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Why Do Tall Buildings Tend to Be Built Where There Are Other Tall Buildings - Assignment Example

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The paper "Why Do Tall Buildings Tend to Be Built Where There Are Other Tall Buildings" discusses that although the structures in surrounding of the Burj Khalifa Tower are also tall, yet it is the tallest among all. Its height can not be compared to other structures in its surroundings. …
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Why Do Tall Buildings Tend to Be Built Where There Are Other Tall Buildings
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Why do tall buildings tend to be built where there are other tall buildings? One key reason why certain regions are crowded with tall buildings is that tall buildings provide more room for utilization in the limited horizontal zone. For example, cities like Dubai have a big share in global trade and business. Accordingly, the population in Dubai is enormously large for its geographical size. Tall structures help accommodate the load of the population. Tall structures are constructed in regions equipped with structures of similar height because their foundations are designed in a way that would sustain the structure and would not be affected by the construction of another tall structure.

Tall structures conventionally require deep foundations. The foundations can go up to several meters below the ground level. This affects the ground conditions significantly and may disturb the load distribution of smaller structures. In addition to that, exposure of a tall structure to wind loads is significantly reduced when it is surrounded by other tall buildings. This reduces the additional cost of bracing or safety equipment that the constructors otherwise have to provide to an unprotected tall structure.

Stakeholders are far less likely to have objections over the construction of another tall structure when there are already many.

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