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South Korean High School Students Knowledge - Research Paper Example

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The research paper under the title "South Korean High School Students Knowledge" was carried out to establish the knowledge of students on copyright law and their attitudes towards copyright issues in high schools within the district in Seoul South Korea. …
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An Investigation into South Korean High School Students’ Knowledge of and Attitude Towards Copyright Issues Presented by: Institution: Contacts: Abstract: ABSTRACT The study was carried out to establish the knowledge of student on copyright law and their attitudes towards copyright issues in high schools within district in Seoul South Korea. In order to achieve the rationale of this study, the specific research objectives were addressed and research questions designed in accordance to those specific objectives. Four hypothesis were clearly stated and the study sought to either reject or accept the hypothesis.The target population for this study was a small-scale population comprising of 40 students. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistical methods. A one way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and correlation analysis was used to investigate the knowledge of the students on copyright law and their attitudes. The findings showed that most students had knowledge on the copyright issues as the total mean score of knowledge test was 7.7 out of 13 questions. It was also observed that female and male students had no difference in their knowledge of copyright issues. The students with knowledge on copyright issues had positive cognitive and practical attitudes while students who did not have adequate knowledge had negative cognitive and practical attitudes. The recommendations were that there should be more education on copyright issues so that students can know how to protect copyrighted information/materials. More laws or restrictions should be implemented by international organizations to cut out websites that promote copyright infringement activities. Table of Contents Presented by: 1 Institution: 1 Contacts: 1 Abstract: 2 ABSTRACT 2 INTRODUCTION 5 1.0 Overview 5 1.1 Background of the Study 5 1.2 Aims of the study 5 1.3 Objectives of the study 6 1.4 Research Questions 6 1.5 The Hypothesis 7 1.6 Operationalization of the study’s constructs 8 3.0 Research Design 9 3.2 Area of the study 9 3.3 Sampling procedure and sample Size 10 3.4 Research tools and instruments of data collection 11 3.4.1 Questionnaires 11 3.5 Validity and Reliability of the instrument 12 3.6 Data Collection procedure 13 3.7 Data analysis 13 3.8 Ethical considerations 14 3.9 Summary 14 4.0 Data analysis and interpretation 16 4.1 Checking the normality of the test score 16 4.4 Testing Hypothesis 22 5.0 Discussion 27 5.1 Conclusion 28 5.2 Recommendations 28 Appendix 1:References 30 Appendix 3 :data analysis table and figures 36 INTRODUCTION 1.0 Overview This section deals with the description of background to the study, statement of the problem, purpose of the study, objectives of the study, research questions, justification of the study, scope and limitations of the study, assumptions of the study and theoretical framework. 1.1 Background of the Study Intellectual property law and practises that are used for protection of intellectual information against piracy and copyright infringement in the error of information technology has been challenged. Intellectual properties are properties that can not touched, they are ideas or works stored on the on the media devices. With information technology, it if very difficult to protect intellectual property due to the fact that computerized information can be copied and distributed on the networks. There are many websites that provide materials to download for free without considering the legal implication of getting them for free. In 2010, police in Australia carried out piracy raids where homes and various businesses were searched and properties worthy millions of shillings were in bounded. Some properties found include pirated music, DVDs and Microsoft software. What knowledge do high school students have in regard to copyright law? The study aims at finding the knowledge of the students on the law and what are their views on the copyright issues. 1.2 Aims of the study This small-scale study focuses on South Korean high school students who are exposed to copyright disputes via media such as the Internet. This problem requires a media approach, but media education for these youngsters is only focused on ordinary ‘Education with Media’ (Kim Ki-Tae, 2005). Therefore, I would like to investigate how media education can improve students’ knowledge and attitude about copyright issues. 1.3 Objectives of the study The main objective of the study was to investigate South Korean High School Students’ Knowledge of and Attitude Towards Copyright Issues . The specific objectives include:- 1. To find out the knowledge of South Korean High School students on copyright issues 2. To determine the attitudes of South Korean High School students towards copyright issues. 3. To find out the impact of gender on the knowledge of copyright issues. 4. To investigate on the relationship between copyright knowledge and attitudes towards the copyright issues by the South Korean High School students. 5. To find out if knowledge and gender can be a used to predict the attitudes of students towards copyright issues 1.4 Research Questions In order to realize the above objectives, the following research questions were used; 1. Is there any relationship between students’ knowledge of copyright law and their attitudes towards its issues? 2. Does gender impact on the attitude of the students? 3. Does gender impact the knowledge of the students on copyright issues? 4. Is gender and knowledge a factor to the attitudes of the students on the copy right issues? 1.5 The Hypothesis 1. H1: Male and female students will have different knowledge of copyright issues. H01: There will be no difference between the male and female students’ knowledge of copyright issues. 2. H2 Male and female students will have different attitudes towards copyright issues. H02: There will be no difference between the male and female students’ attitudes towards copyright issues. 3. H3: The Students with better knowledge of copyright issues have positive cognitive and practical attitudes towards them. H03: There is no relationship between the students’ better knowledge of copyright issues and their attitude towards them. 4. H4 The students’ attitudes towards copyright issues will be predictable based upon their knowledge of copyright issues and gender H04 The students’ attitudes towards copyright issues will not be predictable based upon their knowledge of copyright issues and gender Independent and Dependent Variables Hypothesis Independent Variables Dependent Variable 1 Gender Knowledge of copyright issues 2 Gender Attitude towards copyright issues 3 Level of knowledge Cognitive attitudes towards copyright issues 4 Level of knowledge and gender Practical attitudes towards copyright issues 1.6 Operationalization of the study’s constructs The two main constructs of the study were knowledge of Copyright law and attitudes (Cognitive and practical) towards the law. i. Knowledge of the copyright The ability of the south Korean high school students to answer 13 multiple choice closed questions testing on knowledge of copyright law. Answering of more questions correctly was considered a high competence while low score indicated low competence(lack of knowledge on copyright issues) ii. Attitudes towards copyright issues There were two types of attitudes cognitive and practical attitudes. Students from South Korean High Schools had to answer statements stating their degree of agreement. Question 14-23 was testing on cognitive attitudes while question 24-29 was testing on practical attitudes. Students who agrees with more statements that promotes protection of the copyrighted materials is said to have positive attitude while a student who disagree more with statements that promotes protection of the copyrighted materials then he/she is categorized as a student with negative attitudes towards copyright issues. iii. Background data Gender: circle a male or female participant Age : participants selected form age category(this was to ensure that only participants are of 18 & above of age) Research methodology 3.0 Research Design A descriptive survey design was used to conduct this study. According to Kothari (2004), surveys are used to systematically gather factual quantifiable information necessary for decision making. Surveys are efficient methods of collecting descriptive data regarding the characteristics of populations, current practices and conditions or needs (Kothari, 2005). They are also helpful in gathering information from large cases by employing use of samples hence reduces the costs. The descriptive survey approach is chosen for the present study, because it seeks to gain insight into a phenomenon as a means of providing basic information in an area of study (Bless and Higson-Smith 1995). The strength of the survey method is also evident in its ability to study, describe, explore and analyze relationships among geographically gathered subjects. Kerlinger (1978) argues for the use of surveys in educational fact finding because they provide a great deal of information which is accurate. Furthermore Cohen and Manion (1980) state that the intention of survey research is to gather data at a particular point in time and use it to describe the nature of existing conditions. Since the aim of this study was to investigate the effects of information and communication technology for teaching purposes in technical institutions, a survey design was found to be most suitable for the study. 3.2 Area of the study The study was conducted in high schools within this district in Seoul South Korea. 3.3 Sampling procedure and sample Size Sampling is a procedure of selecting a part of population on which research can be conducted, which ensures that conclusions from the study can be generalized to the entire population. The researcher made use of stratified random and Systematic random sampling technique. Stratified random sampling is the process of selecting a sample in such a way that identified subgroups in the population are represented in the sample in the same proportion as they exist in the population (Frankel, et al, 2000 pp.108). Stratified Random sampling technique was used to select samples of 20 high scholl students with 18 female students and 22 male students While systematic random sampling technique involves a random start and then proceeds with the selection of every kth element from then onwards. In this case k= (population size/sample size). This type of probability sampling is easy to implement and stratification induced can make efficient (Frankel, et al, 2000). In this study, the questionnaires will be administered to approximately 40 mixed-gender, second-year students (age of 18) from one classroom in one high school of South Korea. Since this research is limited to a small-scale investigation, random sampling is not possible. Although there is no exact number of respondents of sample size for the purpose of the research, to fulfil the requirement of a minimum size “the sample size of thirty is held by many to be minimum number of cases if researchers plan to use some form of statistical analysis on their data” (Cohen et al. 2000). This size of sample did not represent all adolescents, but this high school within this district in Seoul generally leads education trends, and the researcher has relatively easy access to the student population through a former colleague who teaches at the school. Moreover, this can be a good pilot study for future research. 3.4 Research tools and instruments of data collection The research tools used to collect the data for the study were questionnaires, and document analysis since the data is both qualitative and quantitative. The selection of these tools was based on the nature of the data to be collected, the objective of the study and the time available. 3.4.1 Questionnaires The construction of questionnaires was based on the research objectives. Questionnaires are justified on the basis that they are free from the researcher’s bias, they allow respondents to answer in their own words, and they give enough time to the respondent to go through the questions, and can reach as many respondents as possible. The method also enables the researcher to sample respondents who are not easy to approach. Since the research design is a survey, the researcher used questionnaires presented in the likert scale method for lecturers and administrators. In social science research, the most commonly used instruments are questionnaires (Orodho, 2004). The questionnaires were used to collect information from the population. Thirteen Closed ended multiple choice questions were used on testing the respondents knowledge of copyright issues. The five point likert scales: Strongly Agree (SA), Agree (A) Undecided (U), Disagree (D) and Strongly Disagree (SD).were used to test the attitude score. These were awarded 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 respectively. 5 and 4 indicates positive attitude, 3 indicate neutral attitude and 2 and 1 indicates negative attitude. Questionnaires were used to gain general picture of students’ knowledge of copyright law and their attitudes towards the law from the 40 students where they were administered. 3.5 Validity and Reliability of the instrument Reliability is a measure of the degree to which a research instrument yields consistent results or data after repeated trials (Mugenda and Mugenda, 2003). To confirm the internal consistency of the attitude questionnaire items and respondents’ data for this study, a reliability analysis will be carried out using SPSS. The test items of the attitude test will be compared to previous research and relevant literatures in order to validate the contents of the knowledge test. As for the knowledge test’s items, however, the reliability test will not be conducted since this study will use the thirteen questions for the knowledge test from Jung-Hwa Gu’s (2007) work, which seems to be reliable. According to Pallant (2007), a Cronbach’s alpha value over .70 is reliable, and the reported Cronbach’s alpha value of Gu’s (2007) thirteen knowledge test items was .75. The questionnaires schedules were pilot tested by using two students from two different schools. This was meant to establish the construct validity of the schedules. Generally, the purpose of piloting the instruments was to establish the clarity of meaning and comprehensibility of each item in the research instruments. In addition, researcher and supervisors assessed the relevance of the content in the research instruments. Their comments and suggestions were incorporated in the improvement of the validity of the instruments. 3.6 Data Collection procedure Data collection was conducted using questionnaire as the main data collection tool. The questions were subdivided into sections to capture the response and details that were require as per the objectives. Two options were considered: 1. Visiting the school to administer the survey 2. Asking an old colleague (who is currently a homeroom teacher of my sample class) to administer the survey. A headmaster of high school was already contacted in order to gain official permission to undertake this study with a teacher and students. They were informed of the aim of the study, any kind of methods and procedures to be used, and arrangements to guarantee confidentiality with respects to data gathering from respondents (Bell, 1999). Moreover, the questionnaire, which includes an introductory letter including the aim of the study and an assurance of their anonymity, will be sent out to all potential respondents. The completed instruments were verified and collected from the respondents within a period of ten days from the day of distribution. 3.7 Data analysis After data collection, responses from all items were crosschecked to facilitate coding and processing for analysis using Statistical Programme for Social Sciences (SPSS v.11.10) computer package. Statistical analyses of data were done by descriptive statistics employing the measures of central tendencies, frequency distributions, difference between a set of observed frequencies and a corresponding expected frequency. Other models such as cross tabulations and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) were used to analyze the variation both within and between various groups. Descriptive statistics gave a summary of the characteristics of the populations from which samples were drawn. Chi-square test was used to analyze categorical data and to determine whether there are significant differences between the observed frequencies of responses from the respondents (Burns and Grove 1993: 499). 3.8 Ethical considerations Permission to carry out the study was sought from the high Schools where the research conducted and it was done through letters which were written to the head teachers. The nature and the purpose of the research were explained to the respondents by the researcher. The researcher respected the individuals’ rights to safeguards their personal integrity. The participants were assured of anonymity; confidentiality and they are free to withdraw from the study at any time if they wish. No names or person identification numbers were reflected on the questionnaires except the numbering for questionnaires, which is done for purposes of identification of data during data editing. The results of the study would be availabl to the high schools in South Korea and to those participants who are interested in knowing the results 3.9 Summary This chapter has presented the research procedure which was used by the researcher by providing the design and methodology. As mentioned above the appropriate research design for this study is descriptive survey. A description of the study area has also been discussed. Several sub-topics were presented that included research design, target population, sampling procedures, research, validity and reliability, data analysis and ethical issues. 4.0 Data analysis and interpretation 4.1 Checking the normality of the test score From the histogram below it can be concluded that data is not skewed and it is reasonably normally distributed on the test score. This is also concurs with the values in the table 1.0 which shows skeweness is 0.090 and Kurtosis is -0.835 which places them not far from zero. Figure 1.0 testing normality of test score Distribution of test score Table 1.0 descriptive statistics testing normality of test score Distribution of the test score Just by looking at the figure may not give us sufficient proof because of its subjectivity hence Kolmogorov-Smirnov test of normality was used to confirm if the distribution were normal. Table 1.2 shows that Kolmogorov-Smomirvov test is 0.659 hence p> .05 this is an indication of normality in the test score. From both scales Q-Q plots shows a reasonably straight line (Figure 1.2) Figure 1.2 4.2 Checking normality for cognitive attitude The cognitive attitude was coded as either positive cognitive attitude or negative cognitive attitude. When the student has positive cognitive attitude it means that he/she aware of the copyright issues and can act in such a manner that discourages copy right infringement while negative is where a students can take actions that promotes copyright infringement. From the histogram below it can be concluded that data is not skewed and it is reasonably normally distributed on the cognitive attitude. From the descriptive statistical table the Kirtosis is -1.919 and Skewness is .424 the cognitive attitude is normally distributed since the values is close to zero (0.424). The histogram may not give us sufficient proof because of its subjectivity hence Kolmogorov-Smirnov test of normality was used to confirm if the distribution were normal. Table 1.2(Appendix 3) shows that Kolmogorov-Smomirvov test is 2.466 hence p> .05 this is an indication of normality in the test score. From both scales Q-Q plots shows a reasonably straight line (Figure 1.3) Figure 1.3 Cognitive_attitudes Table 1.2 testing normality Descriptive statistics for cognitive attitude of the students on copyright issues A pie chart showing total cognitive attitude score by the students Figure 1.4 4.3 Checking the normality of practical attitude towards copyright issues Similar to cognitive attitude practical attitude test was divided into positive and negative. When a student has positive practical attitude it means that he/she aware of the copyright issues and can act in such a manner that discourages copy right infringement while negative is where a students can take actions that promotes copyright infringement. From the histogram below it can be concluded that data is not skewed and it is reasonably normally distributed on the practical attitude. From the descriptive statistical table the Kirtosis is -1.805 and Skewness is .537 the practical attitude is normally distributed since the values is close to zero (0.537). The histogram may not give us sufficient proof because of its subjectivity hence Kolmogorov-Smirnov test of normality was used to confirm if the distribution were normal, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test is 2.548 . Table 1.2(Appendix 3) shows that Kolmogorov-Smomirvov test is 2.466 hence p> .05 this is an indication of normality in the test score. From both scales Q-Q plots shows a reasonably straight line (Figure 1.4) Table 1.3 4.4 Testing Hypothesis Hypothesis one The statistical table 1.0 (appendix 3) shows that there is no significant difference in knowledge scores of female and male, for male Mean=7.5000 Sd= 2.22 while for female Mean= 7.6111 sd=1.94 . the sample t-test for male was t=15.846, df =21 while for female it was t= 16.607 and df =17. The mean difference (M= 7.6111-7.5000) =0.111 p> .05 hence the null hypothesis is accepted. Statistics Male_Knowledge_Score Female_Knowledge_Score N Valid 22 18 Missing 18 22 Mean 7.5000 7.6111 Median 8.0000 7.5000 Mode 8.00 7.00(a) Std. Deviation 2.22004 1.94449 Skewness .158 -.135 Std. Error of Skewness .491 .536 Kurtosis -.646 -.745 Std. Error of Kurtosis .953 1.038 Minimum 4.00 4.00 Maximum 12.00 11.00 Sum 165.00 137.00 a Multiple modes exist. The smallest value is shown table 1.4 Hypothesis two From the statistical table (table 1.6) the practical attitude of male on the copy right issues has a mean of (Mean= 1.4091, sd=0.50324, 95% confidence level) while the practical attitude of female is (M=1.3889, sd=0.50163)the mean difference between the practical attitude of male and female (M= 1.4091-1.3889 =0.0202) (t=0.126, f=0.175) where p> 0.05. On cognitive attitude, female had a mean of (M=1.333, sd= 0.48507,) Cognitive attitude of male (M=1.4091, sd = 0.50324, confidence level of 95%) and female cognitive attitude is(M= 1.4444, sd= 0.48507, confidence level of 95%) the mean difference of cognitive attitude (1.4091-1.4444= -0.0353) (f=0.065, t= 0.126) p> .05 , Table 1.5 From the mean differences it was revealed that there is no significant differences between the attitude of male and female on copyright issues (cognitve mean difference = 0.02020, practical mean differences=-0.0353). it was concluded that there was no difference between male and female students’ attitude towards copyright issues and H02 was adopted for the sample. A two tailed independent-sample t-test was generated to give the comparison between attitudes (Cognitive and Practical) of female and male on copyright issues. The Levene’s test was f= 0.065 and t=0.126 for cognitive attitude and f= 0.175 and t= -0.219 for practical attitudes. Hypothesis results Hypothesis three The relationship between practical attitude, cognitive attitude (both are measured on attitude scale) and knowledge (measured by test scale) of copy right. Correlations Total_Knowledge_Score Cognitive_attitudes Practical_Attitudes Total_Knowledge_Score Pearson Correlation 1 -.636(**) -.604(**) Sig. (2-tailed) . .000 .000 Sum of Squares and Cross-products 195.975 -27.600 -25.875 Covariance 5.025 -.708 -.663 N 40 40 40 Cognitive_attitudes Pearson Correlation -.636(**) 1 .527(**) Sig. (2-tailed) .000 . .000 Sum of Squares and Cross-products -27.600 9.600 5.000 Covariance -.708 .246 .128 N 40 40 40 Practical_Attitudes Pearson Correlation -.604(**) .527(**) 1 Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 . Sum of Squares and Cross-products -25.875 5.000 9.375 Covariance -.663 .128 .240 N 40 40 40 ** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). Table 1.6 The correlation between cognitive and practical attitudes towards copy right issues and knowledge of copy right issues towards From the above correlation table, the results of pearson correlation test are shown. It indicates a medium positive correlation between the three variables, r= -0.636 (knowledge and cognitive attitude) and r= -0.604 (knowledge and practical attitudes) positive correlation indicates a positive association among the variables consequently, when students have knowledge of copyright then they have a positive cognitive and practical attitudes towards copyright issues and the H3 was accepted for the sample. Hypothesis four A regression analysis was of done to consider the knowledge of copyright as a predictor of the attitudes towards copyright issues. From the initial analysis carried out it was possible to make sure that no violation of the assumptions of normality, linearity, multicollinearity and homoscedasticity (table 1.7) and (table 2.3, 2.4, 2.5) The analysis revealed that knowledge of copyright issues was a significant predictor of attitudes towards copyright issues. (R2=0.408, R= 0.638 and b=0.713) p=0.011 p > .05 Table 1.7 Multiple regressions 5.0 Discussion The main aim of the study was to investigate how media education can improve students’ knowledge and attitude about copyright issues. Research questions were formulated in line with the objectives of the study in realization of the main aim. Data there were 18 female (45% of sample population) and 22 male (55% of the sample population) student respondents. The attitude were computed and regrouped in to two main categories as either positive or negative attitude towards copyright issue. A positive attitude in the study is case where a students’ has cognitive or practical attitude that points towards promoting protection of copyrighted materials while negative attitude is where the students’ response violets the copyright protection act. The test score was aimed at investigating the students’ knowledge on copyright law and whether gender was a factor in their score. From the data analysis there are several findings that can be pointed out. The study has clearly indicated that students have knowledge on what copyright is. This was possible by calculating the mean of the test score of the female and male. The test score was above average 50% (total mean of the score was 7.7250). There was no significant difference between the female and male test score (7.5000 for male and 7.6111 for female). The analysis also showed that female attitudes and male attitudes towards copyright issues were no different. The range was from -0.0353 to 0.02020 for both practical and cognitive attitudes this led to rejection of the H2 which stated that gender influences the attitude of the respondents. It was therefore concluded that there is no significant relation between the gender and the attitudes towards copyright issues. Having knowledge of copyright law greatly impact the attitude of the students on copyright issues, it was observed that students with better knowledge of copyright issues had positive practical and cognitive attitudes. It is worthy noting that some of the students who had knowledge on copyright law indicated that they had negative attitudes towards the issues, this was due emerging information and communication infrastructure like the internet to the fact that protecting copyrighted materials over the internet is very hard. Although gender did not impact students attitudes, there was a slightly higher percentage of female who had knowledge on copyright issues had positive attitudes towards issues than male students. This observation was due to the nature of female students are detailed; they will take initiative to explain to others about the copyright issues. 5.1 Conclusion In conclusion from the data analysis therefore hypothesis H1 (H1: Male and female students will have different knowledge of copyright issues) was Rejected and H01( There will be no difference between the male and female students’ knowledge of copyright issues) was accepted for the sample. H2 (Male and female students will have different attitudes towards copyright issues) was rejected consequently, H02 (There will be no difference between the male and female students’ attitudes towards copyright issues) was accepted for the sample. While in hypothesis three H3 (The Students with better knowledge of copyright issues have positive cognitive and practical attitudes towards them) was adapted for the sample whereas H03 (There is no relationship between the students’ better knowledge of copyright issues and their attitude towards them) was Reject. Finally, while testing the predictability of attitudes H4 (The students’ attitudes towards copyright issues will be predictable based upon their knowledge of copyright issues and gender) was accepted and H04 (The students’ attitudes towards copyright issues will not be predictable based upon their knowledge of copyright issues and gender) was rejected 5.2 Recommendations The following recommendations were made based on the results; There should be more education on copyright issues so that students can know how to protect copyrighted information/materials it was hard for students to clearly draw a line between copyrighted material and those that are not. More international laws or restrictions should be implemented by international organizations to cut out websites that promote copyright infringement activities. Governments should come up with policies that facilitate monitoring of copyright infringement. It is apparently hard to control pirated materials like softwares, DVDs among other materials due to the internet where millions of websites promote upload and download of illegal materials. Appendix 1:References Bless C. and Higson Smith (1995) Fundamental of social research method. An African Perspective 2nd edition Jutai Kenwyn Cohen, L. and C. Manion (1980) Research Methods in Education, London Croom Heln Ltd. Frankel, J. R., and Wallen, N. E. (2000) How to design and evaluate research in Education. London, U.K: McGraw Hill. Kerlinger, F. (1978), Foundations of Behavioral Research New Delhi: Sarjeet Publishers. Kothari (2004) Research methodology New Age international (p) limited,publishers Mugenda, O.M. & Mugenda, A.G. (2003). Research Methods, Acts Press, Nairobi. Appendix 2: Questionnaires About Copyright Issues Questions 1-13, please select one answer only that you most agree with. The following are statements about the copyright issues. In your opinion which one best describes these issues 1. Which of the following statements is NOT true about copyright law? a. Copyrights are only protected when the material is labelled by authorisation. b. Any information posted on the internet c. Copyright gives author exclusive rights d. Maps are also copyrighted 2. How long does copyright of a materials last after author/writer dies. a. Immediately after they die. b. 70 years after their death c. Never ends d. I don’t know 3. Who is responsible if you are caught downloading illegal files/programmes from your school’s notice board? a. Me b. My school c. None of the above d. I don’t know 4. What is your opinion on selling CDs that contains an abbreviated version of online gaming highlights. a. It is illegal b. Legal c. Just fine d. I don’t know 5. What is your opinion on using/uploading any pictures that are downloaded for your blogs/social networks. a. It is illegal b. It is Legal c. It is illegal if the source is not cited d. I don’t know 6. What is your opinion on the issue of drawing a picture for your art class at school that is similar to one that you saw online. a. It is illegal if the source is not referenced b. It is legal if the source is referenced c. It is legal even if the source is not referenced d. I don’t know 7. What is your opinion on a short posting or thread on an Internet site a. is not protected work b. it is a protected work c. If a symbol is used d. I don’t know 8. Which of the following statement best describes application of Copyright infringement when you use the parody commercials such as modifying the original film’s posters a. Copyright infringement is applied b. Copyright infringement is not applied c. Copyright infringement is not applied if they do not resemble after modification d. I don’t know 9. What is your opinion on uploading user created content (UCC). Including music popular music. a. It is illegal b. It is not illegal c. Not illegal for original contents d. I don’t know 10. Uploading posters that promote famous films a. It is illegal b. It is legal c. It is legal if the site you are uploading to is copyrighted d. I don’t know 11. Uploading a famous line or scene from a movie or drama on “Cyworld” an extremely popular Korean blog. a. Is illegal if the is no source cited b. Is illegal even if there is source citation c. It is legal with/without source citation d. I don’t know 12. Which of the following statement is true about your diary a. My diary is protected by copyrights b. My diary is not protected by copyrights c. My diary is protected by copyrights only if it has a copyright symbol d. I don’t know 13. Which of the following statement is true about copy right law? a. Copyright protection never expires. b. Copyright protection only lasts as long as the author lives c. Copyright protection lasts for 17 years from the day of acquisition d. Copyright protection lasts 70 years after the death of author/owner. Opinions of Copyright Issues Questions 14-29, please circle only one answer. SA = I strongly agree with the statement A = I agree with the statement N = I neither agree nor disagree with the statement D = I disagree with the statement SD = I strongly disagree with the statement Cognitive Attitude Circle your answer 114 I should explain to my friends why copyrights must be protected. SA A N D SD 115 You know the type of work, literary or otherwise. SA A N D SD 116 I should be aware of the privileges that are associated with copyrights. SA A N D SD 117 Where friends are downloading/copying protected materials I should explain to them why it is illegal. SA A N D SD 118 You should know that your online actions actually infringe upon copyrights. SA A N D SD 119 You should be aware of how to protect your own copyrights. SA A N D SD 220 You should explain the reasons of Korea will benefit from the copyrights when they are well protected SA A N D SD 221 Copyrighted materials should be protected by the law. SA A N D SD 222 You are aware of the punishment for infringing upon copyrights. SA A N D SD 223 Circumstances in which copyright infringement occurs should be well understood. SA A N D SD Practical Attitude Circle your answer 224 While I am conducting work on the Internet, I often think, “Am I infringing copyrights?” SA A N D SD 225 I should provide my friends with strong advice when I see them illegally download copyright-protected files. SA A N D SD 226 Whenever I am using someone else’s idea from the internet for my homework it should be citied (to avoid plagiarism). SA A N D SD 227 A permission should be sought if I find a good piece of writing on someone’s blog to use it. SA A N D SD 228 Whenever I illegal download files I should forward them to my friends. SA A N D SD 229 Where there are favourite pictures/files from someone’s blog I should hesitate to download them. SA A N D SD Personal Information 30. Gender  Male Female 31. Age ( ) Thank you very much for your time. Appendix 3 :data analysis table and figures Testing normality Group Statistics Total_Knowledge_Score N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean Cognitive_attitudes >= 12.00 2 1.0000 .00000 .00000 < 12.00 38 1.4211 .50036 .08117 Practical_Attitudes >= 12.00 2 1.0000 .00000 .00000 < 12.00 38 1.3947 .49536 .08036 Independent Samples Test Levene's Test for Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means F Sig. t df Sig. (2-tailed) Mean Difference Std. Error Difference 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference Lower Upper Cognitive_attitudes Equal variances assumed 74.311 .000 -1.176 38 .247 -.42105 .35819 -1.14617 .30406 Equal variances not assumed -5.187 37.000 .000 -.42105 .08117 -.58552 -.25659 Practical_Attitudes Equal variances assumed 40.969 .000 -1.113 38 .273 -.39474 .35461 -1.11260 .32313 Equal variances not assumed -4.912 37.000 .000 -.39474 .08036 -.55756 -.23192 Table 2.1 Independent sample T- test of the attitudes Kolmogrovr-Smirnov 2.2 simple test of normality Figure 1.2 Knowledge distribution test of normality Table 2.3 Table 2.4 Simple multivariable regression Table 2.5 Table 2.6 Read More
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Importance of Scientific Knowlege for Students

Scientific knowledge is significant to humankind today more than ever before.... hellip; An understanding of math and science is a prerequisite for any vocation in the present technology-crazed world and will continue being so for as long as human knowledge in math and science continues to flourish.... Students should specialize in science and mathematics rather than history and literature owing to the fact that the two disciplines feature in our everyday life, are crucial for a successful career and important for the development of the nation. knowledge based economies rely on skilled mathematicians and scientist....
4 Pages (1000 words) Essay

Present a brief autobiography of your experiences as a bicultural subject

korean people spends much time to learn English nowadays.... My daughter conversely learnt korean as a second language, and the influence of English is always surrounding her.... My cultural identity, linguistic, and national background is actually korean, as South Korea is the place where I was born and lived until deciding to leave my home to complete my education and develop a career as well.... In South Korea the korean culture and language is dominant, although there are American and Japanese influences....
4 Pages (1000 words) Essay

Syllabus Design in the Arena of English Language Learning in South Korea

In an effort to improve the English reading and writing skills of middle and high school students, the new president's transition team suggested a move to a content-based syllabus by 2010.... n an effort to improve the English reading and writing skills of middle and high school students, the new presidents transition team suggested a move to a content-based syllabus by 2010.... This outcome was predictable based on the problematic application of a content-based syllabus at the middle and high school level....
2 Pages (500 words) Essay

Part Time Position in a Reputed Accounting Firm

nbsp; 2002-2003 Ontario Secondary high school Diploma.... I am confident that my education, student tutoring, and summer work experience has well prepared me for the challenges of an entry-level position in the company.... As the enclosed resume indicates, I am familiar with the concepts involved in accounting and economics, as well as all aspects of mathematical modeling....
2 Pages (500 words) Resume/CV

Army Experience

I carried on my studies, and I graduated high school in Fayetteville NC.... I carried on my studies, and I graduated high school in Fayetteville NC.... After graduating from high school, I carried on with my passion for the country love and for the sake of this patriotism I decided to join Army.... hellip; It was the quest for knowledge that I was enrolled as a student till 2002.... It was the quest of knowledge that I was enrolled as a student till 2002....
2 Pages (500 words) Essay

How ERCI Would Survive in the Educational Market of Singapore

hellip; It analyzed the competitive market by determining the strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities of the education market of Singapore where these schools By comparing the positive and negative attributes, a comparative estimation was done which highlighted on the competitive strategies, objectives of the individual schools as well as the efficiency and defensive moves which can help ERCI to gain market share by attracting more students internationally.... A survey was executed where the students of ERCI sampled 100 odd students from varied background to fill in a questionnaire which they analyzed to determine the student's demand for educational school and what were the features they are more reluctant on while selecting a particular school to study in....
5 Pages (1250 words) Essay

Summary of Qualifications in Pharmacy Practice

Strong undergraduate background in biochemistry which has given me an extensive knowledge of the scientific roots of pharmacology.... This Laboratory experience afforded me training to a high level of scientific expertise in performing highly accurate critical lab tasks that require high-level attention to detail....
2 Pages (500 words) Resume/CV
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