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Use of Precast Concrete in the Construction of Buildings - Coursework Example

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"Use of Precast Concrete in the Construction of Buildings" paper investigates the reason behind little usage of precast concrete, despite the wide application and the several advantages, and that can be gained from its use, as compared to other current and traditional construction materials…
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1.0 Chapter one 1.1 Background of the study Precast concrete refers to a construction material, which is produced through the casting of concrete in to a reusable mold, which is cured in a conducive and controlled environment to harden. It is later used in construction works. It is considered an ideal solution to construction of commercial projects. It is believed to provide several advantages as compared to other construction materials. The structural application of precast concrete includes the construction of foundations, walls, beams, floors, and other structural component. In addition, there are different categories of the of forming systems of the of precast concrete, for the architectural application. These systems differ in size as well as cost. the precast architectural panels are used for the cladding all forms of the building façade, landscaping, sound proofing and security walls. However, despite the wide range of possibility use, its application in construction has not fully been exploited. 1.2 Statement of the problem Precast concrete has a wide range of application, which ranges from construction of buildings to the construction of the road. In the construction of building, it can be applied in almost all the processes of construction, from the foundation to plastering. In addition, it is one of the cheapest method of construction, as compared to other methods. However, its full advantage has not yet been exploited through its application. The present research paper wishes to investigate the reason behind little usage of precast concrete, despite the wide application and the several advantages, and that can be gained from its use, as compared to other current and traditional construction materials. 1.3 Objectives The objectives of this research are; 1. To investigate the advantages of using precast concrete in construction 2. To find out the various areas precast concrete can be applied in construction 1.4 Research Questions 1. What are the strategies that could be adopted to increase the usage of precast concrete in building construction? 2. What are the factors that contribute to the low use of precast concrete in building construction? 1.5 Justification of the study The present study is intended to assist the construction engineers with knowledge regarding the procurement strategies that should be adopted to increase the usage of precast concrete in building construction. An increased use of the precast budding will form the basis of improved and cheap construction techniques. In connection to this, the present study will inform about the areas that precast could be applied effectively for construction. The study will provide the construction engineers with a comprehensive knowledge on how to maximize the use of precast concrete effectively. Further, the academicians will be furnished with relevant information regarding the use of pre-cast concrete in construction of buildings. 2.0 Literature Review As indicated by Kikuchi, Seo, Kim, Kim, & Kuroki (2014), the precast concrete is one of the most effective building construction material, with a wide range of construction application spectrum. It is considered durable, flexible and versatile in all stages of construction, including design stage. In addition, the homes and buildings that are constructed using precast concrete have a great fire rating. As a result, they eliminate the high cost of installing fire proof in the building. However, Kikuchi, Seo, Kim, Kim, & Kuroki (2014), pointed out that, among the constructions building in many areas, only a small percent of them had applied precast concrete. In connection to that, Kikuchi, Seo, Kim, Kim, & Kuroki (2014), pointed out that precast can be applied in construction of any type of building. For instance, they can be applied in construction of commercial, public, residential and industrial buildings, to name a few. Therefore, it can provide a great solution to the high cost of building material. However, as indicated by Kikuchi, Seo, Kim, Kim, & Kuroki (2014), the ignorance of engineers and constructors regarding its advantages and application range has made its use unpopular, as compared to other construction methods. 3.0 Research Methodology 3.1 Overview This chapter describes how the research and the methodology that was used to carry out the study. It discusses the study area, research design target population, nature and source of data sample size methods of data collection reliability and validity of the research instruments methods of data analysis and ethical consideration 3.2 Research Design The study will adopt a descriptive survey design, in collection of information and administering of questionnaires to the sample construction engineers. The study will aim at collecting information from building constructors, regarding the application of precast concrete in building constructions. 3.2 Target Population The study targets 40 construction engineers from the area of study. The subjects of the study will be derived from all building constructor. These respondents will involve private construction companies’ officials and public service engineers. 3.3 Sampling Design The probability sampling design to be adopted for the study will involve a process, which will allow all the construction engineers in the population to have equal chances of being selected in the sample. As a result, bias will be reduced. 3.3.1 Sampling Technique The sampling technique to be adopted in this research is the simple random sampling. To form a random sample, each unit in the target population will be assigned a number. A set of random numbers will then be generated and the units having those numbers will be included in the sample. First, constructor will be numbered 1 through 40. A list of 40 random numbers will be generated and those individuals assigned those numbers will be the ones included in the sample. 3.3.2 Sample size The sample size for this study is the whole population since its small. Formula by Andrew fisher is used by the researcher and is applicable for population less than 10,000 people. Where; n= the desired sample size (if the target population is greater than 10,000) z= the standard normal deviate at the required confidence level (1.96) p= the proportion in the target population estimated to have characteristic of interest the researcher estimated to be 5% (0.05) q= 1-p ( 1-0.05 =0.95) d=level of statistical significance set which is 0.05 therefore; n = (1.96)2 (0.05)(0.95) (0.05)2 1.96×1.96×0.05×0.95 =0.182476 = 72.9 approximately 73 respondents 0.05×0.05 0.0025 The target population in this study is less than 10,000 and formula to find (nf) is used nf= Where nf =desired sample size when population is less than 10,000 n= the desired sample size when population is more than 10,000 N =the estimate of the population size (88 all patient on anti TB) Therefore nf= = =39.9respondent approximately 40 respondents The researcher will use 40 respondents. 3.4. The model Specification The study will apply tables, charts, and bar graphs to illustrate the findings of the study. 3.5 Nature and source of data The research will apply both primary and secondary data. The primary data will gathered by holding an interview with the selected sample of construction engineers. These respondents will provide their views and observations regarding the use of precast concrete in building construction. The information will be gathered based on questionnaires. The secondary data will be accessed from contribution made by other scholars such as journals. 3.7 Reliability and Validity of the data The interviews were conducted in an open and free environment, where the construction engineers were free to express their views. The questionnaires contained contain unbiased, non-personal and open-ended questions. The computers applied for the data analysis with updated programs and software for research. The secondary materials applied were readily available in the in the internet and library sources, which were consistent with the data available from other sources. 3.7 Methods of data analysis The secondary data obtained was scrutinized to determine their suitability, reliability, adequacy and accuracy. Tables and statistical diagrams like bar charts, pie charts and line graphs also aided in the data presentation. Statistical tools and by way of narration presented the primary data. 3.8. Ethical Considerations Data was collected accurately and no alteration or impeachments to the property rights of the owners or publishers were committed. 4.0 Case Study: Waste Minimization through pre-cast Concrete Introduction For the last few years, the precast industry has been in a constant growth. The growth is attributed to the advantages that the construction industry is gaining from the technique. As compared to other traditional methods of construction, it has several distinguishable advantages such as low cost and less adverse impact to the environment. In relation to this, the present paper present case study that was conducted in Bison Concrete Production Limited, regarding production and use of pre-cast concrete. Background of the case study The case study involved a discussion with the constructions director of the company, who is in charge of the production of pre-cast concrete products. He is also responsible to oversee all construction process of the company. Case Presentation Sustainability and Experience The director of the company indicated that the company has been able to produce environmentally friendly products and a waste free manufacturing and design process, by the use of pre-cast concrete. The director noted that in the previous year, his company sent less than 1 percent processed material weight to the landfill. The design Stage The company applies a series of development tools aimed at helping the design engineers meet the standard details and client needs. It uses CAD-CAM software, which provides manufacturing details and methods to eliminate possible errors. Manufacturing Process The core sections are manufactured by the use of automated factory machines set up. The company uses rainwater, hence saving approximately one million liters of water per annum. Waste concrete is recycled into a concrete mix, while the hardened concretes are reused for road constructions. Timber is used to provide different angles, which is later re-used as wall fabricants. The reinforcement steel is delivered to the company on just-in time basis. As a result, the waste sent to landfill is significantly reduced. Site Delivery The ready pre-cast concrete products are stored on the bed of steel lorries awaiting transportation once the order is complete for delivery. To minimize waste, Bison company has applies plastic end caps, which are reusable, reducing the need shuttering when constructing. Therefore, there is considerable saving of installation on the site. In conclusion, precast concrete construction, as from the present case study, is the cheapest construction method as compared to other traditional methods. It has the capacity of reducing waste by approximately 50 percent, as compared to other traditional methods. Further, they provide clients with the required flexibility as well as several different applications in construction industry. Gantt chart of the Project Choose Research Area Decide Research topic Primary Research Decide methodology Present proposal Initial Draft Conduct Research Analyze Data Submit Assignment Oral Presentation Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 3 Week 4 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 8 Week 9 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 5.0 Data Analysis, Interpretation and Presentation 5.1 Introduction The present chapter involves the presentation of the result and analysis of the data regarding the use of precast concrete on construction of buildings. The analysis and presentation of the data will be based on the objectives of the study. Therefore, the finding of the study will seek to test the research hypothesis, vis-à-vis the study objectives. 5.2 Demographics This study is sought to establish the characteristics of the sample-building engineers who responded in the questionnaire. 5.2.1 Gender Figure 1 gender pie chart From the pie chart, 70% were male respondents and 30% were female respondents 5.2.2 Age Figure 2 age pie chart From the chart, respondents aged 35-50 years constituted 40%, those above 50 years were 32.5% and those below 35years of age were 27.5%. 5.2.3 Period of practicing construction Engineering This study is sought to establish the duration the respondents has been involved building activities Figure 3 bar graph of time spent in construction industry From the chart above those who have practice building construction for less than 5 years were 17, 5-10 years were 12 while those above 10 years were 11 respondents. From the observation, the largest group of people studied has building construction long. 5.2.4 Proportion of those who have applied pre-cast concrete Figure 4: Proportion of those who have use pre-cast in their construction The above table indicates the proportion of the interviewed respondents who have ever used and those who have never used precast concrete in their construction process. From the observation, 70 percent of the interviewed respondents have ever used the pre-cast concrete in their construction. 30 percent of interviewed respondents have never used pre-cast concrete in their construction. However, all of them suggested that they have witnessed its use, though they have not used it. 5.3 Uses Precast Concrete The present section was set to establish the various areas on which pre-cast concrete can be effectively applied for construction purposes. The findings are based on the data given by the construction engineers who were interviewed. 5.3.1 Construction of residential buildings Experience * Construction of Residential Building Cross tabulation Count Construction of Residential Building Total STRONGLY AGREE AGREE DONT KNOW DISAGREE STRONGLY DISAGREE Experience Used 16 12 0 0 0 28 Not Used 6 5 1 0 0 12 Total 22 17 1 0 0 40 Table 1 a crosstab of experience and construction of residential building The above table represents the views of the use of the precast concrete in the construction of residential building. For all those engineers who have used pre-cast concrete, they agreed that it can be applied for the building construction. For those who have not used, 11 (91%) agreed that it can effectively be applied in residential building construction while 1 (9) percent was not sure of its effectiveness in residential building construction. 5.3.2 Construction of hotels and motels buildings Experience * Construction of hotels and motels Building Cross tabulation Count Construction of Hotels and Motels Building Total STRONGLY AGREE AGREE DONT KNOW DISAGREE STRONGLY DISAGREE Experience Used 9 17 2 0 0 28 Not Used 4 7 1 0 0 12 Total 13 24 3 0 0 40 Table 3 a crosstab of experience and construction of hotels and motels building The above table represents the response of the interviewed construction engineers, regarding the application of the precast concrete in construction of hotels and motels. From those interviewed, 37 (92.5%) agreed that precast concrete can be used for the construction of hotels and motels. 3 (7.5%) of them were not sure whether it can be used for such purposes. 5.3.3 Construction of factory and business buildings Experience * Construction of factories and business Building Cross tabulation Count Construction of factories and business Building Total STRONGLY AGREE AGREE DONT KNOW DISAGREE STRONGLY DISAGREE Experience Used 8 16 3 1 0 28 Not Used 4 6 1 1 0 12 Total 12 22 4 2 0 40 Table 4 a crosstab of experience and construction of factories and business building The above table represented the views of the respondents regarding the suitability of the use of precast concrete in construction of the factories and business premises. Of the interviewed respondents, 34, which represented 85% indicated that it could be applied for the construction of factories and other business premises. 4 (10%) of the respondents were not sure of its application while 2 (5%) indicated that precast concrete was not suitable in the construction of factories. 5.4 Benefits of Using Precast Concrete The present section was set to establish the various benefits that emanate from the application of precast concrete for various construction purposes. The findings are based on the data given by the construction engineers who were interviewed. 5.4.1 Affordable Experience * Affordability Cross tabulation Count precast concrete is affordable Total STRONGLY AGREE AGREE DONT KNOW DISAGREE STRONGLY DISAGREE Experience Used 20 8 0 0 0 28 Not Used 4 4 4 0 0 12 Total 24 12 4 0 0 40 Table5 a crosstab of experience and affordability of precast concrete The table above shows the response of interviewee concerning the affordability of the precast concrete. All the respondents who have its experienced agreed on its affordability. For those who did not have an experience, 8 (66%) indicated that from their colleague’s knowledge, precast concrete is affordable. 4 (33%) of those who had not used it did not know how affordable it is. 5.4.2 Durability Experience * Durability Cross tabulation Count precast concrete is Durable Total STRONGLY AGREE AGREE DONT KNOW DISAGREE STRONGLY DISAGREE Experience Used 18 10 0 0 0 28 Not Used 6 4 2 0 0 12 Total 24 14 2 0 0 40 Table 6 a crosstab of experience and durability of precast concrete The above table shows the contribution of the respondents regarding the durability of the precast concrete. From those interviewed, 38 (95%) indicated that precast concrete was quite durable. Among them, all those who had its construction experience agreed to this fact. The remaining 2 (5%) composed of those who had not used it, and indicated that they were not sure of its durability. 5.4.3 Fast Experience * Speed of Construction Cross tabulation Count precast concrete is fast to construct with Total STRONGLY AGREE AGREE DONT KNOW DISAGREE STRONGLY DISAGREE Experience Used 9 18 0 1 0 28 Not Used 1 3 4 0 0 12 Total 10 21 4 1 0 40 Table 7a crosstab of experience and speed of construction of precast concrete The above table represents the response of the interviewees regarding the speed of construction when using precast concrete. From those interviewed, 31 (77.5%) represented those who agreed to the fact that it precast concrete was fast to construct with. One of those experienced disagreed that precast concrete was cheap for construction purposes. 4 of the unexperienced ones indicated that they did not know of how fast it was to construct using precast concrete. 5.4.4 Reduction in site waste Experience * Reduction in site waste Cross tabulation Count precast concrete reduces the site waste Total STRONGLY AGREE AGREE DONT KNOW DISAGREE STRONGLY DISAGREE Experience Used 20 7 1 0 0 28 Not Used 2 3 7 0 0 12 Total 22 10 8 0 0 40 Table 8 a crosstab of experience and reduction of site waste of precast concrete The present table indicates the views of the respondents regarding the reduction of waste on the site when using precast concrete foe construction. 32 (80%) of those interviewed indicated that its use significantly reduced the waste on t6he site. Eight (20%) of those interviewed indicated that they were not sure of whether use of precast concrete reduces the waste on the site. 5.4.5 High Quality Experience * Quality Cross tabulation Count precast concrete has high quality Total STRONGLY AGREE AGREE DONT KNOW DISAGREE STRONGLY DISAGREE Experience Used 11 17 0 0 0 28 Not Used 2 8 2 0 0 12 Total 13 25 2 0 0 40 Table 9 a crosstab of experience and quality of precast concrete The above table presents the views of the respondents regarding the construction work build by the use of precast concrete. From those interviewed, 38 (95%) indicated that the construction work of precast concrete is of high quality. 2 (5%) of those interviewed, who composed of those who had no experience indicated that they did not know how quality precast concrete was. 5.5 Reasons for the reduced use of precast concrete The present section was set to establish the reasons why precast concrete was not popular in application and use in the building work. The respondents were interviewed on this views towards this matter. The followings findings were based on the contributions of the construction engineers interviewed. 5.5.1 New product in the Market Experience * New Product in the market Cross tabulation Count precast concrete is a new product in the market Total STRONGLY AGREE AGREE DONT KNOW DISAGREE STRONGLY DISAGREE Experience Used 12 16 0 0 0 28 Not Used 4 8 0 0 0 12 Total 16 24 0 0 0 40 Table 10 a crosstab of experience and market period of precast concrete The above table represents the views of the interviewed respondents regarding the reason of low use of precast concrete as because it is a new product in the market. All the interviewed respondents agreed that it is a reason why it is not commonly used. 5.5.2 Availability Experience * Availability Cross tabulation Count precast concrete is not available in the market Total STRONGLY AGREE AGREE DONT KNOW DISAGREE STRONGLY DISAGREE Experience Used 15 13 0 0 0 28 Not Used 9 3 0 0 0 12 Total 24 16 0 0 0 40 Table 11a crosstab of experience and availability of precast concrete The above table presented the views of the interviewed respondents regarding the availability of precast concrete. The entire respondent agreed that the availability contributed significantly to the low use of precast concrete in construction of buildings. 5.5.3 Technicality Experience * technicality Cross tabulation Count precast concrete is technical to use Total STRONGLY AGREE AGREE DONT KNOW DISAGREE STRONGLY DISAGREE Experience Used 0 0 1 20 7 28 Not Used 0 0 2 3 7 12 Total 0 0 3 23 14 40 Table 12 a crosstab of experience and technicality of precast concrete The above table was sought to study the technicality of precast concrete and how that contributed to reducing its use. From the respondents interviewed, 3 (7.5%) of the respondents indicated that they did not know whether technicality of the precast concrete contributed to its reduced use. 37 (92.5%) disagreed that precast concrete was technical to use. 6.0 Discussion, Conclusion and Recommendation This chapter entails a recap of the research findings during the study. It further provides conclusions and recommendations relating to the study objectives. This is very essential as it gives the implications of the findings and the possible measures that could help reduce the problem of low use of precast concrete. 6.1 Discussion From the analysis of figure 3, most the interviewed construction engineers were involved in construction work for 5 years and less. As a result, most of them did not have enough experience in use of precast concrete in construction of buildings. This was illustrated by figure 4, which demonstrated that 70% of the interviewed respondents did not have had an experience in the use of the precast concrete. The table also showed that 30% did not have an experience on the use of precast concrete. 6.1.1 Use of Precast Concrete From table 2, it is evident from the views of the respondents that precast concrete can be used for construction of residential buildings. The findings are similar to what was found in the case study. Similarly, the respondents indicated that precast concrete could effectively be used in construction of the hotels and motels buildings. In addition, 85% of the respondents indicated that precast concrete could effectively be applied in construction of factories and business premises. From the above discussion, it is evident that precast concrete has a wide application in construction of buildings and related work. 6.1.2 Benefits of Using Precast Concrete It is clear from the analysis above; precast concrete has a wide range of advantages. From table 5, most of the respondents indicated that it is affordable to use precast concrete in building construction, as compared to other methods. Father, the respondents indicated that precast concrete is durable, reduces the wastes on the sites, and it is quite durable. In addition, it faster to construct using precast concrete materials. 6,2.3 Reasons for reduced use of precast concrete From the finding of the study, the entire respondent agreed with the fact that reduced use of precast concrete is contributed by the factor that it is a new product in the construction industry. As a result, many of the construction engineers are not familiar with its application. Further, the respondent have indicated that scarcity in the market have contributed significantly to its reduced use. However, the respondent disagreed that their lack of knowledge on how to use it contributed to its low use in building construction. 6.3 Conclusion From the above finding and conclusions, t is possible to make a conclusion regarding the use of precast concrete in building construction. First, it is clear that precast concrete can be applied in construction of a wide range of buildings. These buildings range from residential, business, factories and any other building. In addition, there are several advantages of using precast concrete. They include durable buildings, reduction on the site waste, faster construction affordability and high quality. However, the reduced use is contributed by it scarcity and the fact that it is a new product in the market 6.4 Recommendations Precast concrete has a wide range of application on the construction industry. At the same time, it has many advantages, which accrue because of its use. However, its use in construction work s still limited. Therefore, to improve its use, the construction industry in conjunction with the construction engineers should put more effort in improving its use. First, the ministry should create awareness among the construction companies about the wide application and advantages of precast concrete. Another effort should be increasing its production, as a way of making available for construction purposes. In this case, the ministry should set aside a department dealing with production and distribution of precast concrete. References Kikuchi, K., Seo, S. Y., Kim, K. S., Kim, K. T., & Kuroki, M. 2014. FE Analysis on the Structural Capacity of Hollowed PC Columns in Precast Concrete Frame Building System. In 2014 The International Industrial Information Systems Conference (pp. 148-153). Wrap. (2008). Precast Concrete Construction: Waste minimization through offsite construction case study. Retrieved from Appendix Questionnaire SECTION A Instructions: Tick as appropriate 1. Gender a. Male ( ) b. Female ( ) 2. Age group a. Less than 35 years ( ) b. 35-50 years ( ) c. Above 50 years ( ) 3. When did you start practicing construction engineering? a. Less than 5 years ( ) b. 5-10 years ( ) c. 0ver 10 years ( ) 4. Have you ever used precast concrete in construction? a) Yes ( ) b) No ( ) SECTION B use of precast concrete 5. The following are the uses of precast concrete in building construction, using a scale of 1-5 where 1- strongly agree, 2- agree, 3- don’t know, 4- disagree, 5- strongly disagree with use of precast concrete in various areas. Please tick where appropriate (√). 1 2 3 4 5 6. Construction of residential buildings 7. Construction of motels and hotels 8. Construction of factory and business building SECTION C The following are the benefits of using precast concrete. Tick appropriately basing on a scale of 1-5 where 1- strongly agree, 2- agree, 3- don’t know, 4- disagree, 5- strongly disagree. Please tick where appropriate (√). 1 2 3 4 5 9. Affordable 10. Durable 11. Faster Construction 12. Reduction of site waste 13. High Quality Section c: Reasons for low use of Precast Concrete The following are the reasons for the low use of precast concrete. Tick appropriately basing on a scale of 1-5 where 1- strongly agree, 2- agree, 3- don’t know, 4- disagree, 5- strongly disagree. Please tick where appropriate (√). 1 2 3 4 5 14. It is a new product in the market 15. Not available 16. Little experience in its use Read More
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