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Distance Education for Saudi Female Learners - Thesis Example

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The paper "Distance Education for Saudi Female Learners" describes that the study acknowledges several limitations that may hinder the wide applicability of the results and implications. Firstly, the study was limited to a relatively small number of respondents, both learners and lecturers…
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Running head: Distance education for Saudi female learners Name Xxxxxxxxx Course Xxxxxxxxxx Lecturer Xxxxxxxxxx Date xxxxxxxxxx 1.1 Introduction Globalization is one of the most common aspects of the contemporary world that has received vast attention in almost all human life facets. This is in response to its impacts on key human life facets such as politics, economics and social life. Indeed, a reference to the contemporary world almost automatically elicits a focus on globalization. In his remarks, the Vice Chancellor of Open University Malaysia highlighted that globalization had two key impacts on education: transformation and internationalization (Ali, 2011). With reference to higher education, there has been unprecedented growth and diversification and increasing pressure on education systems to provide quality to the increasing need of consumers. Globalization has brought forth swift technological advances, swift obsolescence of information based products such as technology and rapidly changing market demands. These have in-turn put challenges on the education systems to provide responsive educational opportunities with necessarily increasing costs. In Ali et al. (2003) words and other literatures, this can be and has been achieved using distance education. This is a mode that allows institutions an opportunity to offer flexible learning to a wider consumer base. It entails having either an individual flexible teaching, or extended classroom model. Whatever the model, there are two key aspects: instructor absence’ and use of alternate learning and communication media. Saudi Arabian educational systems are experiencing the cited pressure to provide to a market whose needs are increasing. In addition, the country’s educational institutions are not growing commensurate to the enrollment demands. As such, it has experienced rapid growth in education programs that are alternative to regular programs. However, similar to other developing economies, distance learning is an emerging higher education provision tool in Saudi Arabia that is rapidly growing. As indicated in UNESCO (2002), there has been a rapid and vast augmentation of distance learning to the extent that it has shifted from being a marginal area of focus by institutions to a core area. Higher education institutions are now focusing on internationalization of this mode of learning. As such, it has developed in other avenues such as e-Learnng and Open Learning. It provides an opportunity for educational institutions to provide education to non-traditional students and in neglected market segments and areas of study. According to Ali (2011), the very essence of distance learning is to create broader and enhanced access to higher education. With regard to the non-traditional learners, the Saudi women have emerged as a unique and growing clientele with an ardent need to access education. They have unique needs especially as regarding the continuing debate in the kingdom over their position, rights and responsibilities in public life. This study explores their experiences in distance learning. It presents phenomenological qualities of female learners perceptions and appraisal of distance learning, the challenges that they face as well as their rating of satisfaction. From the results, it makes suggestions on pedagogical implications. 1.2 Background to the study The study focuses on exploring experiences of female students using distance learning methods. There have a lot of changes in the education sector in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as the kingdom experiences unprecedented growth in higher learning pursuits. More specifically, democratization of education has factored key components of women empowerment. Traditionally, women in Saudi Arabia have had limited educational opportunities compared to their male counterparts. This is because of the bases of the cultural and religious teachings which have, for years, relegated women to focus only on domestic chores as their men participate in economics. There has been a persistent exclusion of women from public life as a result of historical, political and socio-economic conditions (Hamdan, 2005). In deed, women fall in the category of the most contested aspects in intellectual debates concerning the future of Saudi Arabia. Others are religion and democracy (Moaddel, 2007). As such, democratization of education especially for the purpose of empowering women is also prominent in the debate. This debate has been characterized with controversies between progressives and conservatives over the position, rights and responsibilities of women. In Hamdan (2005), the Saudi women situation is described as unique due to their presence and yet non-presence in the public sphere. This presents inherence of inequalities which is both as a result of socio-economic structures and women’s traditional absence from public life. As such, there has been, over time, struggles to improve their scores against men (Prokop, 2003). Such includes the influence ulama in bettering the perception of women’s education and their public life role in the wider Saudi society. Distance education and other alternate education access modes provide a potential for achieving improved quality of life, access to education and empowerment and enhanced participation. Its implementation has contributed to growth of higher education enrollments. There are various benefits women accrue from distance education learning. Essentially, there are improved career and professional development prospects in ways that are both accommodative and flexible to the domestic chores for the female learners. The time spent in both individual flexible and extended classroom modes is less compared to regular traditional instructor present’ modes. In addition, advent of enabling technology has facilitated the desire and ability of learners to pursue knowledge outside traditional classes and at flexible accommodating times (Dilbeek, 2008). There have been advanced innovations of technologies, especially interactive media, which have enhanced distance learning to the extent that there is integration of the individualized and collaborative aspects of distance and traditional learning respectively. Learners therefore, feel limited effects of instructor absence’. However, there have been indications that learner- and institutional based technological barriers stand in the way of achieving this integration. Technology rapidly changes and suffers rapid obsolescence, which may be too fast for learners. In addition, technology penetration has been slow and incomplete in some areas especially among the marginalized. Distance education has had its successes in Saudi Arabia and other developing economies. However, there have been numerous challenges and barriers to its implementation, which have implications on the experiences of learners. These challenges are both learner-based and pedagogical or institutional. They include cost of education, access to technology and use of technological tools, and inhibiting perceptions of learners, instructors and potential employers. In addition, this mode of education has drawbacks relative to where it is implemented, to whom and by whom (Aljabre, 2012). It has been received with trepidation by some lecturers and students. It is therefore imperative that educational planning and delivery is tailored to address the experience of learners since these experiences affect, to a large extent, the eventual quality of distance education programs as seen in graduates. According to Al-Harthi (2005), designing and implementing distance education programs in ways that are specific to culture, and conditions of the targeted consumers enhances the opportunity for shared learning and reduces redundancies and ambiguities. This study explores the experiences of female learners in view of establishing pedagogical implications for instructors, institutions and education planners. It will contribute to literature that is focused on improving distance education methodology. 1.3 Purpose of the study The study explores the experiences of female learners in distance learning programs. It intends to find out what their perceptions are regarding the quality of planning and delivery of distance learning. It will explore the successes of the mode, and how it benefits them, or is expected to eventually benefit them. It also seeks to establish the challenges faced by these students while undertaking their studies. In addition, it also explores to understand the experiences of instructors who teach courses offered in distance learning. It will the juxtapose lecturers’ experiences and those of learners and determine if there are similarities or differences. Using the results on perceptions, the study will explore the measure the efficacy of the programs. However, it will be majorly qualitative and thus does not concentrate on the ‘why’ question. Any ‘why’ question will be addressed using secondary data from previous literature. As such, the purpose of the study is to present a phenomenological analysis of distance learning for females learners in Saudi Arabia. This study should be of interest to various stakeholders in the education sector involved in planning and delivering outcomes for females, and specifically in distance learning. These include distance learning educators, education administrators, and to potential students intending to use distance learning. Distance learning can solve the problem with the current eduction that has failed to fully prepare all Saudis equitably for the global market and specifically women interested in the labor market. Pedagogical implications can be used to design responsive educational programs that are focused on enhancing the mode. Finally, the results of the study can be used to appraise the progress that has so far been made in providing educational opportunities to women in Saudi, as well as the success of distance education programs. It is vital to preserve culture. However, if the Saudi economy is to change, there is a need for a re-evaluation on the extent of conservatism and its effect on political and socio-economic systems. 1.4 Research objective This research aims at studying the phenomenon of distance education for Saudi female learners. This is pursued through the following goals: 1. To explore the perceptions of female learners and their lectures on distance education programs 2. To analyse the implications distance education programs on the lives of Saudi female learners 3. To establish the challenges and barries that impede successful implementation and outcomes of distance education programs 1.5 Research questions In order to meet the purpose state above, the following research questions were examined: 1. What is the perception of the female learners and their lecturers on distance education? 2. What are the implications of female learners access to distance education in their lives? 3. What are the challenges in delivering outcomes through and learning in distance education? 4. What are the pedagogical implications of the perceptions, implications on lives and challenges associated with delivering outcomes and learning through distance education modes? 1.6 Significance of the research As noted in previous sections, increasing demand for education as fuelled by globalization has mounted pressure on educational systems to provide more opportunities for higher education at affordable costs. This has been confounded with the fact that there are persistent revenue and resource shortfalls for education funding. With increasing enrollments combined with reduced funding and growing costs of accessing and delivering education, it becomes imperative to explore alternative education delivery methods (Dilbeck, 2008). This has been filled by development and growth of distance education. As regarding the subject population- Saudi women, distance education provides an important avenue to promote their education and participation in public life areas such as economics and politics. Essentially, they can use the mode to enhance the quality of life in a flexible education mode that accommodates their other activites such as family and household chores and work. As Dilbeck (2008) cites this mode also provides a means of career development for those who did not access post-secondary education in the regular mode, as well as those who may be geographically hindered to do so. As such, it is vital to explore the factors that may influence the efficiency of distance education. This study presents research information that is of importance in informing distance education practice. By exploring the perceptions of learners and instructors, it is possible for the study to identify how distance learning programs are experienced by both the learners and instructors. Various people will have varied perceptions of similar situations. What is their rating of satisfaction? This may be answered by exploring their experiences. The analysis of challenges and opportunities presents pedagogical implication for the practice. For instance, distance education is largely dependent on technological tools and the ability for learners to use them. As such, any barrier caused by technological tools are an impediment to distance education (Kidd, 2010). Literature has cited three barriers: skills, internet access and cost (Kretovics, 2003). They have also been differentiated into categories: situational, institutional and dispositional. Al-Kahtani et al., (2005) reports conflicting aspects that influence the attitudes and usage patterns of technology for learning. This study identifies the extent of such barriers and consequently make recommendations and suggestions for improvements. As such, it will contribute to the reforms in the education system meant to promote the empowerment of Saudi women and participation in public affairs. Analysis of implications focuses on the expectations of these female learners from the distance education programs. This will not only strengthen the knowledge on the benefits of distance education, but also lay emphasis on the increasing importance to Saudi women. As such, it is projected that enrollments will continue to grow and may entail diversifications of course variety as well geographical demographics. This information is important for education planners who must address growing enrollments and increasingly diversifying needs. There have heightened debates focused on the liberation of women in Saudi and other Islamic economies with reference to their position in society. Democratization of education is a core energy-point in this debate as education is valued for the purpose of liberative empowerment of women. There has been segregation of gender in Saudi in most institutions and situations (Al-Kahtani et al., 2005). Due to pressure on regular traditional education modes, distance learning has grown in popularity as an alternative to providing flexible educational opportunities. By presenting a phenomenological analysis, the study attempts to measure the successes, challenges and opportunities of distance education programs for Saudi women. As such, it serves the appraisal purpose, thus its results may be used by university administrators, education policy makers and education planners to measure reforms in the education sector. Women rights societies can also use the information to appraise the success of the Saudi kingdoms in promoting the position and rights of women in society. 1.7 Organization of the thesis The study is organized as follows: chapter 1 gives an introductory remark and an overview of the research. It introduces key concepts of the study, the background of the study, statement of purpose, research questions and significance of the study. Chapter 2 is a literature review that presents previous literature on distance education and education for Saudi women. This highlights the Saudi history of education for women, higher education, participation in distance education and how their participation in distance education may be enhanced. Chapter 3 presents the methodology detailing on how the research is done, research design, data collection and analysis procedures and population sampled. In chapter 4, the study presents a summary of results. They are interpreted in chapter 5 which gives a conclusion of the study relative to research questions, presents pedagogical implications, study limitations and future research areas. 5.0 Conclusion This chapter provides a conclusion of the study. It presents a discussion of the research results with a focus on the research questions. The study seeks to address the experiences of and obstacles that face Saudi female students pursuing their studies through distance education. The summary of findings and discussions will shed light into the obstacles by doing an analysis of the distance education efficiency. The findings will be summarized and briefly discussed as per the research question. In addition, this chapter will make recommendations with regard to improving the quality of the education accessed as well as improving accessibility by eradicating the barriers. The latter focuses on pedagogical implications for all stakeholders in distance education. There are implications for learners, educational administrators, government education policy planners, as well as instructors. It will then provide an overview of the study limitations and recommendations for future research. 5.1 Summary of Findings The general thematic approach of the study results indicates that distance education carries immense unexploited benefits for the Saudi women. Apart from being a flexible method of education, it offers them an opportunity to grow in their careers. As such, benefits are both to the individual students as well as the society. However, there are challenges in the planning and delivery. These challenges are both individual and systemic and should be addressed in order to attain full potential benefit. 5.1.1 What is the perception of the female learners and lecturers on distance education? The achievement of the much desired change in the Saudi society with regard to education and development of women is an interplay of all confounding factors in planning and delivery of outcomes. Inherent in these factors is the role of the perceptions of the students since their view or attitude on the education system affects, to a large extent, their assessment of quality and subsequent response. These attitudes provide either an opportunity for growth of this education as well as a barrier that needs to be overcome. According to Aljabre (2012) this education comes in with challenges of resistance and trepidation from both learners and teachers. The study recorded mixed feelings on the quality of education. There was a difference of reaction between lecturers and learners on the quality of this education. Female student participants 116106, 116114 and 116115 expressed that they were satisfied with the quality of distance education. More specifically, participant 116114 cited 100 percent satisfaction. These participants had various reasons for such an appraisal. Firstly and majorly, this method of education provides an exciting flexible means of attaining their career dreams. It was possible for them to match the educational pursuits with other core activities such as domestic chores, and employment or work. This has been hailed in other literatures as being one of the key elements that have contributed to the growth of this method of learning (Al-Fahad, 2009). However, the lecturers had a different perspective of the quality of this education. Whereas they appreciated the opportunities for growth in it and its diversity, their comparative analysis with reference to the traditional methods cited poorer quality. The learning process was cited as being poorer owing to communication problems. This has been corroborated by other studies which have cited infancy in the use of internet and mobile technology and other technologies used in distance learning in Saudi Arabia (Ali et al.,2003). In other studies, it has been cited as rapidly increasing as the government and educational institutions invest heavily in its improvement. Specifically, e-Learning technologies have been cited as being a key contributor to the growth of this method (Alkhalaf et al., 2011). There was perceived differences by some respondents between distance learning and traditional learning methods. Some alluded that there were differences between the two learning methods whereas others cited differences. The lecturers cited differences in methods of delivery and communications. Some learners cited that there was a lot of similarities. However, they cited the need for more personal initiative and greater ability to work alone that in the traditional methods. In other cases, there were respondents who viewed qualifications from the distance learning programs as being of a lower value than the traditionally acquired qualifications. Some cited that employers put more value on the regular courses than otherwise. This sends a negative message to the planning and delivering of distance learning programs and others considered not regular. Perhaps the difference in perception is inherent in the expectations of the learners. The study results indicated that distance learning development is faced with a challenge of inadequate information so that learners reported of not having information prior to their joining the studies. This is information on aspects such as availability, methods of learning, fears of instructor absence’ and possible benefits over traditional methods (Aljabre, 2012). This is one of the barriers to the development and proliferation of this method of learning. In summation, there are various perceptions and attitudes that learners and lecturers have. As cited in Burge et al., (2011) people have differing perceptions of phenomena, which may or may not be correct. 5.1.2 What are the implications of female learners access to distance education in their lives? This research question was approached from the point of view of the expectations of learners in their choice for distance learning. Learners and lecturers were asked to state their reasons for choosing to either lecture or learn through distance learning. The lecturers noted benefits in terms of job and career opportunities diversification. The learner interviewed were emphatic on the opportunity for career and professional development as distance learning gave them an opportunity which would have been otherwise difficult to access. In addition, they indicated of an enhanced life as a result of being able to merge education with other important life pursuits such as employment and domestic chores. Participant 116115 cited the concern of time availability indicating that she pursued distance education for the fact that it was less time consuming than the traditional method. As such, it is clear how both learners and lecturers are benefiting from distance education developments. It is even more positively impacting on the Saudi women as it has improved their access to tertiary and university level education opportunities (Rogers et al., 2009). Distance learning allows them both flexibility and availability eliminating the previously incriminating time and space barriers (Alebaikam, 2010). Subsequently, these female students have a greater opportunity to grow professionally and in their careers. One participant noted “This method was a good invention blending flexibility of time and space so that I can be busy in the house with my family offering them quality time and at the same time go to school. I go to school in my house, get notes, assignments and submit them from my house. So I am a student who is a mother and wife comfortably…” 5.1.3 What are the challenges in delivering outcomes through and learning in distance education? The respondents of the study pointed-out positive satisfaction levels with the outcomes of distance learning. As some indicated, the programs they were involved in surpassing their pre-entry expectations. However, there were some who reported dissatisfaction on the tenets of some aspects such as a method of delivery, information access and complexity of discussions. Interestingly, the dissatisfaction was viewed as being relative to the type of course being undertaken. The leaners’ and lecturer’s experiences were with a share of challenges. To both the instructors and learners, communication was cited as the most common challenge. There was limited or no time for interactive communication between the learners and instructors unlike in the traditional methods. The learners felt that there was inadequate follow-up by instructors and that the latter were sometimes unavailable to answer questions. The social interactive aspect of education was cited as lacking hindering some courses which demand a close linkage between students. Rekkedal & Dye (2007) indicates that distance learning now has two alternate models: individual flexible teaching and extended classroom models. Individual extended model is structured to allow students learn at any time and in isolation, and communicate with class members through a system platform. The latter is structured to allow students in groups to meet, interact using interactive technologies. The study deduced higher prevalence of the former as learner complained of inadequate contact with both their instructors as well as other students. Perhaps the concern goes to the platform of communication as most undertake studies online from their personal computers at home. The results of the study cited that there was a technological challenge in delivering desired outcomes for learners. In Al-Fahad (2009), rapid technology development has been cited as contributing to rapid development of distance learning. There are increasingly new technologies, which have diversified learning media on which distance education heavily relies. However, study participants cited barriers associated with accessing internet, cost of technology access and incompleteness’ of communications. Technological barriers are both learner- and institutional based. Alebaikam (2010) is corroborated by this study when his study cites relatively poor knowhow of computer usage, poor knowledge of the use of the internet and poor accessibility of the internet due to cost or speed. In Rogers et al., (2009) the failure of faculties to have integrated technologies is cited as further contributing to the extent of the learner-based barriers. Distance learning is implemented with technologies which assume on technological literacy of learners. This is not so for all learners- Saudi women lag behind their male counterparts. 5.2 Pedagogical implications The results have implications for all stakeholders in delivering successful distance learning. In order for women to participate actively in global economics, it is vital that they be empowered. Inherent in this empowerment is improving their access to training, education and technology. Distance education in developing countries such as Saudi is growing amid adoption challenges such as resources, technology penetration and methodology. It has been identified to have extensive benefits. As such, Maguire (2001) underlines the need to invest in opportunities that enhance their access to education and informational technology. As the study identifies, the participants generally have a positive perception of distance education. In addition, they cited benefits they expected to accrue from the choice as well as the compatibility of the mode to their individual lives. The benefits have been underlined in other literatures such as Al-Fahad, 2009; Alkhalaf et al., 2011 and Abdelmuhdi et al., 2010. As such, it is expected that the number of students joining distance learning, especially the Saudi Arabian women will increase. In addition, it is expected that there will be growing diversification of the courses and academic programs sought by female learners. This diversification may also be to areas beyond urban areas. In responding to the growth of numbers of learners, education institutions should grow their capacities, especially with reference to the major tools of delivering distance education- informational technology. The government should come in handy in enabling the education system expand appropriately. Alkhalaf et al (2011) indicates that it is imperative that this technology is well provided and that it is being effectively used in delivering. They suggest the need to enhance e-Learning and other mobile technologies. Rogers et al. (2009) suggest the need to have integrated IT systems. Whereas this solves institutional-based barriers, it also enhances the way institutional systems deal with learner-based barriers that relate to communication, interaction and technology use. This growth also requires that there is a re-look into the syllabi in order to diversify on the number of educational programs and their quality relative to those offered in traditional modes. One of the noted concerns about the quality of distance education revolved the perception that traditionally-offered academic qualifications were more marketable than the former. This is also reflected in Ali, et al., (2003) who cited that online courses are discriminated against and are not accredited in Saudi. As such, a re-look into the syllabi and the effectiveness of delivery is vital so that there is not only enhanced variety, but there is also increased confidence in the courses and graduates marketability. The planning should be that eventually, any differences between these competing modes is blurred. Al-Fahad (2009) suggests that development of interactive and easy-to-use multimedia technologies has a potential to integrate both individualized (focus of distance education) and collaborative (traditional) learning. Access to and ability to use the tools distance education, specifically technology, feature as key technological barriers in delivering outcomes. There has been growth of e-Learning in both public and private institutions (Tinnerman, 2007). This study suggests that there will be growth in non-urban areas. As such, access and user barriers may get even more pronounced. It is therefore important that learning methods are adapted to the increasing and diversifying needs. In addition, there are implications on the governement and education providers to address the specifics of the needs of rural dwellers. This is with respect to both infrastructural and cultural aspects of delivery. This includes investing to enhance internet access, lower the cost of access and have integrated IT tools that allow integration of distance learning individualized with the collaborative nature of regular educational methods. The internet access gap should be addressed so that there is equity between rural and urban female learners. 5.3 Limitations of research and future directions Distance education in Saudi Arabia and the rest of the world are at a critical point experiencing unprecedented growth (Saba, 2005). This is so especially with reference to the explosion of technology and information access. This study sought to explore the experiences of female learners undertaking courses using distance learning mode. It has identified various concerns related to perceptions, contributes to the growing literature and presents an appraisal of the programs. However, the study acknowledges several limitations that may hinder wide applicability of the results and implications. Firstly, the study was limited to a relatively small number of respondents, both learners and lecturers. This limited the number and variety of responses, which are vital in enriching any study. However, this has been taken care of by use of secondary sources of data- previous literature- to which the study is corroborating and at the same time enhancing. It was also limited to the respondents’ extent of candid reporting of personal experiences in expressing the attitudes towards distance education programs, technology used, and their satisfaction. Though the respondents consented to giving truthful information, the extent of the truthfulness of responses was out of the researcher’s control. Finally, the study was phenomenological seeking to understand distance education experiences of learners and therefore adapted a qualitative design. This has revealed interesting phenomenological aspects but has hardly focused on the question ‘why’. As such, it is imperative that future research in the areas focuses adapt mixed research designs in order to fully understand this phenomenon from primary data. This study has suggested that the growth being experienced in distance learning is bound to continue. There is also suggested growth with reference to diversification of courses demanded by female students as well expansion to nom-urban areas. This has implications for future given the need to address the successes with reference to efficacy of technological tools, the course syllabi, and satisfaction of both learners and instructors. In addition, it may be vital to address whether perception of learners and instructors has variations on the lines of courses undertaken. There are studies that have suggested that there are sharp differences between numbers of females and male students in some courses. Future research should address this with regard to distance learning. A final implication for research is the need to address communication concerns raised as concerning distance education. This should explore the communication phenomenon, the role and efficiency of interactive media used and how barriers may be dealt off by learners, instructors and education policy planners. References Abdelmuhdi, A., Stephen, D., Yahya, M., & Aldumairi, M. (2010). Obstacles Facing Yemeni Women in Pursuing their College Education and their Perceptions toward e-Learning as a solution. Amman: University of Jordan. Alebaikam, R. (2010). Perceptions of Blended learning in Saudi Universities. University of Exter. Al-Fahad, F. (2009). Student's attitudes and perceptions towards the effectiveness of mobile learning in King Saud University, Saudi Arabia. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 8 (2), 111-119. Ali, A. (2011). Global outreach in open & distance learning: the internationalization of Open University Malaysia. International Conference % 41st Anniversary STIE Perbanas (pp. 1-10). Surabaya, Indonesia: Open University Malaysia. Ali, S., Sait, S., & Al-Tawil, K. (2003). Perceptions about eLearning in Saudi Arabia. ICASE 2003 Conference. Aljabre, A. (2012). An exploration of distance learning in Saudi Arabian Universities: Current practices and future possibilities. International Journal of Business, Humanities and Technology, 2 (2), 132-137. Al-Kahtani, N., Ryan, J., & Jefferson, T. (2005). How Saudi female faculty perceive internet technology usage and potential. Information Knowledge Systems Management, 5, 227-243. Alkhalaf, S., Nguyen, J., Nguyen, A., & Drew, S. (2011). The potential role of collaborative learning in enhancing e-learning systems: evidence from Saudi Arabia. Australian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ASCILITE 2011) (pp. 1-12). Hobart, Australia: ASCILITE. Burge, E., Gibson, C., & Gibson, T. (2011). Flexible pedagogy, flexible practice : notes from the trenches of distance education. Edmonton: AU Press. Dilbeek, J. (2008). Perceptions of Academic Administrators Towards Quality Indicators in Internet Based Distance Education. Indiana State University. Hamdan, A. (2005). Women and education in Saudi Arabia: Challenges and achievements. International Education Journal, 6 (1), 42-64. Kidd, T. (2010). Online education and adult learning : new frontiers for teaching practices. Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference. Kretovics, M. (2003). The role of student affairs in distance education: Cyber services or virtual communities. Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration, 6 (3). Moaddel, M. (2007). The Saudi public speaks: Religion, Gender and politics. In M. (. Moaddel, Values and perceptions of the Islamic and Middle Eastern Publics. New York: Palgrave McMillan. Prokop, M. (2003). Saudi Arabia: The Politics of Education. International Affairs, 79 (1), 77-89. Rekkedal, T., & Dye, A. (2007). Mobile distance learning with PDAs: Development and testing of pedagogical and system solutions supporting mobile distance learners. International review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 8 (2), 1-21. Rogers, P., Berg, G., Boettcher, J., Howard, C., Justice, L., & Schenk, K. (2009). Encyclopedia of distance learning (2nd Ed.). Hershey: Information Sciences Reference. Saba, F. (2005). The future of distance education: research, conceptual development and practice. 19th Annual Conference on Distance Teaching and Learning (pp. 1-5). University of Wisconsin. Tinnerman, L. (2007). University Faculty Expressions of Computer Self-efficacy and Personal Attitudes Regarding the Viability of Distance Learning. Indian University of Pennsylvania. UNESCO. (2002). Open and Distance Learning, Trends, Policy, and Strategy considerations. Paris: Division of higher education. Read More
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