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Academic Integrity Remediation - Assignment Example

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The paper "Academic Integrity Remediation" states that the purpose of citation is to demonstrate an author’s effort in conducting research for their work. Citations help readers identify ideas and words that belong to other people apart from the author, and a proper bibliographic entry directs readers to the sources…
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Academic Integrity Remediation Assignment

Module 1


  • Instead of planners, Shali finds studying with others to be a more effective tool of time management. According to Shali, collaboration with study buddies increases efficiency and task completion. Her idea would work for me because I enjoy studying with my friends. I tend to grasp concepts better when I discuss them with others, and I always make an effort to study with my classmates before exams. Per Shali’s suggestion, working with others also helps in accountability. By telling my friends the tasks I have set out to perform in a day, I am more likely to accomplish my objectives because I know I am answerable to them.
  • Time management is an issue many students struggle with, myself included. My biggest time management issue is procrastination, which causes me to rush through my assignments at the last minute. To improve my own time management, there are numerous strategies I can employ. Eliminating distractions is the first strategy. Distractions, such as social media, friends, and television often divert my attention, making my study sessions less constructive. Creating a schedule and sticking to it is another strategy I can use. A schedule can help me prioritize tasks and keep track of deadlines for my work. Starting my assignments early is also an essential aspect of time management. By setting aside enough time for my work, I will not have to rush through it to meet the due dates. Lastly, focusing on one task at a time is also important for time management. Multitasking in the past has led me to complete my work ineffectively and inefficiently.
  • Of the student resources listed on the UB Academic Integrity website, I have utilized the UB Libraries, Career Services, and the Center for Excellence in Writing. UB Libraries have been central to completing my research papers as they provide access to scholarly and academic sources. I have also learned how to properly cite and reference through this resource. The Center for Excellence in Writing was beneficial in developing my writing skills. Written assignments have always daunted me, but through the assistance I received at the CEW, I now enjoy the writing process more. Career Services helped me work on my resume, and I gained valuable information about potential career options. In the future, I intend to use the Tutoring and Academic Support Services to help me through challenging courses.
  • Collaboration is a valuable tool for learning, but it can have its limits. Based on course syllabi and class notes, I have learned that collaboration has the potential to enrich the learning process or diminish it. Some of the challenges I have experienced while collaborating with my classmates include personality clashes, varying levels of commitment, and lack of planning and organization. On the other hand, I have also experienced the benefits of collaborative learning. Increased comprehension, productivity, efficiency, and retention were some of the major benefits I was able to reap by working with others. Collaboration also taught us important skills, such as critical thinking, communication, socialization, cooperation, and acceptance of diversity.
  • Of the seven causes listed for academic misconduct, I struggle most with overload. Academic responsibilities can sometimes be overwhelming and stressful, especially in consideration of family, work, and social responsibilities. The thought of completing an assignment or studying for an exam can be so physically draining that it keeps me from actually doing it. To reduce the feelings of overload, I will have to find a better way of balancing all my responsibilities. This involves prioritizing my work, setting goals and deadlines for tasks, and managing my time effectively. I am also willing to cut back on social activities to create more time for my academic work so that I do not feel overwhelmed.
  • Most relevant cause in academic integrity case
  • Penalties for violating academic integrity
  • Dr. Kelly speaks of the demoralizing effect academic misconduct has on faculty members. It is disheartening for teachers to make the effort to develop a curriculum only for students to cheat their way through it. Teachers specifically design assignments to help students learn in the most effective and profound way. Academic dishonesty forces teachers to develop assignments that are cheat-proof, rather than those that encourage meaningful learning. For Professor Pflugfelder, academic dishonesty is time-consuming for faculty members and diminishes the trust they have in their students. When a teacher suspects that a student has been academically dishonest in their work, they have to spend more time grading that work. Academic misconduct also undermines the time and effort teachers put into helping their students learn.
  • Academic dishonesty, on my part, can negatively impact my relationships with my classmates because my grades, which were dishonestly attained, can negatively impact their grades, which they worked honestly for. In the case of group work, my group members also bear responsibility for any academic dishonesty on my part. Academic misconduct also sets a poor example for my classmates and ruins my image. The relationships with my friends and family can also be affected. Looking at my friends’ work for ideas can implicate them in academic misconduct. Encouraging them to partake in academic dishonesty is also being a negative influence. In terms of family, academic dishonesty can result in failing a course or even being suspended, which can be distressing to my family. My reputation is also on the line, which, by extension, includes my family’s reputation as well.
  • The impact of my academic dishonesty on the university is significant because, as a student, I am a direct representation of what UB stands for and believes in. Any gaps in my knowledge or suspicions of my credibility in the job market will impact the image employers, and the community, have of the university and the degree attained. It reflects poorly on the university and creates doubts about its commitment to academic excellence. The learning experience offered at UB extends beyond exams and grades, but academic dishonesty diminishes the overall value of this experience. Every student that engages in academic misconduct contributes to lowering the quality and value of education received at UB.

Module 2

    Scenario 1 - In this scenario, the student falsifies information as part of a diary entry assignment. The potential cause of this academic dishonesty is the pressure or fear of failing. The student felt that they had to falsify the data in order to pass the course. The assignment period had already passed, and inputting fake information was the student's only way out. The effect of this academic misconduct is that the student has been caught falsifying information and will most likely fail the assignment, which will result in them failing the course. This will negatively impact the student’s family when they find out about the course.

    Scenario 2 - In this scenario, the student commits falsification by inaccurately reporting data from a source in his research paper. The cause of this academic dishonesty is overload. The student is hurriedly trying to complete their research paper and submit it the next day so that they can study for their exams. The fact that the student has already spent a lot of time on this paper is adding to their stress to complete it. This academic dishonesty reflects badly on the university as it suggests that the institution does not take falsification seriously. Academic dishonesty also affects the teacher, as they have to spend extra time ensuring other details in the research paper are accurate.

    Scenario 3 - In this scenario, the student commits tampering by changing their answers after their exam was graded. The potential cause of this academic dishonesty is the pressure or fear of failing. After receiving their graded exam, the student is unable to accept the fact that they failed despite putting in a lot of effort to study. The student felt that rewriting their answers was the only way to pass the exam. This academic dishonesty affects the student’s classmates as they earned their grades honestly, and a tampered grade will affect the exam curve. The teacher is also affected, as they had to take the time to regrade the student’s exam and report the misconduct.

    Scenario 4 - In this scenario, the student tampers with her transcript to include classes she has not yet taken. The potential cause of this academic dishonesty is the pressure of failing. The student knows that without those classes, she does not stand a chance of getting an internship. This is a fact that she refuses to accept, and she takes the necessary measures to ensure she secures the internship. This academic dishonesty negatively impacts the university by tarnishing its image and reputation. The student’s tampering reflects badly on the institution and its commitment to high standards. The academic dishonesty also affects the student. She fails to get the internship and must face the consequences of her misconduct in the university. She has also tarnished her reputation to potential employers.

    Scenario 5- In this scenario, the student is caught assisting by using another student’s clicker, who is not in attendance, to gain participation points. The cause of this academic dishonesty is trying to help a friend. The student is helping another student, who is hospitalized, commit academic misconduct. This dishonesty negatively impacts the student and the friend he is helping as both end up having their participation points taken away. It also affects the other students in class by unfairly awarding participation points to a student who is not in class.

    Scenario 6 - In this scenario, the student is guilty of cheating by paying a stranger to complete their assignment. The potential cause of this academic dishonesty is “everyone here is smarter than I am!”. The student admits that they are bad at comprehension and writing, and are afraid of failing the class because their skills are not good enough. Paying for one assignment is, therefore, a better trade-off than redoing the course. The effects of this dishonesty are that the student fails the class and must bear the consequences of violating the Student Conduct Code. The student’s reputation is tarnished, and so is the trust the teacher had in him. The teacher also had to spend extra time reviewing the student’s paper and investigating suspicions of cheating.

    Scenario 7 - In this scenario, the students cheat in their assignment by sharing the same sources and working closely together, despite this being unapproved by the teacher. The possible cause of this academic misconduct is not understanding. The assignment was an individual effort, but the students relied on each other when completing it, leading to cheating. The students failed to understand that working together was not acceptable behavior for this assignment. The effects of this dishonesty on the students include a reduction in their grade for the assignment and a mandatory course for Academic Misconduct.

    Scenario 8 - In this scenario, the student cheats on his assignment by copying answers from a classmate. The teacher had clearly specified that the students were to turn in their own work, but the student decided to use another student’s work and turn it in as their own. The potential cause of this dishonesty is “everyone here is smarter than I am!” The student is struggling with a certain part of the assignment, but instead of seeking guidance and attempting to figure out the section on their own, they resort to copying another student’s answers. This affects not only them but the student they copied from. Both are accused of academic misconduct and punished for it, despite the other student not being aware of the dishonesty.

    Scenario 9 - In this scenario, the student commits plagiarism by failing to cite a source in their work. The possible cause for this academic dishonesty is not understanding. The student believed that by paraphrasing the information picked from a source, they did not need to state where they got that information from. The student fails the assignment as a result of this dishonesty, while plagiarism gives the student and the university as a whole a bad reputation.

    Scenario 10 - In this scenario, the student is guilty of plagiarism as they handed in the same assignment for two different courses. This goes against the university’s expectation that students will hand in original work for each class. The potential cause of this dishonesty is time management. The student failed to set aside time to complete each assignment separately and effectively. Instead, he is focused on getting the assignments done in the fastest and easiest way possible. The students receive a failing grade in both classes and is reported for academic misconduct. This dishonesty also negatively affects the teachers, who took the time to develop assignments designed to help students learn, only for the student to not take it seriously.

    Scenario 11 - In this scenario, the student cheats on their work by copying answers from the solutions manual. This is because the student is rushing through his assignments, and does not have enough time to get it all done. The cause of this academic misconduct is time management. The student leaves all his assignments for the last minute and underestimates how much time and effort is needed to complete his work. The student fails the assignment, and the academic dishonesty is permanently included in their records. This can negatively affect the student’s relationship with their family and friends when they eventually become aware of the misconduct.

      Scenario 1 UB category - Falsifying Academic Materials

      Scenario 2 UB category - Falsifying Academic Materials

      Scenario 3 UB category - Falsifying Academic Materials

      Scenario 4 UB category - Misrepresenting Documents

      Scenario 5 UB category - Aiding in Academic Dishonesty

      Scenario 6 UB category - Purchasing Academic Assignments

      Scenario 7 UB category - Cheating

      Scenario 8 UB category - Cheating

      Scenario 9 UB category - Plagiarizing

      Scenario 10 UB category - Submitting Previously Submitted Work

      Scenario 11 UB category - Cheating

      • The one UB category not used in the scenarios is selling academic assignments. This form of academic misconduct involves the sale or intention to sell academic material to a student in the university, or the inappropriate assistance in completing academic work.

      Scenario: A student is in her senior year at the University of Buffalo. She meets a couple of sophomores who are struggling with an assignment in their biology class. The student remembers that she excelled in this assignment during her sophomore year and offers to complete the sophomores’ assignments for a fee. She completes the assignments and is paid $50. The students turn in her papers as their own. This scenario represents the selling of academic assignments.

      • The graphical scenario that I found most surprising to be considered academic misconduct was scenario 9. In this case, the student paraphrases information from a source but is accused of plagiarism for failing to cite the source. This was surprising because I did not believe that this oversight was equal to academic dishonesty. While the student should have followed proper referencing protocol, I did not except them to be as heavily penalized as they were.

      Module 3

      • Primary sources are essentially first-hand accounts of a topic. They are documents used as the main evidence for an academic paper. Research data is a good example of a primary source. Other good examples include interview transcripts, archives, photographs, letters, recordings, and other original findings. Primary sources are also the principal work or text that is under investigation, such as a book in a book review. Secondary sources, on the other hand, offer second-hand information or commentary on a topic. Secondary sources often examine and interpret primary sources. Examples of secondary sources include reviews, academic books, and journal articles. Both primary and secondary sources come in a range of formats, including written, oral, audio-visual, and personal communication.
      • The purpose of citation is to demonstrate an author’s effort in conducting research for their work. Citations help readers identify ideas and words that belong to other people apart from the author, and a proper bibliographic entry directs readers to the sources. Improper citation means that an author has failed to specify which material they have borrowed for their work and from where. This results in plagiarism because readers will be under the impression that the material belongs to the author as opposed to a primary or secondary source. The author will be culpable of plagiarism because, by failing to cite information properly, they have presented the work of others as their own.
      • In my academic work, I have used the APA, MLA, and Chicago, referring styles for documenting sources. There are plenty of resources available that offer information about particular referencing styles. The American Psychological Association (APA), Modern Language Association (MLA), and the Chicago Manual of Style offer information on the three most commonly used referencing styles. One of the most popular resources for referencing styles is the Purdue Writing Lab that is operated by Purdue University. This online resource offers extensive information on a variety of referencing styles that is helpful to students. The UB Libraries are also a great source of information on referencing styles for the University of Buffalo students. The libraries offer both in-person and online-based help with citations.
      • Direct citations refer to information that is quoted exactly as it appears in the original source. In this case, the author will use the precise words used by another author in their work. Direct citation also refers to the use of illustrations, graphs, and other audio-visual material without making any changes to them. Direct citations are cited using quotation marks or indenting to indicate that they have been quoted word for word. Indirect citations refer to ideas or data from a source that are presented in the words of the author, which is commonly referred to as paraphrasing. Indirect paraphrasing also applies to any cited material that has been altered by the author. Citing indirect citations is done using in-text citations that clearly distinguish the author’s ideas from those of primary and secondary sources.
      • The University of Buffalo offers students with various resources to help them with their writing. The most relevant resource is the Center for Excellence in Writing, which is solely dedicated to providing students with support as they navigate the writing process. The CEW covers a variety of aspects of writing, including time management and non-academic writing. This resource is particularly valuable to students whose native language is not English. The Tutoring and Academic Support Services (TASS) also provides students with tutors and academic coaches who can help them in areas they are struggling with, such as writing in a particular major. Students can receive further help with writing at the Academic Success Centers, which offer free tutoring in different subjects. Of these services, I have used the Center for Excellence in Writing. All the writing projects we are required to complete in the curriculum became overwhelming at some point, and I sought their services to make the writing process easier and less daunting.
      • Extensive and mounting inequality in the United States is a significant socioeconomic concern that has been steadily worsening in the past four decades. The adverse effects of inequality have permeated the education system, putting children from low social classes at a disadvantage that is difficult to overcome. Research has shown that social class is the most substantial predictor of educational achievement for children. Education has, therefore, failed to offer children with equal opportunities that foster economic and social mobility. The performance disparities influenced by social class are evident early on in children’s lives and difficult to rectify in subsequent years.
      • APA (7th Edition) citation

      García, E., & Weiss, E. (2017). Education Inequalities at the School Starting Gate: Gaps, Trends, and Strategies to Address Them. Economic Policy Institute.

      Read More
      • Collaboration is a valuable tool for learning, but it can have its limits. Based on course syllabi and class notes, I have learned that collaboration has the potential to enrich the learning process or diminish it. Some of the challenges I have experienced while collaborating with my classmates include personality clashes, varying levels of commitment, and lack of planning and organization. On the other hand, I have also experienced the benefits of collaborative learning. Increased comprehension, productivity, efficiency, and retention were some of the major benefits I was able to reap by working with others. Collaboration also taught us important skills, such as critical thinking, communication, socialization, cooperation, and acceptance of diversity.
      • Of the seven causes listed for academic misconduct, I struggle most with overload. Academic responsibilities can sometimes be overwhelming and stressful, especially in consideration of family, work, and social responsibilities. The thought of completing an assignment or studying for an exam can be so physically draining that it keeps me from actually doing it. To reduce the feelings of overload, I will have to find a better way of balancing all my responsibilities. This involves prioritizing my work, setting goals and deadlines for tasks, and managing my time effectively. I am also willing to cut back on social activities to create more time for my academic work so that I do not feel overwhelmed.
      • Most relevant cause in academic integrity case
      • Penalties for violating academic integrity
      • Dr. Kelly speaks of the demoralizing effect academic misconduct has on faculty members. It is disheartening for teachers to make the effort to develop a curriculum only for students to cheat their way through it. Teachers specifically design assignments to help students learn in the most effective and profound way. Academic dishonesty forces teachers to develop assignments that are cheat-proof, rather than those that encourage meaningful learning. For Professor Pflugfelder, academic dishonesty is time-consuming for faculty members and diminishes the trust they have in their students. When a teacher suspects that a student has been academically dishonest in their work, they have to spend more time grading that work. Academic misconduct also undermines the time and effort teachers put into helping their students learn.
      • Academic dishonesty, on my part, can negatively impact my relationships with my classmates because my grades, which were dishonestly attained, can negatively impact their grades, which they worked honestly for. In the case of group work, my group members also bear responsibility for any academic dishonesty on my part. Academic misconduct also sets a poor example for my classmates and ruins my image. The relationships with my friends and family can also be affected. Looking at my friends’ work for ideas can implicate them in academic misconduct. Encouraging them to partake in academic dishonesty is also being a negative influence. In terms of family, academic dishonesty can result in failing a course or even being suspended, which can be distressing to my family. My reputation is also on the line, which, by extension, includes my family’s reputation as well.
      • The impact of my academic dishonesty on the university is significant because, as a student, I am a direct representation of what UB stands for and believes in. Any gaps in my knowledge or suspicions of my credibility in the job market will impact the image employers, and the community, have of the university and the degree attained. It reflects poorly on the university and creates doubts about its commitment to academic excellence. The learning experience offered at UB extends beyond exams and grades, but academic dishonesty diminishes the overall value of this experience. Every student that engages in academic misconduct contributes to lowering the quality and value of education received at UB. Read More
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      • APA
      • MLA
      • CHICAGO
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      Academic Integrity Remediation Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words.
      (Academic Integrity Remediation Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 Words)
      Academic Integrity Remediation Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 Words.
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