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Library as a Part of University - Research Paper Example

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The paper "Library as a Part of University" is a perfect example of an Education Research Paper. The library is an important part of university learning facilities. It is therefore recommended to have the best library service and space for students to be in a position to study well. With the ever-increasing student population especially in Macquarie University. …
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Running Header: Macquarie University Library needs analysis Customer Inserts His/her Name Customer Inserts Grade Course Customer Inserts Tutor’s Name 28, 10, 2013 Executive Summary Statistical analysis both qualitative and quantitative approaches are essential in undertaking a problem which requires statistical finding. Qualitative approach provides the theoretical explanation from the correspondent, this is important in gaining insight into the feelings of the correspondents about the issue in question. Quantitative approach also allows quantification of the problem and employing statistical tools to analyze data. Both quantitative and qualitative approaches are used in this case. This study focuses on uncovering issues affecting Macquarie University library unit. The rationale for the research analyse varying needs of the library by subjecting them to statistical analysis. The key issues in this case includes, space available for students, the time restriction for students, increase of overnight trading hours especially during exams period and increase of computing services and maintenance within the library. The identified objectives provide a framework for the creation of questionnaire questions that are relevant to the objective of the research. The rationale for subjecting these issues to statistical analysis is to account for the views of the students by selecting a sample population among the student. The results are analysed and clear recommendations on measures to take in order to improve students experience while using the library. Table of Contents Executive Summary 2 Table of Contents 3 Introduction and background 4 Problem statement 5 Research questions/hypothesis 5 Method 6 Population of interest 6 Sample frame 6 Summary of Exploratory/Qualitative Study 6 Instrumentation 7 Fixed alternative questions 8 The art of asking questions 8 Procedure 8 Analysis and results 9 Summary and Conclusion 19 Review of the assumptions and study limitation 19 Benefits of the study 20 Limitation of the study 20 Recommendations for overcoming limitation in further studies 21 References 22 Appendix A 23 Introduction and background The library is an important part of a university learning facilities. It is therefore recommended to have the best library service and space for students to be in a position to study well. With the ever increasing student’s population especially in Macquarie University, the need to analyse emerging student’s needs is necessary. Statistical analysis is an important tool in analyzing the needs of a sample group or addressing the problem addressing majority of the selected population concerning an issue. In this case, the students of Macquarie University are experiencing challenges regarding their library facility in the university and they will like the university to undertake corrective measures in order for the facility to serve them well in the future. Some of the key issues identified include space limitation in the library, the issue of computing facilities and maintenance, the need for more seats in the library, revision of library rules including the 15 minute ejection to create space for another students as well as the 2-3 hour time limit in order to allow other students to use the library. All these issues are important for consideration and corrective measures taken in order to ensure optimal usage of the facility for the benefit of the students. This study will undertake an in-depth analysis of the key issues using a survey process to a selected sample size of 20. The questionnaires will then be organized, analysed and key findings and conclusion of the results outlined in order for necessary recommendations to be analysed and implemented by the relevant units in the University. Problem statement The problem to be analyzed and recommendations given in this case is the Macquarie University library facing the Macquarie University students. The challenges include space and seats limitation in the library, restrictive rules that diminish students experience while using the library, computing facilities limitation. The willingness of the students to bear the financial burden as a result library improvement will also be analysed in order for informed recommendations to be provided to the relevant department within the Macquarie University. Research questions/hypothesis With increasing concern about the Macquarie University library functions, a research to establish how the students who use the library feel about some aspects of the library is undertaken. The key research questions are: How do students perceive the current quality and overall satisfaction of the Macquarie University Library? What Macquarie University library could improve in order to suit student’s needs? Will the Macquarie University students be will to pay the extra cost of improving the quality of the Macquarie University library? Method Population of interest In this case, the population of interest is the Macquarie University students who use or have previously used the library. This included both genders and local as well as international students. The population of interest was created by selecting a reliable/accurate representation of all the Macquarie University students who have or use the library. A spread through different levels of studying was also done in order to fully represent the entire university student’s feelings and views about the library (Ranjit 2005). Sample frame The sampling frame used in this case is a representative sample, a non-probability sampling method encompassed by judgement sampling. The rationale for choosing judgement sampling method is to ensure gender balance as well as both local and international student’s inclusion in the exercise. The method is also important in identification of students as there are many students who fit into the identified criteria (Ranjit 2005). Summary of Exploratory/Qualitative Study This research is intended to get students feedback about how they feel about the current status of the library. The main issues in this case includes how the library can be improved, extending trading periods during exam times and increasing library resources such as printers, computers and seating space in order to accommodate the growing population of the university. In this case, it is clear that there will be cost of improvement in which the students must burden. The key issues after finding out their feelings is to provide more accurate estimates on the cost of upgrading the library (McQueen & Christina 2002). Instrumentation In order to find out the students opinion on the research questions subject to statistical analysis. It is important to have a platform for disseminating the questionnaire to the target students. In order to ensure concrete response/ findings, a sample population of 20 students is selected for analysis. In this case, the survey will be conducted through the social media, email and seeking of direct response from the students around the university surroundings. The questionnaire sample is as shown in Appendix A. The questionnaire includes a simple-dichotomy and determinant choice questions, multiple answer questions, Likert scale as well as slider questions. The rationale for this is to enhance students response to the questions asked (Víctor 2006). Notably, the questions are framed using simple and direct words with choices (Likert scaled) multiple choices where the interviewee can select the response in which he/she is most comfortable with (Earl 2010). The questions are also few and closed-ended and hence demanding a small amount of time from the respondent. The additional features such as push buttons, located at the bottom right corner as well as percentage bar allow users to easily submit as well as navigate through the survey easily. The questions focus on the key objectives of the research analysis which demonstrates professionalism and relevance to the key issues affecting Macquarie University library functions (Benedetto & Paulo 2001). Fixed alternative questions Determinant choice questions (college level) Simple dichotomous questions (gender) (Jennifer 2002) Frequency determinant questions and Checklist questions The art of asking questions Precise questions Less leading and involving questions No ambiguity No room for assumptions No intruding and burdensome questions Procedure The questionnaire was structure and passed through preliminary and pre-testing stage. During the preliminary stage, the uses found the questions easy to understand. In the pre-testing stage, the results showed that the research questions were not ambiguous and were relevant to the intended research process. This was a positive indicator as the questions proved valid for statistical analysis. Further analysis showed that the questions were best suited for dissemination via electronic hyperlink that linked them to online questionnaire “Qualitrics”. The link was distributed through student’s blogs, blackboard, email as well as word of mouth. It took one and a half week to collect the data (Keith 2005). Analysis and results 1. Are you a MQ student? As evident from the above chart, majority of the participants were students of MQ. 2. Gender 11 male students and 9 female students participated in the survey process. 3. Which type of student are you? Majority of the sudents who participated were local students, 15 and 5 international students. 4. Which level of study are you? As noted, majority of the students who participate are year 2, the minority the PHD students. 5. How often are you going to libray? From the results it is clear that majority of the students use the library at least daily, 2-3 times a week and onces a week or 2-3 times a month. No student never uses the library. 6. Are you feeling efficiency study in the library? Majority of the students are feeling efficiency study in the library as evidenced by the response. 7. Are you satisfied with the library environment? Majority of the students are satisfied with library environment, however notable number of students are not satisfied. 8. When do you feel unsatisfied of using MQ library? Need for more quiet space, lack of seats as well as closing time are the key issues leading to less satisfaction with the library. 9. What do you think about this rule of MQ library if you left unattended for 15mins or more it can be used by another student? Majority of the students do not agree with loosing their seats if they left the space for more than 15 minutes. Statistics VAR00002 N Valid 5 Missing 0 Mean 4.0000 Std. Error of Mean .70711 Median 4.0000 Mode 2.00a Std. Deviation 1.58114 Variance 2.500 Skewness .000 Std. Error of Skewness .913 Maximum 6.00 Sum 20.00 a. Multiple modes exist. The smallest value is shown As ecident from the SPSS output above, the standard deviation is 1.58114, this means that the sample is notably disparsed from the mean. This is evidenced by the fact that majority of the sudents are agaist the rule. One-Sample Statistics N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean VAR00002 5 4.0000 1.58114 .70711 One-Sample Test Test Value = 0 t df Sig. (2-tailed) Mean Difference 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference Lower Upper VAR00002 5.657 4 .005 4.00000 2.0368 5.9632 As shown in the above sample test, the lower part of the 95 % confidence level is 2.0368 while the upper is 5.9632. The standard deviaton error is 0.70711. From this finding we can be 95 % confidence that students are agaist the rule. 10. Which of followings should be improved utmost? It is clear that students need more overnight opening hours during exams, more seats and more printers and computers as their major priorities. 11. How do you feel about paying extra costs to improve overall quality of MQ library? From the results, it is clear that students are willing to pay more in order to get better quality services. 12. How do you feel about having new rules in library? Students strongly disagree on having hourly restrictions on their time in the library, they support system maintenance, booking system for computers and booking system for normal seats during exams. 13. How do you feel about reforming sections? It is evident that more students want more studyong area and less book sections, more computer setion and less book area. Summary and Conclusion Based on the results analysis, it is evident that most students use the library at least on a weekly basis. Majority of the students also perceive the library to be efficient, there is however a split in the library environment with majority satisfied but a substantial number unsatisfied. The circumstance that leads to less satisfaction are identified as inadequate seating area, less space and the limited trading hours of the library. Notably, majority of the students do not like the 15 minute rule where a student is subject to lose his seat if he/she is out for more than 15 minutes. The results also revealed that improvement recommendations include creation of more seating space, increase of overnight trading especially during exam period and increase of computers and printing devices. The students also revealed the willingness to pay extra through tuition fees, and support of overnight opening during exam periods. On the library rules, it is clear that most students disagree on the 2-3 hour rule time limit for staying in the library. They want the booking system for normal seats during exams, booking system for computers and maintenance of the current system in place. Lastly, it is clear that students want more studying area in compromise of less books space and more computers in compromise of books space. Review of the assumptions and study limitation Benefits of the study The study gave us better insight into the views and recommendations of students about the university library. The process also gave us better understanding of conducting an informative research through a survey process; the errors done in the process are also part of learning and useful lesson when conducting a research in the future. The qualitative and quantitative approach of our research helped us in developing two distinct approaches of solving a problem (Kothari 2008). This was important as the theoretical provision of data analysis was put on practice by the exercise. Limitation of the study The sample size chosen was smaller than anticipated as a result of time constrain and expected participation There were limited resources for disseminating the survey and we majorly relied on the hyperlink to have the questionnaires filled. The questions asked in the questionnaire were also limited in terms of number and content. The rationale for the limitation was to ensure willing participation and avoid burdensome questions. The recommendations for improvement of library facility were limited in detail and no example of a benchmark provided in order to narrow down the preferred improvement. Recommendations for overcoming limitation in further studies In future, a much bigger sample size will be selected for analysis in order to improve population representation in the research process. The sample size selected could have been much bigger in order to capture all the possibilities and views of the Macquarie University students. Secondly, a research on better ways of disseminating questionnaires is necessary; this will diminish reliance on one method. By ensuring that there are many channels, the sample size can also be significantly increased in order to improve the accuracy of the research process. Thirdly, the questionnaire limitation of numbers will be dealt with in the future by either running two surveys at a time with different questions or by taking more time to create, disseminate and wait for the response of the questionnaires. Lastly, more details on best ways of improving the library facilities will be included in the questionnaires. A qualitative approach will be suitable in this case because it enables the correspondent to give detailed views about how he/she feels that the library should be improved. A comparison with other Universities will also be essential in this case. References Benedetto, J& Paulo, F 2001, Modern Sampling Theory: Mathematics and Applications, Birkhäuser, Switzerland. Earl RB, 2010, The Practice of Social Research, Cengage Learning. Boston. Jennifer, M 2002, Qualitative Researching, SAGE, California. Keith, P 2005, Introduction to social research: quantitative and qualitative approaches, SAGE, California. Kothari, CR 2008, Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques: New Age International, London. McQueen. R & Christina, K 2002, Research methods for social science: a practical introduction, Prentice Hall, New Jersey. Ranjit, K 2005, Research Methodology: A Step-By-Step Guide for Beginners, SAGE, New Delhi. Víctor, J2006, The Sage Dictionary Of Social Research Method, Pine Forge Press, California. Appendix A 1. Are you a MQ student? Yes 20 No 0 2. Gender Male 11 Female 9 3. Which type of student are you? International student 5 Local student 15 Click to write Choice 3 0 4. Which level of study are you? Diploma/advance Diploma 3 Year 1 of Bachelor Degree 4 Year 2 of Bachelor Degree 6 Year 3 of Bachelor Degree 4 Master Degree 2 PHD 1 5. How often are you going to libray? Never 0 Less than Once a Month 2 Once a Month 2 2-3 Times a Month 3 Once a Week 3 2-3 Times a Week 5 Daily 5 6. Are you feeling efficiency study in the library? Yes 13 No 7 7. Are you satisfied with the library environment? Yes 11 No 9 8. When do you feel unsatisfied of using MQ library? Cell phone signal is weak 3 Lack of seats 5 Lack of printers and scanners 3 Need more quiet space 5 Closing time need to be extended 4 9. What do you think about this rule of MQ libray if you left unattended for 15mins or more it can be used by another student? Strongly disagree 6 Disagree 5 Neither disagree/agree 3 Agree 4 Strongly agree 2 10. Which of followings should be improved utmost? Question Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree/disagree Agree Strongly agree More Seats needed 1 1 3 7 8 More printers & computers needed 1 1 3 8 7 Cellphone receptions should be fixed 1 2 5 6 6 Should provide quiet space for hard study student 2 3 4 5 6 Should offering overnight opening hours specially exam sessions 0 1 3 8 8 11. How do you feel about paying extra costs to improve overall quality of MQ library? Question Strongly disagree Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Raise in tution fees (to provide supreme services) 3 4 5 4 4 Selling tickets for special seats (ex. quiet sections) 1 2 4 6 7 Do not agree with any extra cost system 3 4 4 5 4 12. How do you feel about having a new rules in library? Question Strongly disagree Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Time restrictions for seats (2-3hours) 9 5 3 2 1 Booking systems for normal seats during exam sessions 1 3 5 5 6 Booking systems for computers 1 3 6 5 Maintaining current system 0 1 2 8 9 13. How do you feel about reforming sections? Question Response More studying area but less book sections 7 More studying area but less rest area 4 More computer sections but less book area 5 More computer sections but less studying area 3 Do not want any changes 1 Read More
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