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According to research findings of the paper “Problem-Based Learning for Engineers”, it is important for the engineering education to help and teaching the basic concepts before embarking on PBL, so as to capture their proficiency in including communication and collaborative skills…
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Table of Contents
1.0.Executive summary 3
2.0.Introduction 3
3.0.PBL in development of professional skills for Engineers 4
4.0.Conclusion 7
5.0.References 8
1.0. Executive summary
The concept of using lecture method in majority of faculties including engineering courses have shifted to using students centred approaches; where learning is concentrated from a given problem based scenario. In this paper, problem based learning is the main focus, with a deeper investigation of the impacts in the engineering field. In addition, the paper also describes the students’ conceptual understanding and how they perceive learning as a comparison of the lecture and problem based approach.
2.0. Introduction
Problem based learning (PBL) refers to a method of instruction that challenges students to “learn to learn” with a collaborative work to find solutions to the real problems of the world (Felder, 1996). In such a context, the students are prepared to think analytically and critically by making use of the available leaning resources. As a result, learner’s curiosity is engaged to foster the learning of the subject matter. As a matter of fact, in BPL the resolution for the challenging and complex problems encompasses a collaborative approach with an explicit connection of disciplinary knowledge to the challenge. The motivation to solving such complex situations gives a drive to learn and develop further the professional skills. With its origin from the medical school, it has been adopted by other schools of thought due its undisputed benefits.
In numerous cases, engineers are required to solve complex problems and often deal with uncertainty during work, sometimes with unaccomplished data (Felder, 1996). Due to the complexities faced by engineers, there is need for them to be capable of executing their duties effectively and diligently, with high levels of problem solving and communication skills (Duch, 2001). Notably, today’s graduates in engineering lack the competency to execute the skills and the fundamental knowledge learnt to solve the complex problems they face.
3.0. PBL in development of professional skills for Engineers
In fact, it has been noted by Polanco et al (2004) with concern that in as much as the engineering jobs are on the rise with an increasing average growth rate; the annual engineering graduates to take up the jobs are on the decrease. The imminent contributing factor has been the stagnating teaching pedagogies revolving around the traditional lecture method with emphasis in individualistic work rather than a problem based learning. Furthermore, this approach basically gives weight to explicit instruction which can only achieve the extrinsic motivation of learning objectives (Peters et al, 2006). In the engineering field a wide gap has been noticed to exist between the passive classroom experience and the active field where the professional skills need to be utilized. In engineering education, the traditional method do not allow for development of professional skills owed to its deductive nature where Knowledge learnt portrays very little transfer. As postulated by Jamieson (2009), deductive education of the lecture method “begins with theories and progressing towards application of those theories”. Knowledge acquisition is limited as compared to the problem based learning the learning starts from critical application of the theories in a real world problem. The students therefore are exposed to opportunities that are relevant to skill and proficiency development which ultimately translates to an improvement in professional skills.
Engineering education objectively is meant to “produce broad based, flexible graduates who can think integrative, solve problems and be life-long learners” (Engineering Professors’ Conference as stated in (Nguyen, 1998 pg. 74). Engineers do not only need the factual knowledge for their success, instead to be well suited to handle the complexity of the structured environment, problem based learning is inevitable in preparing better engineers for the future who would be adaptable to fulfilling tasks in varieties of the demographics without necessarily depending on the rote facts that resulted from the traditional lecture methods. Problem based learning provides learners with an opportunity to think critically hence value addition on their professional skills, ability to help in solving problems in a multifaceted environments and the space to help in broadening their communication for effective cooperation with the colleague workers (Peters et al, 2006). Employers have expressed their thoughts on the positive attributes that PBL approaches have inculcated in the graduates whose services they have hired. In connection to this, Duch (2001) affirms that BPL approaches are attributable to the better performance since it has inculcated a spirit of teamwork, collaboration, respect and communication among the engineer employees. The relevance of BPL methods has been also realized to be of value in the ever changing and fluid information explosion. Interpersonal interactions and experiential learning of the BPL, in essence ever presents a column that allows for better knowledge and skills acquisition hence professional skill development.
When Nguyen (1998) suggest that “the best engineers are not only made in a classroom” (pg 69), he implied that PBL is the crucial tool to developing the best talents of the engineers since solving a real world problem basically requires an experiential life-long skill, constructive investigations and autonomy. In addition, PBL is critically instrumental in providing students with unabated skills, that are efficient and effective in the acquisition of new knowledge and skills relevant for their profession and professional development. It is important to note that some of the engineering curriculum have been relatively been infused with BPL, for instance capstone and design courses which in themselves have tremendously allowed students to acquire a great deal of skills relevant in the engineering field and for professional competence.
The pedagogical approach of PBL is ever above the frameworks of its role since knowledge is not specific to situations and not grounded to the in context in which the tasks are restricted to occur. It eliminates the abstractness and negative transfer in learning thereby positing a sense of motivation which catapults learners to garner better professional insights. Jamieson (2009) equate engineering activities and learning with doing and views both as an activity, and so any learning that is PBL is grounded on experience and encourages inquiry that link the skills to real life activity. An engineer is ever concerned with the exactness in measurements and high level of manufacturing and construction skills that may need them to engage their cognitive powers at all levels of the learning process. This portrays a scenario where it is PBL is the only best method through which the powerful cognitive thought of the engineers need to be soared around to perfect a skill and ultimately development of professional skills. Further, Duch (2001) suggests that knowledge that is developed in the context in which it to be used depicts a BPL and is better for the understanding and interpretation of the algorithms, procedures and abstract concepts. In the engineering world, engineers are exposed to situations that involve making uncertain and risky decisions. As a result high order thinking is required for the successes of the uncertain scenario to avert the looming dangers in such events-BPL as a relevant approach provides a solution in these cases. Felder (1996) points out that “the activity in which knowledge is developed and deployed, is not separable from or ancillary to learning and cognition. Rather it is an integral part of what is learned” (pg 43). This implies that to develop as a professional engineer, the students have an obligation of adopting the BPL approaches which develops self-directed learning skills.
4.0. Conclusion
In conclusion, BPL has been proven to be potential in helping the students to match the demands of the future problems and the complexities in the engineering field. However, it is vital that the long term retention of the knowledge material need to be estimated so that future researches explore the extent. It is again important for the engineering education to help n teaching the basic concepts before embarking on PBL, so as to capture their proficiency in including communication and collaborative skills.
5.0. References
Duch Barbara J., & Allen Deborah E. (2001). The power of problem-based learning : a
practical "how to" for teaching undergraduate courses in any discipline. (1st ed.). Sterling, VA: Stylus Pub
Felder, R. M., & Brent, R. (1996). Navigating the bumpy road to student-centered instruction.
College Teaching, 44(2), 43.
Jamieson, L., & Lohmann, J. (2009). Creating a culture for scholarly and systematic innovation
in engineering education: Ensuring U.S. engineering has the right people with the right talent for a global society. Washington, DC: American Society for Engineering Education.
Nguyen, D. Q. (1998). The essential skills and attributes of an engineer: A comparative study of
academics, industry personnel and engineering students. Global Journal of Engineering Education, 2(1), 65–74
Peters José, A., & Libby Miles, C.B. (2006). The practice of problem-based learning : a
guide to implementing PBL in the college classroom. Bolton, Mass.: Anker Pub. Co.
Polanco, R., Calderon, P., & Delgado, F. (2004). Effects of a problem-based learning program
on engineering students’ academic achievements in a Mexican university. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 41(2), 145–155.
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