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Learning Fashion Design - Coursework Example

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This paper "Learning Fashion Design" brings out a comparison and contrast of results from two approaches that were used in the collection of information concerning technology use in fashion design learning. It compares and contrasts the results obtained from focus groups and individual questionnaires…
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Results Comparison and Contrast

Fashion is a very important aspect of human life, as far as clothing is concerned. People from various professional adopt a variety of dressing code. Organizations are coming up with a specific type of dressing that is expected of an employee. Celebrities often want to remain updated with the new trends in the market to remain relevant to his or her supporters. Such things have made fashion to be applicable in all settings globally. Furthermore, fashion has penetrated the current market becoming more competitive and a good business to invest in. Therefore, there is the need to explore fashion design within our institutions globally. Many students have gained interest in undertaking careers that are related to fashion design. Such students require tutors or lecturers who can guide them in the fashion field to enable them fully explore the knowledge and skills that would be needed in the future job market. Such step has become possible with the existence of technology. Technology has become a vital component for students studying fashion design. Its use is felt widely in the field of fashion design. There are various technology tools that have made it possible for students to undertake fashion design-related courses through guiding and enabling them to attain maximum knowledge and skills at the end of such programs. The common technology tool that is of more importance to fashion design is Quai. Quai is meant for learning fashion design and has enabled students to enjoy studying fashion and master concepts-related to it. However, the technology tools used in fashion design have faced some drawbacks that have made their use challenging. Such issues have made the reliability of technology use in fashion design learning.

This paper brings out comparison and contrast of results from two approaches that were used in the collection of information concerning technology use in fashion design learning. It compares and contrasts the results obtained from focus group and individual students questionnaires. The comparison is about the application of Quia in the improvement of fashion design learning class and various ways and issues related to technology use in fashion design learning. It begins by comparison of various types of technology tools applicable in fashion design learning found in the results from both approaches. It then embarks on the discussion on Quia use in fashion design class and concludes by comparing and contrasting on the ways and issues on technology use in fashion design learning as exhibited by the results from both sides of questionnaires.

The results from focus group and individual students' data show various types of technology that are applicable in the field of fashion and design. Through, the questionnaires in both approaches, students gave their views concerning the use of each and every type of technology. They proceeded to give the benefits and challenges in using certain types of technology. The technologies discussed by both approaches that are important in the field of fashion were social media and Google. Social media entails the use of Facebook, Snapchat, and Instagram. They are apps that allow communication between individuals or a group of people. According to the results obtained from the focus group, social media is useful for studying of fashion and allows students to compare what's really going on in the fashion to what's happening in class. Students are able to see the new trends of clothing from the celebrities they follow on Instagram or Facebook. Eventually, they will try to design the same clothing with various colors or adjust certain features to from the latest type of clothing trends. As per the results from individual data, social media allow students to enhance their learning in class by seeing how something is done. Students seek for different information and try to put the same into the notes provided in class, thus seeing how such information differ and how they are similar. The students see how the fashion industry is changing and one can also relate the origin of a specific style learned in fashion history to what he or she sees in social media.

Facebook keeps students up to date things happening in the world of fashion. They follow a lot of people and like their pictures. They can develop their own fashion pages or like and read or share the articles they found that are related to fashion. Students are capable of watching live videos and look up to ads that are fashion-related. Furthermore, Facebook allows students to go back and view the same content each and every time, hence an understanding of the trending fashion. According to the results on individual data, reading of articles found in Facebook expands the knowledge of the students. Such knowledge is important for the future class, as students explore things such as design and sewing. Students who have find things such as sewing difficult learn about them on Facebook and share them with their colleagues hence a good mastery of the content. Snapchat and Instagram are good for reference in fashion. Snapchat is multicultural; hence one gets an opportunity to interact with fashions from a wide variety of cultures. Moreover, it exhibits the latest fashion frequently. However, results from focus group exhibit Snapchat as just deletes, sometimes a designer is shown and played for 24 hours, so when someone wants to see it again to grasp some feature it's gone. Google also form an important aspect of technology that is useful in the field of fashion. The results obtained from focus group described it as something that gives general knowledge. A student may come across a term in fashion and looks it up in Google, which would, in turn, produce billions of designs and clothing, allowing the student to get new knowledge connected to the main search. The same applies to the results obtained from individual data, where a student use Google to search for online magazines and articles, which also expands on the knowledge on the students. It helps especially with definitions, as students find the book definition very long and not really clear, which when put into Google will give a clear and a fashion-related definition.

Furthermore, the results from both approaches provide other types of technologies that are important in fashion. Focus group result has Posh Mark, Craig's List, and KIA; while individual data result has Ipad, Pinterest, YouTube,, InStyle, Adobe, and Quia. Such technological tools are applied in the learning of fashion design differently. Posh Mark and Craig's List are applications that are used in buying and selling. The two applications are important to fashion designer students since they allow them to explore various types of materials and their prices. They get knowledge on the pricing of a clothing design depending on the material used or the type of design. Such apps make students explore the competition in the market, with students knowing which material or design is marketable in the latest trend. The students get a chance to learn the new designs using a variety of material to remain competitive in the fashion design market. Furthermore, the students get a chance to interact with the organizations making various designs through their marketing websites, hence securing a chance for an internship. Such steps make them explore what they learned in class and put them into practical use. Ipad is important for students' personal learning due to its ability to sketch designs using a digital pen. Students get several apps for drawing such as the stylus. However, they lack a lot of options and students only try to make what they are capable with what they have. Pinterest has proved significance in fashion design learning. It assists students to learn more about fabric. Students sometimes confuse fabrics, which are never the same. Fabrics entail different features, and through Pinterest, students are able to differentiate which fabric he or she is handling and differentiate it from the previous one. Pinterest is easier to use and it's more of a private app as it is not used by everybody and has a whole section of fashion with more hidden ideas. YouTube is all videos and tutorial. It provides students with first-hand information and can also be used as a reference. For instance, students who have problems with a certain process like the use of sewing machines will look it up on YouTube for videos on the same. Moreover, students may look for videos concerning fabrics, where it is well-explained, just to assist with the swatch kit. Technologies such as give students a chance to do various quizzes on fashion design and play games. However, students find them confusing since they must achieve a certain number of terms for the games to work. It's kind of exams and games at the same time. InStyle and Adobe provide an online drawing technology, where for InStyle, students get a chance to draw an outfit pay for it and then it is sent to him or her.

Focus group results stress the use of KIA in learning fashion design while individual data result has stressed on the use of Quia in fashion design class. The results obtained from the two approaches shows the students' views concerning the application of the two technologies and the issues facing their use. KIA is a learning site and fashion design students can use it to expand the knowledge they get from the class. Fashion design students sometimes find it stressful to go to the website searching for different activities. However, with KIA one could only log in to the site for online classes and get into the homework. Furthermore, the site is more of a relaxing atmosphere, as one kind of feels focus and playing the games and does not take away the pressure of having your head all over the site. A student finds it fun, despite having a head full of many things to be done. The students can handle fabric swatches really well since it kind of assist in memorizing and one can do it several times and log in and access the games easily. KIA allows a student to have several chances to come up with the right answers. They have flashcards that help the students more in mastering the terms through matching them. Moreover, through games such as hangman, fashion design students are in a position of understanding a word definition. Students find it more enjoyable to get the definition quickly than handwriting everything. KIA saves students time when learning as they find it fun to do something else other than just taking notes. Students learn new vocabulary as he or she is given a sheet with several elements from which he or she highlights the one not familiar and refer to them later. The students get the mentality of not studying but just playing a game. The students do not really have to touch a design to feel if it's really woolen but can see it and use it in the games. It makes sense when they begin to understand what they have studied rather than memorizing it, which takes a few minutes and the memory keeps it. KIA allows the students to study without the feeling that they have to do it.

Quia technology is used for both students and tutors in the field of fashion design. It is an online site with activities for fashion students to learn and study important information. It is referred to as a learning tool that is capable of breaking what students are taught in class into a slower step by step speed. Such pace makes students understand the fashion design concepts taught better putting them in a position of getting a good mastery of the subject. Students using quia for studies get access to newer learning and study methods, which they apply in exams and can be remembered easily. The students learn and understand fashion design-related vocabulary by tackling activities and test their knowledge using features provided by the site. They can remember different methods such as different processes of developing a specific design. Students are capable of getting more understanding of what is found in the book. Moreover, other than being a learning tool it provides various games, hence not boring when one uses it. The fashion students get entertained while studying, other than getting distracted while studying. One of the games that are common on the site is the hangman game. The fashion students are engaged in more of problem-solving, and try to sit and figure out other than getting an automatic answer. Students get the deeper meaning of concepts since they are required to repeat until they give the correct answer. Therefore, fashion students will refer to their notes from class to give the right answer and this repeating promotes memorizing of the concept.

Moreover, students are exposed to more vocabulary in fashion as they keep replaying the game until they get everything right giving them a good memory about the words. Furthermore, using quia gives the fashion students a chance feel by visualizing. They are seeing with their eyes and reading from the computer, making them learn faster. Students explore a lot of colors from the computer; for instance, when you put cotton or silk process, each rectangle exhibit a color hence more helpful than a book. Quia allows students to see pictures and remember things other than getting bored just staring a book. When using a book, students will come across too many pictures in the book which are sometimes confusing. Playing games and learning at the same time has made it more enjoyable than just listening to a lecture. It is flexible and the students can do it from anywhere, on the table, from the tablet, at home, on the phone, even at the hospital, just playing the game and someone is learning.

Focus group results exhibit some of the ways technology tools are important in the learning fashion design. Results from individual data do not show the importance of technology tools in general. In fashion design, technology tools have proved important is research. Students are given assignments or homework, which they have to submit after a period of time. They engage in through research through a variety of websites, looking for sites and articles that contain the information they are looking for. They find various sources that explain the same concept in different ways, picking up the one that is easy to understand. Such steps promote students understanding on the topic subject, equipping them with enough knowledge as far as fashion design is concerned. Furthermore, technology tools are useful in teaching a fashion design class. Fashion design involves a lot of drawing and pictures exhibition. Such programs require the use of PowerPoint presentations and YouTube videos. A tutor may decide to use PowerPoint when showing fashion design students different types of designs or clothing or new trends that are getting into the market. YouTube may be important when exhibiting cotton or silk processes and also in teaching the procedures of sewing different designs. Technology tools are also important in personal studies. Through, internet and websites, students are accessible to assignments that are posted online and also are capable of doing their homework online. Online sites help students to remember. Instead of one just studying for an exam by reading his or her notes, he can consult different articles or websites for more information. Furthermore, a student does not become bored with studies as just sitting there and reading textbooks makes one bored and sleepy.

Technology tools are significant as they provide both learning resources and games. Therefore, during studies, students can easily master and remember new concepts and are stress-free. Technology tools are also important in learning marketing of fashion designs. Through technology, students explore various sites that are used in the marketing of new clothing and are able to compare their prices to their designs or material used. Technology connects various customers across the country and globally, hence students are able to learn the most marketable designs. Students get an opportunity to form their own sites or pages in social media and use them to market personal designs or they can come up with their own online stores, which have become marketable than store-fronts. They may have scrapings on notebook online and send out as a designer exhibiting fabric and design that one could print out with the actual piece. Students also get the opportunity of developing their own outfits and send them to manufacturers, who in turn send them clothes of the same design, which they market. Moreover, through technology, especially the social media, students become updated with new information concerning new trends or clothing in the fashion market. Students are able to know what going on in the market, giving them a chance to explore general knowledge using technology. Furthermore, students can explore different types of cultures and their dressing modes for fashion.

Focus group results show issues that are linked to the use of technology in fashion design learning. Results from individual data do not show any of the issues. As far as leaning fashion is concerned, there are some sites that lack studying tools and sometimes the textbook online could give different information to what one was expecting or learned from the class. Furthermore, if one does not check out the resources and dates keenly, he or she may end up with information that is extremely outdated. Sometimes the pictures of design given on the internet or websites might be misleading. A student may want to feel the fabric or the wool by touching it to feel the thickness or differentiate it with others. Furthermore, use of technology only may not be enough for the fashion design students. The students may end up feeling lonely or the information got may be important but difficult to understand. Therefore, a professor or a tutor may be needed to explain and elaborate any difficult concept. Moreover, it is important to create a strong relationship between the lecturer and the students to allow them to get more of guidance, parenting, and experience. They get someone that can listen to them without judgment and rely on what you are telling them. They can tell you how they became successful in their career. Such benefits are not available to someone who totally relies on technology or computers for information. The last issue of technology use in fashion design is to do with adjustment or adopting newer technology tools to use in learning. For instance, currently, there is the use of 3D printers to make fashion such as making clothes. Some people are not ready to use such technology or they find adjustments to them difficult, thus avoid them.

Generally, technology has proved to be significant in fashion design learning. Results from focus group have exhibited technology tools to be important in doing fashion-related research, teaching, personal studies, marketing fashion design, update on new trends in the market and provision of learning both learning resources and games, making studying fun. Furthermore, focus group results have shown issues related to technology use in fashion design such as extraction of different or outdated information, the feeling of loneliness, lack of strong relationship between students and tutors and failure to adopt new technology tools. Such things are not found on the results got from individual students' data. Both results have explored various technology tools used in fashion design learning, with focus group stressing on use of KIA while students' individual data stress on the use of Quia. Some of the tools covered on both results are social media such as Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat, and Google. Other technology tools on the results are Posh Mark and Craig's List for focus group; and Ipad, Pinterest, YouTube, Adobe, and InStyle for Individual students' data.

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They proceeded to give the benefits and challenges in using certain types of technology. The technologies discussed by both approaches that are important in the field of fashion were social media and Google. Social media entails the use of Facebook, Snapchat, and Instagram. They are apps that allow communication between individuals or a group of people. According to the results obtained from the focus group, social media is useful for studying of fashion and allows students to compare what's really going on in the fashion to what's happening in class. Students are able to see the new trends of clothing from the celebrities they follow on Instagram or Facebook. Eventually, they will try to design the same clothing with various colors or adjust certain features to from the latest type of clothing trends. As per the results from individual data, social media allow students to enhance their learning in class by seeing how something is done. Students seek for different information and try to put the same into the notes provided in class, thus seeing how such information differ and how they are similar. The students see how the fashion industry is changing and one can also relate the origin of a specific style learned in fashion history to what he or she sees in social media.

Facebook keeps students up to date things happening in the world of fashion. They follow a lot of people and like their pictures. They can develop their own fashion pages or like and read or share the articles they found that are related to fashion. Students are capable of watching live videos and look up to ads that are fashion-related. Furthermore, Facebook allows students to go back and view the same content each and every time, hence an understanding of the trending fashion. According to the results on individual data, reading of articles found in Facebook expands the knowledge of the students. Such knowledge is important for the future class, as students explore things such as design and sewing. Students who have find things such as sewing difficult learn about them on Facebook and share them with their colleagues hence a good mastery of the content. Snapchat and Instagram are good for reference in fashion. Snapchat is multicultural; hence one gets an opportunity to interact with fashions from a wide variety of cultures. Moreover, it exhibits the latest fashion frequently. However, results from focus group exhibit Snapchat as just deletes, sometimes a designer is shown and played for 24 hours, so when someone wants to see it again to grasp some feature it's gone. Google also form an important aspect of technology that is useful in the field of fashion. The results obtained from focus group described it as something that gives general knowledge. A student may come across a term in fashion and looks it up in Google, which would, in turn, produce billions of designs and clothing, allowing the student to get new knowledge connected to the main search. The same applies to the results obtained from individual data, where a student use Google to search for online magazines and articles, which also expands on the knowledge on the students. It helps especially with definitions, as students find the book definition very long and not really clear, which when put into Google will give a clear and a fashion-related definition.

Furthermore, the results from both approaches provide other types of technologies that are important in fashion. Focus group result has Posh Mark, Craig's List, and KIA; while individual data result has Ipad, Pinterest, YouTube,, InStyle, Adobe, and Quia. Such technological tools are applied in the learning of fashion design differently. Posh Mark and Craig's List are applications that are used in buying and selling. The two applications are important to fashion designer students since they allow them to explore various types of materials and their prices. They get knowledge on the pricing of a clothing design depending on the material used or the type of design. Read More

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