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Philosophy of Adult Education Inventory Evaluation - Assignment Example

The paper "Philosophy of Adult Education Inventory Evaluation" is a wonderful example of an assignment on education. After completing the PAEI evaluation the results that I get and the ones above, do not surprise me. The results as seen in the table above were well structured and planned for. I got the lowest score for P at 58…
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Short assessment 1 and 2 Name: Institution: Assessment 1 Philosophy of Adult Education Inventory (PAEI) Evaluation My results: L = (a + v) = (35+30) =65 B = (c + w) = (40+20) =60 P = (d + x) = (28+30) = 58 H = (f + y) = (48+26) = 74 R = (h + z) = (53+40) =93 After completing the PAEI evaluation the results that I get and the ones above, do not surprise me. The results as seen in the table above were well structured and planned for. I got the lowest score for P at 58. Progressive education: this as put above is education related to practical problem solving. From my filling of the PAEI evaluation I scored a very high score in R, radical education at 93. This is education aimed at achieving a major social change. The results I got were as I expected. From my point of view, the evaluation gave results just as have a point of thinking however; I got only P that gave a slightly different expectation. P progressive education was expected to score slightly higher than what the results was. This to me is very discouraging and scholars need to beware and try new ideas on how to stand out in the education sector and earn more benefits. However, this is not possible since students of the same discipline learn practically the same skills and acquire almost the same level of knowledge. Thus in order to be outstanding, one needs to increase his/her competences through more training. This gets to the point where the organizations are not at a point where they want to educate their employees. The learners may also not be willing to train themselves to prove their worth. This shows that college education does not immediately add value to the economy. More resources have to be used in order to add more value to a learned individual and also her/his organization. To me education is important and understanding the purpose of learning is also important to know the purpose of learning. As I pointed earlier, different learners have different purposes they want to achieve. It is also crucial that people understand what motivates people when learning. From my results above liberal education where people learn for developing their intellectual capacity I scored 65. This to me is average and hence reflects that my belief and the philosophy are not quite different. It is also true with P and B, progressive and behaviouristic education. In radical education I score very high which mean that it the philosophy I mostly agree with. However, it is necessary to realise that this is according to my belief and this may change with change of individuals. This particularly means that there is no wrong philosophy in education it is only the beliefs of individuals that change. The lessons I learn from the Philosophy of Adult Education Inventory (PAEI) Evaluation are that higher education in terms of competencies equates to higher status and fame in the society. Those who have attained higher education levels tend to feel very valuable and sophisticated to be in a particular community. From my point of view, it is crucial to understand various goals and objectives that are considered to be very fundamental in the development of education. It is fundamental to note that these goals and objective. The goals and objectives play a fundamental role of giving directives to different policy makers on how to handle the issues of education in the society. It is therefore fundamental to highlight that the objectives if education in the society include the following issues as explained coherently below. Addressing the technological changes that exist in the society.(P) To develop proper understanding of countries among students. (R) To strengthen the skills of observation and understanding among students.(L) Providing students with the ability to invent new ideas and be innovative (R) All in all, I think Philosophy of Adult Education Inventory (PAEI) Evaluation has given me a proper way of understanding purpose of education. From the results, I also take a different philosophy on how I think of education. I achieved good results and even got new ideas that I need to follow up to gain more knowledge on the same. Assessment 2 Lohan has a good and a critical way of analyzing the behaviors of different organizations. From his article ‘outside the box’ Lohan reviews different behaviors relating to organizations training their employees. From the article, Lohan argues that being competent is a step forward to bring up professionalism. It helps to raise the standards of any employee towards becoming more qualified. However, he argues that only very few organizations that have the ability and the will to use up their resources to train their trainers to certificate IV level. This he argues may be because of the time it may take in training. It takes up to three years, and the organizations are not willing to take up the costs of training the new hires. In addition, Lohan also argues that the job seekers are also not willing to give out their money to get trained for a period of three years for the certificate. He also argues that the organizations analyze their achievements on training the employees and trying to make them better and on self assessment, and many think that they don’t achieve anything. The key issue that makes the organizations train their employees is to make them better which they don’t achieve after training them. Employees have to prove that he has the competencies required by the organization every time they change the requirements (Dupont & Reis, 1990). According to Lohan, it will be highly unrewarding for the learned if more people get the certificate IV level. This is because if everyone has a certificate IV level, there will be no competitive advantage of having it. In the job market, it will be very had to secure a job unless your degree is of a relatively higher quality compared to your opponents (Organization for European Economic Co-operation, 1955). Lohan argues that many organizations are reluctant in investing properly by qualifying a trainer. Different organizations have different ways of training and most of them find it hard to train their human resource which is the main aspect of the organization increase in productivity (Bruce, 1990). High competence brings about assured expertise. Therefore, it is necessary for any organization to invest in improving the competence of its trainers. Competence is achieved in a short time as compared to the expertise. Competent trainers take some time to become experts in their field. However, all expert trainers are competent in their area of specialization. It is worth noting that new firms always require proper competency assurance management system so as to ensure that organizations have the conditions and systems within their new places of work (Rainbird, 2000). This competence must always be observed in a regular basis. It is necessary for all competent trainers to keep having a new training every time a new technology is introduced into the organization. This is necessary for keeping the competent trainer upon the level with the changing technology. The managers should train all the trainers with new technology. However, it may not be possible to train all at a go and hence they should choose the most competent to train him to improve his qualities (Rainbird, 2000). Then share the details of the training with your trainers how they can participate effectively in building your vision. Then finally breakdown the company’s vision to the individual departments so that they can participate fully in building a vision and then show the departmental heads how they can effectively engage their members on building a vision (Organization for European Economic Co-operation, 1955). The last step is to confirm that your vision matches with the company’s vision. Follow up your vision together with your subordinates by constantly holding meetings to discuss the direction of your vision (Rainbird, 2000). Introduction of new technology will need training of trainers in the area and hence the organization must properly and appropriately invest. Training package should be updated regularly depending on the new technology. However, training requires a lot of investment by the organization and therefore the often there is training, the more the costly it is. Organizations should be more careful in training to reduce the cost. All in all it is not justifiable that all training is beneficial to the organization. If training is not well organized it may lead to losses as compared to benefits accruing to the company. The main advantage of regular re-testing is that the organization improves the quality of production as well as improving the human resource of the organization. However, training carries with it a cost to the origination. Regular retesting will mean that the organization to invest a lot of resources to the training including time and money (Aitchison, 1998). References Organisation for European Economic Co-operation. (1955). Specialized training in the field of work study: European Productivity Agency project no. 195. Paris. Rainbird, H. (2000). Training in the workplace: Critical perspectives in learning at work. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Macmillan. Bruce, A. B. (1990). Training of the twelve. Grand Rapids, Mich: Christian Classics Ethereal Library. Dupont, G., & Reis, F. (1990). Training of trainers: Problems and trends. Berlin: CEDEFOP--European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training. Aitchison, J. (1998). Training of trainers. Windhoek, Namibia: Out of Africa Publishers. Read More
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