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Higher Education and Community Fire Safety - Coursework Example

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The "Higher Education and Community Fire Safety" paper explores higher education in the USA (Maryland University), UK (Uclan University), and Sweden (Lund University). Higher education faces challenges from enrollment growth, changing demographics, and operation support from the state’s budget…
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Higher Education and Community Fire Safety Student’s Name Subject Professor University/Institution Location Date Table of Contents Table of Contents 1 1.0 Introduction 2 2.0 Higher Education in U.S.A. 3 2.1 University of Maryland 3 3.0 Higher Education in United Kingdom. 4 3.1 University of Central Lancashire 5 4.0 Higher Education in Sweden 6 4.1 Lund University 7 5.0 Conclusion 8 6.0 Community Fire Safety Education 8 6.1 Community Fire Safety Education in United Kingdom 9 6.2 Community Fire Safety Education in the United States 11 6.3 Fire Safety Education in UAE 12 7.0 Conclusion 13 References 14 1.0 Introduction Higher education also referred to as tertiary or third level education is education acquired right after secondary school level (HESA 2011). It constitutes a phase of learning taking place at universities, academies, colleges, seminaries, institutes of technology and other institutions offering academic degrees and professional certifications like vocational schools, career colleges and trade schools (European Union 2009)The current trends in technology are attributed the globalisation and internationalisation of higher education through marketisation and corporatisation of the same (Ishengoma 2011). Moreover, globalisation brought forth the growth and advancement of learning via distance learning worldwide. As such, public and private higher education institutions are increasingly evident in many countries today. As such, the fastest higher education enrollment is noticeable in the last 3 decades (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development 2009). Thus, raises the number of individuals with postsecondary education in the 21st century. Internationalisation of higher learning calls students from outside country. Thus, higher education in many countries like US and UK has become export earner and therefore contributing to the national economy (Geiger & Heller 2011). This paper explores higher education in the USA (Maryland University), UK (Uclan University) and Sweden (Lund University). 2.0 Higher Education in U.S.A. Higher education in the US faces challenges from enrollment growth, changing demographics of students and operation support from the state’s budget. However, the sector is termed one the best post secondary education in the world (Geiger & Heller 2011). 2.1 University of Maryland Just like many other higher education institutions in the continent, University of Maryland prides in fine system of education. Motivated by quest of distinction the university incorporates technological innovations in its endeavors (Nayyar 2006). The long distance education and learning program involves students from any corner of the world, using internet and World Wide Web, where university`s campuses are not available. Use of social media like facebook, twitter and so on has put the institution in global picture. University`s career development unit provides numerous expert services and professional resources to prepare students launch their careers. Student exchange programs also aims enhancing career development through exposure to different environment of studies. Admission policy at the university focuses on academic potential, talents, experiences and potential to contribute to learning of those around. Geographical origin, extracurricular pursuit, leadership activities as well as language and cultural background of applicants are considered in admission. Scholarship and financial aid programs are provided on the basis of applicants’ potential to contribute academically and in co-curricular programs (University of Maryland, 2012). The university offers various dual degree programs in conjunction with other academic institutions in the region (University of Maryland 2012). Moreover, research is part and parcel of higher learning at the university. Facilitated by libraries and labs research is widely employed by both the faculty and learners. As such, paper based on extensive research writing is vital requirements for learners to qualify and graduate from the school. 3.0 Higher Education in United Kingdom. In UK, higher education constitutes college degree level and foundation degree education from independent institutions involved in teaching, research and provision of scholarships. The institutions are allowed to develop own courses, award degrees as well as determining the condition on which to award the same. With over 2.5 million students yearly, 400,000 are non-UK; hence the sector is an important export earner. By 2010, all levels of higher education had higher scope of female students compared to lower proportions of males except the full time postgraduate that saw more males enrolled. Also, majority of part-time students are females whereas many males go for full-time courses. Males lean mainly to sciences whereas females go for nursing and teaching courses (HESA 2011). In addition to tuition fees, institutions are partly funded by the government and grants from other sources. 3.1 University of Central Lancashire Uclan University offers a variety of disciplines for undergraduate and post graduate study to it more than 15 schools. International students can enroll for long distance learning and utilize university`s online modules. University`s regional manager in different parts of the world hold appointments and exhibitions to register students before forwarding them to centralized system of admission at the university. Technology is greatly integrated at Uclan. The school`s offers a considerable number of computerized courses. elearn is an online Virtual Learning Environment ( VLE) to manage online learning , trace learner, and offer a delivery mechanism, allow assessment and accesses resources. Students pursuing one subject get a single honour degree, whereas those interested in a specific subject but still need to widen their studies, takes a combined honours degree (UCLAN 2012). Student charter developed by student union and the university helps nurture learners’ development in academic who inter makes the school proud through good performance. Just like many other higher learning institutions in the UK, Uclan partners with other institutions to widen it provision, especially for local students (University of London 2012). According to Vessuri, 2011, reasearch at higher education level ensures learners partner with community, educators, businness and innovators all who are of great essence in learners career development. At Uclan, research is evidently part of learning as they promote creativity, research culture and innovations through the school community based researchers and students. 4.0 Higher Education in Sweden In Sweden, higher education is characterized by gender, science, research and technology. The country mission of greatly indulging women is towards achieving the vision of being the leading nation in research worldwide (Askling 2001). As such, it differs from UK and US systems through this approach that called for a policy on national science and workforce development engineering. The policy has seen many women enter higher learning and research matters (George 2002). By 2010, higher education in universities was free for all EU nationals (European Association for the Eduaction of Adults 2011). 4.1 Lund University As the largest institution for higher learning in Sweden, Lund University founded 1666 is part of the government instrument to measure the progress on the policy. As such, its annual report includes a trend data on gender in a bid to check success towards percentage target of gender equality in higher learning and research. As such, female students in natural sciences and technology arena and male students in teaching and nursing fields have increased (Schenk 2012). The better part of the university`s 47,000 population, constitutes international students learning from it over 100 international degree programmes and scholarships in 8 faculties. Located within a research dominated setting with over 30 global leaders in research environment, research by students and entire university fraternity remains an imperative role. Then main international research carried out at the university includes; nanotechnology, stem cell biology and climate change. Currently, powerful laboratory are under construction in the university; the world largest synchrotron radiation facility; the MAX IV Laboratory, and European Spallation Source a neutron providing facility (Lund University 2012). Furthermore, it is a member of League of European Research Universities and global Universitas 21 network. Lund University excessively engages in internationalisation worldwide, through education, research, and student exchange programmes. It also prides in world class facilities and large use of e-learning, and advanced technology in it operations. 5.0 Conclusion Conclusively, higher education in UK, US and Sweden has a great number of similarities. In View of the above, they all largely involve in research, e-learning and distance learning, scholarship programmes, internationalisation, and incorporation of technology their operations. They all have a large proportion of foreign students and partnering with other local institution to widen their operations. In this regard, student export has largely contributed to their economies. On the other hand, Sweden approach towards gender, research, science and advanced technology within higher education sector greatly differs from both UK and US sectors. Despite large numbers of female students, particularly in UK, both US and UK emphasize on gender when it comes to higher learning. Policies made in the 90s in Sweden demands enrollment of a specific percentage of female students in sciences and technological learning (George 2002). 6.0 Community Fire Safety Education Community fire safety refers to provision of fire safety education and involvement in order to prevent the effects of fire like deaths and injuries. It aims at reducing occurrence of fire and combat it in case of an accident. As such, this has been many nations’ national agenda in recent years. Experiences from actual fires are fundamental pillars to enhance fire safety. Though measures and procedures of fire safety differ among nations embracing the program gives a platform to improve fire incidences. A report by Swedish Rescue Services Agency, 2003 urgues that, community fire safety programs around the world saves money, lives and ensures firemen`s safety. More and more countries are working towards preventative measures not only through fire brigade, but also use of legal and governmental pressure to facilitate the projects. Furthermore, researchers on fire incidences agree that fire statistics and facts are essential in suggesting improvements and measures by finding effects as well as stating trends. Therefore, statistics ought to be correctly defined and of great quality. Failure to which individuals only gets to know the response measures but fail to fully understand the causes, problems and losses in regard to lives and economy. Many nations have adapted the annual sharing of information on best practice, trends and legislations (Ecological Society of America 2002). Community fire safety programmes is intricate due to it attachment to numerous parties such as officials, fire services, institutions, potential and venerable victims and groups. However, once established the achievements are at long run beneficial. 6.1 Community Fire Safety Education in United Kingdom In the UK, community fire safety education includes fire risk assessment, fire safety training, awareness and fire protection. Education on fire safety constitutes basic facts in statistics and experiences through projects developed under Community Action Programme in the arena of civil protection. The national fire safety goals are formed with all stakeholders assigned defined roles whereas, community fire safety programmes defines and carries out distinct responsibilities involving, authorities, organizations and local public. The programmes give information, education and exercises on fire. These projects raises individual awareness, widen partnerships, deal with fires on dwellings as well as enlightening children. Building and organizations are educated and informed on the best designs in regard to fire safety (Butry et al. 2007). Various institutions of learning and well as government institution engage fire safety education. Mainly, fire brigades are largely funded and used for the service. They are regularly inspected and their work in the community reported to the government. Partnerships are developed within communities to allow easier use fire toolboxes. Community fire safety courses take short durations like day or less to ensure every one member of the gets to learn despite their tight schedules. E-learning boosts fire safety learning in the UK. Trainings highly involve the knowledge of fire equipment, how to use them confidently and first aid instruction (ASTS, 2010). Moreover, taking right action in case of fire and meeting fire safety laws are emphasized. During community trainings, people involve in practical fire fighting skills with different equipments. The community is as well taught to use fire safe building designs and business organization across the country training their staffs on fire safety. Fire awareness training and prevention and first aid at community level have been extended to schools, religious and business organizations. Awareness campaigns make the populace aware of common facts, figures regarding fire and it impacts, knows the requirements of the law on fire safety responsibilities, knowledge of how fire can start spread, noticing fire hazards and the general practice to reduce it risks. 6.2 Community Fire Safety Education in the United States Fire safety education in the U.S. mainly aims to educate the populace the measures to engage before, during and after fire (Frattaroli et al. 2006). The U.S Fire Administration (USFA) has developed a Prevention and Public Education Exchange that partners with other non-profit organizations and agencies to educate the public on fire safety through Community Fire Safe Program. People in fire prone areas like rural parts are advised to form small groups in the neighborhood. Each group is provided with resources and information. Groups are then taught characteristics and effects of fire (Gamache et al. 2007). The training also the importance of smoke alarms at homes, fire sprinklers as well as teaching families to train and practice emergency run off plan. Real fire experiments in residential areas are also included (Butry et al. 2007). Fire safety tips like handling lit cigarretes, avoiding overfilling electrical passage among others are spelled. In addition to live trainings at site, USFA has greately invested in online trainings with enaough resources to reinforce the groung education. Summarily, community fire safety education in the U.S. involves five major steps (USFA 2007); Analylisng the Community to identify the main areas of concern and necessite first priority. Forming partinership in the community. A parterner is a person or group or organizations coming together to reduce fire problem. Develop own strategy ot handle the problem. Working and manifesting the strategy within the community Evaluate the progress achieved through employed fire safety efforts. 6.3 Fire Safety Education in UAE UAE fire safety programmes aims at educating the public on how to put out fires and safety precautions to under take at home level (Al Serkal 2012). The programmes involves visiting individual homes to demostrate fire prevention and fire tips as well as distributing necessary resources and materials. National campaign undertaken by UAE`s civil defense for residential homes are available across country. Campaigs get rid of violations and enhance awareness on prevention and handling fire. Currently, the program has seen 206,490 homes visited out of 336,322 homes and over 1.3 million flyers and bronchures distributed (Online PR Media 2012). Several awareness programmes are carried out across the country every year. These campaigns are mainly located in higly visited places to ensure many people get the chance to learn. For instance, in Dubai, the the campaigns are mainly held at Dubai mall, one the greatly vistied place in UAE. The trainings offers the public basic knowledge on use of fire equipments. The public is also made aware and taught to handle the five causes of fire in the country; solids, electrical, fat matters, chemicals and gases. Reminder to own several fire extinguishers, and doing fire drills at home, tracing evacuation routes in addition to maintaining safety plan are part of the training campaign ( 2012).Additionally, building constructors are given special training on design that are effective in reducing risks and problems of fire. Finally, Fire safety officials also visit different buildings and business teaching employees matters on fire. 7.0 Conclusion Some problems such as loss of life associated with fire are irreversible. The loss of property consumes a lot of time, money and energy to replace or compensate. As such, employing the right measures towards fire safety are at long run beneficial to the entire community. Different countries have own programs in fire safety education. UK uses fire institutions to train fire safety to various institutions like schools, religious and business organizations. U.S. employs the formation of small groups from some locality and who are trained together. UAE mainly uses home to home campaign and setting annual fire safety trainings at designated locations. All these programs in these countries have significantly reduced the cases of fire and it effects. Summarily, well planned and used fire safety program whether at national, community or home level ensures reduction of fire problems. References Al Serkal, M. M 2012, UAE civil Defence launches fire safety campaign. Dubai: 2012, Dubai Civil Defence supports community awareness about manual fire extinguishers. Retrieved 11 10, 2012, from Askling, B 2001, Higher Education and Academic Staff in a Period of Policy and System Change. Higher Education Vol 41 , 157-181 . ASTS 2010, Emergency First Aid At Work. London: Advanced Safety Training Services. Butry, D. T 2007, Benefit-Cost Analysis of Residential Fire Sprinkler Systems. Gaithersburg, MD,: National Institute of Standards and Technology. Ecological Society of America 2002, Fire Ecology. Washington: Ecological Society of America. European Association for the Eduaction of Adults 2011, Country Report on Adult Eduaction in Sweden . Helsinki: European Association for the Eduaction of Adults. European Union 2009, Vocational education and training in Sweden. Luxembourg: European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training. Frattaroli, S. T 2006, Evaluated community fire safety interventions in the United States: a review of current literature. Journal of Community Health Vol 31 No 3 , 176-197. Gamache, S. E 2007, Mitigation of the Rural Fire Problem. Washington: FEMA. Geiger, R. L 2011, Financial Trends in Higher Education: The United States. College State: The Pennsylvania State University. George, Y. S 2002, Gender, Science, and Technology in Higher Education and Research in Sweden: Five Years after National Policies Implementation. Boston: American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). Higher Education Statistics Agency 2011, Patterns and Trends in UK Higher Education. London: HESA. Ishengoma, J. M 2011, Strengthening Higher Education Space in Africa through North-South Partnerships and Links: Myths and Realities from Tanzania Public Universities. Stellenbosch, South Africa: University of Dar es Salaam. Lund University 2012, Top reasons to study at Lund University. Retrieved 2012, from Nayyar, D 2006, Globalisation, history and development: a tale of two centuries. Cambridge Journal of Economics Vol 30, No 1 , 137–59. Online PR Media 2012, Mission to make UAE world’s safest & securest country. Retrieved 11 10, 2012, from Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development 2009, Education at a Glance 2009. Paris: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Schenk, A 2012, Higher Education in Sweden. Retrieved 2012, from Swedish Rescue Services Agency 2003, Prevention of fires and other incidents. Stockholm: Swedish Rescue Services Agency. UCLAN 2012, University of Central Lancashire: Courses. Retrieved 11 09, 12, from University of London 2012, Effective learning and teaching and Teaching in UK Higher education. London: University of London. University of Maryland 2012, University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law. Baltimore: University of Maryland. USFA 2007, Public Fire Education Planning for Rural Communities: A Five-Step Process. Washington: U.S. Fire Administration. Vessuri, H 2011, The Role of Research in Higher Eduaction: Implications and Challenges for an Active Future Contribution to Human and Social Development. Higher Education in the world , 119-129. Read More
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