Group vs Individual Education Example | Topics and Free Essays - 2.
Group Vs Individual Education Example | Topics and Free Essays - 2.
There are many situations in which groups tend to be less effective than individuals.For example, recently we had to make a group to work on a report. My experience working with this group indicates that building a group and getting it to actually work is very time and energy-intensive activities. We spent a lot of time just getting acquainted with each person in the group. We spent time taking each other contact IDs and numbers and the session ended without any real work being done or even planned out.
I know that as individuals we would have accomplished a great deal more in that time period than we did with the group.There are certainly other issues that social psychologists identify with groups. One is groupthink, this is simply what happens when everyone in the group starts accepting a wrong viewpoint simply because the group appears to be accepting it. There have been situations when large groups of people have ignored the obvious and logical and made bad decisions. Social loafing is another such negative behavior typically associated with groups in which certain group members refuse to work properly and survive in the group on the basis of others' effort.
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