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A Feasibility Plan for an Alternative Energy Scheme - Term Paper Example

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The author of the paper "A Feasibility Plan for an Alternative Energy Scheme" will begin with the statement that Great Britain, like any other developed country, has densely populated settlement areas. However, it may be difficult to visualize that the country has remote settlements…
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A FEASIBILITY PLAN AND REPORT FOR AN ALTERNATIVE ENERGY SCHEME Student name Module Instructor Date Chapter 1 Literature Review The Great Britain, like any other developed countries, has densely populated settlements areas. However, it may be difficult to visualize that the country has remote settlements. Nonetheless, remoteness is a comparative idea and one not necessarily derived from a state of destitute. A number of regions in the UK have settlements that range from a single house to residential regions with population over a thousand people. In most settlements area, reliance on national-grid-based electricity is a common feature. The literature review evaluates different energy solutions for selected remote settlements. The feasibility plan and report concentrate on remote settlements with no energy grid connection. The number of dwelling in the settlement is 11(the number is derived from a formula that sum the first two digits of a student ID (4773760)). Each dwelling accommodates a family unit of four and the dwelling design is based on high-energy conservation. The remote settlement has a flat terrain with ample water supply from an artisan well (six metres below terrain). The area’s weather as per Mid-UK, it has mobile phone connection, and satellite televisions. The task is to incorporate novel ideas on energy usage, management and conservation within this remote settlement. Renewable Energy Resources According to Giddings and Underwood (2007), meeting the sustainability principle for remote settlements necessitate integration of numerous renewable energy resources with the accessible energies. The two authors listed solar, wind, biomass, and wave and tidal, hydro, and geothermal as alternative energy sources that can be used for conservation (Giddings and Underwood, 2007). Energy Solutions in Remote Settlements The Scottish and Southern Energy (2015) survey provided some energy saving techniques for Shetland Energy system. The survey demonstrated that wind power is a fuel saver capable of reducing cost of electricity and conserve energy (Scottish and Southern Energy, 2015). Wind energy can be used as an alternative energy source especially when effectively integrated with renewable generators. The study demonstrated that the integration process could make the remote Shetland power grid increase the commercial viability of wind projects (Scottish and Southern Energy, 2015). However, the study also revealed that the fundamental rate to supply wind energy to the grid could not match the standards of the UK Feed Tariff. The survey demonstrated that wind energy is valuable especially in a direct reduction of fossil energy consumption annually. The realization is a recognisable and a sensible discovery that presented wind energy as a potential solution for Shetland remote settlement. The authors discovered that the Shetland Grid is different from those of other regions in the UK. The difference is due to diverse management and financial approaches. The management deals with producers anticipated to work for Shetland situation. Scottish and Southern Energy (2015) shows that the wind turbines turned off in summer as demand subsided, similar to a diesel generator during low demand. The switching off is a means of conservation that the settlement personnel can adopt. The study suggested the possibility for further study of alternative applications of the wind energy in heating demand, generation of gas and electric vehicles. Benefits of renewable production in this category of grid environment would have to be over a longer period based on UK market rates. Shetland is a remote area just like the settlement under evaluation and analysis. Therefore, the possibility of using the wind as a source of energy is pertinent in the case study. However, the feasibility study of the settlement depends on the weather as per Mid-UK. Giddings and Underwood (2007) showed that in order to achieve suitable relevant technologies in energy conservation, technology filtering is a key objective. Importantly, the technologies must be either renewable or carbon-neutral to be in conformity to the endeavour of creating a solution that is fit for future power usage (Giddings and Underwood, 2007). The study generated a long list of applicant technologies in consideration of renewable energy resources that are essential and that conform to the fitness for usage criterion and for commercialisation. The table below is about Boolean logic presented in a truth table to show that candidate technologies have been essential in evaluating the applicability of different conservation methods. In the table, scale of measurement is 0 to 1 where “0” signifies a false result and “1” a true one (Giddings and Underwood, 2007). Table 1: Filter 1 Truth Table The table shows possible materials and technologies applicable for energy conservation and alternative energy sources. Chmiel and Bhattacharyya (2015) demonstrate that off-Grid energy schemes are used as an autonomous source of power for adequate electricity supply for household needs or remote settlement. The off-grid energy scheme can fit in areas where the main grid is uneconomical. For the case study, off-grid scheme is considerable since UK main grid has been reported to be expensive for remote settlements. The study showed that the Isle of Eigg in Scotland has a reliable electricity supply due to effective hybrid off-grid scheme (Chmiel and Bhattacharyya 2015). The Isle of Eigg off-grid mechanism is an indication that the system is suitable for remote settlements. The study investigated off-grid executions and analyzed possible options setups that could work more efficiently and successfully in similar locations. A simulation was implemented using Hybrid Optimisation Model for Electric Renewable (HOMER) application for the available scheme and substitute setups of energy generation (Chmiel and Bhattacharyya 2015). Figure 1 shows components that were essential for integration in the area Figure 1: Components of the system from bottom right: 6 kW hydro turbines, inverters system, diesel generator, battery bank, wind turbines, and PV arrays Source: Chmiel, Bhattacharyya 2015 The report presents an interesting discovery linking solar, wind and hydropower. The authors reiterate that solar energy complements hydropower and the wind during summer periods when water and the wind are not much available (Chmiel and Bhattacharyya 2015). Furthermore, diesel generators are essential when batteries capacity goes below 50 percent. The site has two units of 80 kW diesel generators with minimum load ratio of 30% and a lifespan of 15,000 h (Chmiel and Bhattacharyya 2015). In addition, it has four KS25P batteries chosen from HOMER database even though the framework applied in the scheme is 4KS25 PS. No big differences could be cited between the two concerning capacity, life span or functioning setting. The site is also fitted with four strings of 24 batteries in each string (Chmiel and Bhattacharyya 2015). The fundamental dimension of the converter was 5 kW, and a variety of capacities summing up to 139 kW used for simulation. The project used converters with a life span of 15 years together with effectiveness rectifiers at 85% and of inverters at 90% (Chmiel and Bhattacharyya 2015). These components are effective alternative energy sources applicable for the remote settlement under evaluation. The report documented that microgrids have technical and economic benefits concerning energy conservation. The system or concept involves a cluster of numerous approaches deliberated for decentralization of power with either grid connection or grid-independence (Giddings and Underwood, 2007). Tanrioven (2005) reported on a technique for acquiring consistency and economic friendly microgrid using a photovoltaic, wind turbine and fuel cell inputs, however, was only applicable to an exemplary scheme. The concept of microgrid came up as a networked or radial supply mechanism allowing energy sources like wind energy (WE power sources), photovoltaic (PV), and fuel cell (FC) for integration (Tanrioven 2005). The purpose of the mentioned substitute power sources within power industry has attracted considerable attention in latest days because of ecological and economic worries over nuclear and fossil fuel (Tanrioven 2005). Furthermore, a report by Abu-Sharkh and co-authors argue that the microgrid with photovoltaic and micro-CHP components including grid-autonomy pertinent for attainment of energy satisfactions in remote settlements in the UK. A microgrid is a form of decentralised electrical energy production incorporated with site manufacturing heat and bear the security of considerable ecological gains due to a higher energy effectiveness and by encouraging the incorporation of renewable substitutes like wind turbines or photovoltaic arrays (Abu-Sharkh et al. 2006). Microgrids have a good integration between production and load thus lowering the consequences of the electricity system, regardless of a fundamentally noteworthy stage of production by alternating energy sources (Abu-Sharkh et al. 2006). Figure 2 presents micro grid interconnections among these components. Figure 2: Microgrid for a Remote Settlement Source: Giddings, Underwood, 2007 Chapter 2 Energy Evaluation The section analyzes and evaluates the basic energy needs of the remote settlement under study. The selected remote settlements energy needs can be adequately evaluated after analysis the settlement condition. Table 2: Settlement conditions The remote settlements conditions No energy grid connection Weather as per Mid-UK Dwellings 11 with family unit of 4 Mobile phone connection, high-energy conservation Satellite television flat terrain with plentiful water supply Weather as per Mid-UK is interpreted as midyear weather climate. Like any other region, UK also faces different weather patterns throughout the year. The weather patterns can be used to evaluate the effective means of conserving, the ideal energy source for the period and suitable schemes ( 2009). The following diagrams can help to evaluate which energy resources are suitable during Mid-UK weather. Figure 3: Weather as per Mid-UK Source: The weather condition as illustrated above reveals that the two most prevalent energy schemes for the remote settlement are solar and hydro. Other alternative sources such as the wind, biomass, and wave and tidal and geothermal are essential but based on the weather condition the selected two are the most prevalent. Apart from weather assessment, the settlements are evaluated based on the structures and constructions method used. The evaluations for power usage focus on several factors. These factors include the housing types the dwellings are eleven with four family members per unit. The dwelling size could be interpreted as an area predominantly with few 2-storey terraces or semi-detached but average detached, and simple single storey detached. The other evaluation factors are the age of houses, extent of insulation and the residence behaviours such as level of occupancy, household weekday’s emptiness, or continuous occupation. The conservation strategy, fortunately, the remote settlement is of high-energy conservation. The remote settlement has energy conservation plans. Therefore, a little effort will be put considering storage strategies. According to Abu-Sharkh et al. (2006), there is no financial purpose technique for the electricity storage on prudent usage for public utility. However, some techniques concerning super conducting magnets and capacitors are available to boost energy conservation. The techniques are complex and with a current acquaintance, rather costly, but used in precise circumstances. Since the express storage of electrical energy is not feasible, the process can involve effective usage of systems (Abu-Sharkh et al. 2006). The approaches are many and vary depending upon the circumstances and the electricity purpose. It is essential to assess the electricity profile for the dwellings from average domestic consumption profile. The profile is essential for producing an electricity load outline mainly the hot water and room heat of the settlement (Abu-Sharkh et al. 2006). However, the ideal approaches, conservation techniques, management and conservation in the area largely depend on the methods residents uses to conserve the power. The domestic appliances highlighted include TVs, mobile but the usage of energy is extensive. The appliances, in general, include cold appliances, cooking appliances, wet appliances, lighting lights, and miscellaneous (Abu-Sharkh et al. 2006). The people of the area can only regulate these power usages; however, the energy department of the settlements can employ possible energy storage technologies such as batteries, regenerative, fuel cells, flywheels, supercapacitors, and others techniques (Abu-Sharkh et al. 2006). Chapter 3 Solar Scheme The solar scheme is one of the alternative energy sources that the settlement can use to conserve and manage power. The solar scheme is based on photovoltaic energy that is trapped from sun rays and beams. Since weather of Mid-UK showed high capacity of sun, the scheme is perfectly suitable for the area. The photovoltaic array is composed of single or numerous components fitted on hold up framework and electrically linked to produce a DC energy-generating module. The components are based on solar cells with crystalline silicon features although thin film components with copper indium diselenide (CIS), cadmium telluride, ort amorphous silicon are obtainable. The solar array is linked to the utility sharing system using relevant inverter. The arrays are integrated in the facades and roofs of constructions to provide a wide-open space for proper sun collection (Abu-Sharkh et al. 2006). The figure below shows how the connections and strategies of solar scheme work. Abu-Sharkh and co-authors showed that the Photovoltaic Power Systems (PVPS) Programme, a strategy invented by the International Energy Agency is one key forum where major energy sectors can acquire relevant information for conservation and management of energy. Reports showed that several reports have been documented and engineering principles instituted to make easy these photovoltaic procedures. The wide-ranging technological, legal and business perspectives of regulations in the UK are also available (Abu-Sharkh et al. 2006). Figure 4: A generator in a domestic fitting on the instance of a PV According to Giddings and Underwood (2007), solar power offers an amount of home hot water through photovoltaics and solar collectors. The study showed that solar scheme save around twenty percent of the yearly power for home hot water is achievable with solar panels and systems (Giddings and Underwood (2007). On the other hand, there are benefits that are associated with the solar scheme and encourage domestic users to adopt the practice. In most cases, solar panel dealers of the solar credits rebate as a means of encouraging its usage (Barber and Provey 2010). There are many incentives associated with solar panel rebate program for settlements or residential systems. The program is still in consequence and can save users a considerable sum on installing a grid linked PV scheme. The system is suitable for small businesses, homeowners, and settlement groups eligible for the solar panel financial backing and the scheme is for all (Barber and Provey 2010). The settlement will conserve substantially regarding economical and energy capacity on the price of a grid link solar energy system fitting via the incentive program. Additional incentive strategies concerning business circumstances comprise of feed in tariffs, vast tax breaks, and RECs. The program offers discounts for the renewable energy modules of solar panels that relocate diesel engine motorized generators in off-grid connections. The system will encourage the settlement population to prefer solar, which is an alternative source of energy that is environmentally friendly and economical. All the residents pass eligibility necessities and processes in the guidelines (Barber and Provey 2010). Chapter 4 Hydro Scheme With the flat terrain with plentiful water supply in the remote settlements, the hydro scheme is the next suitable alternative source of energy that can be used implemented. According to BC Hydro 2015 report, the company can generate power by harnessing the kinetic energy of falling water to create mechanical and electrical power. With the same principle, the settlement energy department can adopt the BC Hydro scheme to generate power. The company produces over forty-three thousand gigawatt hours of electrical power yearly to supply housing, business and industrial consumers. Likewise but on a smaller scale the settlements can adopt the scheme to conserve and manage its energy resources and complement solar scheme. The procedure starts before electricity even reaches consumers (BC Hydro 2015). The procedure of producing electricity from a dam and distributed is outlined in figure 5. Figure 5: Hydro scheme Source: BC Hydro, 2015 The dam acts as a reservoir for Hydroelectric. There is prospective power in a water reservoir within a dam. The power is converted to kinetic power as the water runs down the penstock. The energy is applicable in turning the turbine. The running water propels some blades connected to a shaft hence converting the energy to mechanical power and forces the rotation of the turbines. As the turbines rotate, they drive the generators and produce the power needed for electricity (BC Hydro 2015). The generators are connected to a step-up transformer that regulates the voltage that makes electricity flow. Generators create electrical energy with low electrical energy. To distribute through the power transmission lines over a long distance, a higher transmission electrical energy by a step-up transformer is produced. Grid distribution lines, typically enforced by tall metal structures namely towers that carry high electrical energy electricity for long distances. The plant is fitted with terminal stations responsible for managing and regulating power flow on lines and minimizes the grid electrical energy to sub-transmission current. A distribution plant is a scheme of meters, transformers, and regulate and shielding devices (BC Hydro 2015). Chapter 5 Scheme Interconnection The interconnection of the Hydro and the solar electrical system is the next procedure to ensure the settlement has its energy sources fully complemented for effective local power distribution system. The report showed that the settlement has no grid connection but through literature review findings, grid connections are essential and economical. Therefore, it is pertinent that the area is fitted with grid connection. Approximately all the electrical energy generated in United Kingdom is generated as a component of a centralised power scheme premeditated about huge nuclear power and fossil fuel or stations. The energy system is vigorous and dependable; however, the effectiveness of energy production is low leading to huge volumes of waste heat (Abu-Sharkh et al. 2006). Since the objective of the study is to look and effective conservation methods for the settlement, the microgrid would be the most suitable connection. The microgrid permits integration of various power sources (solar and hydro for this case). The process will include integration of photovoltaic and hydroelectricity. The link between these schemes and the broader electrical energy network will be throughout a clear controlled and stipulated interface (Abu-Sharkh et al. 2006). The method is accountable for servicing the necessities of its customers, guaranteeing a superiority of distribution and probably maintaining some the non-essential loads. The connection of the remote electrical energy with the remote utility is responsible for exchanging electricity energy so that the microgrid is an effective generator. The microgrid exists, as a remote power organization in areas with utility distributions is insufficient. Sometimes it can be incorporated in a well-built electrical utility, for instance, in the UK with an established utility electricity scheme (Abu-Sharkh et al. 2006). The other type of grid that the area can benefit from is the off-grid scheme. The preferable off-grid scheme of the settlement could exist of one hundred and nineteen kW of hydro energy capacity with three turbines of 9 kWat, 10 kW and 100 kW in three locations and about 54 kW of solar PV capability and with diesel generator of 160 kW of capacity as a back-up (2 _ 80 kW). Chmiel and Bhattacharyya 2015 paper offers a real instance of a flourishing off-grid scheme in a Scottish isle and verifies that it is potential and likely to provide power 24/7 through an off-grid system to maintain the power requirements of settlements with modern lifestyles (Chmiel and Bhattacharyya 2015). Therefore, the remote settlements can benefit more from the off-grid system since their usage of electricity is not much as those living a modern lifestyle. Conversely, the report dispels the misconception that off-grid power connections are just provisional or lesser solutions for the power conservations efforts. A properly planned off-grid scheme is a feasible substitute for grid connections in remote areas. Conclusion The remote settlement has high-energy conservation plan, no grid connection, high water capacity, weather as per Mid-UK supports solar systems and minimal domestic usage. From the area evaluation, it is apparent that the settlement will benefit from the solar and hydro scheme as alternative energy sources. The area is not connected to the grid, but research shows that grid connections have economical and environmental benefits. Therefore, the study proposes micro grid and off-grid schemes to connect the energy sources of the area. The solar scheme is encouraged and promoted by rebate incentives since it is a renewable source of energy readily available and cheap for the settlement. The hydro-scheme is prevalent since the settlement terrain is flat and has large underground water viable for hydroelectricity production. Reference List Abu-Sharkh, S. Arnold, R. J., Kohler, J., Li, R., Markvart, T., Ross, J.N., Steemers, K, P. Wilson, P., & Yao, R. (2006). Can microgrids make a major contribution to UK energy supply? Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 10, 78–127. Barber, E. M., & Provey, J. (2010). Convert your home to solar energy. Newtown, CT, Taunton Press. BC Hydro (2015). Hydro Electric Generation System. Retrieved from Chmiel, Z. & Bhattacharyya, C. S. (2015). Analysis of off-grid electricity system at Isle of Eigg (Scotland): Lessons for developing countries. Renewable Energy 81, 578-588. Giddings, B. & Underwood, C. (2007). Renewable Energy in Remote Communities. Sustainable Cities Research Institute, Northumbria University, 6 North Street East. Scottish and Southern Energy (2015). A New Energy Solution for Shetland. Stakeholder Feedback October 2014 – February 2015. Tanrioven, M., 2005. Reliability and cost-benefits of adding alternate power sources to an independent micro-grid community. Journal of Power Sources, 150, 136–149. (2009). The British weather. Retrieved from Read More
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