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High Speed Rail - Research Paper Example

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High speed rail is a type of rail transport that uses an integrated system of rolling stock and dedicated tracks and is much faster than the traditional rail system. The first of such a rail system began in Japan in 1964 and was then known as the bullet train. This type of train…
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High Speed Rail
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This type of rail system is preferable for passenger travel although it is also used for freight services in some countries. (Cox and Vranich) The purpose of this research paper is to give an overview of development of high speed rail transport, its benefits i.e. economically and environmentally, operation and maintenance and success or failure of such projects. Many policy makers in developed countries have backed the idea of a high speed rail transport. For instance, the Obama administration in the USA pledged to inject an $8 billion dollar fund to support high speed rail project as part of its economic stimulus program.

This plan involved around 8500 rout-miles of high speed trains connecting about 33 states in 2009 and all the states connected by 2014.  (Vock, 2014) High speed rail is rapidly expanding across the world. Currently, more than 20 countries have a high speed rail transport with other 10 countries having such a system under construction. High speed rail transport has been operational in Japan for over 50 years with zero fatalities. Some policy makers argue that high speed rail train is expensive and only serve the elite in society.

For instance, in the USA it is argued that the geography is unsuitable for such a system since its cities are less dense and far apart. (OToole) However, there are advantages and disadvantages associated with high speed rail transport in terms of sustainability, economically and environmentally. High speed trains can deliver passengers at a fraction of a second and costs and in all weather. It also provides convenient service to other forms of transport e.g. fast transport to airports hence allowing residents from lower societal level to benefit from a relatively cheap form of long-distance travel.

Also, a single rail track and high speed train can carry many people at ago as compared to highways and this is not only convenient, but also saves time and cost. (Pettinger) With the adoption and running of a

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