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The Future of Digital Technologies in Teaching Career - Essay Example

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This work "The Future of Digital Technologies in Teaching Career" describes the role of contemporaneous technologies. From this work, it is clear that future digital technologies are deemed to integrate and improvise the current teaching methodologies by coming up with faster, super-efficient, reliable machines that can allow reliable teleconferencing…
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The Future of Digital Technologies in Teaching Career
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The Future of Digital Technologies In Teaching Career Introduction Even though digital technologies are remodeling ourconsciousness, these technologies are also lowering our comprehension and awareness. The contemporaneous technologies are also lowering the sanctity of work. They are also making life extremely hectic and chaotic. Digital technologies are also degrading the intrinsic upstanding nature of solid literature (such as books) and also the accompanying overall concentration range after the solid works of literature are uploaded online. Digital technologies are also imposing vast insecurities to both lecturers and students via cybercrime, cyber bullying, bio-terrorism and global warming. But contrary to this, future digital technologies are deemed to integrate and improvise the current teaching methodologies by coming up with a faster, super efficient, reliable machines which can allow reliable teleconferencing lessons in the universities and other institutions of higher learning because digital technologies have birthed vast entertainment and social interactivity services that offer vast and convenient options for transactions and leisure. they have also enhanced rebirth cooperate innovative ideas and buttressing our inventive minds, most higher learning institutions are infusing the contemporaneous digital devices to enhance learning, and digital technologies are advancing rapidly into the artificial general intelligence realm. First, future digital technologies will integrate and improvise the current teaching methodologies by coming up with a faster, super efficient, reliable machines which can allow reliable teleconferencing lessons in the universities and other institutions of higher learning because digital technologies have mushroomed vast and wide entertainment and social interactivity services that provide reliable and convenient options for transactions and leisure. They have also enhanced rebirth cooperate innovative ideas and buttressing our inventive minds. While Nicholas Carr asserts in The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains that the overall contemporaneous digital technologies have heavily downgraded our awareness and consciousness, which has led to shallow retention and comprehension on any subject we seem to be checking online ( Carr 164), Clive Thompson in his Smarter than You Think: How Technology Is Changing Our Minds for the Better points out that the contemporaneous technologies coupled with the internet has elevated and augmented our mindsets, intelligence and enlightenment (Thompson 125), Thompson points out too that the extensive over reliance of technological devices and social interactive websites has contributed to rebirths of vast integrative inventions (Thompson 178) blended with awareness and comprehension of contemporaneous activities around the world as the longing for elementary memory duties snoop dive (Thompson 198). Even so, Sue Bender in her Plain and Simple: A Womans Journey to the Amish warns that the contemporaneous advancement in digital technologies may wreck disastrous havoc on our general innate tranquility and composure that colors the Amish lifestyles by ensuring they thoroughly handle tasks at hand void of worries, confusion, and rush. As Clive Thompson asserts, the aforementioned teleconferencing approaches will ensure that colleges and higher institutions cover their curriculums in time. This approach will also rebirth communal integrative super efficient revision methodologies which will tremendously improve students overall performance and general teamwork spirit among learners. Additionally, most higher learning institutions are infusing the contemporaneous digital devices to enhance learning. Most lecturers are opting to utilize and blend the digital technologies and the internet to deliver tutorials, lessons and experimental approaches to students. Most complex and demanding technical subjects such as geography, physics, chemistry and space science are contemporaneously being taught to learners via PowerPoint simulations and YouTube video presentations to enhance learning. Since most class work tasks require integrative comprehension and analysis, as Clive Thompson points out, the future of the digital technologies will allow the collaborative learners (or thinkers) to earnestly focus on those demanding class work assignments and projects (Thompson 159). Thompson expounds that this is possible since integrative thinkers always strategize to focus their attention on an unswerving aim (or objective) of communally thinking out possible answers or responses to a given task or project. Clive goes so far as to give an illustration of the information remotely added on Wikipedia. He asserts that though vast students, learners and researchers do not have complete confidence on the Wikipedia website, void of those remote contributions, the Wikipedia website would not, of course, be stuffed with the far and wide reservoir of knowledge and awareness as it is at the moment. Clive Thompson even points out an interesting idea of the “flipped learning approach”. He asserts that those learners who pursue demanding and comprehensive subjects can always prefer to check on online videos which are congruent to the lessons taught in class in a bid to understand and apprehend the taught subjects in a far and wide manner (Thompson 178). Clive affirms this approach by illustrating how the Khan Academy overall institution performance was escalated by this approach. On the future of digital technology in higher institutions globally, this “flipped classroom methodology approach” seems to be widely adopted and extensively integrated to enhance learning. In addition, the most important reason future digital technologies will integrate and improvise the current teaching methodologies is by coming up with a faster, super efficient, reliable machines which can allow reliable teleconferencing lessons in the universities and other institutions of higher learning since digital technologies are advancing rapidly into the artificial general intelligence realm. Vernor Vinge in Rainbows End highlights that the globe is currently undergoing escalating shift in the advancement in digital technologies (Vinge 108). The author points out that technological singularity blended with artificial intelligence is the next upcoming advancement in digital technology (Vinge 127). Vinge affirms that that this technological singularity will by comprised of awe aspiring episodes such as supersonic computers which are able to remodel themselves (Vinge 129). Vinge warns that though these advancements may add into the overall learning systems, they may end up resulting in intelligence explosion. The author goes so far as to say that these advancements encompassed by extremely influential digital devices, may rebirth awareness and intelligence which transcend the general mankind intellectual capacity (Vinge 109). Since the abilities of such super intelligence advancement may be incomprehensible for mankind to understand and effectively subdue, Vinge warns that the technological singularity in higher learning institutions may be an occurrence above which circumstances may result to random, unforeseeable, uncertain or even unfathomable future (Vinge 109). As John Paul II asserts in Laborem Exercens: On Human Work concerning the sanctity of work, this may all be shattered in the advancement of contemporaneous digital technologies. In this text, John Paul points out that complete dedication to societal justice should always be equated with devotion to achieving and sustaining peace in the contemporary globe (John 13). John also highlights vast anxieties associated with the advanced over reliance to the utilization of the digital technology which he asserted that might bring vast changes equitable to the industrial revolution (John 11). John notes too that unique resources such as oil are rapidly being depleted as technology advances. He also recommends that since global warming is taking over and depleting the ozone layer, the need to guard and sustain the environment should be aired and made a key approach to every nation (John 17). The upcoming escalating cyber crime and bioterrorism are up to shatter all these elements of work ethics. It is all up to the current institutions to decide whether to adopt the upcoming advancements in enhancing learning or not. Conclusions Indeed, while digital technologies are remodeling our consciousness, these technologies are also lowering our comprehension and awareness. They are also lowering the sanctity of work. The contemporaneous technologies are also making life extremely hectic and chaotic and also degrading the intrinsic upstanding nature of solid literature (such as books) and also the accompanying overall concentration range after the solid works of literature are uploaded online. Contrary to this, future digital technologies are deemed to integrate and improvise the current teaching methodologies by coming up with a faster, super efficient, reliable machines which can allow reliable teleconferencing lessons in the universities and other institutions of higher learning. References Carr, Nicholas G. The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains. New York: W.W. Norton, 2010. Print. Thompson, Clive. Smarter Than You Think: How Technology Is Changing Our Minds for the Better. , 2013. Print. Vinge, Vernor. Rainbows End. New York: Tor, 2006. Print. John, Paul. Encyclical on Human Work: Laborem Exercens: on the Ninetieth Anniversary of Rerum Novarum. Boston, MA: St. Pauls Editions, 1982. Print. Read More
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The Future of Digital Technologies in Teaching Career Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 Words.
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