low demands can be achieved. This is vital in ensuring that the power is used effectively. The balance is vital in terms of promoting sustainability and ensuring effecient management and use of velectricity. Challenges Although the use of V2G and G2V has advanatges, it alos has some challenges that may impact negatively on its performance and use. A centralized control is currently in use in the conventional grid magaement (Parsons, Hidrue, Kempton & Gardner, 2014). This therefore presesnts a major challenge in the management of distributed generation. The power distribution infrastructure in a building is also limited to some amount in order to avoid an overload. This may impact negatively on the ditribution of electricity during the peak hours. The V2G and G2V standards do not have the capability of carrying out effective mapping. This can be attributed to the multiple communication standards that is assocaited with the energy resource automation commonly used in distributed energy. The intergartion of the grid may also presesnt a major challenge due to the chanages that needs to be made (Parsons, Hidrue, Kempton & Gardner, 2014). This is also considering that the technology is still at its early stage and more research is still required. Information about the large scale use of grid is not available and this may impact negatively on use of the grid. A well defined buisness model is yet to be put in place in order to govern the relationship with the providers. The user interface is lacking and this may impact negatively on the relationship with the users. The grid is dependent on the external support of stakeholders including the users and the manufacturers of the vehicles (Parsons, Hidrue, Kempton & Gardner, 2014). Any resistance from the stakeholders may therefore impact negatively on the project. Results The technology is beneficial to the owners of the vehicle and it is also cheaper as compared to the use of petrol. A part from the sale of electricity, the power can also be generated from the vehicles for maintaining ancillary services. The V2G and G2V have the ability of serving as distributed generators which may play a significant role in supplementing the utility power plants. This is vital in ensuring that a high amount of energy is generated during the peak hours. In the generation of electricity through the use of conventional methods, the levels of environmental pollution are high. However, with the utilization of V2G and G2V environmental pollution is greatly reduced (Yilmaz & Krein, 2013). The technology has the ability of eliminating the emission of carbon dioxide as well as the other greenhouse gases. This is an indication that the future of the technology is bright and it has the ability to reduce some of the current environmental challenges. The technology has positive impacts on different stakeholders including the customers, government and the electric and environmental companies. The technology enables the customers to be part of the electricity generation process through the use of their vehicles. Unlike the traditional model, the customers have an opportunity to generate some income through selling the electricity to the grid. The pressure on the governments to cut down on the carbon dioxide emitted. The electricity generation companies will also benefit from the technology as they will not be required to make huge investments on the power generation infrastructure (Mwasilu, 2014). This means that the electricity companies will incur less cost during the power generation process. The environmental companies are more likely to support the initiative due to its environmental friendly nature. The technology is however face with some challenges as it is still new and the infrastructure to support it has not fully developed. Discussion Increased alternative sources of electric energy’s in the market have generated a need for power reserves larger reserve capacity available in order to sustain the continued bulging demand for power. The wind energy and vehicle-to-grid power generation models can be used to determine operational reserve within a certain residential. Advancements in power electronics is a step forward towards plug-in Autos that are V2G or G2V enabled and can consume power or dispense power to the gridding system. Conclusion In conclusion, it is evident that V2G and G2V is a smart system aimed at changing the way electricity is generated and utilized. The system mainly utilizes electric vehicles as well as the energy generated from renewable sources. It is evident that the technology mainly targets the efficient use of electricity. There are various benefits as well as challenges with regards to the use of the system. The smart grid has positive impacts on the sustainability as well as environmental protection. It is evident that the electric vehicle owners will be able to generate some income from the sale of electricity. The challenges are however associated with the infrastructure and the nature of the existing systems. Bibliography Rottondi, C., Fontana, S. and Verticale, G. 2014, ‘Enabling Privacy in Vehicle-to-Grid Interactions for Battery Recharging,' Open Access Energies, , pp. 2780–2798 Hammerstrom, D. J. 2007, Part I. Olympic Peninsula Project. Washington: U.S. Department of Energy. Sortomme, E., & El-Sharkawi, M. A. 2012, Optimal scheduling of vehicle-to-grid energy and Ancillary services. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 3(1), 351-359. Yilmaz, M., & Krein, P. T. 2013, Review of the impact of vehicle-to-grid technologies on distribution systems and utility interfaces. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 28(12), 5673-5689. Ota, Y., Taniguchi, H., Nakajima, T., Liyanage, K. M., Baba, J., & Yokoyama, A. 2012, Autonomous distributed V2G (vehicle-to-grid) satisfying scheduled charging. IEEETransactions on Smart Grid, 3(1), 559-564. Mwasilu, F., Justo, J. J., Kim, E. K., Do, T. D., & Jung, J. 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Henrik, K., and Lund, W. 2008, ‘Integration of renewable energy into the transport and electricity sectors through V2G', ELSEVIER. Silver Springs Networks, 2013, How the Smart Grid Enables Utilities to Integrate Electric Vehicles.  Shrivastava, K. 2011, ELECTRIC CARS. Indian Institute Of Technology Roorkee: Indo – German Winter, Academy. US Department of Energy The Smart Grid: An Introduction. Available at: (1).pdf (Accessed: 16 November 2016) Kramer, W., Chakraborty, S., Kroposki, B., Hoke, A., Martin, G. and Markel, T. 2012, Grid Interconnection and Performance Testing Procedures for Vehicle-To-Grid (V2G) Power Electronics. Colarado: National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Appendices 1. NREL study graphical representation Magnitude test for over voltage Magnitude tests for under voltage Time test for over voltage Time test for under voltage 2. Overview of the Olympic Peninsula Smart Grid Demonstration Project Read More

Relationship between the Grid Systems and Electric Vehicles The Grid is encompassed of intersected electrical power systems that convey electric power from the source of energy to the end user (US Department of Energy). The grid entails substations, wires, transformers, and switches. It relates to electric-power grid and transmission lines, and that delivers power energy from the power plants to businesses or homes. Although electric-power grid can be regarded as an engineering wonder, it is being extended to its mix capacity.

More advancement has been made to acquire new types of electric-power grid, meant to handle digital and computerized power equipment. An electric-power grid that is a Smart grid advanced power system plays a role in controlling power demands in a sustainable, economical and reliable way. The electric power grid system can be identified as a digital technology because it permits a two-way connectivity channel between ultimate users and services providers and it is ability to sense the electric power lines.

For the case of a Smart Grid, electrical power technologies will react digitally to fast correcting electric-power demands. Smart grids are advantageous because of their efficiency in electricity transmission and restoration of electric power in case of disruptions, and affordable in management costs (Igbinovia et al., 2016). The wider the EV fleet participating protocol, the higher the degree of elasticity is exercised by the grid, in management of power generation or consumption corresponding, hence will help in the compensation of a more unpredictable power generation patterns (Rottondi, Fontana, and Verticale, 2014).

Electronic Vehicles Imperative Transport accounts for over 30 percent of the global energy consumption and nearly 72 percent in oil demand (BP Energy Outlook, 2016). Given the unpredictability of oil prices in the past decades, caused by factors such as political instability in oil generating countries, and environmental destructions from combusting engines. Electric energy is increasingly becoming an option for most governments in view electronic transport as an essential economic growth and energy independence (Netherland Enterprise Agency, 2015).

In particular, in the U.S. transportation electrification is influenced by factors like; High and volatile oil prices rising from about $25 / barrel in 2000 to, over $75 in 2006 and elevating to all-time high of $147 /barrel in 2008, then downed to almost $80 in 2010. In comparison, prices of electricity have been averagely stable with the MegaWatt price per hour ranging between $50 to $75 (Silver Springs Networks, 2013). How the Sytem Works V2G enables the flow of power between the electric grid and the electric vehicles.

This is mainly achieved through the mechanisms that have been put in place. In order to ensure efficeincy during the process, communication mechanism is heightened (Sortomme & El-Sharkawi, 2012). A network facilitates communication within the grid. A demand responce service is also available to the power grid which is vital in securing the system incase of a heavy load. Power is generated from various sources which include renewabnle energy sources such as wind, solar and hydro. The power generated from the thermoila systems also flow in one direction and is distributed.

The power that is generated in most cases is used for various purposes which include charging Electric Vehicles at home, workplace and dedicated charging stations. The system is fed through the use of electric vehicles battery during the peak electric demand hours. This therefore ensures that there is a two way flow between the vehicles and the system. A central command system which is Independent System Operator (ISO), is in place and it mainly acts as a link for communication between the grid and the Electric vehicles (Sortomme & El-Sharkawi, 2012).

The vehicle to Grid (V2G) involves the use of Electric Drive Vehicles to provide electricity to the Grid when the vehicle is parked (Parsons, Hidrue, Kempton & Gardner, 2014).

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