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EFL Teachers Perception on the Use of Information and Communications Technology in Schools - Term Paper Example

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This paper "EFL Teachers Perception on the Use of Information and Communications Technology in Schools" focuses on the review of different kinds of literature on the perceptions of using information and communication technology by EFL teachers in Libyan secondary schools…
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EFL Teachers Perception on the Use of Ict in Schools Name Institution Introduction The technological advancements in the world have revolutionized ways in which different tasks are done in many sectors of the world economy. This is because the information and communication technology offers the world with a number of applications. In order to be at per with the advancement in technology, the education sector has embraced the use of information technology in order to improve the delivery of knowledge to the people (Albirini, 2006). This means that students and tutors are using information technology in learning institutions. The use of information technology in education has affected different individuals in different ways. However, the use of information technology among countries where English is used as the teaching language has generated different reactions among policy makers, students and teachers themselves (Teo, 2008). This implies that there are mixed experiences in the introduction of information and communication technology in secondary schools among teachers in different countries including Libya. Teachers who use English as a foreign language also use information technology for different purposes (Akinyemi, 2005). This essay focuses on the review of different literatures on the perceptions of using information and communication technology by EFL teachers in Libyan secondary schools. The Use of ICT in Education The use of information and communication technology in education has been on the increase. This is because teachers in educational institutions use information and communication technology for different purposes. According to Yun-Kyung & Seung-Hwan (2010), teachers in education sector use information technology to teach students and present information, which makes it easier for the students to understand the information. Teachers use smart boards in presenting information to the students. In most secondary schools, the teacher uses the smart boards to present PowerPoint presentation, which ensures interactive learning (Yun-Kyung and Seung-Hwan, 2010). In addition to presentation of information to the students, information and communication technology has been used as a source of information for both teachers and students. According to…. Information and communication technology is used by Libyan tutors as a grammar translator. This implies that most countries that use English as a second language require information technology in translating information from other languages to English so that the information can be communicated to the students. Before the introduction of information and communication technology in schools, teachers conventionally planned and leading the students through a number of instructional sequences. In addition to power point presentations, technology such as the use of projectors, short videos, and recorded audio has enabled the delivery of knowledge content to students in higher institutions of learning (Borg & Alshumaimeri, 2012). Access to information in the education sector is a major factor in delivery of quality education. Before the introduction of information and communication technology, most learning institution depended on books and magazines, which were available in the library in order to gather teaching materials. With the introduction of technology, lecturers are now able to post information in discussion forums in which students can engage in interactive learning and sharing of ideas in order to achieve academic success. Moreover, teachers are able to use technological tools in sourcing information and preparing lessons for better delivery of academic information. Information and communication technology has enhanced the scholarship performance in the education sector. This is because information and communication technology has enhanced the ease of information access, strengthening the relevance of education and increased digitalization of workplaces, which raise the quality of education in the world hence improving the scholarship performance in the education sector. According to Albirini (2006), the use of technology ion teaching English ensures proficiency in the delivery of information, which is available in other languages. Hence, information and communication technology has increased the access of information to students and teachers. In addition, it has increased the easy at which this information is accessed since it ensures flexibility to the teacher and learner. According to Aldabbus (2008), information and communication technology has been used in education in different ways such as teleconferencing, emailing, audio and interactive radio listening. This means that the education system has been impacted positively by the availability of learning resources and easy at which teachers and students obtain learning materials. In addition, information technology has been used in education for enhancement of the learning environment. This is because the use of information and communication technology has been used in creation of virtual learning environments, which provides conducive environments for learning purpose. Aldabbus (2008) argues that the information and communication technology provides students and the education sector at large with opportunities to explore different learning skills opportunities in different parts of the world. The Use of ICT in EFL Teaching Teachers in EFL classes have been showing a positive attitude towards the use of information and communication technology in teaching secondary schools students. According to Sahin-Kizil (2011), EFL teachers use information and communication technology tools in teaching orals skills in secondary school. This is because the Libyan policy on the use of ICT requires that information technology to be used in higher institutions of learning in order to improve the delivery of information to the students. The frequency of using ICT in secondary EFL teachers was increasing in Libya. Teachers in secondary schools have also been using information technology in managing their classrooms. For example, teachers use information and communication technology tools in managing affairs of the students such as student’s assignments, course attendances, and student’s grades through information systems, which are provided in the learning institutions. This implies that teacher have begun to appreciate the importance of technology in managing student data and ensuring quick access to student information in the schools (Saaid, 2010). Other countries in the world have also introduced the use of information and communication technology in their secondary schools to encourage EFL teachers to use technology in delivering quality education. A study by Baylor & Ritchie, (2002) which was conducted in Turkey revealed that there are different perception on the use of information technology which is influenced by the laws and Information technology policies in the country. However, EFL teachers in Turkey were seen to attend different courses on how to use information technology in education and in English classes. This means that the integration of information and communication technology with education is inevitable in the world. According to Akpinar (2009), the educational sector use information technology as a way to keep current with information all over the world. Unlike before where the radio and television were the commonly used sources of news, the internet has shown to be of greater helps in education sectors especially when it comes to sharing of information through social media. Distance learning programmes have been on the increase with the introduction of social media services via the internet. This means that students and teachers are now able to interact, share academic information while at different location, and achieve the same academic objectives as if they were in the same geographical location. This is because information technology allows live internet interactions through online conference videos and sharing of academic material through the internet (Borg, 2011). EFL teachers use different digital devices in teaching oral skills, listening skills, and speaking skills. In most cases the commonly used devices used includes digital CD players. In order to teacher written skills, Libyan teachers presented good attitudes towards the use of information and communication technology by the use of network applications. Studies indicate that over 78 per cent of EFL teaches in Libya feel comfortable using information and communication technology in teaching classroom and managing students work. This is because such teaches believe that the use of information and communication technology in teaching helps in creation of an effective teaching and learning environment, easy access to information and designing of instructional practices. On the other hand, about 12 per cent of the total EFL teachers feel uncomfortable with the use of information technology in teaching. As a new form of technology, EFL teachers find it more enjoyable when using projectors and computers in teaching as compared to traditional learning and teaching methods (Baylor & Ritchie, 2002). The Use of ICT in EFL Teachers in Libya There are different perceptions and attitudes towards the use of technology in secondary schools in Libya and in the education sectors as a whole. In ordfee4 to determine the different perceptions of secondary school teachers in the use of information and communication technology, different researchers and scholars carried out researchers and studies that established the ways in which teachers perceived the use of communication technology in teaching and in the education sector as a whole. According to Sahin-Kizil (2011), teachers who were interviewed and those who were given a questionnaire to respond to the ways in which they used information and communications technology revealed that they like the use of technology since it gives them a wide range of resources that can be used in teaching grammar and spelling lessons during their class hours. For example, in some teachers they responded that they used information and communication technology tools to prepare different teaching materials and different teaching activities that are used by the EFL teachers in teaching how to pronounce e some of the English words in the classrooms (Emhamed & Krishnan, 2011). In theory, information technology has been use in different language classes since the introduction of computers. This is due to the fact that most teachers who use English as a foreign language have been linked to the innovative nature and tools that are used in teaching different skills in different languages in class. Some of the teaching tools include those for teaching behaviourism cognition, and constructionist of the people. In Libya there are different factors that affect the adoption of information and communication technology in secondary schools (Albirini, 2006). This implies that for the teachers to integrate and have a positive perception on the use of information and communication technology in secondary schools, EFL teachers had to overcome some of the challenges and factors that prevent them from accessing the technology to use in teaching EFL classes. This also means that the teacher’s beliefs and attitudes determined the ways in which teachers responded to the introduction of information technology in secondary schools. In addition, the resources available and the culture of the community influences the ways in which EFL teachers in Libya perceive the use of technology in secondary schools (Wozney & Abrami, 2006). According to the Libyan information and communication technology, the government encourages the adopting and implementation of information technology in secondary schools and other forms of educations. This means that EFL teachers were encouraged to view the use of information t and communication technology in assisting them to delivery information to the students and research purposes. Hence, the studies and surveys done in Libya showed that teachers responded well to the use of information technology. Most of the EFL teachers had acquired computers in their offices and sometimes at their homes (Akpinar, 2009). In terms of computer awareness and skills, it was also found out that teachers in Libyan schools were in conjunction with the private sector to train EFL teachers on more computer skills and ways in which the teachers can be able to source information from the internet which can be used to offer effective learning in the secondary schools in Libya. Therefore, Libyan EFL teachers have a positive perception on the use of information technology in secondary schools. This is seen through their quack adoption and use of information technology in their school, activities. In addition, this is motivated by the favourable Information and communication technology policies in Libya which encourages the use of information technology and the private sector which train people on how to use information technology in development purposes (Sahin-Kizil, 2011). Relevance of Review to Study Information and communication technology has been increasingly used indifferent areas of the economy in order to improve productivity. This is because the use of information technology enables different stakeholders to carry out their duties effectively ad faster. The literature on the use of information and communication technology in education sector and in EFL teachers in Libya enables researchers in the proposed study to establish they attitude of different individuals in the society and in education sector on the use of information technology in the education sector (Patton, 2002). For example, the adoption of information and communication technology in the education sector is dependent on the current information technology policies of the country. Hence the literature review is relevance t in that it gives an overview on the use of information technology, its impact and factors that influence its use in the education sector. In addition, the review enables the researchers to determine and establish the ways in which different teachers including those in EFL classes perceive the use of information technology in improving the quality of information delivery to the student (Orafi, 2008). This is through reviewing of studies in which the use of information and communication technology impacted EFL teachers in secondary schools. Moreover, the review helps in understanding the behaviours and attitudes of EFL teachers towards the integration of information and communication technology in secondary school and factors that influence their behaviours in the adoption of information technology in their teaching practices. A better understanding of the attitude of secondary elf teachers on the use of information and communication technology helps in understanding the ways in how effectively the EFL teachers in Libyan secondary schools use information and communication technology in delivering quality education in language classes. In the proposed study, it is aimed that the study aims to achieve at understanding the factors that prevent the adoption of information and communication technology in secondary schools and among EFL teachers in Libya. Exploring the theoretical framework and understanding the social constructivism helps in better understanding of the factors that can promote the use and quick integration of information and communication technology in Libyan school (Borg, 2011). Conclusion The advancement in the level of technology in the world has resulted in the adoption of the same technology in different sectors of the economy in order ton increase productivity and efficiency. Among the sectors that have embraced the use of information and communication technology is the education sector. The use of information technology in education has affected different individuals in different ways. However, the use of information technology among countries where English is used as the teaching language has generated different reactions among policy makers, students and teachers themselves. In the education sector information technology has been used to source information, deliver information and manage student date in order to improve the quality of education. The current study sought to establish the perception of EFL teachers in Libya on the use of information and communication technology in teaching. It was established that Libyan teacher have a positive attitudes towards the use of computers in managing student data. This is because majority of the teachers are technologically aware and have adopted different technological skills and tools that improve their delivery of information in English classes. From the literature and studies on the use of information and communication technology, all EFL teachers in Libya have positive attitudes towards the integration of information and communication technology in secondary schools in order to improve the quality of education. This is motivated through a favourable information technology policy in Libya that encourages the adoption of information technology in education. References Akpinar, K. D. (2009). Developing Communication Skill s of EFL Teacher Trainees. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 5(1), 110-126. Akinyemi A (2005). Web-based Learning and Cultural Interference: Perspectives of Arab Students. Educational Media and Technology Yearbook 30 Albirini, A. (2006). Teachers attitudes toward information and communication technologies: the case of Syrian EFL teachers. Journal of Computers and Education, 47(4), 73-398. Aldabbus, S. (2008). An investigation into the impact of language games on classroom interaction and pupil learning in Libyan EFL primary classrooms. Unpublished PhD Thesis, Newcastle University. Baylor, A., & Ritchie, D. (2002). What factors facilitate teacher skill, teacher morale, and perceived student learning in technology-using classrooms? Journal of Computers & Education, 39(4), 398.  Borg, S. (2011).The impact of in-service teacher education on language teachers’ beliefs. System, 39(3), 370–380.  Borg S., & Alshumaimeri, Y. (2012) “University teacher educators' research engagement: Perspectives from Saudi Arabia”, Teaching and Teacher Education, 28(3), 347-356. Emhamed, E., & Krishnan, K. (2011). Investigating Libyan Teachers’ Attitude towards Integrating Technology in Teaching English in Sebha Secondary Schools. Academic Research International, 1(3), 2223-9553 Orafi. SMS, (2008). Investigating teachers’ practises and beliefs in relation to Curriculum innovation in English Language teaching in Libya. PHD thesis, University of Leeds: School of Education. Patton, M. (2002). Qualitative Research Evaluation Methods. London: Sage Publication. Sahin-Kizil, A. (2011). EFL Teachers Attitudes towards Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). 5th International Computer & Instructional Technologies Symposium. Turkey: Fırat University. Saaid. N. (2010). The use of Technology (Audiovisual Aids) in teaching English as a foreign language in Benghazi secondary schools. (Unpublished Master thesis). Leicester University. Teo, T. (2008). Pre-service teachers’ attitudes towards computer use: A Singapore survey. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 24(4), 413-424. Wozney & Abrami, P.C. (2006). Implementing computer technologies: Teachers' perceptions and Practices. Journal of Technology & Teacher Education (14)1, 173-207. Yun-Kyung C and Seung-Hwan.H, (2010). The impact of English on the school Curriculum. In Spolsky B and Hult F (Ed) the Handbook of Educational Linguistics Chapter 22. pp 313-327 Chichester: John Whiley  Read More
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